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Foster has beautiful eyes. There are some flame and glow options as well. Excuse the arm pokethrough- but you get the idea.
Here is a comparison. On left is M8 in the middle is Foster and on the right is M8/Foster both at 50 percent. I think the combo looks great, and probably if I'd used Foster's skin on the combo guy even better. I like how M8's head looks with 50 percent foster
Here is another fun combo. Original Boyd. Original Foster. And Foster's body. Boyd is a lot more petite now that he's deprived of his massive morphs! =-)
I did try 50 percent foster 50 percent Boyd's regular body- but it was way too ripped looking.
Here's one i did, but never posted anywhere, since I wasn't 100% happy with the lighting.
I really like that one. He is about to get pounced on for sure. Something tells me he won't remain sleeping for long! =-)
I did one like that as well, a while back. You can definitely tell that it was done at an earlier time -- apart from being 3Delight, it's kind of ... not great. Needs better lighting, at least. (And the storyline that it's part of has been going off and on for more than four years now, which is kind of ridiculous.The current version of both characters looks somewhat different, as well.)
I love that! So nice little touches like kitty about to swat him, the couple photo on the nightstand, and the man's reflection in the mirror are so good. Quite masterful! =-)
No probably not, but those are the perils of furry friends. :D
I quite like this, all the little touches reall make it. Especially the reflection in the mirror.
Oh man, I leave to ride my exercise bike for half an hour after setting my scene to render, only to discover the hdri had reset the dimensions of my image to a ridiculously low dimensions of something like 4x5 pixels... and i was so excited my render was done, only to discover it could not be seen by the naked
Well you just tested DAZ Studio render at a resolution that should test many boundary conditions in the iRay render code.
Boyd has been looking for Owen for a few days since Owen dropped off the grid the week before. He has finally tracked Owen down to this ancient hotel in the middle of nowhere. The tiretracks photoshop brushes are from and are free with attribution. I don't normally citation-fake-freewear, but I don't have the patience to paint tiretracks.
Thank you both so much!
I have to admit, there is probably nothing that would make me paint tiretracks individually, myself. And you've integrated those into the snow beautifully. The whole thing is very evocative.
Will we discover why Owen has dropped off the grid?
EDIT: Two completely unrelated things I meant to mention:
1) if you're still in the market for cars of various types, Truform is now having a 50(ish)% off sale at Renderosity, and they also have a Classic Car -- which looks very familiar, but I can't remember what the real-life version is (it's sort of big-clunky-family car more than muscle-car) -- as well as a bunch of other current/modern cars (and a big honkin' police van). The cars are in the $4-7 range, it looks like.
2) If you want to work with horses some more, if you have it, I recommend Racehorse Tack. The reins actually are EZpose, sort of, and a bit easier to manage. If you don't have them, they moved, along with all of Ken Gilliland's stuff, over to Hivewire. The only downside to them that I've found so far is that they don't automatically fit to Horse 2, even when the horse is selected. It's not a huge deal -- just go to the General section of the parameters tab and pick Fit To -- but it is a bit odd.
Someone has some explaining to do...
Great idea about the photoshop brush-you've used it extremely well. Love the little details with the snow on the tires and his boots. Great render!
I have found some way better brushes for commercial use at graphicriver.
Would work in sand too and dirt.
OK, my "Sleeping Favorite DAZ character challege entry" render I canceled at about 1200 iterations and you can see it is still somewhat noisy. I also ham-handedly posted worked bits of it to enter into the postwork game challenge Novica made up.
So my favorite DAZ 3D character 'out of the box' so to speak is Jonah HD for Ollie 8. My opinion is that character is the perfect amount of mix between realistic and toon for an excellent caricature. I feel that way about the Ollie 8 and Edie 8 characters overall, but Jonah HD is my favorite because of the smirk expression used on his ad copy. Excellent work.
Anyway, thie render is based on the time a college mate & I took a bunny class to try and raise our GPAs our senior year in college and so took a camping class and the last day of class for our final exam we was supposed to sleep in a private wooded field only to find out it was turned into a pig pen!
Well, that final camping excursion got canceled pretty quick. Kind of on-theme with the scout uniforms on sale today for The Boys will be Boys theme.
