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@SofaCitizen, have you got this item?
Halcon Bluesky, no, I don't have that item. I have probably picked up a few G2 figures in sales and stuff but so far I haven't really needed to focus too much on the model in any of my renders and so whether they are G2 or G8 has not really mattered. I will put it on my wishlist just in case tho.
I imagine that making a falcon in Blender yourself would take a very long time. There is one on the Daz store but it is a skin for the Eagle so you'd have to buy both products so pretty pricey just for a little thumbnail avatar :(
@SofaCitizen, yeah, I know too expensive.
have you seen some items are costing $3, hope later would be a better pricing, but I can't get all cause I have a limited budget at the moment.
Also I am experimenting with some renders at the moment, so I hope to get it right.
@Halcon Bluesky, well you could try adding them to your wishlist - maybe one day they will both be in a heavily discounted sale. Not looked around for today's sale as I have to work now but will take a look later to see what there is :)
Been working on some renders of my own too - however going to have to start the render for the third time today since the first time I decided to swap out the background set to something more suitable and the second I had to cancel after two and a half hours since I needed to go to bed and also I noticed that somewhere along the way one of my models must have got tired of holding the pose for so long and had put her arms down.
@SofaCitizen, some renders I have tried took some time, about half an hour or more.
I try to experiment a bit more, if no good, then cancel and try again.
Most of the sales promotions do not last longer, limited to one day or maybe two.
When I told you about the reduced items these were gone in a flash.
Too bad, not everyone can afford to buy plenty of items.
@Halcon Bluesky, yeah the sales don't hang around forever but there is always another one coming along behind it :)
@SofaCitizen, how you go my dear friend?
For me I am doing what I can to have the rendering in good shape.
I am previewing how is going to look the scene, then making some changes.
One thing that irked me is that I cannot adjust some clothing elements, some fit well others not, same for the shoes.
Some environments has windows, I want to add some backgrounds to cover the void to look more natural.
I just created a plain vanilla background in then merged it with GIMP using the scene created in Daz.
I bet Photoshop is getting a bad fame, because many people use it to fool others with unreal imagery.
There are a few ways to add backgrounds or "out the window" views to your render.
1. An easy way is to use the environment tab (stand-alone, not the one in the render tab) to add a background image and then select an image from your computer. This has mixed results depending on the desired effect as the image may not look lined up due to the camera angle you are using.
2. You can also use an HDRI. This is added under the environment tab in the render settings. HDRIs provide a 360 degree image that also containes lighting information. You put the HDRI in the Environment Map. Note that in order to see it, you will need to turn on Iray preview.
The very basic settings are
Under Dome:
Under Ground:
You will have to then tweak the other settings to get the look you need. You'll use Dome Rotation a lot so you can get the background and light you want in the window.
You can get lots of free HDRIs at
3. Putting someting outside the window, like a primitive with an image applied, can work depending on the other factors in the scene. The big disadvantage to this is that since it is an object, it blocks light, which can cause weird shadows or a darker render unless you add lights or make the primitive emissive.
All good here thanks, although I wish I would have more time to make more progress - unfortunately the day-job gets in the way during the week. I havn't done too much in Daz this week but have been watching a few YouTube videos on photography since they do have some useful and relevant advice around lighting and composition. I do have an unpublished render I did earlier but I will probably just post that to DeviantArt instead of the gallery here - even tho it does not break the letter of the nudity rules it does skirt a little close and I don't want to be put on the naughty step.
Other than that I have been looking at the new challenges that have begun due to the start of the month and have thought of a few possibilities. Unfortunately, the two ideas that I have come up with so far require the purchase of some assets I don't yet have and annoyingly one of them was 50% off yesterday but today is not on sale at all :(
Fitting clothing can sometimes be a bit of a hassle, especially if you have multiple layers (e.g. shirt & and jacket). This does involve playing about with the smoothing and collision modifiers or maybe a slight tweak to the scale. I don't think there is a simple one-size-fits-all approach so you just have to work at it for a bit.
For the Environment part I would echo what Chezjuan said as those would be my suggestions also :)
@Chezjuan, Thank you very much for your advice, I appreciate it.
I do experiment with whatever I can, I have to admit sometimes is a futile intent, because not always can get the desired results I do expect.
I will head to the page you mentioned.
I like the forum a place where exchanging tips and helping others, it motivates to keep going in the long way.
Once again, thank you!
@SofaCitizen, its good to know you are going much better than me.
Little by little I will try to do a written tutorial, all I need is time, watch some videos and get the screenshots from the program, as the videos do not show how to do the things that are needed.
Everyone start with the "Barefoot Dancer" tutorial, it seems easy to start with, but in reality the controls in the different panels are like flying an airplane, you crash it and then is game over.
