Manchurian woman of Qing Dynasty W.I.P [commercial]



  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Kat, I love historical costumes I was not sure if anybody would like to have one but to my surprise YES so I am glad I made it ,
    I think it is also time to remake new versions of the Indian clothing too with better functionality and design since my skills are 500% better than with genesis 1 :)
    Costumer is a cool and creative job Kat !! I meet many of them when working on sets for TV and Film ..that was the best place to spend on the breaks shuffling stuff out haha

    Thanks for the update! There's very little period-accurate Asian attire on the market, and this is so
    very beautifully done. That's why I'm so darned bouncy-excited about it. :D (I used to be a costumer
    in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism, so I'm still pretty into researching costume history &
    different periods when I see items on the 3D market...)

    I have the vintage Kurta and Sari that I think you'd done for Genesis--they're not in the store anymore,
    but they're in my product library--and I really like them.



    Mec4D said:
    Thank you .. it will be also buyer friendly price for this set as I made it just for the companion for the male ..
    however the male set will be released I think next week already .. with custom morphs for most genesis male characters to date ..
    and I will be done with the Manchurian set this week for sure.... the QA are busy with a lot of products I made lately and I am parked until August already with new releases ... and 2 more coming this month
    busy summer :)

    thanks for your support

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    My summer is not so hot but a lot of rain so I keep working , I am focusing on my DAZ catalog this year and making as much as possible .. because of the winter fiasco I do not take offers from contractors this season .. I rater count on myself so I don't over-count if you know what I mean .. .. there will be a lot of amazing stuff to the end of this year .. and I mean real cool

    RAMWolff said:
    It's a good summer for all of us hon. You keep busy, make money and we buy buy buy and have our jaws dropping on the floor! WOOF WOOF
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited July 2014

    Well, one thing is sure: if you count on yourself you can count on an exceptionally talented person.
    I just love, love, love your creations!

    P.S. no contractor work is good for us here ... ;)

    Post edited by Kerya on
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Yes Kerya and thanks .. more fun for me as I can do whatever I feel without big pressure .. total freedom of movement..

    Kerya said:
    Well, one thing is sure: if you count on yourself you can count on an exceptionally talented person.
    I just love, love, love your creations!

    P.S. no contractor work is good for us here ... ;)

  • AnIronButterflyAnIronButterfly Posts: 252
    edited December 1969

    In which case, I can't -wait- to see the updates! :D (You can't see it, but I'm bouncing around over here...and I promise,
    I've only had one cuppa coffee...)

    And on the subject of Chinese--what other eras have you considered doing? Tang or Ming Dynasty? I'd metaphorically
    "kill" for a proper hanfu dress... and companion era gentleman's attire!



    Mec4D said:
    Thanks Kat, I love historical costumes I was not sure if anybody would like to have one but to my surprise YES so I am glad I made it ,
    I think it is also time to remake new versions of the Indian clothing too with better functionality and design since my skills are 500% better than with genesis 1 :)
    Costumer is a cool and creative job Kat !! I meet many of them when working on sets for TV and Film ..that was the best place to spend on the breaks shuffling stuff out haha
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Lol .. I wish coffee make me bouncy ..unfortunately I am immune to caffeine does nothing to me :)
    the Hanfu dress is amazing but not easy to setup .. I will have to find better solutions for the sleeves
    The early Tang dynasty yes.. I like the dresses and easy to setup .. or I will say tops with skirts ..Yuan and Ming are beautiful too especially in the early era of the dynasties .. you have still Later Le , Song and Mac dynasties and I really love them all ..also the Vietnam Dynasties .. they had so much styles for each status it would be like doing it forever .. both female and male style
    so I have a lot of inspirations to the end of this year ..
    I want to make also some European historical clothing and I don't mean French or there is so much more than that and really beautiful

    but as next I will make Wei,Jin dress from the southern and Northern dynasties ..the sleeves are little bit like in Hanfu dress but it is more rich in overall design and amazing for both historical or fantasy rendering and if I pass the challenge Hanfu dress will be an easy task.. it is not much about the modeling as I can model any outfit in overnight but the setup take so much time and need to be done proper ..

    In which case, I can't -wait- to see the updates! :D (You can't see it, but I'm bouncing around over here...and I promise,
    I've only had one cuppa coffee...)

    And on the subject of Chinese--what other eras have you considered doing? Tang or Ming Dynasty? I'd metaphorically
    "kill" for a proper hanfu dress... and companion era gentleman's attire!



