Manchurian woman of Qing Dynasty W.I.P [commercial]



  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,254
    edited December 1969

    I really think that DAZ needs to make a new Chinese dragon so you can get even more creative with the Asian cultured heroes that would come of that!

    PS... sorry for being lame idiot on your 'Rosity gallery post asking if that was Dusk... LOL I knew it was M6 but I'm such a dunderhead sometimes! ;-)~

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    LOL .. there is a big layer of DUST on Dusk hahaha
    I still have the old Chinese dragon, it was not easy to work with.. maybe when have more time can make a real Chinese dragon from the new one what is totally possible just a lot of work

    RAMWolff said:
    I really think that DAZ needs to make a new Chinese dragon so you can get even more creative with the Asian cultured heroes that would come of that!

    PS... sorry for being lame idiot on your 'Rosity gallery post asking if that was Dusk... LOL I knew it was M6 but I'm such a dunderhead sometimes! ;-)~

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,254
    edited December 1969

    Oooooo... you know it would be beyond fabulous coming from the House of Mec! WOOF WOOF! :-)

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Gorgeous outfit! I've been hoping to see some more realistic historical or traditional clothing in the store.

  • Tarina KiviTarina Kivi Posts: 488
    edited March 2017


    Post edited by Tarina Kivi on
  • zigraphixzigraphix Posts: 2,787
    edited December 1969

    Mec4D said:
    Thanks Alex .. agree

    finished the custom weight maps and put her into some dance poses :)

    Alex L said:
    Amazing how what appears to be the most beautiful fantasy outfits are actually based on reality isn't it? Love the work on this as I do on all of your sets. You continue to raise the bar!

    Easier to use a historical outfit in a fantasy render than the other way around... ;)

    With the dance poses, I was reminded of an idea I had earlier when you showed how the tassels on the head change with gravity. Could you use that method to make the fabric behind the knee fall straight down when the knee is bent? I think it would take a jcm to reverse out the way the back of the knee conforms when the leg is bent.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Tarina :)

    Both outfits look great! It's nice to see more historical clothing from you. They look perfect for fantasy renders as well. : )
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Yes you can make it .. it need to be reverse always
    so you pose the model you want then send to modeler program create the JCM and then import as reverse while the model in DS is still posed the same way , then ERC freeze , I used the function for bending the legs forward in the chinese male setup to improve the limited weight maps and was working great .
    however there are some stuff like using different body shapes .. it can get in the way sometimes , when I made bending JCM for the male outfit for the arms , it want play nicely when using Gianni for example since the shape has own rigging adjusted .. that why I was asking for a new feature in DS that allow us to save independent weight maps info with the morphs and not just adjusted rigging what would be breaking edge new stuff .. and more possibilities
    don't forget that bending the knee will affect also sitting poses ..but I am still not there and will working on that soon ..I hope it works anyway as I was thinking about that already , weight maps are limited but in most cases it works fine in DS .. I had some issues in Poser as well using DSON as not all info get translated .. how more advanced the setup is in DS how more issues show up in Poser , and I don't want to cut off my Poser customers not creating DSON version or I will have to make 2 separate product setups to take advance of the 2 programs .
    Also I want to add that to dramatic JCM can distort the UV's altering the fabric pattern so I will post some updates soon on this matter

    There is also another problem with DSON that create JCM of other shapes when you load the model in Poser .. even if you do not make it , some way it create it automatic and sometimes it get in the way , it is ok for very tight clothing , but if you make dresses or even male suit you don;t want the body shape JCM to alter the fabric shape and create muscle bulge .. and I need to figure it out to how to displace it in Poser . The automatic morphs are not my favorite section , some of them do not show up under the Property Hierarchy in DS but they do in Poser ..
    I am working also on a male office suit so it getting to be really tricky to make it work the way it should with the fabric bends without ending with pajama style lol but that is a great learning challenge anyway .. at last the last product is always better than the one before..

    and sorry for the late reply as I missed the notification

    zigraphix said:
    Mec4D said:
    Thanks Alex .. agree

    finished the custom weight maps and put her into some dance poses :)

    Alex L said:
    Amazing how what appears to be the most beautiful fantasy outfits are actually based on reality isn't it? Love the work on this as I do on all of your sets. You continue to raise the bar!

