G8F Walking & Everyday Doorway Poses Sets

richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,941
edited April 2022 in Freebies

On another thread I was mulling over how few freebie walking poses there were, and how I usually ended up starting with the G8F Essentials Base Pose Walking B as the start to most of my walking poses. Thinking about it, while looking in the mirror, I realised I knew of someone who might do something about it.

So, here are the first five of a sporadic range of walking poses. I have no idea how many will be 'enough', having no plan. I'll just go where the whim takes me. 

These poses will be walking or wandering poses. They are not going to be walking poses with a purpose, fast walk poses, cat walk poses, or poses as @melissastjames describes 'Cat-on-heat desperation' poses. Just plain, simple walking or wandering like normal people do in their everyday lives.

If you with to add your own, or links to similar freebie poses, then please do, they are more than welcome as everyone benefits.

Here are my first five. There are three poses (plus mirrors) with different leg positions, but in all three have hands in jacket pockets (trouser pockets ['trousers' not 'pants' - 'pants' are male underwear and no-one wants to see that] would be an easy change). Then a pose holding a smart phone in the left hand, and another with the right hand operating the smart phone in the left hand. In both these poses the mirror poses only affect the legs. I will get around to left handed operation of the smart phone in the next batch of poses. The smart phone used is Foxclaw's freebie on rendo (here https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/87343/smartphone-prop ).

I do hope they are useful, as they were surprisingly difficult to get right. Well, surprisingly difficult to get with as little 'wrong' as they have.

I must advise, the character in the image seems to have high heel feet built in (not sure why, as it shouldn't) and when I tested the poses on other characters the feet went all funny. I am pretty sure I cured it, but please let me know if the problem re-appears - the symptom is a foot bent up at the ankle and the toes bent down. It's mostly metatarsle and toe bend that needs adjusting if you find it. The model is also quite slender, so some adaptation of the hands in jacket pocket poses may well be needed for your character.



Walking G8F 01 to 05 Ad.jpg
800 x 800 - 114K
Walking G8F 01 to 05.zip
Post edited by richardandtracy on


  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,941
    edited August 2021

    Just a few more walking poses. The phone is a freebie by Foxclaw on Renderosity, the bag is there too:

    Hope they are useful to someone.



    Walking G8F 06 to 10 Ad.jpg
    800 x 800 - 121K
    Walking G8F 06 to 10.zip
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • Spoiling us, thank you very much :-)

  • Spoiling? Don't think so. I just feel happy they don't look painful!
  • True enough.

    Too many of the "other" poses [sound of clearing throat] - I realize that maybe that's how some are used to seeing ladies walk on catwalks or in the night streets but honestly, if one walked like that around here it would be assumed that they "gotta go REAL bad" lol ...


  • Thank you very generous

  • ... if one walked like that around here it would be assumed that they "gotta go REAL bad" lol ...


    That cracked one heck of a smile..! The number of 'proper' (everyday) walking poses is surprisingly limited. I confess I have such a 'normal' life that I see neither catwalk mannequins nor street walkers, and what I see in single pose sets is unrepresentative of what I see happening around me.

    In the vein of what's happening around me, I would count my posing apprenticeship finished if I could capture poses that induce the vague feeling of incipient catastrophe I get anytime my eldest daughter walks (blunders) from A to B. She is much more interested in what she's thinking about, and as a result the real world really needs to get out of her way for its own safety...



  • HatBHatB Posts: 77

    Finding a pose of someone taking a picture at a distance with a cell phone is difficult also. Most are of selfies and texting.


  • You're right. I can't ever remember seeing one like that.
  • Great work, RichardAndTracy Thank-you very much!!

  • Thank you. I've received so much help & generosity in this hobby, I need to return the favour a bit.



  • RJGirlRJGirl Posts: 93

    These are awesome! I love making my renders with normal people doing normal looking things lol...well most of the time :) Thanks!

  • SkelchSkelch Posts: 275

    Very nice time saver thank you for sharing these

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,941
    edited August 2021

    I have completed a few more. The clothing is OOT Mega-wardrobe, with jeans, shirt and freebie sandles from Amy-Aimee (IIRC). Character is a G8F conversion of G3F Chandra. Anyway, I chose the OOT Superjeans because they have opening pockets, which are useful for these poses. Please note the hands are very sensitive to position, so your character will almost certainly need to have the pose tweaked. Pockets for poses 11-13 are 100% open, and 40% open for 14&15.

    Hope you like the poses.



    Walking G8F 11 to 15 Ad.jpg
    800 x 800 - 102K
    Walking G8F 11 to 15.zip
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663

    Yes I saw those over on rendo and grabbed them, thank you 

  • Oh now, we were told never to walk [or run] with your hands in your pockets 'cause you'll fall down ... :-) We might need a few poses yes?!!

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,941
    edited August 2021
    Catherine, thee's a cruel person. But it might be amusing. ;)
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,941
    edited August 2021

    Faeryl Womyn said:

    Yes I saw those over on rendo and grabbed them, thank you 

    Must admit it's much easier to find freebie stuff over at rendo, particularly stuff that's not brand new. I find their shop more difficult to navigate than the DAZ shop, though, and the pervasive tacky Hameleon ads are uncalled for. However, given my preference for zero cost material, a difficult shop is an advantage in my view.

