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I have been running DAZ Studio Pro, Win 8.1 64 bit for about 2 weeks now and it has been rock steady, It has not crashed once. Great job.
The major issue I've had is with the new render settings pane. The render editor parameters are very unresponsive and they get slower the longer the the program is used. E.g. there is a 3-5 second delay whenever I chose any of the render editor parameters with the mouse i.e. change file name parameter; change from still image to movie parameter etc. This delay can increase to 30-45 seconds after the program has been open for several hours. The delay occurs whenever moving from one parameter setting to another. The delay is extremely annoying and eventually bogs down the DS render editor settings to the point I have to restart the program to get an acceptable level of responsiveness back.
To duplicate:
1. Load an animation scene (there is still a delay w/o a scene, but worse with a scene)
2. Open render settings pane and dock it to the parameters tab.
3. Choose the render settings tab, and then choose the editor tab and ensure the "Show Sub menus" box is checked.
4. Choose a render engine (doesn't matter which). I selected "Basic OpenGL".
5. Click to any parameter settings such as the file name or render type.
6. There is a 3-5 second (which gets worse with time) delay before the chosen parameter setting responds.
Personally I like the previous render settings menu better, easier and clearer to use, but i could live with the new one if not for the unresponsiveness.
Secondly, I cannot find a way to cancel a movie render (other than killing the program from the task manager). One should be able to cancel an animation render the same way we can cancel and still image render. Seems like a very basic omission, especially since a movie render can take a few minutes to several hours, or even days.
Lastly, I do not see any render Presets in the render Presets tab. Should there be any default content presets listed?
My two cents worth....
Pls where is background image setting now in v4.7 version?
thanks :roll:
So... just a basic question, probably already answered... BUT... does 4.7 have a "ground" like poser??
No, but you can create a primitive plane and save that as the default new scene.
...well had something new and annoying happen last night.
Every time I closed down Daz 4.7, I got the Daz Crash Report message. I am hoping it is because I disabled the Reality plugin (haven't yet installed the update as some have mentioned it has new bugs) since it was taking longer and longer to load a scene (even some content) and there was very noticeable lag with the sliders in the Parameters Tab. I was also getting a lot of "blank screens" where the entire UI tuns white for an unusually long period of time while the application goes into "Not Responding" mode when switching from one scene to another even after using the Purge Memory and Clear Undo Stack scripts before loading a new scene/scene subset.
It doesn't crash when rendering, only on closing after a scene is saved.
Also noticed the link on the Crash Report dialogue still goes to the old Mantis site (clicking on it brings up the "Site is Untrustworthy" message from FF).
What do you mean by fullscreen mode? I mean, fullscreen mode inside Daz Studios. I love what you guys and gals are doing at Daz Studios with the new Daz Studios 4.7 I really like the look and feel of the new Daz Studios , but its not working for me right now. It seems unstable. I went back to 4.6 Daz Studios which runs smooth as butter. Igave it another try and I am still getting same problem. I will install again, but get its stable and running well.
My computer specs: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit i5 3470 quad core R9 270x with 16 GB of Ram if this helps. I will post a picture here, this is a picture of Daz 4.6:
I'm having the same (or similar) issue. If I go to the menu Window - and Go Full Screen, the screen appears locked, none of the view controls or any other controls update what is on the screen. However, after I hit ESC to go back to normal view, any zoom or pan or other adjustments I made in the full screen viewport have been updated.
If I run an animation, and hit my configured hotkey to go fullscreen (F), the viewport goes full screen and the animation appears to stop. If I ESC out of fullscreen, the animation is still running.
Any ideas on this? Thanks!
Edit - I just found that it works fine if I undock the pane. I've closed and reopened the pane, docked it every-which-way.. if the pane is docked, full screen doesn't work right. At least I have a workaround for now. Any ideas on how to get it working fully would still be very appreciated!
Is there a way of teliing Studio that pane X is to be undockable (I know, there is) and keep this choice between Studio sessions? Telling every time the Shader Mixer pane "sorry buddy, you are too big to be docked" is a bit... repetitive.
A Special Thank you to you daz guys for all the bug fixes in the new daz 4.7 version, it made creating and rendering this animation a breeze. Thank you for fixing the bad artifacts i use to get in animation with certain types of lighting, in which were no problem this time,.
I also thank you for improving the g2f figure for animation ,. the pose controls are very handy and work very will. , so a real special thanks to you guys for all the fixes its was much appreciated. This film took 5 weeks to from start to finish. credits at the end of the animation.
