SereneNight's Sci-fi Fun



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Thanks Nonesuch00! I hope you feel better. Strep can get bad sometimes as an adult. I got so sick onetime I went to see my family doctor. He didn't believe how sick I was... Said I had a cold... and that evening I had to go to the hospital because of an inability to swallow. I had strep quite bad. They gave me antibiotics and it cleared up....I hope you feel better and take care of yourself. =-)

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Thanks Nonesuch00! I hope you feel better. Strep can get bad sometimes as an adult. I got so sick onetime I went to see my family doctor. He didn't believe how sick I was... Said I had a cold... and that evening I had to go to the hospital because of an inability to swallow. I had strep quite bad. They gave me antibiotics and it cleared up....I hope you feel better and take care of yourself. =-)

    Thanks. The strep bacteria is actually what caused my ear infections so bad as a child that my ear drum was ruptured multiple times but I had not had such an infection since I was 18. For this infection I knew it was strep because my throat was extremely sore and bloody. I had had never had strep except as ear infections before this. I avoided antibiotics while in India because I thought they would strip my body of the good mix of helpful bacteria that fights off bad bacteria I had in a country I was told by a native I met there that the doctors prescribe them like candy instead of an occasional last resort for tough infections. As if it I feel like I am about to cough out my tonsils and just getting very scant phlem clearance for my suffering! crying

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited March 2018

    I avoid antibiotics due to becoming senstitive to them lately. It seems ones I could take before as a child, I can no longer take due to reactions. I believe my body is becoming intolerant of medications so I only use them as a last resort. I try to do without- too many side effects.

    Strep is responsive to antibiotics though, and is one of the few things it should be prescribed for. \

    Unfortunately, I have asthma, so I have to be careful and avoid illness or places where people might be sick.  Eat plenty of ice. Try liquid tylenol as it numbs the throat. Lozenges help too. Doctor can give throat syrup with codeine. Avoid the kids who don't have immunity to it. Strep can cause health problems if it is bad. Feel better.

    I work hard to keep my gut bacteria excellent. I believe gut bacteria is improtant for good health. So I do the kefir, and the probiotics daily. And try to do fermented foods when I can, which is sadly not often enough.

    I hate the pain of a bad sore throat. There is little that can numb it for me but liquid tyelonl and ice. Throat gargling also helps... But it should be warm with salt.

    I hope you feel better. You are very adventurous to travel like you do. What a bummer to get sick as the result.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited March 2018

    I avoid antibiotics due to becoming senstitive to them lately. It seems ones I could take before as a child, I can no longer take due to reactions. I believe my body is becoming intolerant of medications so I only use them as a last resort. I try to do without- too many side effects.

    Strep is responsive to antibiotics though, and is one of the few things it should be prescribed for. \

    Unfortunately, I have asthma, so I have to be careful and avoid illness or places where people might be sick.  Eat plenty of ice. Try liquid tylenol as it numbs the throat. Lozenges help too. Doctor can give throat syrup with codeine. Avoid the kids who don't have immunity to it. Strep can cause health problems if it is bad. Feel better.

    I work hard to keep my gut bacteria excellent. I believe gut bacteria is improtant for good health. So I do the kefir, and the probiotics daily. And try to do fermented foods when I can, which is sadly not often enough.

    I hate the pain of a bad sore throat. There is little that can numb it for me but liquid tyelonl and ice. Throat gargling also helps... But it should be warm with salt.

    I hope you feel better. You are very adventurous to travel like you do. What a bummer to get sick as the result.

    Thanks. The pain is not bad enough for pain killers which I typically try to avoid, preferring my body's natural eventual pain killer response where possible. I once had a codeine prescription stolen after a root canal when I was in the military so I also avoid any subscriptions that have a 'pop culture' label as 'party drugs' too. sad 

    I love pickles, sauer kraut, picked beets, yogurt and kefir too although being a vegetarian I mostly avoid the temptation of yogurt & kefir which are beyond my budget anyway. LOL, those saving come in handy for DAZ shopping although that is not the motivation for being vegetarian. I am not a pop culture vegetarian which is very expensive, time consuming, and unhealthy although not as unhealthy as being on a 100% overeating carnivore diet. 