    Mec4D said:
    Thanks Kat, I love historical costumes I was not sure if anybody would like to have one but to my surprise YES so I am glad I made it ,
    I think it is also time to remake new versions of the Indian clothing too with better functionality and design since my skills are 500% better than with genesis 1 :)
    Costumer is a cool and creative job Kat !! I meet many of them when working on sets for TV and Film ..that was the best place to spend on the breaks shuffling stuff out haha
  • AnIronButterflyAnIronButterfly Posts: 252
    edited December 1969

    Hanfu and those others are gorgeous, and having seen them move in some of the Chinese cinematic action and historic
    films, I can image how challenging they must be! I have the mental 'vision' to know how things move and look, but no real
    idea how to 'make' them happen for 3D, only how they should probably work as an enduser, based on my knowledge as
    a costumer.

    To say, that I can look at how something bends and twists and say...I don't think that moves or looks quite right...but not
    have a bloody clue how to "fix" it, or make it right in a modelling programme, honestly... So, I can't be gripe at all the work
    that people put into the things they make and offer--as I'm conscious the physics of software only does "so much"...

    And egad...all the variations of European. Those are infinite as well. My main love in the SCA was the Italian Renaissance
    style with what would later become known as the "Empire" waistline and broken/tied-togther sleeves. I had a friend and
    fellow costumer, whose passion was the Tudor and Elizbethan eras of England and France...and there were times we
    both could've stepped right out of a period portrait..... (And thank modern technology for fake seed pearls and pearls-by-

    Beyond that, was our mutual love for Turkish costume of the 16th century, as well. I was most often seen in Ghawazi coats,
    with the under-coat and chemise, salwar and my infamous moccasin boots (ala Windwalker and Bald Mountain), with a
    sash, belt and a jambaya tucked into it. And of course, all the proper jewelry...topped off with my scarf and tarboosh (a
    kind of pillbox hat). Sunglasses were the concession to mondern vision and prescription needs....ah...I kinda miss all that
    at times...

    But, life happened, and I moved on to other things, got married and fell into 3D art by accident... :D I still subscribe to several
    Tumblrs of historical costuming, just for the sheer joy of looking at it and seeing what people create. There's a lot of gorgeous
    stuff on there, some great cosplay and other wonderfully creative folks showing off their talents!

    I better sign off before I start talking about Hanfu and the drift to Europe into the 13-1400s and a certain style of dress I was
    seeingthe other day in some research I was doing...some eerie similarities...makes me -wonder- about a thing or three! :P

    Anyhoo....I'm going to wander off before I really get derailed here!

    Mec4D said:
    Lol .. I wish coffee make me bouncy ..unfortunately I am immune to caffeine does nothing to me :)
    the Hanfu dress is amazing but not easy to setup .. I will have to find better solutions for the sleeves
    The early Tang dynasty yes.. I like the dresses and easy to setup .. or I will say tops with skirts ..Yuan and Ming are beautiful too especially in the early era of the dynasties .. you have still Later Le , Song and Mac dynasties and I really love them all ..also the Vietnam Dynasties .. they had so much styles for each status it would be like doing it forever .. both female and male style
    so I have a lot of inspirations to the end of this year ..
    I want to make also some European historical clothing and I don't mean French or there is so much more than that and really beautiful

    but as next I will make Wei,Jin dress from the southern and Northern dynasties ..the sleeves are little bit like in Hanfu dress but it is more rich in overall design and amazing for both historical or fantasy rendering and if I pass the challenge Hanfu dress will be an easy task.. it is not much about the modeling as I can model any outfit in overnight but the setup take so much time and need to be done proper ..

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    I was answering to your reply the other day but I believe it does landed in other thread via my phone lol as I see nothing

    I know how it is , you get really passionate about things you feel familiar with opening the old boxes of sentiments.. but that is a good thing and nothing wrong with that .. when I am working on something doing research I often return in time too and it feel good !
    for that reason I am always working on many projects on the same time so I don;t get lost in one subject lol as it would be hard to dig me out hahaha

  • AnIronButterflyAnIronButterfly Posts: 252
    edited December 1969

    Yeah! It's easy to get 'lost' in something really interesting, but sometimes, it's also very refreshing! :D
    I'm going to unbox my WIP and see about playing with some lighting, since I'm feeling up for it--gotta
    get my sci-fi geek out today and make her happy! :) Then I'll worry about appeasing my history-geek
    another day...



