DAZ Studio Pro, General Release, Now Available!



  • Guardian Angel 671Guardian Angel 671 Posts: 223
    edited December 1969

    Ok I have a couple questions:)

    1) How can you get back up installers for DS4.6 if you used DIM set to delete zips after install?

    2) With DS4.7- How can you change a rendered black background to a rendered grey background? I can't find the spot for background changes.


  • EmotionalOutlet3DEmotionalOutlet3D Posts: 243
    edited December 1969

    Ok I have a couple questions:)

    1) How can you get back up installers for DS4.6 if you used DIM set to delete zips after install?


    I've been waiting for about 3 days for the answer for that from DAZ support! I can only assume that they are so busy "supporting" those of us having problems with DS 4.7 they are backlogged. I'm guessing the reply won't come until next week or after now.

    I'm on a deadline and if I get one message that DS 4.7 has to close you may hear the explosion all the way from Canada. :)

    BTW I used DIM but did not have it set to delete. I believe 4.7 overwrote 4.6, but I may be wrong.

  • Guardian Angel 671Guardian Angel 671 Posts: 223
    edited December 1969

    info a377 said:
    Ok I have a couple questions:)

    1) How can you get back up installers for DS4.6 if you used DIM set to delete zips after install?


    I've been waiting for about 3 days for the answer for that from DAZ support! I can only assume that they are so busy "supporting" those of us having problems with DS 4.7 they are backlogged. I'm guessing the reply won't come until next week or after now.

    I'm on a deadline and if I get one message that DS 4.7 has to close you may hear the explosion all the way from Canada. :)

    BTW I used DIM but did not have it set to delete. I believe 4.7 overwrote 4.6, but I may be wrong.

    It shouldn't have done that-I think the file names would have been different? at least I think it'd have different file #'s.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192
    edited December 1969

    info a377 said:
    Ok I have a couple questions:)

    1) How can you get back up installers for DS4.6 if you used DIM set to delete zips after install?


    I've been waiting for about 3 days for the answer for that from DAZ support! I can only assume that they are so busy "supporting" those of us having problems with DS 4.7 they are backlogged. I'm guessing the reply won't come until next week or after now.

    I'm on a deadline and if I get one message that DS 4.7 has to close you may hear the explosion all the way from Canada. :)

    BTW I used DIM but did not have it set to delete. I believe 4.7 overwrote 4.6, but I may be wrong.

    The sku hasn't changed, and DIM works off the sku - so it did over-write the 4.6 installer. Good luck with support.

    I wait until a new release has been out for a week, and then go to my Product Library and download the stand-alone installers into a directory that is the release version. Just in case I want it at some future date. But I've always been a bit strange like this. :-)

  • EmotionalOutlet3DEmotionalOutlet3D Posts: 243
    edited December 1969

    namffuak said:

    The sku hasn't changed, and DIM works off the sku - so it did over-write the 4.6 installer. Good luck with support.

    Yeah I figured that out about 3 days so ago when I looked in my product library and saw that 4.7 was the first item in the list with the sku in the 13,000s. :) That's when I contacted support.

    Re Support you get what you pay for and since I didn't pay for DS 4.6 or 4.7 I guess I can't expect good support. :)

  • DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565
    edited December 1969

    Ok I have a couple questions:)

    2) With DS4.7- How can you change a rendered black background to a rendered grey background? I can't find the spot for background changes.


    To control the background in the render*, go to Window>Panes (Tabs) and open the 'Environment' pane. In that tab, change the 'active type' from 'None' to 'Backdrop' (you probably want to drag the size of that tab bigger to see all the content). Then change the color to whatever you want in the Background color picker bar.

    *With the backgound set to None, as it is by default, the viewport background will be the colour set in Window>Style>Customize Color in the 'Viewport Color' setting. But that's ONLY the background in the viewport (when there's no backdrop set in the Environment pane), NOT the background in actual renders. With no background set in the environment pane, if you save a render in Jpeg or bmp format, you get a black background; if you save in png or tiff format the background is simply transparent, and will display however the graphics program you load it into shows transparency (Grey and white ckeckerboard in the GIMP and Photoshop, black in Irfanview, for example). If you save as tiff or png and load it into a graphics program as a layer over another layer, then the lower layer will show through the transparent background of the render.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    namffuak said:

    The sku hasn't changed, and DIM works off the sku - so it did over-write the 4.6 installer. Good luck with support.

    Are you sure? DIM will of course only list the latest version, but AFAIK it doesn't delete any files in the downloads folder if it isn't set to delete after install, and the 4.6 and 4.7 downloads do not have the same name. I could be wrong, not sure I've ever tested it, but I haven't seen any files get deleted from the downloads folder, even if they aren't displayed in DIM.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192
    edited December 1969

    namffuak said:

    The sku hasn't changed, and DIM works off the sku - so it did over-write the 4.6 installer. Good luck with support.