Join Us in this 5 minute animation short as we watch Suki the Karate Girl defeats the Imperial Guard to find the cup of tears located deep in the Kamoto Temple, where a curse of the fire dragon was placed on its greatest warrior to roam the halls of the temple. for all time,
Watch as Suki the Karate girl fights the great dragon in a exciting 1 1/2 minute magical battle, Can Karate girl win and release the warrior form his 300 year curse?
You’ll have to watch to see.
Created and rendered in Daz Studio 4.7 my Karate girl character s a G2F figure
Enjoy the film
Ok 4.7 cool. Problem. Where is the "FILES" tab in the "surfaces" pane??????? That is where the manga style shaders etc. etc. ARE. NOT IN PRESETS!!!! Having problems using pretty much ALL shaders i purchased here to surfaces. The "presets" ARE NOT WHAT I WANT! I WANT THE FILES to be visible in the surfaces pane!!! And I want them to be just as easy to use as they've for the past decade!!!
Nevermind. Don't know what happened but it seems to be back to being useable.
Unsympathetic magic in operation. Make a big fuss about a problem and it slips away snickering...
I would like to know if in DAZ4.7 is something alike POSER - copy - figure (duplication all figure with dress). Im using function -duplicate node- but figure is naked. Or there is any better function like that?
My computer specs: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit i5 3470 quad core R9 270x with 16 GB of Ram if this helps. I will post a picture here, this is a picture of Daz 4.6:
I'm having the same (or similar) issue. If I go to the menu Window - and Go Full Screen, the screen appears locked, none of the view controls or any other controls update what is on the screen. However, after I hit ESC to go back to normal view, any zoom or pan or other adjustments I made in the full screen viewport have been updated.
If I run an animation, and hit my configured hotkey to go fullscreen (F), the viewport goes full screen and the animation appears to stop. If I ESC out of fullscreen, the animation is still running.
Any ideas on this? Thanks!
Edit - I just found that it works fine if I undock the pane. I've closed and reopened the pane, docked it every-which-way.. if the pane is docked, full screen doesn't work right. At least I have a workaround for now. Any ideas on how to get it working fully would still be very appreciated!
Thanks for that fix, I thought it was just me as well.
Use "Duplicate Node Hierarchies". It may need conformed items to be parented as well.
I have been having this same problem as well Last I was told on December 12th was Cristina Galloway, Dec 12 12:11:
"Hi Charlie,
I'm having the developers review your log file. I will let you know as soon as I hear back.
Thank you for your patience.
I'm still waiting :-/
Even though a rendered image with a transparent background looks fine when viewed in DS and there is a clean edge, when I save a .png it always ends up with a nasty fringe around the object making it useless to use to composite. Is it a known bug? Am I missing something?
The improved transparency works for me but I always save as TIFF since both PSP X6 and XnView work better with the alpha channel in that format.
Use "Duplicate Node Hierarchies". It may need conformed items to be parented as well.
Yes I try This too .. but with same result. Cloth is conformed and I tried parent props too (selecting prop - RMB -change parent to Genesis) .. again naked
The items like clothes should be parented to your Genesis figure that you want to duplicate. Then select the main node of your Genesis figure and use "Duplicate Node Hierarchies". You get an exact copy with all accessories(clothes, hair and so on). All sub nodes will be copied, fitted and parented correctly to the copy, like they were in the source figure.
If clothes not parented and you select it in addition to your Genesis figure, clothes are admittedly copied but remain fitted to the source figure, then your copy is naked. Simply right-click the copied clothes and "Fit to" the copy. Also this should solve the little problem.
Hope I could help. And please excuse my english, it's not my native language.
I just noticed that the spot render tool is not rendering open gl anymore
is this intended ?
how to stop a movie render ?
Thanks, nearly helpful. Coping DAZ cloths successful, only Poser props left on base figure.
Thanks, nearly helpful. Coping DAZ cloths successful, only Poser props left on base figure.
Maybe you do something wrong. I have tried it also with pure Poser props: if the prop is parented to the main figure, it will be copied with the main figure. And after copying it is correctly parented and linked to the copied new figure.
Make sure ONLY the root node of the figure is selected.
In 4.7, is there a way to render with white color that I have viewport background? I'm getting transparent background in renders while viewport background is white. 'Visible in render' is checked On as well.
Render background color is in Window > Panes > Environment
This worked, thank you. But I'm puzzled on why this option is in Environment, do you know?
Environment is a logical place for it, since it is part of the environment. The plan is apparently to expand what is available there (in addition to the new option not to have a backdrop colour or image at all), presumably beyond what can be placed comfortably in an Edit>Backdrop dialogue. A modeless pane is also more convenient for frequent changes.