Carrara Sale Email Message Alert thread



  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Age of Armor is in the build your own bundle flash sale.  Age of Armor's Studio Paris has Carrara-specific files..  ; Several other artists have Poser files that translate easily to Carrara.  Sale discount depends on how many items are purchased. This is a flash sale so not sure if PAs will rotate (and perhaps move on to PAs populating my wishlist).

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    Hmm, tempting, there are a few things on my wishlist from those artists.

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited February 2017

    Fastgrab has a few Tim Payne items at 70% off.

    (EDIT - I originally left out the light domes bundle)


    I know he has a good reputation.  My question is, how are his light domes different from global illumination?

    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    He does some great skies in his, and light domes are useful too - particularly for very complex scenes (like say Howie Farkes sets and indeed my own Night & Day City), light domes tend to render much faster than full indirect lighting, plus if using a lot of replicators (as most of these sets do) the render starts much quicker without a long "pre-calculation" time.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    PhilW said:

    He does some great skies in his, and light domes are useful too - particularly for very complex scenes (like say Howie Farkes sets and indeed my own Night & Day City), light domes tend to render much faster than full indirect lighting, plus if using a lot of replicators (as most of these sets do) the render starts much quicker without a long "pre-calculation" time.

    Yes. I love them. He uses the Realistic Sky clouds in his presets! I can't count how often I drag his presets into my atmosphere as my main starting point. Then if I want his lens flare, just drag that onto the sun light. He even includes the corresponding background gradients to work with the scene. After getting one, I went back and got the rest of them. His ReadMe's are always fun too.

    Remember when he used to frequent the forums? He had some awesome threads going!

    You (PhilW) make cool skies too... and I also have Ringo's

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    Fastgrab has a few Tim Payne items at 70% off.


    I know he has a good reputation.  My question is, how are his light domes different from global illumination?

    The light domes are used in place of global illumination. They are set up to match the accompanying skies from the other kits. Easy to tell which goes with which as they're all labeled such. Plus he provides a nice pdf book with each product. I could read Tim's words all day! 

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited February 2017

    Speaking of which, I always offer my ReadMe pdf instructions booklets for free download so folks can look into them before making a decision. It's in the Carrara Information Manual table of Contents:

    ► Download pdf Instruction Manuals for my products

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    I'm using a light dome for the set I'm working on at the moment...

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited February 2017
    PhilW said:

    I'm using a light dome for the set I'm working on at the moment...

    I use them quite a lot myself. Well... almost always. EDIT: except for interiors! ;)

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • Phil and Dart, thanks!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    Phil and Dart, thanks!

    No... I insist... Thank YOU!

  • Who hoo it is a Carrara Christmas!  And umm my wallet is empty.  :/  Hmm I might be able to swing one.  Which is better light domes or the skys?  I am assuming his skys would be more versatile?

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    I just picked up he skies bundle and gel set with a PC+ voucher discount came to just over $12US yes

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    Who hoo it is a Carrara Christmas!  And umm my wallet is empty.  :/  Hmm I might be able to swing one.  Which is better light domes or the skys?  I am assuming his skys would be more versatile?

    I think you need the skies for the domes to be their best because they're set up to match the Skies settings - so... yup. Skies first if only getting one - but tinkerers can always do things in different orders for different reasons.

    But just as an FYI, I use his Skies a lot and don't use GI - just a standard lighting setup. The Sky presets aim the sun for you too! ;)


    Stezza said:

    I just picked up he skies bundle and gel set with a PC+ voucher discount came to just over $12US yes


    See? I love Daz3d. They're always doing this stuff... Always! I have wishlist items at other stores that never come close to getting these kinds of discounts.

    Thanks Daz3d!!! 

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    Sales department is great

    now we just need the programming dpt to catch up yes

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    Stezza said:

    Sales department is great

    now we just need the programming dpt to catch up yes

    on a mission eh ? :)


  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    These are the renders of the software Carrara 8.5. Its five-year mission: to render strange new worlds, to seek out new polygons and new vertices, to boldly go where no Carrara user has gone before..... Genesis 3

    Nearly there  cool


  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027

    Not Carrara specific, but finally a new set of DAZ3D freebies, that are compatible with Carrara:

    For example a big bundle and a genesis2 girl:


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    3drendero said:

    Not Carrara specific, but finally a new set of DAZ3D freebies, that are compatible with Carrara:

    For example a big bundle and a genesis2 girl:



    This IS Carrara-specific to Me!!! Thanks!

    This is another great catch! Wow, that Hiro 5 bundle adds a LOT of awesome new stuff for my Genesis 1 characters and I've been wanting that Sheriff outfit for quite some time. I think that the pants and boots along with the arm bands will work great for some new Rosie costumes, and it's always nice to get some new skin textures!