    Easier to use a historical outfit in a fantasy render than the other way around... ;)

    With the dance poses, I was reminded of an idea I had earlier when you showed how the tassels on the head change with gravity. Could you use that method to make the fabric behind the knee fall straight down when the knee is bent? I think it would take a jcm to reverse out the way the back of the knee conforms when the leg is bent.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,610
    edited December 1969

    this why I love carrara, if it works in carrara that is
    unfortunately your wizard and Ferdinand did not though the clothes do on other M6 characters
    you can use target helpers tracking joints and still have freedom to keyframe them
    DS seems to lack an equivalent utiluty.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    wizard and Ferdinand was made for own body shapes so there was not so much possibilities for other character shapes especially with Ferdibrand as it was modeled exclusive for own shape to avoid heavy distortions .. like in real life.. heavy people wearing different clothing than skinny people and the topology need to follow the body shape to work correctly with weight maps , if the topology is not closer to the main shape it will deform the wrong way or create poke .. having clothing for all shapes is a great idea but technically it is not accurate and all corrections and JCM are nothing else than moods to correct the errors .. unless you make spandex clothing you have freedom but with a lot of modeled details it will not works .

    and I agree with you Wendy , I always love Carrara as it have more natural easy functions for the setup and everything can be done you want .. at last for me and DS is an infant in many ways compared to Carrara
    My latest creation covering a lot more so I am make sure it fit other shapes as well the way it should , I figuring out new tricks and evolve my workflow to next level with time :) I could do paper clothing and go easy but I want something more and get inspired by the production and learn new stuff to keep me going as I hate routines that are so boring

    this why I love carrara, if it works in carrara that is
    unfortunately your wizard and Ferdinand did not though the clothes do on other M6 characters
    you can use target helpers tracking joints and still have freedom to keyframe them
    DS seems to lack an equivalent utiluty.
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    I tried the JCM for the bending of the knee but as I expected it get in the way if you want to use sitting pose and the dress get up after so it does not work the way we want it too .. for making it works better there would be needed 4 additional bones in the front and 4 back controlled manually :(

  • zigraphixzigraphix Posts: 2,787
    edited December 1969

    Mec4D said:
    I tried the JCM for the bending of the knee but as I expected it get in the way if you want to use sitting pose and the dress get up after so it does not work the way we want it too .. for making it works better there would be needed 4 additional bones in the front and 4 back controlled manually :(

    I think I would use a special morph for sitting, as there is usually not as much variation in sitting poses as other standing, dancing, etc. poses. Would a sitting morph be able to reverse out the other morphs, or turn them off, or something like that? Maybe you could include a sitting figure pose/morph that would trigger the clothing sit morph, but then the user would still have to manually disable it if they want the figure to stop sitting....

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    since the morph is linked with ERC freeze disabling is only possible via Hierarchy property , what I do is just add another setup as I usual do when doing handles setup so for dancing standing one and for the regular another .. that would be much easy , customers want simple easy stuff and going into Hierarchy property would be for some of them not the option .. also the morph need to be done for the 2 parts of the legs and not just the shin so total of 8 JCM morphs .. I will see tonight how it work out and post some updates

    zigraphix said:
    Mec4D said:
    I tried the JCM for the bending of the knee but as I expected it get in the way if you want to use sitting pose and the dress get up after so it does not work the way we want it too .. for making it works better there would be needed 4 additional bones in the front and 4 back controlled manually :(

    I think I would use a special morph for sitting, as there is usually not as much variation in sitting poses as other standing, dancing, etc. poses. Would a sitting morph be able to reverse out the other morphs, or turn them off, or something like that? Maybe you could include a sitting figure pose/morph that would trigger the clothing sit morph, but then the user would still have to manually disable it if they want the figure to stop sitting....

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Here are just little test how it improve .. the right side is without just weight maps and the left side weight maps + automatic reversed JCM
    just for the shin .. however as I suspected before.. it works only as long the knee is bend backwards , so if you try to make step forward moving the Thigh up and slightly bend the knee the dress go forward un-natural ..for that reason you will need additional front and back bones for that posed manually .. in other word dress with 4 handles for the shins .. :(

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  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    so what I am going to do is just improve the weight maps that works great if you use animation since the fabric move dynamic , for still pose it will be frozen in a moment situation :) but better than the standards anyway

    bellow just improved weight maps ..

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  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,254
    edited December 1969

    Why not extend the weight mapping up to the outer thigh hon, that way if it's a straight walk then the lower leg won't have to be bent in order to get a more natural flow to the material.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    It does not work this way the tight control both the thigh and the shin and nobody walks with straight legs.. they bend
    but that is not a problem here .. the idea was to use dynamic JCM for adding more realistic look to fabric .. however with weight maps or JCM there is only one side option you can choice from, the back or the front .. for that reason you will need 4 "legs " bones one that will bends only backwards and control the back and one only forward .. to keep the natural gravity when pose steady Poses .. for animation it is not needed as the weight maps create the dynamic effect already .. but for stills it is different .. the dress can be use in Poser as a hybrid to get the exactly gravity in the cloth room .. unfortunately DS is limited in this area and I can't waste more time on that .. but improve even better the weight maps as possible to get decent result as much as possible without distortions on the UV's as that is also another factor here ..
    so you can use JCM's for improve the bends area front or back of the legs but that is all about ..and eventually you can add dynamics to your hair as well as that works great .. with the hand tissue it does not worked .. since the hand can be placed in so many positions independent of the gravity controlled by the forearm ..
    you can add gravity to the chest area .. so for example make a chain that follow the gravity when bending the chest or abdomen ..or improve the gravity of the breast while posing as long Vicki don't wear a bra lol