    Anyway, sorry to derail your thread. Back to your interesting renders.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    This looks great: perhaps one of the first dforceable outfits with some thickness and weight to it

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    This looks great: perhaps one of the first dforceable outfits with some thickness and weight to it

    I'm not a fan of that dress style. It's overly common in the DAZ Store that bottom hem style compared to that style in the real world.

    I do really like sensibly funny Dame Edna style characters though. LOL, or Buffy and Hildegard if one is old enough to remember Bosom Buddies. Or one of Harvey Korman's female get-ups. Odd that that trick doesn't translate so well or easily from female to male impersonators, I can't even think of any outside of Victor/Victoria or the movie Boys Don't Cry. Must be more? 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited March 2018

    I picked the suit up, and It is fun to play with.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited March 2018

    I've been working on kitbashing a new outfit for Owen when he's not wearing his heavy combat armor. He used to wear a beret, but I stopped due to it looking sort of odd with the blue suit. But Owen is a sergeant, and should wear a cover now and then.

    Fun Owen facts

    1. Owen is younger than Boyd
    2. Owen's favorite food is coffee.  His least favorite food is tuna casserole MRE due to a military supply error and being forced to eat them for too many days in a row.

    3. He has a 3rd lung

    4. Owen speaks Chinese

    1400 x 1600 - 3M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited March 2018

    Oh, man, I made the mistake of uninstalling genesis 3 female starter essentials a day ago. That was a big mistake. I tried to reinstall the starter essentials from dim, but studio wanted the connect version. When I clicked install it didn't work. finally had to reinstall daz, and genesis 3 female starter essentialst to get it to stop. LOL. I'm clearly not allowed to uninstall female content! wink  In her defense I was really trying to reinstall my male clothing for genesis 3 male... Due to the fact of me messing some of it up in the conversion process. She was hit in the crossfire. I had done a search in dim for geneis 3 male, and I inadvertantly tossed her. But boy did she make me pay for that mistake.


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715
    edited March 2018

    "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" and all that. Apparently, it holds true for digital ones as well.

    Post edited by Phoenix1966 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    They started that whole beret kick after I got out. Those used to be reserved for a few units only and mostly only because JFK liked them. I like the beret in Prince song Raspberry Beret best, although truthfully that was probably just a 2nd hand military beret from the US Army. First time I visited a Target was in Minneapolis/St Paul and there was also a huge Levi's 501 Outlet Store in the area. That's where I got my 1st cords if anyone remembers that style. I still don't remember seeing any of those cords past junior high school though.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Love the render and backstory.  Words add to the visual impact.  

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    @phoneix1996. Yes. Genesis 3 female was quite resentful of my mistake. Fortunatley,  she is back where she belongs, and all is well in my runtime, although I'm still mystified what she had that I use with Owen, but I guess I will never know! Oh, and congratulations on your new male release elsewhere! He looks great, and its nice to have another high-tech guy. Make sure to check it out everyone... At the other place.

    @Nonesuch00: It used to be only navy seals had berets. Now everyone does. I don't have much way of indicating rank with existing clothing, as many of the covers I have go straight from private to Officers oddly, completely overlooking NCOS.

    @Worlds Edge: Yeah? Thanks... =-)

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    Serene, do you have the Owen/Boyd history written out somewhere? I'm just wondering how everything fits together in sequence, since you go back and forth in the illustrations. I think I get the very general outlines ... I think ... but does Owen go back and forth between being in the drone/bot/jar, or was that purely the beforetime, and now he's got a body and that's the end of it? (Also, how did he get a body?)

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited March 2018

    Serene, do you have the Owen/Boyd history written out somewhere?

    Somewhat. I should probably write it down officially, and I think that might be a good idea. Then I can keep things straight in my brain. (no pun intended).

    I'm just wondering how everything fits together in sequence, since you go back and forth in the illustrations. I think I get the very general outlines ... I think ... but does Owen go back and forth between being in the drone/bot/jar, or was that purely the beforetime, and now he's got a body and that's the end of it?

    Boyd's the brain. =-) Short encapsulated version, he is born heavily genetically modified to a wealthy family, contacts some strange debilitating condition at 6 (it turns out to be an alien infection targeting people the aliens think have leadership potential.) and becomes body liberated at 7.