    Are you sure? DIM will of course only list the latest version, but AFAIK it doesn't delete any files in the downloads folder if it isn't set to delete after install, and the 4.6 and 4.7 downloads do not have the same name. I could be wrong, not sure I've ever tested it, but I haven't seen any files get deleted from the downloads folder, even if they aren't displayed in DIM.

    Yeah - I looked through my downloads and there's no 4.6. And I don't delete things on install. As near as I can tell, the sku changed after I'm sure DIM keys only on sku and package ID - we've had a couple of instances early on where the sku or the package id changed and both versions showed up in DIM until the errors got fixed.

    It's not so much a 'deletion' as the most current version is an 'update' and therefore replaced the previous version's files.

  • DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565
    edited December 1969

    namffuak said:

    The sku hasn't changed, and DIM works off the sku - so it did over-write the 4.6 installer. Good luck with support.

    Are you sure? DIM will of course only list the latest version, but AFAIK it doesn't delete any files in the downloads folder if it isn't set to delete after install, and the 4.6 and 4.7 downloads do not have the same name. I could be wrong, not sure I've ever tested it, but I haven't seen any files get deleted from the downloads folder, even if they aren't displayed in DIM.

    Well I'm sure. I looked at the actual download zips in the folder I have DIM put them in. And I do NOT have it set to delete after install.

    DS 4.7 is the same SKU as 4.6 was; IOW the SKU is for 'the latest DS version', whatever version that happens to be at the time, to DIM, not for a particular version. DIM treats the new DS version as an update of 'the latest DS', like with any content product update, and REPLACES the old DS version install zip with the new latest DS version install zip, just like it REPLACES an old version of the G2F etc basic content with the new version. So it deletes the old DS version install zip after downloading the new DS version.

    Unless people have made a copy elsewhere of the old DS version install zip, it's gone once they've downloaded and installed the new one (the one thing I'm not sure of is whether the old install zip is deleted straight after download of the new version, or only immediately after INSTALL of the new version).

    So if people who use DIM want to be able to revert to an old version of DS, they need to either make a copy elsewhere of the previous version's install zip before updating, or they need to additionally download the installer 'exe from their product library before a new version appears.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192
    edited December 1969

    The clean-up (deletion) occurs at download time.

  • lorraineopualorraineopua Posts: 646
    edited December 1969

    Could someone please tell me why I am not seeing any presets in the rendering pane? Have clicked 'ALL', have none.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    sanssouci said:
    Could someone please tell me why I am not seeing any presets in the rendering pane? Have clicked 'ALL', have none.

    Are you looking for the dimension presets or for the presets that come with tutorials? The dimension presets are under Editor > General

  • lorraineopualorraineopua Posts: 646
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for your super prompt response :-)

    I am looking for the ones that were on the presets tab in 4.6

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    sanssouci said:
    Thank you for your super prompt response :-)

    I am looking for the ones that were on the presets tab in 4.6

    I'm seeing ones from the Interactive Tutorials and from Render Throttle on the Presets tab.

  • lorraineopualorraineopua Posts: 646
    edited December 1969

    Any idea why I'm not seeing anything?

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631
    edited December 1969

    ruphuss said:
    after minimizing the window daz studio forgets to recognize the "Viewport Centering Spacer"
    if I use F3 apply its back

    the result of this is that the toolbars jump to the top of the window
    would be nice if this could be repared

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877
    edited December 1969

    sanssouci said:
    Any idea why I'm not seeing anything?

    Did you install the guided lessons or Render throttle, assuming you have it? Are you seeing other kinds of preset in other panes?

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    The presets in any pane are a subset of Smart Content. If Smart Content isn't working properly neither will the presets.

  • lorraineopualorraineopua Posts: 646
    edited December 1969

    Yes, I have Render Throttle and the tutorials installed.

    I have never used Smart Content ever. Is this something that has changed with the latest iteration of DS?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    No, the Presets tabs were always driven by CMS. Did you install PostgreSQL CMS?

  • lorraineopualorraineopua Posts: 646
    edited December 1969

    No, I haven't installed it and now I am totally confused.

    In 4.6 there were presets in the render settings tab. In 4.7 there is not. What do I need to do to get them back? I never had Render Throttle settings in the Render settings tab...I always accessed them from the scripts menu. Sometimes I used the Render settings tab presets, sometimes I used Render Throttle from the script menu.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Do you have anything in the Content Library under Categories, even empty folders?

  • lorraineopualorraineopua Posts: 646
    edited December 1969

    I will check what is there the next time I fire the puter up...cannot at the mo as UPS has spat the dummy. End of the week will be ashore and will do it then. Thank you for your assistance.

  • donewsdonews Posts: 51
    edited December 1969


    How to save a layout with undocked panes ?

  • quantum-2653005quantum-2653005 Posts: 51
    edited December 1969

    I have an account on Daz site. I purchased a bunch of stuff and included D3DS 4.7 Pro in the pile. Let DIM install it. Went to My Account and got the serial number. DS starts up, asks for serial, I input serial, checkmark turns yellow, DS shows 4.7 Standard.

