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Daz Central still will not complete the installtion of DAZ3D on my iMac running Big Sur.
I do recommend using DIM instead
I don't know why the Iray "hate". Personally, I love the results I get with it (in Daz and CC3/Iclone7), so much that if I even start working more in Blender I'd like to still render in Daz. People say stuff like "Octane is faster!"... yeah, but have you seen the quality difference? From my tests and what people use as examples to tell me Octane is better, it is quite noticeable. An auto converted stonemason Urban Future set in Octane looks much worse than the one rendered with Iray with no extra work. And when you start tweaking it so it looks as good, getting those metallic surfaces, water reflections on the floor, emissives and so on... the render time is pretty much the same. Mind you, after a lot of work to adjust the surfaces and cranking up those render settings. Same in Blender, once you start cranking cycles settings to get stuff like hair and eye reflections looking as good as in Iray, render times start being pretty much the same. Now, if you are working on animations then the ability to reduce the quality in specific ways that you want for faster rendering will help you.
So, that's what I'd actually want from Daz if possible. The ability to adjust more the render settings so it's possible to render bigger projects like animations in Daz within a reasonable amount of time. Which brings me to the other point. Having a better viewport performance and animation tools. I don't know what sort of monster machine you need to have to get fluid viewport animations going and though IKs were a good step towards better animation tools, it would be great if they improve on that. Oh, and also soft body physics, which I'm sure it has been requested a lot already =)
uhh... Iray is also in the substance suite, which is at theis point THE standard textuing program used pretty much anywhere. and it was added more than six months after irays launch. not sure why they would add an "obsolete" render engine, but it worked out okay for them :)
Sorry for my ignorance, but what is DIM?
Daz install manager? Tried to download it, but it says the page does not exist.
Try this link:
I think the .zip I marked is what you need to get started - although I'm a Windows person myself, so it's only a guess. Note that it looks like the link at the very bottom marked "* Requires latest version of Install Manager" goes to the Windows version.
Also there is an IRay plugin for 3DS Max.
I'm not paying a subscription, they are never priced to be of benefit to the user, only the company doing it; let's face it, if it was more profitiable not to do subs, folks wouldn't be moving to it.
I bought a perpetual licence and upgraded a couple months ago; I will also upgrade to the last version I can do before only subs is available.
... After they get no more cash from me.
DAZ_Rawb said:
Apologies if this is covered elsewhere, but is there any update on the DS5 timeline? Was this the very end of the calendar, or the financial year? I'm totally fine with "it'll be done when it's done", but was just wondering whether development timescales are rolling as expected :)
That timeline was set when they thought they had to release DS5 to get DS working on Macs again. This is not the case anymore, so I doubt it's still valid.
Ah, many thanks for clarification.
Hi, I'm a big noob when it comes to Daz3D and any kind of 3D programs. I only started using Daz3D (which is my first 3D program) some weeks ago, so this might be a really dumb question and I'm sorry if its been answered before.
Is Daz Studio 5 a new program or an update to Daz Studio 4.x ?
How will I update from 4.x to 5, or does DazCenteral handle that for me?
Will my freebie and purchesed content from 4.x work in 5.0 ?
Ive been loving Daz3D so far.
Ok... but what is early?
Originally, the update page said
As for the final Daz Studio 5 release:
- The timeline for this is to have it out near the very end of this year.
- Features and enhancements will be rolling in through the rest of the year.
- Anyone who has Daz Studio 4 in their account will be able to keep it. You'll be able to continue to download and use it for the foreseeable future.
So, was the end of the Year early? I pulled the 2021 calendar off the wall, and now January is in the bin as well
The Daz Studio Delayed thread was started back in August (or 6-7 months ago), and there has been Radio silence regarding it since then.
Are all the eggs in the 4.16 basket? I would have thought, that even though delayed, we'd have heard "sumthin" by now. I know folks hate to give dates and timelines FOR THIS SPECIFIC REASON, that is, folks like me saying, "You said End of year", "You said Delayed", yadda yadda.. I don't want to give Richard a reason to delete my post out of hand....
I wsa just hoping/thinking that there SHOULD be SOME news right? Even if it is along the lines of "coding is much harder than we though it was going to be, we are hoping for 2 quarter 2022".
I have been dragging my feet on some purchase because, my hope was that Daz5 was going to address some of the data crunching short falls of 4.x (Morph/Load time, I'm starring daggers at you!)...
Anyways... I assume that there is still a Daz 5 in the works... no?
I would assume that that timeline was still aiming to get a barebones version so Mac users had something, now that that is unneeded they can take more time to add the elements that were part of the main plan for DS 5 (whatever those may be).
It would still be nice to get at least a small development update.
Since I know an upcoming DS5 will most likely break any existing scripts, I´m holding my horses on buying any new stuff that relies on said scripts. But knowing DS5 isn´t on the horizon for several months/years would probably change my mind.
That´s just an example. I´m sure there are more people waiting for informations before they´re buying new stuff.
DS5 is a substantial re-write of DS4, using a new version of the QT graphics engine which is at the heart of DS.
Any content loaded using a .DUF file should work fine on DS5. This means most of your figures, clothing, buildings and scenes.
The exception is scripts, which will need a recompile at least, and plug-ins such as UltraScenery, which will need coding changes.
True, the pre-beta was going to help Mac users have a version that at least worked in the newer operating systems, an actual Beta would have been near the end of the year, and an actual release for Daz 5 was supposed to be early 2022, was my understanding.