  • magdalenemagdalene Posts: 34
    MEC4D said:

    Thanks Cecilia .. after 16 years it is still worthy doing it and I love doing it as each project bring me somewhere else :)
    so nice to have you on board this time ...wait only for the details .. it is going to be awesome I promise ..including the hairdo ! ;)


    cecilia.robinson said:

    Mec4D, you're one of the few PAs who take the plunge, make quite historically-accurate outfits and, I assume, can earn enough to do that - sheer awe, congratulations. I really enjoy seeing all your creations - this one will certainly catch my eye too! I'm more interested in the clothes than the hairdo, but nonetheless I hope for many promos to drool at :lol:.



  • magdalenemagdalene Posts: 34

    I know its so many years after this post . Is it possible to buy Manchurian woman of Qing Dynasty W.I.P( perhaps called something else) Did it ever go on sale . I desperately want to buy this if I can .

    It is so fantastic in detail and beauty .


  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    Hi Magda , no it did not make the sales but still can  as I look over , if I still have the all files together I will, I had HD crash back then and lost a lot of files but I think part of it survived somwhere , I look at the renders and indeed it looks too nice to be forgoten .. let me check and see what I can do .

    magdalene said:


    magdalene said:

    I know its so many years after this post . Is it possible to buy Manchurian woman of Qing Dynasty W.I.P( perhaps called something else) Did it ever go on sale . I desperately want to buy this if I can .

    It is so fantastic in detail and beauty .



    magdalene said:

    I know its so many years after this post . Is it possible to buy Manchurian woman of Qing Dynasty W.I.P( perhaps called something else) Did it ever go on sale . I desperately want to buy this if I can .

    It is so fantastic in detail and beauty .



  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320
    edited July 2017

    I was looking at your Chinese male costumes yesterday but decided against them because of the lack of Chinese female character clothing. I'd be buying that product if you ever sold it.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    Yeah found it and complete, have to make just new iray shaders, packing and the rest of it , made quick test in iray , it will go well together with my upcoming Traditional Chinese House  and Gardens  HDR set for iray , also I need to make new iray materials for the Hubby to go well together and update .

    2000 x 1000 - 2M
    2000 x 1000 - 2M
  • Marley99Marley99 Posts: 41
    MEC4D said:

    Thanks Kat, I love historical costumes I was not sure if anybody would like to have one but to my surprise YES so I am glad I made it ,
    I think it is also time to remake new versions of the Indian clothing too with better functionality and design since my skills are 500% better than with genesis 1 :)
    Costumer is a cool and creative job Kat !! I meet many of them when working on sets for TV and Film ..that was the best place to spend on the breaks shuffling stuff out haha


    I love historical costumes. I've been looking for a traditional Korean hanbok and a Vietnamese ao dai forever, but no one has made them. I thought the outfit you did for the chinese male was wonderful and this one looks amazing as well. I would love to see the Indian one if you decide to do a new version.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    Thank you , the Vietnamese ao dai and the Korean hanbok are simple but beautiful and I added it to my list, I have long list to catch up but I will go there ASAP , I still have photography season and soon I will be done and returning back into modeling again , I was thinking the other day to redone the Indian clothing and make it new and more beautiful as well so it is going to be a lot of fun soon :)

  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 867

    First, this is gorgeous and I will probably buy it just for that. Though, seeing your projects list, I have a question: did you scrape your organic shaders project? I was really looking forward to those, but if they no longer hold your interest... welp, at least I can stop checking the store for them. Daily. At least.

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318
    MEC4D said:

    my upcoming Traditional Chinese House  and Gardens  HDR set for iray

    Oooh! :)

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    Oh great.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,254

    Don't know how I missed this thread those years back.  Gorgeous work hon.  Will you update this for the current Genesis Female? 

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    Hi, my windows hard drive was loocket and I did not recovered all files , I lost many shaders like my woods scans and other that I was working on for so long , I had hard time getting over it since it was so much work , I recovered some stuff but not much so starting over on so many things .

    Uthgard said:

    First, this is gorgeous and I will probably buy it just for that. Though, seeing your projects list, I have a question: did you scrape your organic shaders project? I was really looking forward to those, but if they no longer hold your interest... welp, at least I can stop checking the store for them. Daily. At least.

    Yeah! that is my perl of the season ! that is going to be beautiful collection set

    MEC4D said:

    my upcoming Traditional Chinese House  and Gardens  HDR set for iray

    Oooh! :)

    I will see , it was made for Genesis 2 female and since the rigging changed including the weight maps I will have to make complete separate rigging etc.. You did not missed it Richard, I saw your post early on the pages 3 years ago :) thank you , I forgot about it myself  so thanks to Magda it got recovered from under the dust hehe

    RAMWolff said:

    Don't know how I missed this thread those years back.  Gorgeous work hon.  Will you update this for the current Genesis Female? 


