Out Now: Time for School for G2F (& G2M abit later) (Commercial)



  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    Generally speaking, if you've installed a product through it, then it will auto-update when you sign in, if any are applicable.

    One of several massive reasons why I love it. :)

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    Generally speaking, if you've installed a product through it, then it will auto-update when you sign in, if any are applicable.

    One of several massive reasons why I love it. :)

    If it is automatic, would you need to check the history to make sure there has been an update or are you informed in some way when you login?

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 2014

    No, it tends to have them all lined up in the regular queue, as if they're products you've just purchased. As soon as it's signed in, it seems to scan your existing products (those you had initially installed through it, anyway) and instantly know if there is an update.

    Everything's taken care of, behind the scenes, basically. :) All you have to do is tell it to download/install the updates.

    It actually just happened for several of mine when I logged into it a few minutes ago. you aren't given E-mail updates or anything. Just periodically make sure to sign into it, every now and then, even if you haven't bought anything new.

    Post edited by Xenomorphine on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    Dogz ... this might be another to add to the reverse-normals thing you are going to fix.

    Unless my head is on backwards, I swear that the leg pose corrections seem to be moving the School skirt in the opposite direction to the parameter description. For example: Left Leg Back move the skirt forward. Is that deliberate? I would have thought the skirt should follow the direction of the leg, so that if the leg is poking through the front of the skirt I need to move the skirt forward? Not so?

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,558
    edited December 1969

    This looks great and hoping for a g2m version soon

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598
    edited January 2015

    JOdel said:
    Oh, yeah. The classic Angus Young outfit. Blazer and shorts. I think that may still be the school standard down in the antipodes.

    The school I teach at is P-9 most of the olders boys wear long trousers but you do see the occasional student wearing shorts on really hot days.

    Post edited by Pendraia on
  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136
    edited January 2015

    marble said:

    Dogz ... this might be another to add to the reverse-normals thing you are going to fix.

    Unless my head is on backwards, I swear that the leg pose corrections seem to be moving the School skirt in the opposite direction to the parameter description. For example: Left Leg Back move the skirt forward. Is that deliberate? I would have thought the skirt should follow the direction of the leg, so that if the leg is poking through the front of the skirt I need to move the skirt forward? Not so?

    Dogz explains in the documentation that the pose corrections should be applied after posing the legs. They act as corrections to the unnatural auto-follow of the skirt.
    1894 x 954 - 146K
    Post edited by Cayman Studios on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited December 1969

    Ooops - I shoulda read the small print.

    Thanks for pointing me to the page.

  • cecilia.robinsoncecilia.robinson Posts: 2,208
    edited December 1969

    For those not using DIM, please post a notification of the update here, is that possible?

  • madisonx_c5746f56a5madisonx_c5746f56a5 Posts: 224
    edited December 1969

    Now that it is January, I really hope we see the male version of this soon! Looking forward to having a matched set!


  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited December 1969

    MadisonXF said:
    Now that it is January, I really hope we see the male version of this soon! Looking forward to having a matched set!


    With January about over... should we be looking for the G2M version in February or March? :)

    (I'm still waiting for a Kickstarter I backed with a due date of October 2013, so I can be patient as long as I know stuff is still in the pipeline. :))

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited January 2015

    Yeah - sorry for the delay on the male version. We are likely looking at an Feb release for that now. Hopefully early Feb (Depending when Daz can schedule it in)

    Its done though, here's a picture....

    P.s the pants will also fit to the girls reasonably well with auto-fit if desired :)

    1100 x 880 - 458K
    Post edited by Dogz on
  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited December 1969

    I didn't mean to push, I'm just glad to know it's still on the way, thanks. :)

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    Dogz said:
    P.s the pants will also fit to the girls reasonably well with auto-fit if desired :)


    I'm literally using the first one for a piece of 'Harry Potter'-inspired fandom art. Realised Hermione doesn't seem to ever seem to wear a blazer, weirdly enough (although, was amused to find the tie has textures for both her early first year and latter-day uniform). But that made me seriously wonder if a school-style jumper with matching textures for the skirt/trousers might be released for the male version, which could auto-fit for G2F's variation?

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 1969

    Nah, no worries, I did say it would be January after all.
    But life go it in the way -as did the QA process which I didn't take into account properly :P

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited January 2015

    Dogz said:
    P.s the pants will also fit to the girls reasonably well with auto-fit if desired :)


    I'm literally using the first one for a piece of 'Harry Potter'-inspired fandom art. Realised Hermione doesn't seem to ever seem to wear a blazer, weirdly enough (although, was amused to find the tie has textures for both her early first year and latter-day uniform). But that made me seriously wonder if a school-style jumper with matching textures for the skirt/trousers might be released for the male version, which could auto-fit for G2F's variation?

