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Yeah. I am sad. I wanted a tall fridge so I could make it the light source with the character kinda in front raiding the goodies by the light inside but so far none of the sets I own really have a decent looking fridge.. but I will persevere..
i do have the country kitchen set, and while I don’t like the kitchen the fridge is removable so maybe I can just put it somewhere else.
Here is a list of freebies if you're willing to import it into DAZ Studio and do some work on it:
Hmm those look pretty good. I can usually import individual items from turbosquid it’s just those that are all connected which are tedious. Thanks...
If you're a PC+ member the Dream Home KItchen Appliances have a very nice modern looking fridge in it. And it opens, all you'd have to do is Iray-it. And it's only $1.99
those look good!
Wow, thanks, way better than many Iray fridges. Awesome.
I am curious about bending the neck of the characters, and making more realistic neck bends. I find the neck bends to be somewhat unnatural so I am g if I can do something to improve them.
It should be possible for example to bend your head so the back of the skull touches your shoulders. But this pose produces an extreme bend that makes the neck look broken even using pose control.
Also is there... A stretch the neck option? Like when you pull your neck out or down?
It could be I'm missing something here, but I'm attempting to do a pose where two characters are kissing. One is bending over from behind to kiss the character from behind who has his head bend backward and nearly horizonal to his shoulders. Its a cute pose, I havent' seen done befre.
This pose looks okay for the top character, but the neck pose of a character sitting with the neck bend back, looks distorted because of the way the neck kind of bends out.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
The reference image I use, has the neck being straighter, not bowed. Also Boyd's head imbeds the chest, but this should be physically possiblle...So not sure.
Personally when I try to roll my skull back the base of the skull only rotates back 30 - 45 degrees (or maybe it's up to 90 degrees). Basically I can rotate my head back far enough to look straight up but not straight up & behind me, at least to any significant degree.
For your render it's actually Owen that looks more unnateral to me as he has his head craned up and out when if he were trying to kiss Boyd it's much easier for him to bend is head and neck down and in to meet Boyd.
Now I have a double-jointed cousin that what I stated for my joints doesn't apply at all and she makes me cringe everytime she demonstrates but I think generally most people's joints are more like mine.
I also can't nearly touch my head to my shoulders unless I pull my shoulders back.
Weird, I can do that easily without moving my shoulders. .
I may just switch them. Its easier to pose boyd given he's about 5 inches taller, than to pose Owen in this pose- but thanks for the input.
My main concern though is the front of the neck which looks odd to me. But ohwell.
Yeah, I can't bend my head that far back, either, I'm afraid. Also, men generally have less flexible spines than women do.
That said, given the position, maybe what you're missing is a small bend back in the chest and abdomen for the guy in front. The sort of stretch you have to do to make that work would bend the upper body back a little.
THAT said, in theory, you could do it with the head and neck alone just by turning off the limits in the "bend" parameters. It would likely look a bit odd, though.
I appreciate this. I think you may be on to something. I also think maybe if I angle one of the guys it might work better. I still don't know if I can achieve lip contact from this angle without blue's head going into the chest. The image I use for a photo reference make it look easy- but I also think top guy has a long neck.
Ignore the arms. I'l fix those later.
okay, I think this is good enough for me......
Those look improved.
Thanks to you both for your advice!
Okay, here are the 3 which I have managed to do. Unfortunately, I can only do so many poses before my hands begin to bug me. When I have enough, I'll put them up in my deviant art account.
I do want to do some eating poses.....Or cooking poses... I have a chef, but nothing for him to do... So maybe I'll do some of the guys hobbies next.
Wow, those 3 are really good. Quality over quantity! Sorry about your hands. Posing would be much easier with a proper modern animation system and save your hands much duress.
The constant depression of the mouse button does it for me. I wish there was a way to avoid that. I played too many video games when younger and injured my arm on the job lifting boxes... so my hands are kind of jacked.
I can do about an hour and should stop for the day. The good news is I’m getting faster and I don’t usually need an hour to do poses any longer. Regular Daz work doesn’t bother me since I take breaks during render time,
The upside down kiss was longer than normal for me though.
I need to be able to make poses for the stuff I do. I have a lack of useful poses in the themes that interest me.... and adapting female poses or male modeling poses gets wearisome. I need a lot of everyday stuff and they seem less popular in the stor.e.
