SereneNight's Sci-fi Fun



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,876

    I could use a waterskin type water bottle. I know I own one, but I can't seem to locate it. If anyone has seen an old-fashioned water/canteen, I'd appreciate the tip on where it is.

    Camping Gear has kind of a crude plastic looking canteen.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    The compass, shovel & canteen were standard issue to soldiers in the USA military in the 90s since you like military themed things for your renders. Don't know what they use now though.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903 has wineskins, if that's what you mean.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    vwrangler said: has wineskins, if that's what you mean.

    Thats what I'm looking for! It'll be pefrect for the cowboys.

    Thanks everyone.


  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,200

    Hi SN,

    Been away from the forums for a while and just caught back up with your page, quite a bit has gone on with over 300 posts! surprise Have you ever considered cloning as an option for the guys having kids? Take genetic markers from both of them and create a unique individual just as it would happen in real life.  Also loving all the poses and general images and conversations going on here. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    Yes and that’s doable. 

    Boyd and Owen could definitely have a bio kid since that tech is nearly available today. Boyd’s dna is a bit hard to come by since his body is not his real one and he’s basically an emancipated brain. They’d have to use brain cells or his current body 

    Its definitely possible for his current body and Owens to have a kid. It’s also possible dna samples were taken of original Boyd prior to his brain transfer since they were making attempts to cure him initially lly and his family is well to do and would pay to have samples stored.  Wheth r they are viable or not I’m not sure. Probably.

    Cloning existing Owen is also possible. Cloning existing Boyd might be strange. His body was essentially a vat grown body combining all the best traits to make a super soldier. They don’t clone them with brains due to ethics issues so it’s impossible to gauge what the body actually might have been like personality wise. 

    Huh now that I think of it... There is actually a clone of Boyd’s body running around. Body’s original replacement body was commandeered by the government and being worn by a wealthy us official. It’s possible he could be persuaded to donate but I’m not sure Boyd would go for it. He’s filled with bitter ness not to have gotten his body back and the senator is a bit of a horses ass and is a rake and a womanizer. Boyd makes Owen switch off the tv whenever the man goes on the news.


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,200

    You make some interesting points as to the cloning aspect, but for better or worse those are their bodies and threfore who they are, so any child whether it is from combining their DNA and using a female surragate to carry the baby or clong a baby, it would still be their baby born of their bodies.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    A baby Boyd would be a handful I imagine. That definitely needs to happen. laugh

    Owen as a child was sweet kid. His mother however was terrible which is why grandpa got custody. 


  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,200

    LOL now that would be something to see!

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited July 2018

    A baby Boyd would be a handful I imagine. That definitely needs to happen. laugh

    Owen as a child was sweet kid. His mother however was terrible which is why grandpa got custody. 


    How would they manage children with the careers they have? Would they have a nanny, or whatever the future equivalent would be? It sounds like they have the funds for it, at least. 

    (I will admit, I do kind of want to see the kids dealing with "Sometimes daddy is in a man's body, sometimes he's in a brain bot" thing. Even though it would be perfectly normal for that society.)


    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    Boyd and Owen will live a very long time unless they are killed. Owen is permanently stuck at the age he is which is about 27 when the aliens put him back together. He never ages beyond that point and regenerates so it would make him hard to kill and the time he can have children is probably quite long. So they don't need to have them today- or tomorrow- but maybe someday in the future.. 

    Boyd can be killed if his brain dies and his human bodies do age but his robot bodies do not,. I toyed with the idea that his brain would be sort of a digitized nanite consciousness which could be poured into various hardware because transferring a meat brain is rather messy process but haven’t thought that through. It is possibly something the brain (Alpha) guild will be able to do or Owens unscrupulous grandfather. The guild is aware that most people find the idea of a disembodied intelligence disturbing so it’s possibly an experimental procedure some alphas get but which they discontinue. IT would give me more flexibility and eliminate the weirdness of moving a brain around and allow Boyd more flexibility when in human form... But it might be rather gross to watch. It could be also possible that the tech wizard brains like Boyd are the only ones capable of this degree of transition. 

    They do lead busy lives and so  when the conversation of children comes up the hard reality sets in. Owen would make a good dad I think. Boyd needs to mature a bit, before he takes on a parents role. At the time of the story, Boyd doesn't get his body right away. When he does, it takes a while to adjust.. He's not ready to be a dad. He's having trouble being a human.  He actually almost wants to give up on being a human when they are reunited after Owen's last solo adventure, specifically because he has his doubts about his ability to be a man. But- Owen convinces him to try again.

