DAZ Studio Pro, General Release, Now Available!



  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,253
    edited December 1969

    rbtwhiz said:
    Click the dimension field that you want to change, place your cursor at the end of the value, type "*2" and press enter. All numeric properties in DAZ Studio are evaluated as a script when manually edited, so you can do all kinds of stuff... including simple math. You actually have access to the entire scripting API.


    Is there any documentation on this? I'm oblivious to scripting functions AFAIKT.

  • BarubaryBarubary Posts: 1,217
    edited December 1969

    Shift-k will turn keyboard navigation off and on, or there's a toolbar button.

    Thanks, you're a lifesaver! :D

    I searched all option menus, but it never occurred to me to check the toolbar buttons - now I can even define different keys for moving the camera, which is extra nice ^^

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839
    edited December 1969

    ToonyCam Pro was not working for me in the latest version. Just gave a red background with a white object silhouette or a transparent background with a black object silhouette. No toon render. DAZ Help looked into it and suggested I uninstall and reinstall the package. Now it completes a toon render. Still is throwing some errors and not behaving fully right but glad for the progress.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...seems they either changed how shaders are handled or there is some bad code causing this.

    The old rule of thumb in programming: fix something here, break something there.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    The class(es) handling the background colour/image changed. The default Standard Example render script (the base for all the other render scripts) calls imager shaders that can't read the colours from the updated classes. So the solid-colour imager shader defaults to (1,0,0) (red).

    I just killed those lines in my render scripts. The "new" alpha does the job.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...not into messing with scripts as I really don't know what I'm doing.

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839
    edited December 1969

    Another update on ToonyCamPro: DaZ Help suggested I update my video card drivers. Mine were dated May 2014, so I updated to the most recent version December 2014. That did help as now all parts render with color (before, some objects showed up white). Have no idea why that helped but it did.

    It still is throwing errors but everything renders and all the options seem to be working (outline width and depth, color level, shading levels, etc.). Going to continue to work with DAZ Help so they can see what causes the errors so they can be fixed.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...that is odd since 3DL doesn't make use of GPU resources, only CPU and memory.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    KK, it looks to me you're underestimating yourself: as long as we are alive, nothing should mean we are unable to learn "new tricks". Scripting is THE key to truly harnessing the power of the awesome program that DS is. Learning by doing (making and fixing mistakes) is fastest. And you don't have to be afraid of "breaking" anything, as long as you "mess" with a copy.
    Yeah it may seem daunting at first, but the documentation is getting better, and there's always these helpful forums.
    It's a lot of fun.

    I don't have the ToonyCam set, but if parts of it are somehow making use of DS's OpenGL rendering, then updating video card drivers may help indeed.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited January 2015

    ...coding without the proper knowledge required usually ends up breaking programmes. That is why I don't mess with things like INI files or the regstry. I know jack about scripting style and thus don't want to to hose things by making a mistake.

    My old signature used to read: "I'm an artist, not a database manager."

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited December 1969

    Kid, I don't know anything about coding, yet followed Kettu's instructions in wancow's thread and was up and running without too much effort and some additional advice from Kettu by PM. You copy the scripts that are already there in Studio and give them new names. Depending on your system, you may have/probably will have to allow access to copy the new files in Admin mode. You do not change or destroy anything in DAZ Studio. You are basically creating new scripts and changing a few lines here and there. You will have to download and install the free Notepad++ and use it. Regular Notepad messes with the line breaks. If you've done it correctly, you will have new scripts in the dropdown for the scripted render.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited January 2015

    ...I followed the scripted render thread for a while and gave up as 90% of what people were discussing there went way over my head.

    Again, I come from a traditional art background primarily drawing and painting in oils/watercolours where many the elements involved are pretty much 'second nature" to me and didn't require thinking in terms of a "script" or "code" to do them, It has taken enough for me to adjust to and understand the terms and concepts of the basic tools Daz and similar software use. Same for Reality/Lux, as I am used to working from a painter's, not a photographer's perspective.