Blender and hexagon are intimidating too, few people may have gone through and mastered it.
The talk in Daz city is the upcoming Version 5, I hope the developers can get it right.
@Halcon Bluesky, well, it's just a matter of time - I think I have been playing around with Daz for about a month or so longer than you and also I know you had some stuff to sort out early on which was stopping you from making progress. You just need to be patient and keep learning and trying stuff out and you'll keep getting better.
I haven't bothered with Hexagon since it doesn't work on newer Macs which indicates to me that it's probably a dead application now. Blender does seem incredibly intimidating tho, my useage of it has been very minimal and even then I struggled to get to grips with what I needed. However, to be fair I haven't done any proper tutorials for it and so perhaps if I made time for that then things would become a little clearer. From what I understand the "glazed doughnut" is like the right of passage for new Blender users. I am sure I will attempt that at some point but for now I need to focus on getting better with Daz.
In the near future I would like to try to come up with some good Renders for the "Tiny" and "Depth of Field" challenges here. Also, I imagine we will get a new challenge in the Freebie forum in a few days too.
@SofaCitizen, Beware, Polyhaven is not free as I thought.
Better look somewhere else.
What do you mean? Everything there is free. There is a donation possibility but that is entirely optional.
@SofaCitizen, look very closely, there is no donation, is a monthly subscription plans.
Which Polyhaven are you looking at? This one: is 100% free, no subs or donations required.
@zombietaggerung, I have tried to download something from there, No download.
Have tried with the Zip file, No such luck.
I whitelisted from adblocker and nothing works!
What did you try to download? An HDRi, a model or a texture? Also how did you try and dowload the thing? There is a purple button on the upper right of the pages. For models you can choose blend, zip, fbx and g|TF with the downward arrow to left of the download button. HDRi's are either exf or HDRi, textures are the same format options as the models, and for all you can choose the resolution.
@zombietaggerung, I have tried to download a model from the Assets tab at the top of the page.
Same would be if I try for anything else, so No luck for me
Which file format did you select? And which model exactly, do you have a link?
@zombietaggerung, I went to the top banner, clicked on the Assets Tab, selected the Models category, I wanted to download the Outdoor Table Chair Set 01 Zip format file.
This did not work, I tried to download it with Google Chrome, neithat nor the download manager did do the job to download it.
If that is the scenario, I assume some other things I may like I can't download it.
Did you "choose zip contents" by selecting the files you wanted in your zip after you selected zip as your prefered file format?
@zombietaggerung, There are two options there 4K and Blender, beside the download button
I don't know if either will work with Daz or has to be in blender then imported to Daz?
So up to this moment I can;t download anything
The most confusing part is the options: Blend, Gltf, Fbx do I have to select them?
Any suggestions?
Yes unfortunately, it does look like the models are all Blender format, but the textures and HDRi are not. Also Blender is free, and it is possible to open the file in Blender and then export it as an obj to import into Daz. And that 4k just means the image size for the textures or HDRi, which go up to 24k.
@zombietaggerung, Download failed, I give up, I can't download anything from there
Ok. I tried to help.
@zombietaggerung, Thank you very much for your patience, I did downloaded the Zip file, the download manager could not do that neither at first the browser but now I got that.
I will try to get some of the things from there, I appreciate your help!
You have your scene set, your render camera selected, you render the image. After the render is finished [many can safely be stopped sometime after 70% IF it appears to be done] and you noticed an oopsie ... you do not need to redo the entire image.
Select the Spot Render tool and the Tool Pane must be open too. In the Tool Pane select to New Window. Then using the Spot Render tool [little camera up top] select the area that you want redone. Then D/S will render just that area BUT to the full size of the page size of the original. Then in an image editor, on the large .png file with the little image - paint a dot at the 4 corners of the full page. Layer it on top of the original image and then erase those 4 dots of paint. Merge the images together :-)
{the purpose of painting corners is to keep the position of the smaller image exactly where it should be -- whether or not it matters depends upon the order in which one copy/pastes images into their image editor}
As for optimiser plugins; they certainly can prove helpful but are not absolutely necessary. Generally speaking, esp. for any distant models, on the Surface Tab select all the surfaces, in the search box type "normal" and then click on the image box and select 'none.' Also one does not require 8k texture images on distant figures. 2K or even 1K might be just fine. 8k and 4k are more for close-ups and/or extreme detail close-ups.
@Catherine3678ab, you are always available when someone needs help, you are really wonderful!
Where are you mostly, I mean, if you have some dedicated webpage or anything else?.
@zombietaggerung, Thank you very much for your help.
I went there, and got some of the most wonderful thing I ever imagined would be available for free.
When my situation goes well, I will donate something, it may not be big, but the intention is to collaborate for the great things that are done for others.