    As far as the family goes, Boyd had a nanny growing up. She leaves the family at some point, as she didn't get along with Boyd's father but she stays in the family for Boyd's sake far longer than she wants out of love for him.  but is still around and Boyd keeps in close contact with her, because he considers her emotionally his mom. His real mom, is dead. and was a renowned beauty   I don't know whether the boys could afford one though, and both guys would prefer to parent themselves I think.. Boyd has a large family but there is a scandal at the war, which causes them to lose some of their fortune. Boyd was financially independent, but in the future and the digital era the guys live in, you are affected by the sins of the father. 

    Owen’s only living  relative he remains in contact is his grandfather Silas.  Silas raised him, after his mother abandoned him, and adopts him. Silas is like Boyd with a high degree of technical ability but unlike Boyd he lives in the gray area of the law.  He is a robotics genius  in many cases his genius exceeds Boyd's own. Unfortunately, his reputation was ruined at and he was painted as a hack but his employee who stole his work, and ideas.  The mega corporation has a long reach, and it amuses him that most of his designs are still in use today. Grandfather doesn't mind that the world views him as a hack, because the truth is in his lab, below his shop, but for the sake of his daughterand Owen He is sad not to have given them the opportunity wealth brings.

    He has taught Owen a lot about robots, and a lot about people, and much of Owen's attitude he has is a result of grandpa's parenting. Grandpa taught Owen to like people and not hold grudges and to not mind the things people say about him and to how to deal with bullies and to be self sufficient and to save money by repairing and recycling. In many ways that philosophy has allowed him to succeed where many others get dragged down and helps Boyd and Owen live when times are lean.

    Grandfather likes kids and would love to babysit. But he'd likely teach his great grandchild  how to repair the house robotic cleaner or take so,etching the interests of improving it.

    I think whether the kid could deal with daddy Boyd changing forms would have to deal with the kid. Most likely they would think it is normal, it might embarrass them as a teen, and as an adult they would care.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    Here I made a pose for the cowboy set. I used Darwin's very nice Lorenzo.

    Sadly my Bison are hairless because LAMH crashes everytime I try to render a bison with actual hair.

    So I went through my runtime, and I have very little potential stampeding bovines. My cows don't move very well, and they certainly don't run, plus stampeding milk cows don't have the same threat level as bison. The bulls look more ominous but the genitalia can't be hidden, so a herd of bulls looks pretty weird too. I guess I need steers ....

    Fortunately for the injured cowboy, Lorenzo will be grabbing his pony and pulling him to safety. I guess it was a bad time to fetch water from that creek!

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684

    I think it would be a cool next step to see the boys raise a child. If anyone puts out a good puppy morph,  ( maybe it is just me, but the wrinkle faced pup in the store I find totally unappealing ) that might be a great way for them to see if they could fit something so dependent on them into their busy lives.

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a good for lack of better word, curved primative 'spout' morph.

    I think many of the pourable products without lids by Maclean, could use a little primative to make the drink actually pour out. I used a cylinder, but I think a slightly curvy one might be better. Its easy enough to reduce it in size and parent to the hole of the drink in question.

    I am not a modeller, my modeling skills... are lacking.


    I knew I should have done it!!

    I made 'pour' props for the milk and orange juice cartons, but later on I decided against including them. The reason was that there were other props in the pack that would also need 'pours', and they presented major problems. Like the soda bottle, for example. It would have been impossible to pour the liquid and tilt the contents correctly. That put me off doing any at all, but I regret it now, I should have done a couple, at least.

    However, I do have a solution, if you come up against this again. In my Everyday Tea and Everyday Coffee sets, there are several pour props for the tea & coffee pots. I'm pretty sure they could be adapted to fit the cartons, and the materials changed to suit (Maybe you could copy the material from the orange juice in Everyday Drinks?)

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Hey thanks! 

    I did attempte to use the everyday tea option, however it was difficult to get it to be thick and short as needed for the above pose. Those props though would work for a more traditional pose where a person is pouring into a glass.

    The good news is there is actually an Orange Juice and a Milk Shader- both are in Mec4D's sset

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    Owen actually has a puppy. It was a gift from his grandfather, and is one of a kind unique mechanical android made with one of Silas's life chips.  It looks and responds exactly like a real dog and was meant to keep a lonely boy company.

    Due to something awful his mother does as a young child, the puppy is badly damaged, and Owen's grandfather manages to piece it together, but it is missing the life chip that grandfather can't make another due to lack of neccessary equipment  So it sleeps ing grandad's workshop where he hopes another chip might come in one day.

    Boyd does manage to locate the chip and restore the android to life, as a present for Owen at some point, and that is when Boyd realizes how talented Owen's grandfather acutally is. Grandfather is a bit of Herr Drosselmeyer style character a creative genius.

    Androids are common in the future, but Grandfather has always disapproved of making ihumanoid ones. So he tends to make creatures or androids which don't resemeble people.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    Boyd and Owen test drive the idea of a dog!  Try as he might it is tough for Owen to resist the cuteness

    I tried to find a pair of undies Owen had not actually worn. Although this is fancier than he normally wears I love Dzheng stuff. And Boyd and Owen must share the same wardrobe, because I've seen Owen wearing those red flannel PJ before.... But their wardrobes are kinda limited so I guess they share clothing...