  • zigraphixzigraphix Posts: 2,787
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, hybrid dynamic for the lower skirt would really be the right solution. There is a way to do it within DS, but you can't sell it that way, as it breaks the terms of the Optitex license. :(

    Your JCM-weight map combination looks terrific! Too bad about how it doesn't look right with the leg forward.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited July 2014

    I improved the weight maps for better flows .. it looks so much better .. I still wonder why nobody do soft cloth plugin for DS it is the most easy plugin to make and the codes are free in the book , I even saw preview a time ago for that but nobody want to make it happen .. and regarding the hybrid, everything from the legs to pelvis can be mapped as cloth in Poser and it works wonderful .. I really miss this in DS

    bellow final edit with weight maps only ..

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    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    I think I may have said this before, but ... Wow! :)

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,254
    edited December 1969

    You did it honey. WOW... Maybe YOU should add that on to your list of things to master. Become the next great script writer for DS! lol

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Simon
    @Richard , my brother is computer programmer but he have no time for that :( and I don't feel like going into programming again as I enjoy my sculpting to much lol but I tell you it is very much possible to be done by one person in a very short time I wonder why DAZ programmers don't do that , the base codes are royalties free, I believe Blender use the base codes also .. we would have so much fun with it and I think it is over due

    RAMWolff said:
    You did it honey. WOW... Maybe YOU should add that on to your list of things to master. Become the next great script writer for DS! lol
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,254
    edited December 1969

    Agreed my dear!

  • zigraphixzigraphix Posts: 2,787
    edited December 1969

    I think DAZ might not be able to do it themselves due to contractual obligations with Optitex.

    There have been a couple of attempts at adding Bullet physics (which is what Blender uses) to DS. I guess some people feel it isn't good enough for animation. I'm not sure of the details. I think there is at least one team still working on it, though.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,254
    edited December 1969

    They made a HUGE wrong turn with the dynamics... that's all I'm saying!

  • AnIronButterflyAnIronButterfly Posts: 252
    edited December 1969

    I'm really loving everything about this! I can hardly wait...I don't have many insta-buys anymore, but this
    and the companion Manchurian Gentleman are going to be in my cart in record time! :D

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    I don;t want to go into politics but Optitex and DS do not working for me .. nobody want to use sheets as clothing anymore it is like 10 years behind the banana republic .. and you can't use own OBJs .. that make not sense for me at all .. what a deal???
    worthless ..
    Bullet physics are great and there would be a good usage for that even for cloth .. I like Bullet physics in Carrara and what people do with it in Blender is really cool too ..
    but DS need something on the level like Poser and not going back in time .. I saw couple months ago preview of dynamics in DS .. was really cool but the programmer did not go forward with it .. so I hope something change soon as we are hungry for more

    zigraphix said:
    I think DAZ might not be able to do it themselves due to contractual obligations with Optitex.

    There have been a couple of attempts at adding Bullet physics (which is what Blender uses) to DS. I guess some people feel it isn't good enough for animation. I'm not sure of the details. I think there is at least one team still working on it, though.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thank you .. it will be also buyer friendly price for this set as I made it just for the companion for the male ..
    however the male set will be released I think next week already .. with custom morphs for most genesis male characters to date ..
    and I will be done with the Manchurian set this week for sure.... the QA are busy with a lot of products I made lately and I am parked until August already with new releases ... and 2 more coming this month
    busy summer :)

    thanks for your support

    I'm really loving everything about this! I can hardly wait...I don't have many insta-buys anymore, but this
    and the companion Manchurian Gentleman are going to be in my cart in record time! :D
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,254
    edited December 1969

    It's a good summer for all of us hon. You keep busy, make money and we buy buy buy and have our jaws dropping on the floor! WOOF WOOF

  • AnIronButterflyAnIronButterfly Posts: 252
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the update! There's very little period-accurate Asian attire on the market, and this is so
    very beautifully done. That's why I'm so darned bouncy-excited about it. :D (I used to be a costumer
    in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism, so I'm still pretty into researching costume history &
    different periods when I see items on the 3D market...)

    I have the vintage Kurta and Sari that I think you'd done for Genesis--they're not in the store anymore,
    but they're in my product library--and I really like them.



    Mec4D said:
    Thank you .. it will be also buyer friendly price for this set as I made it just for the companion for the male ..
    however the male set will be released I think next week already .. with custom morphs for most genesis male characters to date ..
    and I will be done with the Manchurian set this week for sure.... the QA are busy with a lot of products I made lately and I am parked until August already with new releases ... and 2 more coming this month
    busy summer :)

    thanks for your support

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