SereneNight's Sci-fi Fun



  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,318
    Butch said:
    vwrangler said:

    Huh. A new wedding-themed set for everyone. Have to say, I'm a bit more interested in the props than anything else. The suit is solid -- a touch boxy, but otherwise looks good. The dress looks like a meeting between the MFD, Evening Gown, and (of all things) Ghost Bride. The text is ... terse, to put it politely. I'm assuming that there will be more information later. (I'm also assuming that the dress probably was meand to have dForce in its name and they just forgot, because it seems unlikely that they get that break on the floor without dynamics.)

    And Bobbie25 changed her vendor name.

    In my opinion, the suit's not a "touch boxy", it's just plain horrible.  Looking at the suit, together with the brides frock, the diffence in quality's obvious. 

    Yeah my thoughts exactly - the suit is in my cart, but undecided if I'll ever check out.

  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684
    Butch said:
    vwrangler said:

    Huh. A new wedding-themed set for everyone. Have to say, I'm a bit more interested in the props than anything else. The suit is solid -- a touch boxy, but otherwise looks good. The dress looks like a meeting between the MFD, Evening Gown, and (of all things) Ghost Bride. The text is ... terse, to put it politely. I'm assuming that there will be more information later. (I'm also assuming that the dress probably was meand to have dForce in its name and they just forgot, because it seems unlikely that they get that break on the floor without dynamics.)

    And Bobbie25 changed her vendor name.

    In my opinion, the suit's not a "touch boxy", it's just plain horrible.  Looking at the suit, together with the brides frock, the diffence in quality's obvious. 

    The collar is very odd, it has a big shadow under it as if it is floating. At least it isn't shrink wrapped to the figure like the last offering :

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    I think the challenge with this type of outfit is the number of layers makes this suit fit rather bulkily. If you can see in the promos, the slimmer man, Owen 8, looks better in his tux than Mike 8 who looks quite bulky. This type of outfit may be suited to Ikangs style of dforce jacket, due to it being thinner and not adding so much bulk to base figues.  I bought it and will check it out tonight, but the shoulders I think are problematic.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • mal3Imagerymal3Imagery Posts: 713
    edited July 2018
    Butch said:
    vwrangler said:

    Huh. A new wedding-themed set for everyone. Have to say, I'm a bit more interested in the props than anything else. The suit is solid -- a touch boxy, but otherwise looks good. The dress looks like a meeting between the MFD, Evening Gown, and (of all things) Ghost Bride. The text is ... terse, to put it politely. I'm assuming that there will be more information later. (I'm also assuming that the dress probably was meand to have dForce in its name and they just forgot, because it seems unlikely that they get that break on the floor without dynamics.)

    And Bobbie25 changed her vendor name.

    In my opinion, the suit's not a "touch boxy", it's just plain horrible.  Looking at the suit, together with the brides frock, the diffence in quality's obvious. 

    I just saw the suit.  It's reallllllly bad.  Collar is very floaty and whole suit looks floaty in general.  No wrinkles at all.  Feels bad.  frown

    Post edited by mal3Imagery on
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited July 2018

    Not everyone looks good when asleep (I skipped the drool from the side of his mouth smiley )

    2018-07-24 09:23:18.319 Total Rendering Time: 16 hours 18 minutes 55.35 seconds

    63% done

    Cian for Darius 7

    Click on image for full size.

    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Post edited by Fishtales on
  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,318
    Butch said:
    vwrangler said:

    Huh. A new wedding-themed set for everyone. Have to say, I'm a bit more interested in the props than anything else. The suit is solid -- a touch boxy, but otherwise looks good. The dress looks like a meeting between the MFD, Evening Gown, and (of all things) Ghost Bride. The text is ... terse, to put it politely. I'm assuming that there will be more information later. (I'm also assuming that the dress probably was meand to have dForce in its name and they just forgot, because it seems unlikely that they get that break on the floor without dynamics.)

    And Bobbie25 changed her vendor name.

    In my opinion, the suit's not a "touch boxy", it's just plain horrible.  Looking at the suit, together with the brides frock, the diffence in quality's obvious. 

    I just saw the suit.  It's reallllllly bad.  Collar is very floaty and whole suit looks floaty in general.  No wrinkles at all.  Feels bad.  frown

    We need you to become a PA and supply us with Suits and Uniforms wink

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited July 2018

    I think the challenge with this type of outfit is the number of layers makes this suit fit rather bulkily. If you can see in the promos, the slimmer man, Owen 8, looks better in his tux than Mike 8 who looks quite bulky. This type of outfit may be suited to Ikangs style of dforce jacket, due to it being thinner and not adding so much bulk to base figues.  I bought it and will check it out tonight, but the shoulders I think are problematic.

    I think IH Kang finessed a couple of issues very smartly, in ways that wouldn't work with a three piece suit. His G8 business suit has shirt, vest, and jacket, but the jacket doesn't completely close (or at least is shown open in all the promos), so he can work a more fitted profile because the jacket doesn't really contribute to the bulk in the same way. His G3 and G2 business suits and tuxedo all only have a jacket and shirt, so it's easier to do more form fitting layers. Even the Daz G3 tuxedo (different makers than this) and both of the G2 suits by Outoftouch only have two layers, shirt and jacket, so it can manage a slimmer profile more easily.