    From 7-27 Boyd goes from a tank to increasingly more impressive vehicles. He mostly spends his life inside a bot, but is tanked for maintenance windows and when his vehicelas are down for maintenace, or when he's running a military base or starship. Somehow his brain is kind of modular and can be slipped inside other things like a fancy flash drive. I toyed with digitizing his brain at somepoint, but thought that might be a bit weird, but that might allow him to be able to slipped into things that aren't brain-sized. I don't want Boyd to be perceived as a robot or something mechanical. He is a human despite what he looks like. But I considered nanitizing him at one point.

    Anyway, Boyd could choose a more humanoid cyborg body, but Boyd likes the ability to fly, plus cyborgs despite looking cool, aren't really effective in combat situations. A drone brained is more effective than a dozen human soldiers because they can drive myriads of different robotic bodies in different situations. They are so effective So much so, that some soldiers volunteer to beceome body liberated. But older soldiers aren't nearly as good at adjusting to the body liberated style as someone who starts at a younger age. Boyd is fast, quick, effective, and deadly.

    Boyd's wealthy family do purchase him an amazing body at 18 which is the age for healthy body transfer they put it in cryo because of the war but the body is requistioned by someon in the government and Boyd is put on the waiting list.

    Time passes Boyd and Owen become work partners, best friends, and falling for eachother.

    Earth has been building a massive defensive grid to protect them from aliens using stolen alient tech. The grid is nearly complete, and Owen is sent on a routine mission without Boyd. He doesn't return. Somehow the separation is Boyds fault. Boyd is upset about it, but Owen re-assures him its all routine. While Owen is leaving on his final solo mission, Boyd proposes to him by app, and Owen agrees to marry him- but only when Boyd asks him in person. Boyd has to wait a while before fulfilling that!

    Each brain has a chip inserted into them, that allows them to communicate with their Operator and vice versa. This chip is represented by the module Boyd and Owen both have i n their left temple. This allows them access to eachothers HUD, so Owen can see what Boyd sees from up high, and vice versa. They can also communicate subvocally.

    Boyd discovers the dirty truth about what happened to Owen, and seeks to rescue him.

    Right before the mission he gets an Aesir body which is the blonde body he is currently inhabiting. For some reason the body was not claimed or rejected and so Boyd gets it. Why is unknown.

    I haven't decides what properties the body has, but its mostl likely just uber. It is not cybernetic. It is at least organic. There is typically a long adjustment period for transfer, but Boyd waives that. Boyd can be single minded.

    He does save Owen, in his handsome and deadly new body but crashes pretty hard afteward. Being human is difficult as is tolerating the hormonal and emotional overload caused by having a body. Brains have all that regulated, but a real body with adrenaline, hormones, etc... Can be overwhelming.

    I don't think he opts to inhabit more drones at that point but he can control electronics as a human.

    I had toyed with Boyd being body flexible and changing bodies every so often or perhaps having the ability to alter his experimental body digitally, or perhaps the new body is morphable in someway, but haven't thought about it.

    Needless to say, Owen find Boyd get back together again, and although Owen takes a while to recover from his mission and Boyd has a while to body adjust... they now have a lifetime of adventures ahead of them.

    Where do the bodies come from?

    Bodies and organs of all types are grown in tanks in countries around the world. Quickly. . After the body is ordered, the brain can be removed healthy body and transferred to the newer one, through surgical process. You can't have a brain transfer if suffer brain injury or illness.

    There is no ethical issue with transfering a brain to one of these bodies because no one is killed when the body is inhabited. Anyone can purchase a body (assuming they have enough money) and a young body 21-ish year old body is part of the insurance package for many high risk jobs like, police, soldier etc. The va will give you a body after 25 years service in the military as a signing bonus of any race, and gender. You can collect early if you are seriously injured, but the clock is set back when you do.

    Bodies can be special ordered with certain desireable traits as well. There is a limit too the number of transfers a brain can stand, and 3 is the number of transfers an average brain can handle. Some brains, like boyd's though are more flexible, and specially altered. Boyd's brain can be transferred indefinitly as long as surgical procedures are followed.

    Obviousy this can lead to exploitation, and in some countries, it is not uncommon for people to go into indenture to pay off a body they purchase and unscrupulous insurance companies sometimes force people who are sick to take a body rather than to pay a premium. Also some countries harvest brains and enslave them to run their comptuer networks, and cyber cities. So... There is a dark side.