  • Marley99Marley99 Posts: 41
    MEC4D said:

    Thank you , the Vietnamese ao dai and the Korean hanbok are simple but beautiful and I added it to my list, I have long list to catch up but I will go there ASAP , I still have photography season and soon I will be done and returning back into modeling again , I was thinking the other day to redone the Indian clothing and make it new and more beautiful as well so it is going to be a lot of fun soon :)


    Yes they are. I also love the vibrant colors that some of them have.

    No rush. I don't know how you do all of it and make everything look so good and very authentic. You can just add me to the list of people who will buy these if you ever decide to sell them.

  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 867
    MEC4D said:

    Hi, my windows hard drive was loocket and I did not recovered all files , I lost many shaders like my woods scans and other that I was working on for so long , I had hard time getting over it since it was so much work , I recovered some stuff but not much so starting over on so many things .

    Really sorry to hear about that. I can only guess how crushing the loss of motivation must have been and it is an overall loss for the userbase (not even buttering you up, seeing how wildly popular your other shaders are, I can only guess how much use the wood and organic sets would have gotten).

  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684
    MEC4D said:

    Yeah found it and complete, have to make just new iray shaders, packing and the rest of it , made quick test in iray , it will go well together with my upcoming Traditional Chinese House  and Gardens  HDR set for iray , also I need to make new iray materials for the Hubby to go well together and update .

    This costume is gorgeous!  So lovely and flowing. Will be looking for it in the store!

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    Yes it was , first I screamed then I cried .. I still can't get over my wood shaders , it was so much work scanning real woods from around the world , months of work lost but I will do it again as soon as I get more time  

    Uthgard said:
    MEC4D said:

    Hi, my windows hard drive was loocket and I did not recovered all files , I lost many shaders like my woods scans and other that I was working on for so long , I had hard time getting over it since it was so much work , I recovered some stuff but not much so starting over on so many things .

    Really sorry to hear about that. I can only guess how crushing the loss of motivation must have been and it is an overall loss for the userbase (not even buttering you up, seeing how wildly popular your other shaders are, I can only guess how much use the wood and organic sets would have gotten).


  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    thank you , you can check here previews from yesterday , just raw tests with new Chinesse HDRIs ;

    23Cascade said:
    MEC4D said:

    Yeah found it and complete, have to make just new iray shaders, packing and the rest of it , made quick test in iray , it will go well together with my upcoming Traditional Chinese House  and Gardens  HDR set for iray , also I need to make new iray materials for the Hubby to go well together and update .

    This costume is gorgeous!  So lovely and flowing. Will be looking for it in the store!


  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,518

    so that's what happened to you hadn't seen you around here since before the 1080s were awaiting release those wood shaders were the next big project you was working on too weren't they? So guessing the monkey/chimp is lost too? You might still have a lot of buyers for the G2F version of this outfit here have seen in a few threads still interest in those even though we now have G8F and of course G3F the G2 series is still good and still used a lot I think so may be a big market there 

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    I still have the Chimp as it was Zbrush project on another drive . I have to release it for G2 F as the male is also G2 M , I may doing an upgrade for the male anyway as it need iray shaders so I may doing new version for upcoming G8 series, still going to release the Manchurian for G2F very soon.

    Yes wooden shaders, still mad when I am thinking about, it was my next big project, so much work lost creating the maps, a nightmare to start over, I should sue MicroS for bad systems as it happens after they update it . My PC never started again HD partially trash and locked 

    so that's what happened to you hadn't seen you around here since before the 1080s were awaiting release those wood shaders were the next big project you was working on too weren't they? So guessing the monkey/chimp is lost too? You might still have a lot of buyers for the G2F version of this outfit here have seen in a few threads still interest in those even though we now have G8F and of course G3F the G2 series is still good and still used a lot I think so may be a big market there 


  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318

    I remember how much progress you'd made with those wood shaders and actually thought they'd gone as far as being submitted to Daz, so I held off buying any others for a long time as yours are always so top notch. What a shame, after all your work. I've learned to become wary of Windows updates, but I think the worst they've ever done to me is mess with all my settings, graphics included, so that I had to spend ages getting them back to how they were supposed to be. I'm sorry to hear you've had such a difficult time of it and that the wood shaders were a casualty, but I'm really pleased to see you back again :)

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,254

    You were also working on a universal skin shader iirc hon.  That was lost too? 

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