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,318

    How well does Growing Up work on Owen? Probably have to dial out the muscularity. I was just thinking you could maybe do a Flashback of Own with his dog and Grandfather.

  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684

    Oh, I like that flashback idea! And that is a great image with the puppy.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Good question. We may have to see what young Owen looks, like....I’ve been meaning to do an image of grandfather. He looks a lot like Owen but has red hair and is quite sprightly for his age. Grandfather likes everyone.... but he has never met a piece of tech that doesn’t need improvement or fixing.....or upgrade... grandfather is entirely unafraid of anything robotic... it’s all just tech that needs some good repair and code. 

    In a future episode grandfather gets a new body. The body is younger than Owens which makes an interesting contrast.



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    I will try the puppy image. Sounds like a fun image.wink

    Here is a mockup of teenage Owen Kelly and Grandfather Silas Kelly. 

    I'll try making Owen younger next time. Owen at this age, aspired to go to college, and marry captain America and be just like his grandad =-)  His plans are dashed by the draft though.

    I wanted to convey that Grandfather Kelly was a man  who if provoked could be quite dangerous. He is definitely not the old has been many assume.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    Owen and Boyd return this shopping cart left outside their apartment in an unconventional way. =-)

    When I saw all these pics with "people in shopping carts"  I thought- How cute. I'm going to have to try that.

    There was even a shopping cart kiss.

    I found the shopping cart challenging especially since I didn't want to have Owen riding in it...  he gets carried around enough as the shorter member of the duo. So its definitely Boyd's turn this go around.

    My initial render, was rejected because the original shoes I had chosen had just these plain white soles. I had to go back and switch shoes, because from this angle, blank soles just looked funky.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    Boyd blows his hair dry with a little help.

    I wanted to try a blowdrying pose, but found my hair choices didn't really have much in the way of wind velocity.

    So I chose a different hair which sort of matches Boyds existing style. The strands were a bit thick, so i made the whole painting a bit more painterly. Slosh has some nice hair salon products

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • claudiogenclaudiogen Posts: 19
    edited July 2018
    480 x 600 - 481K
    Post edited by claudiogen on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Hey thanks. I haven’t seen those yet.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    This is the dforcable Star Commander Outfit for Genesis 8 Male(s) outfit.

    I think that this is by far one of the nicest male dforcable outfits out there. And you have so many options that you can use with it. Not only do you have pants, shirt, tunic, boots, coat and cape so you have basically a whole collection of layers to add to your character. great for kitbashing.

    If my dforce simulating tools were working now, I would show you more with how it runs, but out of the box it looks nice even without dforce.

    Sadly, my dforce is not working for me right now.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited July 2018

    This is the outfit without the coat with and without the cape. Different accessories could be used quite easily to give these outfits either a futuristic or fantasy flair. I like that the tunics have different geometric patterns and the buttons are nice accents. The cloth hangs well on the cape and I think for this outfit, dforce makes a lot of sense. There is enough draped cloth to really show it off. But, I also must say the outfit looks pretty nice without it as well.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    This is the dforcable Star Commander Outfit for Genesis 8 Male(s) outfit.

    I think that this is by far one of the nicest male dforcable outfits out there. And you have so many options that you can use with it. Not only do you have pants, shirt, tunic, boots, coat and cape so you have basically a whole collection of layers to add to your character. great for kitbashing.

    If my dforce simulating tools were working now, I would show you more with how it runs, but out of the box it looks nice even without dforce.

    Sadly, my dforce is not working for me right now.

    Better that I thought it was.

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    Boyd blows his hair dry with a little help.

    I wanted to try a blowdrying pose, but found my hair choices didn't really have much in the way of wind velocity.

    So I chose a different hair which sort of matches Boyds existing style. The strands were a bit thick, so i made the whole painting a bit more painterly. Slosh has some nice hair salon products

    I'm not sure how Boyd is getting anything done in the grooming department with that assistant. wink

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    Owen and Boyd return this shopping cart left outside their apartment in an unconventional way. =-)

    When I saw all these pics with "people in shopping carts"  I thought- How cute. I'm going to have to try that.

    There was even a shopping cart kiss.

    I found the shopping cart challenging especially since I didn't want to have Owen riding in it...  he gets carried around enough as the shorter member of the duo. So its definitely Boyd's turn this go around.

    My initial render, was rejected because the original shoes I had chosen had just these plain white soles. I had to go back and switch shoes, because from this angle, blank soles just looked funky.

    Very dynamic posing there (Owen's posture and legs are really welll done there). That Frenchie better watch out for the wheels, though.

This discussion has been closed.