    From what I've seen through the years, one thing that seems to remain true about these things is that you can't get the expected sort of look with more than two layers. I actually wonder a bit why they went with a three layer look instead of two. Other question is, does the jacket open? That may go some way to making them look a bit slimmer when it doesn't need to be closed, if it can.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    I didn’t have time to play with it much before leaving for work but the outfit makes the boys look really big and wide and the shoulders look slouchy like the outfit doesn’t fit correctly or they are wearing someone else’s tux. The sleeves also look short or something. I think the only way to avoid the bulk would be to make a one piece with a shirt dickie and a second jacket less option for the shirt pants and bow tie. As it is the layers are unflattering in my opinion and don’t flatter anyone who isn’t rail thin.

    i will try some more when I get home. Perhaps dialing in Owen 8s body for when they wear the tuxedo  might be a workaround.

    i do think at some point making clothing as alternate bodies might be a way to go. Like they do in video games. Trying to fit complex outfits to a character seems cumbersome.


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited July 2018

    I like the general 1st impression look of the suit for combattng past clingy efforts where one would see ab difinition all the way through a t-shirt, dress shirt, tie, vest, and jacket but the materials used for vest in the promos were absolutely the wrong choice as shadows and contour are exaggerated on very light shiny materials. However, in some places on the ad copy it looks more like it's an undercover cop wearing a flakvest under his suit. Well buddy, thanks, but your cover is blown! laugh 

    The bowtie I don't know what to think about it; I don't like it, I've never seen that style anywhere before but then I don't hobnob with the fashion elite or read magazines about the fashion elite so it might be an actual style.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I am looking at it now, (since I had a medical appointment and got to leave work early). Shh.

    By default the set loads large. The jacket is not set to collide with the shirt or vest. The good news is there are some shaping options for the jacket which is oversized and loads large to cover the vest.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    By default it looks like this to me. Now we will try some tweaking.

    Observations so far: the pants do fit over the male gens and add a nice bulge. I like the bowtie.  And I must say I think the texture expansion is great. I love the shoes with spats. Owen likes old-fashioned things so he gets to wear them. 

    I really want to be able to button that last button on the coat though, adjust the collars and see the cuffs under the shirt coat. For some reason Owens shirt in particular has a large neck gap.

    1400 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    Okay, here I made some adjustments to the coat shirt, and vest. Nothing wrong with the pants really, they fit fine. With the coat I decreased the width substantially and pulled it down. I also reduced the size of the shirt which was the only way to adjust Owen's neckline. I think it looks pretty good now. There is a neck adjustment I used on Owen, but did not use on Boyd. I t makes the coat go up a bit at the nape.

     I can't figure out whats going on with Owens Right cuff.... There are no sleeve adjustments but the suit is so black thats an easy postwork fix. We shall try some more.

    1400 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited July 2018

    By default it looks like this to me. Now we will try some tweaking.

    Observations so far: the pants do fit over the male gens and add a nice bulge. I like the bowtie.  And I must say I think the texture expansion is great. I love the shoes with spats. Owen likes old-fashioned things so he gets to wear them. 

    I really want to be able to button that last button on the coat though, adjust the collars and see the cuffs under the shirt coat. For some reason Owens shirt in particular has a large neck gap.

    The black & white shoes are great! You never see those anymore. the shirt collars, well I've never in al my days seen a shirt color like that. Still haven't seen a bowtie like that and still don't like it but there are proabably morphs in it. 

    The suit is nicely modeled though and well it's problems point out even more how DAZ clothing fitting techniques need serious overhaul because that suit should be fitting like MaleImagery's Marvelous Designer examples (well OK, it looked like the suit jacket buttons were straining over a gut that had gained weight but that is natural. laugh

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    I like the spats. A lot. My grandpa wore them, and they are sexy when maintained.

    I replaced the red tie and purple vest though with the textures from the white suit. I recommend colliding the jacket with the vest , and reducing the shirt. You are sort of damned if you do damned if you dont. If you collide with the vest, the arms will have pokethrough. If you collide with the shirt, the vest will poke through.  But it seems there is less pokethrough from the shirt than vest especially if you reduce its size.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited July 2018

    I wonder how much of this boxiness is tied to shape. The black suit looks MUCH better after your tweaks; the other looks better ... but still looks as though it was maybe made for a bigger person.

    I can't remember how it worked -- and I think it may have only been introduced with Genesis 2, so that'll tell you about my memory -- but there was a way of using an invisible bodysuit to manage layered collisions, although I think it may not have worked here. I think that the way it would have worked was to set the bodysuit slightly larger than the vest, and then have the jacket collide with that. The difficulty with that here is that it will likely give you back the volume you're trying to get rid of.

    Eh. Still on the fence. I want the props and those textures, and the poses could be useful, the dress is nice but I don't have a huge need for it right now, and I like the textures for the suit; I'm just not sure I want the suit. I don't think it's bad, but transferring up the ones I've got has been fine so far.