    As an aside, I don't know what's happening, possibly summer holiday effect, but my freebie downloads doubled last week over there to fractionally under 4000 in the week. No real reason that I can see other than that.




    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,941
    edited August 2021

    I have started to incorporate some of the comments I have received and create a few everyday poses involving a doorway. The poses are positioned in my freebie 'Rigged Wall and Door' Prop at Renderosity.

    The poses are based with a 120° open door. As usual, they include mirrors and a zero pose. The poses are as below, showing the 'Tip' images from the thumbnails:

    Hope you find them of use.



    Door 120 a.tip.png
    256 x 512 - 190K
    Door 120 b.tip.png
    256 x 512 - 186K
    Door 120 c.tip.png
    256 x 512 - 195K
    Door 120 d.tip.png
    256 x 512 - 187K
    Door 120 eM.tip.png
    256 x 512 - 179K
    Door 120.zip
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,941
    edited September 2021

    I have done a few more doorway poses based on the door being closed. One pose is a blooper where G8F expects to push a pull door and clumps into it, squashing her nose sideways quite a lot (poor lass [snigger]). My thinking was along a vague sequence where G8F knocks, then bangs the door, tries to open it and it is locked, but she's getting through it any way necessary, even to the extent of kicking it down after a double handed pull fails. The next two images are compiled from the pose library tip images, and show all the poses in each of the sets:

    Set 2:

    Set 3:

    Hope they are of some use to someone one day.




    G8F Everyday Door Poses 2 Ad.jpg
    800 x 1024 - 175K
    G8F Everyday Door Poses 3 Ad.jpg
    800 x 1024 - 142K
    G8F Everyday Door Poses 2.zip
    G8F Everyday Door Poses 3.zip
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    Have you done theatre? You certainly have a knack for posing and story :)

  • Ha ha ha.

    No, not I. Just an engineer who finds a little story helps to make coming up with the poses easier. Then for the actual poses, I act them out to get them a bit more realistic (much to my family's amusement). I can't see myself, so the finer details may be a little wrong on occasions, but I think generally I get it fairly close.

    The pose I'm least sure about is the 'kicking the door' pose, as it's intended to be dynamic, so the figure's centre of gravity can be in an unstable position. However, when acting out the pose I had to be in a stable position for a few seconds as I couldn't actually kick the door. The door shown in the images is modelled on the door in my house closest to my DS computer, and with it being a Victorian panel door, it cannot take a kick of any sort, however gentle. Consequently, I may have modelled a bit too much of the stable 'sort of kick' I acted out, and too little of a real kick.



  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    Haha, I am glad you didn't actually kick down the door :)

    I think the kick looks good, although I would use sturdier shoes :P

    Thanks for sharing anyway, these are beautiful gifts to the community.


  • wink 

    Thanks for the compliments, but I honestly feel I'm repaying only a tiny bit of the help I've recieved while learning how to use DS. I am just trying to make as good a fist of payback as I can in the few limited areas where I seem to be able to do something useful.



  • richardandtracy said:

    This set was not at Rendo, would have missed it if I hadn't come to the forums today. 

  • It is actually. Here: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/89328/g8f-everyday-doorway-poses. Just a slightly different image layout. If I were to drop publishing on one or the other site, I'd drop publishing here due to the much lower eyeball rate.
  • Hey these are really awesome! Thanks so much for your hard work :)

  • Thanks. Have a few more on my scribble pad at the moment, and finished the third new one (each with mirrors) a few minutes ago. Should get to 5 before the weekend and that's the package size I'm generally aiming for unless there is an obvious break point before then. Regards, Richard.
  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,941
    edited September 2021

    I do have to wonder if the start of this thread provoked a certain PA - the timescale is marginal. Or possibly the thread that provoked this thread did it. Anyway, It's good to see realistic running and walking poses are now all the fashion, even if paid for: https://www.daz3d.com/walking-and-running-poses-for-genesis-81

    [At last, now have a link to someone else's work too!]

    Oh, and I re-discovered Foxclaw's 'On the phone' poses https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/86824/everyday-poses-04-05-and-06, ideal alternatives to the phone using poses I put together in posts 1 and 2 of this thread.




    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,941
    edited September 2021

    OK, more Everyday Doorway Poses. This is Set 4

    The little story I had in my mind when doing these was G8F comes back to her shared house, finds a door locked, listens at it, hears something dreadful, phones her BFF, and slowly sinks to the floor as she describes the situation. Again mirrors and a zero pose too.

    The leaning against the door could easily also be from being shattered after a horrible day at work. You decide. The phone is Foxclaw's freebie 'Phone12' at Rendo, and the wall is my 'Rigged Wall and Door'. Jeans are OOT Mega-wardrobe Superjeans, pocket Open2 morph 100% on the correct side for the bottom left pose. Think I'm getting close to exhausting my imagination for now with closed doors, one or two left but not many.. Soon I'll get to 'Entering through a partly open door'.

    Hope they are useful.



    G8F Everyday Door Poses 4 Ad.jpg
    800 x 1024 - 179K
    G8F Everyday Door Poses 4.zip
    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • She's probably hearing terrible groaning coming from the closet [referring to my previous image] ;-)

    If the door had a keyhole she could take a peak through it to check what is making that noise.

    OR, believe it or not, there are these kitty kats that have been known to slide their bodies from room to room via that tiny space between the door and the floor. Or mice of course. Allegedly even a ferret can get through any hole it can fit its nose.



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