G8F Walking & Everyday Doorway Poses Sets



  • The door doesn't have a keyhole, but I don't see why that should stop her looking through it. Must admit your suggestions for the 'dreadful' thing are less emotionally devastating than I was thinking of. We'll agree it was mice causing the noise.
  • Okay, a mouse it is.

    https://www.daz3d.com/mouse-by-am  Just happen to have :-)


  • Got one in our loft this evening. Got to deal with it before it chews the wiring.
  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,407
    edited September 2021

    Steel wool scrubbies can help block holes [hopefully when it's out of the house].

    Years ago we had a little mouse in the walls. In the middle of the night as it rustled the paper backing the insulation you'd swear it was the biggest rat in the world lol ...

    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,944
    edited September 2021

    richardandtracy said:

    The door doesn't have a keyhole, but I don't see why that should stop her looking through it. ....

    It appears I did model an escutcheon for a key, just never converted it to DS. I've attached the obj if you need one... It's modelled in cm, so import at 100% scale, centred at X=0, Y = 90, and Z=0 is the back of it at the nominal door face. The thing is 3.2cm diameter and 0.3cm thick in the +Z direction. I'd suggest Brass for the 'Brass_Escutcheon' surface, polished Aluminium for the 'Steel' surface, and matt black with a negative emissivity for the Keyhole surface. I'd suggest -1500 lumen/m^2 for the 'Keyhole' surfaces. Just plonk it on the door surface and position it correctly.



    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • I there a "richardandtracy" pose compedium/list... or better yet, a richardandtracy pose mega file anywhere?  I try to keep up and collect from the various free sites, but still think I am missing something...

    Cheers (and thanks!)

  • Everything I have ever uploaded as freebies and is in DS format is on my free stuff pages on Renderosity. That's the best I can do, sorry.
  • richardandtracy said:

    richardandtracy said:

    The door doesn't have a keyhole, but I don't see why that should stop her looking through it. ....

    It appears I did model an escutcheon for a key, just never converted it to DS. I've attached the obj if you need one... It's modelled in cm, so import at 100% scale, centred at X=0, Y = 90, and Z=0 is the back of it at the nominal door face. The thing is 3.2cm diameter and 0.3cm thick in the +Z direction. I'd suggest Brass for the 'Brass_Escutcheon' surface, polished Aluminium for the 'Steel' surface, and matt black with a negative emissivity for the Keyhole surface. I'd suggest -1500 lumen/m^2 for the 'Keyhole' surfaces. Just plonk it on the door surface and position it correctly.



    Thank you. Something to play with later :-) 

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,944
    edited September 2021

    Maybe I can give you something else to play with...

    G8F Everyday Doorway Poses Set 5.

    This set consists of the last three closed door poses I can imagine at the moment, and two blooper poses as G8F opens the door onto herself. These bloopers feel fairly likely as one of my daughters has once broken and once dislocated a toe swinging through a doorway at the bottom and top of the stairs (respectively) at home, so opening the door onto oneself isn't much of a stretch... Get ready for plasters to the foot or forehead!

    As before, there are five poses, mirrors and a zero pose. The poses are all based around my 'Rigged Wall and Door' freebie, with the hip X and Z translations being used to position G8F relative to the door. Where there are no practical mirror poses involving the door, the G8F character has zero X and Z translations for the hip. The kneeling pose (top right) is intended to be looking through a keyhole in an escutcheon placed 9cm below default height, directly below the door knob. You may notice while posing, the other eye is closed.

    Anyway, try to have fun with them.



    G8F Everyday Door Poses 5 Ad.jpg
    800 x 1024 - 190K
    G8F Everyday Door Poses 5.zip
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • Oh wow yes! Can picture lots happening with all these added to the basket, thank you :-)


  • Think these will be the last for a little while, the inspiration seems to have left me for the moment. I seem to be able to do one a day on average over a long term, and recently have done rather more than that.
  • That's okay. TBH I have to take some time for RL matters around here too. Busy year ;-)

  • Thanks a lot for these, it's really appreciated.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,944
    edited September 2021

    G8F Walking Poses 16-20

    My intermittent series of walking poses for G8F is now extended to include a shoulder bag. These poses were inspired by seeing dozens of younger women walking to and from a Covid vaccination site a few days ago while I was waiting for my daughters to emerge. There are five poses, mirrors and a zero pose.

    The handbag was the small handbag freebie from Wilmap's Digital Creations https://www.wilmapsdigitalcreations.co.uk/view_product.php?id=183 scaled up and put over the character's shoulder. Have to say I was amazed at how popular similar bags were in real life at that vaccination site.

    Character info: FWSA Gillian for V7 converted to G8F, Gillian Hair, Arryn/Onnel Alika Candy Dress, Arryn/Onnel Mollie Heels.

    I hope they are of some use.