    Just out of curiosity, what does it look like underneath if you take the jacket off?

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Part of the problem I think is the poses. The suit looks better when the figure is posed in certain ways I've found. Most of the G8M poses are quite extreme, modeling poses and the suit does not look right when the extreme poses are used. It fits, but its not flattering.

    I recall what you are talking about. The best solution is probably is to dial out any unneccessary body morphs, and make the figure more of a thin model. The suit hangs better the narrower body and that compensates for the thickness.

    I'm going to try that next. I'll also render the suit without a coat. I also want to try dforce... But IDK With all those layers.......

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    Here is the tux with most of Boyd and Owen's muscularity dialed out. IT hangs a lot better I think. I used one of the poses from the Wedding Photo shoot set.

    1400 x 1600 - 768K
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Here is the tux with most of Boyd and Owen's muscularity dialed out. IT hangs a lot better I think. I used one of the poses from the Wedding Photo shoot set.

    Looks better but the collars still look like they left the store display packing cardboard underneath them.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I'm going to say I like the set. It works better for me than the tux from last generation, and with adjustments I think it works pretty well. You could probably kitbash the two sets together as well.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I'm going to say I like the set. It works better for me than the tux from last generation, and with adjustments I think it works pretty well. You could probably kitbash the two sets together as well.

    Yes, last generation tux also had the floating collar problem.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Ah one thing this set is missing is rather critical... wedding rings... fortunately a friend made a suggestion!

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    This is a pic of what's going on under the 'coat'. And I like it! Underneath the tux jacket, you have pants, shoes, a vest and a shirt with bow tie. Yeah, I know they don't match, but, I want to see what the different stuff looks like. =-)

    1400 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    This is a pic of what's going on under the 'coat'. And I like it! Underneath the tux jacket, you have pants, shoes, a vest and a shirt with bow tie. Yeah, I know they don't match, but, I want to see what the different stuff looks like. =-)

    So basically all of the boxiness and odd shape is carried by the jacket. That's very helpful to know, thanks!

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    By default it looks like this to me. Now we will try some tweaking.

    Observations so far: the pants do fit over the male gens and add a nice bulge. I like the bowtie.  And I must say I think the texture expansion is great. I love the shoes with spats. Owen likes old-fashioned things so he gets to wear them. 

    I really want to be able to button that last button on the coat though, adjust the collars and see the cuffs under the shirt coat. For some reason Owens shirt in particular has a large neck gap.

    I rarely do this,  but I have to on this occasion.  I honestly think that you have made the suit jacket look even worse than the promos do.  The neck area of the jacket is just all wrong.

    This is a real person, a very self conscious real person wearing a suit (he hates wearing suits)

    1125 x 1500 - 728K
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    lol. Chohole the image you have quoted is the one by default by the vendor.. I haven’t altered anything. It’s the set outta the box.

    I agree the neck isn’t great but I had nothing to do with it there. Your hubbie/friend looks nice though. The shoulders and neck just really can look like that. I wish it were possible.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    vwrangler said:

    This is a pic of what's going on under the 'coat'. And I like it! Underneath the tux jacket, you have pants, shoes, a vest and a shirt with bow tie. Yeah, I know they don't match, but, I want to see what the different stuff looks like. =-)

    So basically all of the boxiness and odd shape is carried by the jacket. That's very helpful to know, thanks!

    I think having looked at it it was made oversized to fit over the shirt and vest.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited July 2018

    lol. Chohole the image you have quoted is the one by default by the vendor.. I haven’t altered anything. It’s the set outta the box.

    I agree the neck isn’t great but I had nothing to do with it there. Your hubbie/friend looks nice though. The shoulders and neck just really can look like that. I wish it were possible.

    My youngest son actually.  He was getting all dressed up to go to his 3rd graduation ceremony, this one at the famous Trinity College Dublin, to collect his M.Ed to go with his B.Sc.(he was a mature student)

    Edited to add, sorry about misunderstanding. 


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684

    I really like it without the jacket- the pants are looking good too. The collar is just -ugh- .

    Thanks for doing all these- I would never have given this set a second look without seeing your examples!

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680


    I really like it without the jacket- the pants are looking good too. The collar is just -ugh- .

    Thanks for doing all these- I would never have given this set a second look without seeing your examples!

    Very few pas can do shirt collars. It’s a common difficult spot. So far only Kang  and luthbel, and luthbellina I think can do them well. It’s possible though a different coat can be used. I will see if it’s possible to fit a new jacket over the vest. I haven’t tried dforce yet. I admit dforcing stuff hasn’t been working out for me lately.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    Chohole said:


    My youngest son actually.  He was getting all dressed up to go to his 3rd graduation ceremony, this one at the famous Trinity College Dublin, to collect his M.Ed to go with his B.Sc.(he was a mature student)

    Edited to add, sorry about misunderstanding. 


    I think he looks very handsome. That’s quite an achievement to get a masters degree in a difficult subject. No problem about the misunderstanding, smiley

This discussion has been closed.