Nice work on those poses! The first one reminds me a little of one I created for an image at some point (
I took the easy way and had the taller figure behind the shorter, though.
Liking the character and that green lighting panel with him.
Nice job on that, I like it.=-) yes I’m afraid I caved as well. I don’t like to give Boyd all the standing behind poses, initiative poses but in this case I was experiencing enough trouble with the pose that it was warranted to save me time. I will try to make a few where roles are reversed. It’s a challenge to work with a taller and shorter figure.
A challenge is only fun as long as it doesn't get frustrating ;) But I agree that the bigger one should not always get the initiative role/position. The often don't. Well, in the chase of my characters, that is.
(That doesn't only go for my boy couple(s), I have a pair where the lady is a bit taller than the gentleman, too. That gives its own challenges..)
Yeah and there is the visual impact issue. I’ve only done one where Owen is standing behind Boyd and he had to kind of peek out the side. He really can’t be seen too well when he has to stand in back. That doesn’t mean he probably doesn’t ever do so as the guys are equally protective of each other with Boyd probably being more so due to his job previously of watching Owen’s back...but there is nothing exciting about an image where a character is too short to be seen.
Same goes for all the poses where one character is being lifted up. Of which there are almost too many...I’ve had Owen do that a few times to break the trend but the truth is it’s easier to have the shorter guy being carried than the reverse due to how the poses are made.
i will try to break that trend more with poses. Just not in poses which are already too challenging to make to begin with.
Carrying poses are even more challenge, indeed. I did one -from scratch- with the (thankfully only slightly) smaller half-elf carrying the (still slightly) taller but also very differently built woman. That was when they were both Genesis 1. Perhaps things at a bit more easy to pose now - although I kept their sizes as much as possible in theri upgrade to G8, so probably not ;)
This one finished rendering an half ahour ago. It is pose number 3 in my set. I toyws with whether the boy needed tan lines or not, but considdered Owen's probably about as white as h can be, and I'm not sure if Boyd is just naturally darker, he might have a slight change, but...Oh well, maybe next time! =-)
I haven't tried to make a pose set involving lifting or carrying, since it seems common in the m/f m/m an f/f poses sets I encounter. Either the characrter is held in the fron in the arms of the figure, or receiveing a piggy back ride form behnd.
I can't think of a story related reason for characters to do that too often. Boyd s agreat deal bigger and heavier that Owen, so lifting him outside utter horseplay probably doesn't happen that often.
My characters don't make a habit of carrying each other around, either ;) The one I did really required carrying (story-wise). I just prefer to pose from scratch. It's almost a form of meditation. I sometimes use prefabs for quick testing, but if I use them as a starting point I end up fiddling an zero-ing parts zo much adn so often, that starting from zero feels a lot faster and more natural. So I gave up on that. Besides, I simply enjoy the process a lot :)
Your leaning close pose above works very well with their height difference.
Actually I believe (but I could be wrong) that the Green Berets were the first U.S. Military forces to use the Beret and adopted it from the British S.A.S, it was later adopted by the Navy SEAL's when they formed just after the U.S. became involved in Vietnam. Now it does seem that everyone wears berets as a sign of being elite troops. I do have to say that Owen does wear his well. I am curious what is the patch he has on his beret? It looks a lot like an Armored Cav patch but is is clearly not the yellow that signifies their patch.
Interesting. I did not recall that a the time.
I know they went for beret's to improve the look of the everyday soldier. I do think beret's should still be for elite troops still though.
The patch came with Predatrons' excellent hat set! The set is Headwear for Genesis 2 & 3, and includes a number of great patches. I like his/their headware due to the adjustability, plus there are a number of different patche that all look great. I suspect it is a created one, but I thought it looked cool. It has no name.
One of the benefits of working with a lot of military units and growing up around them as well. That is a great set, just added it to my wishlist, thanks! The patch looks like it did start out as a 1st armored cav patch and they flipped it and changed the color and swapped out the horse for a bird. I really enjoy your images of Boyd and Owen, and looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Well it makes sense since Boyd is a flying scout perhaps that represents Boyd’s ability to scout and see from great distances.... glad you are enjoying the thread