    Walking G8F 16 to 20 Ad.jpg
    800 x 1024 - 141K
    Walking G8F 16 to 20.zip
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • And got them, thank you very much for all your work Richard

  • Thanks. It's fun to do, I get practice at posing and there is a useful result. Win's all round... Glad you find them useful.
  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,944
    edited September 2021

    G8F Doorway Pose Set 6

    This is, I think, the last set of doorway poses for a while, unless I can think of a few more at some point. Certainly that's my list of doorway poses completed - but if you can think of a few more, don't hesitate to make suggestions. I think I'll continue with a few more everyday poses - I have been making a list while doing these - such as elbow bump, fist bump, coughing while covering the face by various means (elbow, hands and maybe a handkerchief - if I can find or make one), that sort of thing.

    These doorway poses are based on my rigged door and wall, putting the character in the correct position for a 30 degree open door. The character is positioned using X and Z translations of the hip. The mirror poses can't be used with my door prop, so the character's hip X and Z translations are both set to zero. There are two poses pushing the door and 3 turning the doorknob.

    Anyway, I do hope they are of use.



    G8F Everyday Door Poses 6 Ad.jpg
    800 x 1024 - 170K
    G8F Everyday Door Poses 6.zip
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • Thank you :-)

  • Just hope they will be useful.



  • I'm hoping for the time to get some of these ideas of mine rendered lol ...

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,944
    edited September 2021

    I know the problem. I try (don't often succeed) to set aside not less than 20% of my DS computer time to playing with and scenes rather than making poses & models (though I do enjoy that too). Means I do sometimes get to play with freebies and the relatively fow [gaah, tripe writing error] few items I buy.




    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,944
    edited April 2022

    I would like to offer G8F Walking Poses 21 to 25 for your delectation. As usual, 5 poses, 5 mirrors and a zero pose.

    24 & 25 are the sort of walking & kicking poses you get when disconsolate teenagers knock a football (soccer ball) about the place. Naturally, as this is DAZ, G8F has high heels, because her ankles are totally invulnerable! And, more pertinently, I wanted to try the new strappy boots out.

    Anyway, I hope that they will be of use to someone.

    Character: freebie from Shinteo, G3F Dragonfly hair, Arryn 'Alicia' dress and Strappy Suit boots.



    Walking G8F 21 to 25 Ad 2.png
    800 x 800 - 722K
    Walking G8F 21 to 25.zip
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663

    LOL ya would be nice if many would include high heels poses along with flat poses cause they are usuallyl always in high heels in a render lol

    Thanks I grabbed them from Rendo since I went there before coming here.

  • That's an idea. I wonder if I can write a script to easily save high heel and flat foot poses in one hit along with rendered thumbnail and tip images. If I can, then the idea would be easily extendable to doing top half, bottom half, arm, hand & leg pose splitting too. That would be very useful. 

    I shall investigate.




  • spaspa Posts: 44

    Thanks Richard for all your great free assets!

  • Glad you like them. Makes the effort doing them worthwhile.



  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,303
    edited April 2022

    ~  And Then 

    these are G8F  only's  ??

    thanx //

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • Hmm. They seem to be. Don't know how G8M would take to high heel poses.. Or the dress, for that matter. I shall have to see. Tee Hee. Regards, Richard.
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663

    LOL wellllllll some men have been known to wear heels, think back in the 80's they called them elevator shoes, Prince was a fan of wearing them...lol

    ED3D I think you will find that many of those pose adjust scripts can help if you meant for the poses to be used on G3 or G2 or even earlier models.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,944
    edited April 2022

    Sorry, I didn't think about different generations of figure. I regularly get asked for male versions of poses, and have done a fair few which is why I answered that way. If you meant different generations...

    I have done pose transfer scripts from

    • G8F, G3F, G2F and Genesis to V4; 
    • G8F to V3 and 'Glamorous Vicki 3'
    • V3, V4, Genesis & G2F to G8F;
    • V4 to G3F;

    if that would help. Note A3 & A4/G4 also apply everywhere V3 & V4 are used respectively. All those scripts are available here (difficult to find) over at Renderosity or through the PoserDazFreebie Wiki here: https://poserdazfreebies.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Richardandtracy

    If you need G8F to transfer poses to G1, or G2F, or any (specific one) I can probably do such scripts. I haven't done all of them - I did a matrix of possible options some while ago and was surprised at how many gaps there were. I've done 11 Female->Female pose scripts and there are theoretically another 18 I could do to fully cover back & forth pose transfers between generations on the famale side of the family. In most cases the male side works well with the female scripts, but I have found a few bone zero differences with V4/M4 that meant it was better to give M4 his own scripts to/from G3M and G8M. (F4/H4 also work the same as M4 so can use the same scripts).



    Post edited by richardandtracy on
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