SereneNight's Sci-fi Fun
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That aging render is just priceless!! Great lighting and poses, and of course, characters. Well done!
I really enjoyed the aging image! Owen is easily recognizable, but Boyd, less so to me. It must be that the beard hides his features. Well done!
Boyd has new hair and a beard, and his face sags a bit.The hair is george's. It seemed to blend better than Matthew hair with the odin Beard which I wanted to test. I'm not a huge fan of neckbeards but it suits the look of a hapless senior to entrap the bad guys. Boyd has always favored a little facial hair, so it made sense he might grow a bit of a beard.
Owen on the other hair has struggled his whole life with his beard stubble and will never grow more willingly and still shaves twice a day everyday. I removed it for this scene. He has apparently just shaved.
The only thing I didn't care for with the facial age, was the way the mouths of the characters became so downturned. I had to reverse that on Owen, but its not visible through Boyd's beard. Not all seniors get super droopy frowny mouths. If you're going that route then I wish there was a jolly aging morph. With laugh lines, and unfrowny mouth.
At any rate, glad you liked it!
This is the link to install a camera with the sections applied to it. Its a freebie if anyone wants to try it out.
If I understand posts about it, you pose your regular amera then copy the settings to this one. It has the section planes attached to it, so you can light better indoors. I haven't tried it yet, but it seems interesting.
This is the character Garett. I used the Interior HDR sold here to make the reflection and the Mirror pose set made for Geneis 8 female by DM on Rendo.
Unforunately the RAR at the link on the page you linked does not exist.
Hmmm, when back and tried it a 5th or 6th time and it worked.
Nice renders by the way.
I messed around with this tool last night. It was really useful for big environments or environments where the pa did not make the ceiling or wall a separate hideable part. I haven’t worked out the kinks but so far it is a fantastic solution for lighting big dark rooms as it cuts away enough for your hdri to show through and I like that.
Beautiful and very artistic.
"the thing is I set my machine up to render and head off to work. When I return I find it has crashed in batch mode and oddly it usually has a nearly complete image on the scene."
I've actually had this happen more frequently lately as well, and on scenes that really should not be causing an issue (i.e. a simple portrait, no background and good lighting, my pc can usually handle a much more complex scene with no problem.) If I let it run overnight, it crashes when its most of the way done. Seems to consistantly want to crash at around 95%. This would not be so bad since at 95% its usually a perfectly good render but once it crashes, you can't save the finished render.
Yes the freezing issue is difficult for me to understand since I have more than adequate hardware to handle what I’m asking Daz to do. It feels like Studio is not properly handling memory.
So far one thing has helped and it is this. Resetting my computers virtual memory. Since I assigned more more according to these instructions I have not had a crash. Instructions are here if you want to give it a go. It’s number 3 the other instructions are helpful if your issue may be hardware
Here I tested out Ronen's underwear and shape morph on Boyd. I added only 20 percent Ronen, because I didn't want to alter his face shape too much. (It does a little even at this percentage). At this stage, its not too much different than RawArt's Muscularity morphs. But I wanted to try it.
I do really like the underwear. They fit well over the gens and have some nice thickness to them. They don't ride up. You will need to reduce their size though. They load pretty big to fit the main character and don't appear to shrink to fit a smaller guy.
Owen and Boyd in the Sinuous Modern Bedroom
The bedroom is extremely white, so this gives you a good opportunity to play with colored lights.
There's a bug with the swimwear. When the shorts are in a scene and not fitted to any character, a visible group appears under "Actor" that lets you size the shorts to be larger or smaller; it's got a dedicated slider called "Ronen", in fact, for just that purpose. However, when you put it on Ronen (or any other G8M character, for that matter), the group becomes hidden, and you have to Show Hidden Properties to see it again. I can't even figure out how you make it do that sort of thing. The slider needs to go to about -120% Ronen to fit another character, depending on their size. Probably should also have smoothing and collisions increased.
It's also got some slightly unbalanced construction to cope with that big tag, which means that it's wider on the left side than the right. When you shrink it enough to be snug on the left side, you can get some clipping on the right.
Interesting. I used the scale option on the ones Boyd wears to make them 97 percent. I wasn't even aware of the Ronen option. It seems pretty good although I may be able to squeeze it a bit smaller. If you turn on smoothing, it lets you get away with more tight undies.
When you have the elements posed properly. (You basically have to release all their limits, and embed them in his bladder area about halfway) , the underwear will naturally fit when you turn on smoothing. This is what Butch told me, and has been my standard method ever since.
That's a great tip, Serene! I may have to try that next time I put one of my guys in swimwear or briefs. Thank you.
It works pretty well. Especially with the OOT underwear for G8M, EJ Gregario underwear, or even this latest Ronen set. If you keep it around 2.30 or 10:30 or 11 it should work.
I'm just waiting patiently for the shower facility renders to show up.
He's fantastic!
@ Thanks Vyusur and Novica. I thought he turned out well and he has nice skin useful for other projects. The mirror set although marketed for females works great for guys too...
@Phoneix1999 Heh! you know me too well. The set is downloading right now! We shall see we shall see!
Frozen World - Icy Lake and Iray HDRI
looks really cool. It comes with a really useful ice prop so you make a very flat ground for your characters to stand or kiss on. It renders kind of slowly but I think it turns out nicely in this test render.
The only downside is once again, you may discover your characters have nothing to wear while exploring a frozen planet. =-(
Nice PoV and posing here. You're right that there is definitely a dearth of appropriate clothes for the climate/terrain. I'd love a good set of mountaineering gear.
Let me know what you think of the showers. The product is sitting in my cart as I ponder, weak and weary.
I complely missed that shower facility before, somehow. (That said, the loft bath is a tiny bit more my speed, even though it doesn't quite make a lick of sense.)
I am ... somewhat surprised that Daz let Deepsea have that main promo image.
Its definitely looking good to me. I loaded it up with the prehistoric HDRI which has a ton of palm trees and it has a good degree of realism. Renders will be forthcoming. You can load a single shower, an entire bass, or the tent. There are individual props as well, plus a nice sandy ground prop. I'm giving it thumbs up for now.
Yeah, I bought both. I really like the loft bathtub as well- even if I will be removing the mirror which seems odd in a tub for me.
I am a real sucker for Cape Cod style things. Love the architecture, the look, the whole ball of wax. I'm not sure who will bathe there, but they will surely have a lot of fun.
Here is a screenshot of the shower. I think it looks pretty good. Only thing is, no water prop. But if you have the rustic shower from Rendo the water prop will parent nicely and look pretty good as well.
That does look nice and darn you for mentioning the Prehistoric HDRI. I skipped it when it first came out because of the title, but you are right: lots of great uses for them that aren't necessarily prehistoric at all.
Yes! I think the prehistoric hdri have a lot of variety and sci-fi application too....they can look like primitive worlds or just like untouched present day locations and the lo Rez one renders fast.
Line to the Shower!
Owen and his partner Boyd (in robot drone body), head off to the showers.
I like how you had Boyd in his other form there with the rest of the guys. It has me wondering if Owen will try and wash him (I now have the image of Boyd in that form with suds all over).
That would be good! I'm sure Boyd is water proof.