    Thanks for pointing this out 3drendero!

    ...and Thank You to Daz3d for the fun new additions to my Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 Female collections!

  • dbdigital2dbdigital2 Posts: 270
    edited February 2017

    I see several Animate products are on 70% off sale:

    I know the dances are included with and of course that is needed to get them into Carrara, has anyone used these?  Are they worth it?  Or is it better other sources better?  I looked at youtube and the only one I could find is and they look a bit "rough" but perhaps the person did not use them properly?

    Post edited by dbdigital2 on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    AniBlocks are very handy for quick canned animations, and the Carrara importer works fine.  Thanks for flagging about AniMate 2 - while I almost never use DS out of choice, I am currently doing some animation for someone who wants it done in DS (actually I am doing some of it in Carrara and then exporting as a PZ2 using Fenric's plugin!). But AniMate 2 could still be quite useful to have - I've said it before, but it's amazing how primitive the animation faciltities are in DS.

    I find the Idles pack quite useful for people just standing there not doing much but still moving, and walks are always useful as they are tricky to get natural looking.

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272

    I like the aniMate mocaps in Carrara, generally importing them and converting to NLA clips for faster insertion and easier linking with the NLA features.  Here is a short animation for a two day contest, using them for the V4 "walk around" motions (near the copter and on the sub).  I only had the M4 version so they look a little "manly", and there is a rough connection in the sub one that I didn't have time to smooth out.  

  • eyeseeeyesee Posts: 172

    I liked that Steve K, particularly the underwater scene. Was that hard to do?

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272

    I liked that Steve K, particularly the underwater scene. Was that hard to do?

    Thanks.  its been a while so I don't remember exactly, but it was done in Vue rather than Carrara, because the Steampunk Sub model is in Vue format. (It seems to have disappeared from the Cornucopia3D website)  I do have an exported version in Carrara, but it's not as flexible for animation (turning prop,e.g.).  Also, I used a Vue underwater landscape, info here:

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    That's so odd. We were just looking at that sub, what... just last week or so? I just looked and... yeah... it isn't there :(

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272

    That's so odd. We were just looking at that sub, what... just last week or so? I just looked and... yeah... it isn't there :(

    Right, and none of Peter Pohle's products are there, just a Gallery of his images.  I've got a number of his great models, highly detailed and lots of moving parts (in Vue, using the "gizmo's").  But I had more in my wishlist, apparently no longer available.  I could not find anything with Google, either.  I don't know how sales sites work with vendors, is there a fee regardless of sales?  I like the models, but I think most Vue users are in it for the landscapes/environments, so the models may not sell well enough to make a profit.  Phoooey.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    If they're all from a particular artist, it sounds like there was a bit of a 'falling out' and Peter is likely filling another store somewhere... sometime.

    Awful Soul has switched vendors and changed names a lot during my short (so far) stint in this realm of digital wonders. Awful Soul, then Aery Soul, perhaps another name change and now Aeon Soul. A bunch of excellent goods from Awful and Aery are now apparently missing from the sales market. Bummer.


  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272

    I did one more search and found the model, or rather a version of the model, at Turbosquid.  (Cue the Jaws shark theme).  Yup, $98 instead of $15 or so.  Basic format is 3DMax, not Vue, and a different vendor name ... also other Pohle models from the same vendor who has only Pohle models.   It does sound like it has all the same moving parts ... I dunno ...

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    Wow. I went and checked it out. Being a Daz3d shopper, Turbo Squid is just a bit out of touch for me. Maybe if I get famous one day?

    But going to TurboSquid did remind me of when I was first learning 3d because that's where we went to get GMax, a watered down 3DS Max 4 or 5, something like that, intended to help artists get a Free start in video game development (modeling). 

    It was completely gone for a while, and even those of us who have it but didn't have it installed couldn't get it installed past the free registration process so it wouldn't work. I'm glad to see that the Squid brought it back. It might not be the greatest for some things, but for folks still wanting to make things for the incredible NWN (Neverwinter Nights) D&D roleplay game, there are specific plugins and tools made especially for people to work using Gmax. Very cool! 

  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272

    Wow. I went and checked it out. Being a Daz3d shopper, Turbo Squid is just a bit out of touch for me. Maybe if I get famous one day?

    I've always thought of Turbosquid as being for people spending company money.  I recall they do have a selection of models that are "quality assured" or some such.  So if a company has a big budget project on a tight schedule (is there any other schedule for big projects?), maybe it pays out.  They can find $100 in the couch cushions.  But for us hobbyists ... I've seen models there that even *I* (a non-modeler) could build, just some primitives stuck together more or less.  $30 or something.  No thanks.  I am eternally grateful for the great Poser and Carrara format modelers at various sites (ahem) that provide great quality at very reasonable prices.

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