    I can go one better, how about a Sweater add on with built in tie and shirt, with 2 tailored versions for both male and female. (both released as a single product) ?

    ETA late Feb? - touch wood.....

    Jesus H Christ, whats with Jayden's massive hands....? lol

    1100 x 800 - 210K
    Post edited by Dogz on
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    Yes-yes-yes, please! :-)

    If I'm guessing right, then like the blazer, the 'badge' on that can be altered to several different ones or erased completely, yes?

    This really is an amazingly diverse and realistic product, so far.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited December 1969

    Dogz said:
    Yeah - sorry for the delay on the male version. We are likely looking at an Feb release for that now. Hopefully early Feb (Depending when Daz can schedule it in)

    Its done though, here's a picture....

    P.s the pants will also fit to the girls reasonably well with auto-fit if desired :)

    These look fantastic. The shorts/slacks option is especially appreciated.
  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited January 2015

    Yes-yes-yes, please! :-)

    If I'm guessing right, then like the blazer, the 'badge' on that can be altered to several different ones or erased completely, yes?

    This really is an amazingly diverse and realistic product, so far.

    Yes there will be 2 generic badges provided and the option to remove it completely.
    The badge sits on some overlaying geometry with its own Mat Zone. So you can make your own in the way i made mine, diffuse map, opacity map (alpha channel) and displacement. (you can see the badges files in the texture folder for reference)
    or you can just bypass all that and just bake it on to the main Sweater textures if you prefer.

    Edit - thanks Cybersox!

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • madisonx_c5746f56a5madisonx_c5746f56a5 Posts: 224
    edited December 1969

    Great news thanks for the ETA update! I'll be hoping for early Feb also since I have a project going that needs male and female uniforms!


  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 1969
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870
    edited December 1969

    And I noticed the related shoes have the laces tied. Nice touch. I get annoyed at shoe laces that just kind of disappear without being tied.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    Straight into the basket :)

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,885
    edited December 1969


    Just in time. One more week of community Worldbuilding/discussion, one week off due to player obligations, and then I start my "Hogwarts in the Dresdenverse" FATE game. :)

    I was hoping this would be out in time for the boys to have their uniforms as well. :)

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Dogz. I've been wanting a matching uniform for a while now and my wishes are finally granted without having to fiddle with autofits. Picked up both the shoes and the uniform. There simply isn't enough good school-worthy footwear, and it fills a much needed gap.

    Been playing around with it and here's my first WIP render. Great work as always, Dogz. It fits Brodie like a glove.

    1200 x 1000 - 853K
  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited February 2015

    That looks so good, I like the coat. :coolsmile:
    Pleas tell me there is a way to adjust the lower part of the coat and shirt (not hidden morphs), to keep them from going threw the pants. For mixing and matching with other outfits.
    Looking at the Promos, the tails looks like a potential 'difficulty' with many walking and running poses. Especially with baggier pants.

    What is a "TSF" and TSFM"?

    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • HaruchaiHaruchai Posts: 1,981
    edited December 1969

    What is a "TSF" and TSFM"?

    I am assuming that you mean TFS and TFSM from the product page?

    Guessing TFS is Time for School and TFSM is Time for School Male, to distinguish it from the Female version.

  • BlazeMystEraBlazeMystEra Posts: 464
    edited February 2015

    I really like how these outfits look... and I guess I'll just have to buy them both *g*
    A Bundle (including the shoes and socks) would be great.

    I got a question too... can anyone tell/show me wether the trousers of the G2M Outfit can be reasonably well autofitted to G2F and work with the blouse, pullover and jacket (of g2f)? It is mentioned above, but a render would be great :)

    Post edited by BlazeMystEra on
  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421
    edited December 1969

    Is there an additional discount for those who bought the G2F version? I remember that was being spoken about as a possibility.

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited February 2015

    Haruchai said:
    What is a "TSF" and TSFM"?
    I am assuming that you mean TFS and TFSM from the product page?

    Guessing TFS is Time for School and TFSM is Time for School Male, to distinguish it from the Female version. :red: "Before Coffee" moment, lol. (I must have typed "TSFH" to many times, lol)
    Yes, TFS and TFSM. I was unsure if it was a preset-like-thing, or another Morph movement widget or 'FBM'/'PBM' shaping thing. thanks.

    good point BlazeMystEra. Dials for fitting the stuff on G2M and G2F?

    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
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