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I thought that was the Universe...
Me too
Today's sale has a couple of Carrara-specific items by PhilW and Dartanbeck.
Featured Michael 4 & Victoria 4 Items - 80% OFF* with purchase of a “Southern Charm” New Release above
dynamic hair bundle by PhilW and Swordworks for M4 for Dartanbeck
Thanks all for previous posts about TerraDome.... DIO... thanks for heads up!
There are four Carrara products by Howie Farkes in today's Fastgrab. Discounts are not yet showing up (at least for me), so you may want to hold off on buying for a while, though.
Darkwald by HowieFarkes is in Fast Grab for $5.99 today.
bytescapes just noticed the other 3 when I turned off items I own.
Discounts show up fine here. Even if they don't I'd try adding to cart and refreshing... to see if they show up.
Discounts are still showing for Howie Farkes' Dark Wald, World Gardens Maze, and Country Lane 2 (love his stuff). Debating on if I should grab Country Lane 2 or wait to see if the Country Lane Super Bundle comes up on sale. ;)
I bought the Country Lane Super Bundle a month or so ago... may be awhile before it's back on sale again... how long you willing to wait? In 1 year I was able to buy, on sale, more than half the Carrara content available.
Oh it was already on sale recently and I missed it? Drat.
ZOMG!!!!!11 More HowieFarkes. I hear ya -- dbdigital2 -- I love his stuff as well. I'd say go for Country Lane 2 while it's still on Fast Grab. Me, I've gotta see if I can afford either Yule Cottage or Darkwald...
I love all of his stuff too! His Arboretum kits are an excellent way to add even more tree varieties to the plant editor!
Yep got them. :) And in the end, I weakened and got Country Lane 2 added to my drive :)
Sweet! I'm jealous! ;)
I am surprised you didn't already have it. :)
Me too. I have many, but not that one
There are several Carrara-dedicated bundles in the weekend sale. Big savings. For example, 70% off a DP shaders bundle.
I'm sure there are others if you look.
EDIT: Country Lane Bundle is in there! Coincidence?
Good catch!
Edit - need to add a featured "Bundle Bonanza" new item before these Carrara-item discounts apply -
There are four Howie Farkes bundles on sale in the 70% off Genesis category, good for this weekend:
Three Ringo bundles:
Not specific to Carrara, but as per the current Carrara contest, the Lorenzo Lorez male/female bundle:
Tim Payne:
Not sure how useful these Aniblock importers still are, but also in the same sale:
Ringo is also in the 60% off Genesis 2 bundle sale:
80% off, when buying one new item from (includes Carrara shaders)
Hmm I am not seeing Howie Farkes bundles on sale. For me they are full price.
After you add to cart they will be discounted... first add a featured new item.
Plus, you can buy any of the Elite skins (Amy, Lana, Marie, Maya) separately for only 2 or 3 bucks apiece, if you only need one or two. The catch, as in all the bundle items today, is that you have to buy a new qualifying item to get the discount on the Carrara items.
I don't care much for the eight qualifying items in this offer, but the discount may be worth it if you have enough Carrara items in the cart.
this P3dO Explorer pro 2.4.6 never seems to go on sale
P3DO Explorer Pro is the only way that I know that you can edit the preview icons on Carrara files, so if you need to do that - when making a set for sale for example - it is a very useful tool. But that is just about the only reason I use it personally. And you need the Pro version to do that, the standard version doesn't have that feature.
I use P3DO Explorer routinely to preview mocap files, both BVH and (mostly) Poser format (multi-frame Pose files). Very nicely programmed and easy to use.
Yeah, I never waited for it to go on sale. I just bought it and found it to be worth every penny, even though I use it only the way Phil uses it so far. I keep wanting to look into using more of its many, Many features... just get too into Carrara instead. Steve K's right. Great program by a wonderful, caring author whom is very happy to help his customers personally. That's awesome! When I has questions about it, he couldn't help me with my specific question, so he hook me up with our very own GKDantas, who took the time to get me going ;) What a family we have, eh?
Speaking of GKDantas, his tuff was just on sale as well, when I noticed that he's been active creating again, this time for DS! Great to see him back in the service!
Thanks all... I've been wondering how to change preview pics in Carrara. Got P3DO Explorer Pro in wishlist at Rendo.
Interesting - I will have to try that!
P.S. OK, how do I do it?! I have a load of BVH files that seem to do nothing in P3DO. I tried looking on the Sensosoft site and the Help/FAQ link is broken, and I noticed that the Preview panel on the screenshots shows a 3D preview of models, etc, while all I appear to have is a preview of the icon. Is there a setting that I am missing?
P.P.S. OK, I see that I have 3D previews of OBJ files if I click on them, but if I click on a Poser-type file, I just get the icon and not a 3D model. And nothing for BVH files.
I got P3DO Explorer Pro over Christmas to do the icons for County Crime Lab. There's over 100 separate props in that pack and I wanted them all to have the same icons as the DS version (cos I put in the time to make nice icons . . .) I'd be happier, or at least more inclined to use it for other things, if it worked on a Mac, but it did the job I wanted it for.
I should say I bought it direct too, didn't realise it was on Rendo.
Ahh ok, that explains why Howie's stuff didn't appear on sale. Checking it out, there isn't anything I want for a qualifying purchase. *Maybe* Moutnain Lodge but it is Iray and exterior only. Ah well I will try to catch the next one.
With regard to P3dO Explorer pro 2.4.6
I hadn't heard of that one. I had looked at PzDB 1.2 and have thought of it as a alterntaive way to keep track of my runtime (using Daz Studio catagories at the moment). Anyone have both and can say if one is better than the other? Or are they very different from each other?