    Yes I did programming for a while many years ago, mostly in what were either proprietary and/or "dead" languages today. I hit serious burnout two decades ago and one day just walked away from it all as that was what all my life seemed to be. Today I find I am so out of step, so far behind the times, to the point of feeling I'm still painting on cave walls in comparison. Clean, concise and elegant programming has given way these days to what we called 'spaghetti code". Documentation is not even so much as an afterthought any more which is part of why certain widely implemented and necessary utilities are such a mess. Software developers today use what I call the "DC-10 approach" of being more focused on rushing a new product to the marketplace ahead of the other guy to get the edge in sales. That leads to taking shortcuts in development and production which in the end crop up as design flaws (bugs) only after it has gone into service.

    Back to the topic at hand, while what we have today is a huge leap from where CG was in the early 80s (when it was all coding), I feel there is still room to continue making these tools even more intuitive from the graphic artist's POV. This is part of the reason why I gave up on Blender and thus have never much explored 3D modellng as the one programme I found that did suit this ideal, is unfortunately unstable, bug ridden, and has pretty much been abandoned.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    I found that did suit this ideal, is unfortunately unstable, bug ridden, and has pretty much been abandoned.

    You should try hex. I do all my modeling in it and I have very few issues with the program.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    I feel there is still room to continue making these tools even more intuitive from the graphic artist's POV.

    Okay, I am not even remotely an artist, but I believe this is exactly why most good software titles these days have scripting engines: once you're past being baffled by the logic of the devs, you can write your own little tools - that are innately intuitive to _you_.

    But then, maybe that's just my DIY punk rocker mentality speaking.

  • wowiewowie Posts: 2,029
    edited December 1969

    . You will have to download and install the free Notepad++ and use it. Regular Notepad messes with the line breaks. If you've done it correctly, you will have new scripts in the dropdown for the scripted render.

    Wordpad works.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    Khory said:
    I found that did suit this ideal, is unfortunately unstable, bug ridden, and has pretty much been abandoned.

    You should try hex. I do all my modeling in it and I have very few issues with the program.
    ...that's the one I described. Gave it another chance after I built my new system, still freezes & crashes just like and with about the same frequency as it did on the old 32 bit notebook.

  • wowiewowie Posts: 2,029
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:

    ...that's the one I described. Gave it another chance after I built my new system, still freezes & crashes just like and with about the same frequency as it did on the old 32 bit notebook.

    My guess is that you're sending objects to Hexagon with full size textures (1024x1024 and up). Try using smaller 512x512 textures. Even with the integrated graphics of my Core i7 4770K, Hexagon is pretty stable. With larger textures, it does take awhile to load models.

    It's also a good idea to hide surfaces you won't be working with. For example, If I'm working on the left feet of Genesis or other models, I hide all the surfaces except for the left feet.

    I've worked exclusively with Hexagon for awhile now, and very, very rarely have crashes when I take those steps.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...importing meshes to Hexagon isn't the issue as I usually do so to convert .3ds models to .obj format. it freezes up and /or crashes while I'm in the process of building a model from scratch, no textures involved.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...importing meshes to Hexagon isn't the issue as I usually do so to convert .3ds models to .obj format. it freezes up and /or crashes while I'm in the process of building a model from scratch, no textures involved.

    If you have a 64 bit Windows, use Large Adress Aware and give Hexagon 3GB RAM
    That helps a lot!

  • wowiewowie Posts: 2,029
    edited January 2015

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...importing meshes to Hexagon isn't the issue as I usually do so to convert .3ds models to .obj format. it freezes up and /or crashes while I'm in the process of building a model from scratch, no textures involved.

    Let me get this straight. You start up Hexagon with an empty scene, build a model using the built in tools and it freezes/crashes? I never had of such issues. It would help if you can describe step-by-step, what you've done up to the freeze/crash.

    Post edited by wowie on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    Kerya said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...importing meshes to Hexagon isn't the issue as I usually do so to convert .3ds models to .obj format. it freezes up and /or crashes while I'm in the process of building a model from scratch, no textures involved.