    Some people also opt to be body liberated or inhabit robotic bodies. Good cyborg bodies are far more expensive than a human body though, and only the wealthy can afford that.

    Bodies can be bought at showrooms, through mail order, or from the insurance companies.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited March 2018

    Oh, I should mention that I'm still pretty flexible of elements of the story and still considering things. There are also a lot of things I have failed to mention... And I haven't fully decided how Boyd does get his body. I do know it occurs when Owen is about 27.

    There is a strong chance Boyd will be assigned to man the space station above earth as the results of excelling at his training...and I considered the body might be the bonus for defending earth while the grid is being built... the future government , nasty piece of work that it is, never expect to have to give him the body...And that Owen might rescue himself... By bringing  the Indomitable back from where he was marooned.

    The indomitable is the alien vessel that turns the tides on the aliens I don't think the security grid will be sufficient since the aliens have operatives planetside.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    Oh, cool. Thanks for explaining.

    That military policy seems kind of cruel, in the sort of way that a military probably would be. "Accept being maimed for life, or reinlist to get a shiny new body."

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Its easier to transfer a  brain than spend years, restoring an injured person- something the future government doesn't have time to do with the war going on.

    There are downsides. Mistakes happen. You could get a body of a different than what you specified, and that would be yours for the next 30 years...  Or you could get a body and find you are no longer attracted to the person you were involved with prior to transferring.

    Also newly activated brains tend to... Act up. Sew their wild oats. Everything is very different for them and quite new.

    The government is favoritng bigger, stronger ,faster bodies, aa well ao in ADDITION to being new, they are alo perfected. .

  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760
    edited March 2018

    You really need to write a book. I would absolutely read the crap out of this! Alternate universe/dystopian scifi future is right up my alley.

    Edit: have you seen Altered Carbon on Netflix? It's really good, and may give you some ideas.

    Post edited by zombietaggerung on
  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    With a backstory/history as rich as this, you should definitely write notes for yourself. You'd be surprised at the details you're certain you'd never forget getting lost over time.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I think you are right! I will certainly start writing things down. I just started a spreadsheet in fact. It is a wee bit difficult to keep stuff straight and there are a fair amount of details that probably aren't story essentials but influence events as the story unfolds.

    The extent of alien influence on earth is quite interesting for example, but its a slow broil.

    I haven't seen altered carbon, that seems fun! Will defintely check that out.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    You really need to write a book. I would absolutely read the crap out of this! Alternate universe/dystopian scifi future is right up my alley.

    Edit: have you seen Altered Carbon on Netflix? It's really good, and may give you some ideas.

    I have been telling her this all along ... lol.  But it is fun to get the different pieces of the puzzle a bit at a time as well.  Kind of like getting to know people in real life

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited March 2018

    I'm testing out some of my new male outfits here.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited March 2018

    Boyd in front of an interesting Emissive panel.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    1400 x 1600 - 3M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • agent unawaresagent unawares Posts: 3,513

    I really like the yellow one.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited March 2018

    Thanks. =-)

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited March 2018

    Sloshwerks has made a nice chef outfit for the men. Chef Outfit: Those pants and shoes look useful to match with other sets.     I’m going to certainly buy that.

    Aeris on rendo has made some m/m/m poses which are cute as well. Check out Three is Company.

    Jepes new poses are excellent and very fluid and natural. Worth purchasingThey aren’t the typical standing there turning one way or the other type set.. Jepe's Turn Around Poses for Genesis 8 Male and Michael 8

    Phoenix’s new guy Jesse ncludes a spine and some interesting cybernetic shells. Plus body hair.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Oh man, I am always bummed when I pick up a set and find it doesn't have the functionality I need. Uptown Kitchen does not have refrigerator door you can open. I can't even replace the fridge with one that does since it is modelled into the wall without a separate texture that I can see... And sadly I purchased it a couple months ago, and can't return it.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Did you see my post on my thread about the fridge? Country Kitchen's fridge door opens. With some shaders to upgrade it to more modern, it may work for you if you change a few things to glass and chrome. 

    I like the Emissive Panel render. yes

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Most of the Northern Terrace set's doors open but it doesn't mention the fridge specifically opening and the fridge is one of those European / College Dorm style 1/2 fridges meant for daily shoppers.

This discussion has been closed.