That's difficult to show in a render though so I did the old comedy standby of a canivore chasing a fellow to bite him but only getting the seat of his pants thereby exposing ridiculous boxer shorts he is wearing. It's staged during a camping trip though as you can see.
Great job on that nonseuch! I can see now why they are no longer asleep hah hah! =-)
Its a misunderstanding early in their relationshop. Owen would never upset Boyd intentionally. Owen is on leave from work for injuries. He has a broken leg, and is underweight from being starved in an alien camp and escaping but is going stir crazy from doing nothing. Owen and Boyd also had had a fight, a rare occurence. Boyd is out of town, and when Owen gets a call from an old friend who needs some help. The friend has inherited this motel where odd happenings occur at night, frightening vacationers away. Would his old Sarge be able to figure out who is causing the pranks? Feeling useless at home, Owen agrees. Figuring he can stay in a hotel and enjoy excellent home-cooked meals while there which Boyd would approve of. He leaves a note. All his communications devices were confiscated when he was put on leave.
Unfortunately, Boyd comes home early intending to make ammends for his part in the arguement, finds Owen gone, and can't find him anywhe and becomes worried. He doesn't know all Owen's friends, and wasn't aware of this one.
The mystery at the hotel serves as a catalyst to remind the boys that they like working together most of all and helps Owen overcome some issues he has after the war, plus helps Boyd who has up until now worried about the state of his relationship with Owen since getting a new body.
At least that's the general idea.
I'm going to go check those out! I always need more cars.
Great! I will check them out. Thanks for the tip.
I’m curious who the male figure is in the solarized promo. That’s clearly not base male.
Yes, and you won't find it for now on the store. I've used the morphs of my upcoming character :) Hopefully, will be ready very soon. (fingercrossed)
He looks awesome. Very nice shape. I have all your men so can’t wait until he’s available. =-)
Thank you! :D I will let you know when its ready.
Awesome! =-)
So today's male releases are quite nice.
Toonboy has a nice morph, and some excellent extras including (another) short outfit, but an adorable backpack. Very cute
Classic Boyscout outfit could be used as a UPS delivery driver outfit, and as a park ranger outfit. The neckerchief looks useful, and I love the seams and details on the clothing very nice and professional looking. Yes...its a (another) short outfit for the guys, but you can't beat the detail on that set. The hats could be used for military hats as well. Great for kitbashing and Boyscouts as well.
The dark skin merchants resource is something to check out. We haven't had a dark skin merchant resource FOREVER. So if you want to make black male characters this seems a useful tool.
Checkout fastgrab too. Tons of Antfarm stuff in there. Too bad I just bought the forgotten factory- it is now 70 percent off!
You'll be disappointed that the scout outfit kercheif, short, shirt, and belt are modeled as one outfit.
I am. That’s sad. Its a nice looking set, but, if I can't kitbash it, I'll have to see....
Ouch. That's too bad, but good info to have.
I was going to say that for dForce it might have been necessary, but it doesn't indicate that it's dForce. As long as the material zones are different, you can hide them individually with the geometry editor at least.
On the subect of women's clothing on men, this is Chameleon Rose for G8F on Boyd. I used it in the previous snowy 50's hotel scene. The jacket opens and closes. Thanks to a friend for pointing this out. =-)
Here's the classic scout uniforms. Worn by Boyd and Boyd in bot form. I can confirm the shorts and kerchief are all one piece. The hat is separate and the shoes and socks are one piece. There is pokethrough on the socks, and even upping the smoothing to 200 did not fix it entirely. Without the kerchief, the neckline is flat as you would imagine. I really rather like the scarf, the hats, and the shapes of the shorts.
Huh. A new wedding-themed set for everyone. Have to say, I'm a bit more interested in the props than anything else. The suit is solid -- a touch boxy, but otherwise looks good. The dress looks like a meeting between the MFD, Evening Gown, and (of all things) Ghost Bride. The text is ... terse, to put it politely. I'm assuming that there will be more information later. (I'm also assuming that the dress probably was meand to have dForce in its name and they just forgot, because it seems unlikely that they get that break on the floor without dynamics.)
And Bobbie25 changed her vendor name.
In my opinion, the suit's not a "touch boxy", it's just plain horrible. Looking at the suit, together with the brides frock, the diffence in quality's obvious.