Once they got a version that did work (that couldn't be done without updating QT, until it suddenly could with help from Apple) the pressure was off and DAZ could relax as it's not absolutely critical to give Mac users Filament (which can't possibly be done without updaing QT, right?) and the focus now appears to be getting iRay to work better for PC users, something that is very important.
I am happy that DAZ works on all of my Macs, and I'm continuing to use it as I did before. I'm not, though, buying much in the way of product these days, as my main projects are waiting for Filament on the Mac, possibly later this year? I guess that depends on getting iRay working well for eveyone first.
All that grumbling grumbled, it would be nice to have a vague sense of a timeline for D|S 5. We were told that had filament running on the pre-Beta for Mac, so I would assume D|S 5 will have it too.
-- Walt Sterdan
While scripts may indeed need some attention it won't be a general issue, as I understand it - scripts are not compiled, they are interpreted, so any issues will be related to chnages in the methods DS (e.g. in moving from DS 3 to DS 4 DzSkeleton went from being the actual object for almost all figures to a parent for other objects that was not itself used directly, so anything that used isA( "DzSkeleton" ) rather than inherits( "DzSkeleton" ) was going to break) exposes to scripting and perhaps some syntactical issues. Plug-ins are compiled, and will be broken - this we know.
So, given that scripts and plug-ins will require some attention from the PAs. What's been the practice in the past, do PAs update their products or do they release a new version for purchase? I'm guessing each PA will have their own response, I just want to have a sense of what to expect as I've been investing in plug-ins and scripts lately.
There was only one time all plugins and scripts got broken that way: when we went from DS3 to DS4. Some were updated for free, some got a new version you had to purchase, some were never updated at all.
It will most probably depend on how much work the PA has to do to to create a DS5 version, if they have to rewrite major parts of the plugin or script it's less likely they'll do it for free.
There are some plugins and scripts for which we already know there won't be a DS5 version since the PA passed away, like GenX2.
I am told
Is DirectStorage going to be added for DS5?
Right now scene preparation sometimes takes longer than actual rendering because it's a single threaded operation of stuff getting read into memory. I am assuming with DirectStorage the scene and each additional change can be stored in GPU and prepartion time should drop down siginficatnly if not near zero like what DirectStorage will do for games. Not sure how much technical hurdle is needed to get this done.
for those that don't know what DirectStorage is.
I have 2 very fast NVME drives already.
Samsung 980 Pro and the ver1 XPG Gammix S70(before they changed to the slower controller)
I really can't see a difference in performance for DS.
Maybe there would be an advantage for animation
DirectStorage solves an IO problem; in DS, loading scenes/assets is generally not IO bound, but CPU bound. As you mention, loading a scene appears to be single threaded, but it is not just loading the scene directly into memory; it must convert the DSON text format into another format that studio can work with efficiently. DSON is good for data storage/interchange/recovery, but not for applying mathematical formulas to, which is what 3D object manipulation is. Then any morphs, projection morphs, etc. must be calculated and applied to the resources initially loaded.
You can see this by monitoring your system resource usage - while loading a scene, storage IO remains very low but a single processor will be at 100% utilization.
Any improvements in loading time will need to come from the DAZ developers identifying more things they can optimize or multithread during this process, not from new functionallity available from the OS or hardware vendors.
Where DirectStorage could make a difference is between the time you click render and when Iray begins rendering, but this currently only takes a few seconds in the worst case, so would not be much of an improvement.
That is great for playing games but it's going to be a long time before DirectStorage is cheap enough for folk to store their entire DAZ 3D collections. Any as TheMysteryIsThe Point has said, loading a scene is slow because all the wait in DAZ Studio parsing and building the scene, not really so much reading the contents off disk. If you overflow RAM though and DAZ Studio causes Windows paging you'd see a huge improvement in DAZ Studio speed, hardly anyone gets to that point anymore with 16GB RAM being common and 32GB and more RAM being more and more common.
I have 256 gigs of ram and DS loads as slow as it does on my laptop with only 16 gigs. ;)
Edit: I should have said DS SCENES load as slow as on my laptop. Not DS itself, which loads fast because it's on an SSD.
Render prepartion (not scene loading) for me is easilly 1-2 minutes or longer and not mere secconds.
I am just guessing here but DSON is processed during scene loading which is CPU bound and cannot be helped by DirectStorage. But render preparation is a different story. DSON is clearly not processed again because otherwise render preparation will take even longer than scene loading. Most of the time needed in render preparation is likely for compiling shaders for Iray and it's a duplicated process and likely because DS needs to read the same data into GPU again. The same issue game developers faced because that's how OS process pipeline dictates. If Daz has direct access to GPU memory storage Iray should be able to kick start right away without needing to repeat the storagte-DRAM-CPU-VRAM-GPU pipeline again in a single threaded operation. This is probably why Iray Preview is able to start immediately without needing to go through a lengthy prepartion stage like render.
Scene loading and render preparation are two compltely different process. Render prepartion does not require reading the database of your entire Daz library but just what's already been loaded during scene loading. Right now render prepartion probably still needs to read the assets that have already loaded into the scene, a duplicate process because that's how render works without Daz having direct access to GPU memory.
I'm talking about when you CPU render, for some CPU renders DAZ Studio will wind up causing virtual RAM to grow because it swaps to the OS swap memory on disk. You think DAZ is slow now, you ain't seen nothing until you get DAZ to do that. I was actually running out of disk space so I build me a brand new desktop and ditched the 8 year old laptop. For that scenario DirectStorage would be blazing fast in comparison.