    Next time I'm doing some design work, start DS, asks for serial, checkmark turns yellow, DS shows 4.7 standard.....
    rinse repeat. It will not accept/hold serial number.

    So when it says "Daz Studio 4.6 PRO serial ........" version in my account serials, what's it actually referring to? Since DS will not accept that serial number no matter how many times I try it I'm thinking it's best to dump it entirely and just keep things going in PoserP2014.

    I have uninstalled/reinstalled using DIM a great many times to no avail. I dl'd the "manual install" from the product page and tried that to no avail.

    I was using DS only as a verifier for content since there are so many DSON import issues with content I bought on D3D coming into PP2014. They load just fine into DS (when Daz Studio works, there's always a caveat) but the DSON script seems to tear up the processed files or just doesn't process them at all. I got DS just to be sure it wasn't the source file causing the issues. It's not.

    I have PP, DS and all content stored on another spindle because I truly loathe winblows UAC hack job of coding (really, how many hippies did they have come up with that worthless concept). I have no problems with content paradise assets in PP2014 so it is isolated to the DSON conversion. I sometimes get a window asking me to locate some strangely named {typical GUID reference}.pmd or the DSON script just hangs. I have even reinstalled PP2014, DS then immediately installed the DSON importer and only tried to import default G/G2 assets and had similar issues. Issues again during the DSON script. Does this make the > $1K of assets I bought completely pointless?

    Some people suggested trying to use DS to export native DSON content to a format more native to PP but if DS doesn't want to play nice then what? I'm sol?

    i7-5960x, 32G mem, 16TB harddrive space, 2x nV 980's, top end of everything. Machine is only a month old. I can run 3DS, Mudbox (just pick anything from the Autodesk Entertainment Suite and it works), ZBrush, Photoshop, Blender, etc etc etc and it all works like a dream. Try to get D3d DSON content into PP2014...it's a crapshoot.

    I also have a 12TB NAS (raid 5) as an asset repository and have tried to position all assets there (the target runtime location for daz content when dl'd and accessed), still problems. This tells me it's not related to the location of the files. I've had DIM delete and then re-get/re-install a great many of the packages. Sometimes the items don't even show up in PP2014.

    I've check to make sure my antivirus isn't putting anything into quarantine, run-as-admin, howl at the full moon...nothing is effective.

    So DS won't take and hold it's serial, shows as yellow and DSON importer works like hell.


  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Run as Administrator?
    Sorry for asking ...

  • Bobeagle77Bobeagle77 Posts: 164
    edited December 1969

    In my viewport when I go to Fullscreen. I can't do anything in Fullscreen mode, everything is frozen (even when I run an animation scene), only thing I can do is press escape button. Any Help will be appreciated, Is this a known bug?

    Is anyone else having this problem with the new Daz Studios 4.7? I bump it because I do not see any mention of this problem. Or maybe its just happening to me.
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877
    edited December 1969

    In my viewport when I go to Fullscreen. I can't do anything in Fullscreen mode, everything is frozen (even when I run an animation scene), only thing I can do is press escape button. Any Help will be appreciated, Is this a known bug?

    Is anyone else having this problem with the new Daz Studios 4.7? I bump it because I do not see any mention of this problem. Or maybe its just happening to me.

    What do you mean by fullscreen mode?

  • scottidog2scottidog2 Posts: 319
    edited December 1969

    When I click "Go Full Screen" all I get is a white screen.
    Have to press escape key to get out.
    Daz Studio 4.7 running on mac os 10.10.1

    244 x 416 - 42K
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited December 1969

    When I click "Go Full Screen" all I get is a white screen.
    Have to press escape key to get out.
    Daz Studio 4.7 running on mac os 10.10.1

    Huh. I'm on Windows 7 64-bit. Mine doesn't go to a white screen when I select "Go Full Screen" -- I actually see the workspace -- but it goes completely nonresponsive. If I try to click on the cube to spin the scene, nothing happens, and the other icons that are normally on the right-hand side of the workspace viewport don't appear.

    I've also run into two other issues, one of which I've ticketed, and one which is just ... weird.

    The ticketed one: If I create a light with a point-at null, the way Studio allows you to do, and then later decide that I don't want it, Studio lets me delete the light itself with no problem, but if I try to delete the null, Studio crashes to disk every time. Repeats without any variation.

    The odd one: facial appliances -- beards and the like -- that are conformed/fitted-to a character no longer follow facial morphs that have autofollow on. Doesn't even help to parent the beard to the character. You have to parent the beard to the character's head before it picks up the morphs to autofollow. That's just odd; a conformer shouldn't care if it's parented or not for an autofollow morph. Since I can actually get autofollow to work, eventually, I wasn't sure if this was a deliberate change or not, but it's certainly a strange one.

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