    If you have a 64 bit Windows, use Large Adress Aware and give Hexagon 3GB RAM
    That helps a lot!
    ..already did so and it doesn't help.

    ...importing meshes to Hexagon isn't the issue as I usually do so to convert .3ds models to .obj format. it freezes up and /or crashes while I'm in the process of building a model from scratch, no textures involved.

    Let me get this straight. You start up Hexagon with an empty scene, build a model using the built in tools and it freezes/crashes? I never had of such issues. It would help if you can describe step-by-step, what you've done up to the freeze/crash.
    ...it seems to happen at various different times for no apparent reason. I can simply be working on part of a mesh, adding to a mesh, welding two segments together, or sometimes it occurs when I add just one level of smoothing to a section. No warnings, it just quits on me. When I was working on the old 32 bit system, I thought OK I'm hitting some kind of memory issue with the computer. However, as I mentioned, it still occurs on the 64 bit workstation as well. I even uninstalled and then reinstalled it with the DIM.

    No issues with CarraraPro 8.5 or Bryce 7.1, (the latter which is also large address aware). I'm also not the only one who is experiencing this. For some it seems to work fine, for others like myself it is crash prone. I've given up trying to rationalise why.

  • wowiewowie Posts: 2,029
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:

    ...it seems to happen at various different times for no apparent reason. I can simply be working on part of a mesh, adding to a mesh, welding two segments together, or sometimes it occurs when I add just one level of smoothing to a section. No warnings, it just quits on me. When I was working on the old 32 bit system, I thought OK I'm hitting some kind of memory issue with the computer. However, as I mentioned, it still occurs on the 64 bit workstation as well. I even uninstalled and then reinstalled it with the DIM.

    No issues with CarraraPro 8.5 or Bryce 7.1, (the latter which is also large address aware). I'm also not the only one who is experiencing this. For some it seems to work fine, for others like myself it is crash prone. I've given up trying to rationalise why.

    Are the various window shades (Properties, Shading Geometry etc) docked to the side or floating? I'm using build

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969


  • chorsechorse Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    Will there be a new Beta out anytime soon? :question:

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...unfortunately I've done enough work in 4.7 that there isn't any rolling back

    I really don't notice much of speed issue as long as there are no other process running. The newer 3Delight seems to handle UE better, at least on on my system.

    The two annoying bugs is that it kind of frotzed several of AoA's atmospheric as well as the Garphics cameras and it created a a few minor issues with Reality 4. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the cameras with the DIM, but that didn't help.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...I'm not so concerned about the slight amount of extra time it takes to load as long as the rendering is faster.. The less time I have to run the CPU at peak levels, the better.

    Actually, I find even large complex scenes save rather quickly for me. Not sure if it is because I have all my libraries on a second HDD rther than the same one the application is on.

  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 586
    edited December 1969

    I'm having a problem with the latest version where it won't render. Has anyone else come across this? I'm running it on a 64-bit Mac. I could start a new scene, load Genesis or Genesis 2, and it won't render anything.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    SmallFry said:
    I'm having a problem with the latest version where it won't render. Has anyone else come across this? I'm running it on a 64-bit Mac. I could start a new scene, load Genesis or Genesis 2, and it won't render anything.

    What happens when you try to render?

  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 586
    edited December 1969

    Sorry for the delay, fixmypcmike.

    I just tried it again to make sure. I load a file, render it, and it's done but no render has been made; the render window is empty. I check the log file and I see this:

    Finished Rendering
    Total Rendering Time: 27.37 seconds

    I've been using Lantios' Light set. If I delete them, it has no effect because there's no render. I've been rendering fine up until now.

    Very frustrating...

  • Sphinx MagooSphinx Magoo Posts: 586
    edited December 1969

    Wait... I think I can say that this was a user error problem. For some reason, my renderer was set to Scripted 3Delight instead of just regular 3Delight. Makes a big difference. When did Scripted 3Delight become an option?

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