SereneNight's Sci-fi Fun



  • I'm not sure about the clothing. I honestly don't know how to check that. The outfit in question is: OOT intimates. The men don't have much dialed in body-wise since there just aren't that many morphs available yet.

    They both have a combo of these morphs.

    Dylan Body HD
    Michael Body
    Bodybuilder Details
    Fitness Details
    Raw Massive Definiton
    Raw Massive hero
    Michael 8
    Raw Massive VEins

  • It is the HD morphs. But... The characters look bad without them. Modern characters need HD. If I remove them they don't look cut or defined.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Here is No HD morphs on the final outfit. You can seel all the pokethrough is gone.

    NO HD.png
    1600 x 1200 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,881

    I suggest you submit a help request and ask whether Auto Follow technology works with Genesis 8 HD morphs. Attach some of your render samples.

    To find out whether a morph has Auto Follow turned on, you can locate the dialed morph in the Parameters pane and click the gear icon on the morph to see the Parameter Settings. There is a check box for Auto Follow.  (If the dial is a controller that just changes other morphs, you will see those morphs listed in the ERC subcomponents list. Then you will have to check each individual controlled morph instead.)

  • Well I attempted to demosntrate Autofit of Genesis 3 male Classic Tux.. And this triggered a crash of the program. It could not handle autofit of the tuxedo top. I will put in a ticket for the question you ask but I admit I am not saavy in that area.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,881

    We keep cross posting. frownBut I see that you have definitely confirmed that it is the HD morphs causing the problem. Have you tried to see whether it is all of them or can you pin it down to one product or one vendor's products?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,881

    You aren't confusing Autofit with Auto Follow are you?

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    No, in this case, I was attempting to put the classic tuxedo on Boyd, which is a gen 3 itembut when I did so, the program crashed. I restarted, just loaded Boyd, and managed to autofit the tuxedo... But not the buttons... Those are the weird round things floating beside the character on either side of him. As you can see Autofit of Genesis 3 clothing works... Perfectly.

    1400 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • barbult said:

    We keep cross posting. frownBut I see that you have definitely confirmed that it is the HD morphs causing the problem. Have you tried to see whether it is all of them or can you pin it down to one product or one vendor's products?

    I found dialing each one out aleviated a small part of the issue. Dylan's HD morphs were the biggest issue. But the veins caused small protrusions, and The other HD morphs affected each guy differently.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,881

    Have you tried autofitting tight fitting garments like the G3M basic shorts/briefs and top that come with G3M Starter Essentials? If that works without poke through, but the very similar clothing made for G8M doesn't, something must be very wrong.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    I have now done this. You can see that in image 1 I had Dylan HD dialed in, and in Image 2 I did not. I don't see much tangible improvement to those morphs, so I am undialing him. I likely will return Dylan HD.

    Auto-fi of the genesis 3 product is better though than the Genesis 8 version.

    700 x 800 - 770K
    700 x 800 - 769K
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Wow, you don't have studio crashes that often, I bet that was a surprise. And gotta love the floating buttons!  One thing I did love was the dunking for apples renders. Wonderful job on that, Autumn is here! (Well, not in Florida yet, we're still doing hurricanes and hot weather.) Anyway, love the poses and overall feel of that one.

  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    The most pokethru issues I got was also with Dylan. But I think I'll hang on to him for now and just not use the HD part until they fix it. It's a pity, the G8s do have so much going for them when it comes to bends and movement. More fixes are definitely required, especially since HD morphs appear to be a must-have with these figures.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Raw Massive Veins also caused a fair amount of pokethrough on Owen but smaller holes

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Okay so put in a ticket. Let's see what if anything comes of it

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    I really like these dancing poses in this set. You can mix and match them


    2000 x 2286 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    They do look good. Any others you can recommend? I have the Love Is Love set from Rendo and will probably be picking up the other set next payday. I sometimes find posing couples  to be quite a chore, especially when one is much taller (and often more muscular) than the other. 

    On the shoe front, I have found a solution for fitting most of G2Fs to G2M with minimal fuss. It's not autofit at all I should be using but Cross-Figure, until now I never tried it on shoes. That adds the Genesis male morph to the original footwear and when I save it properly (I did screw up a couple-three times) then the shoes will go on him as well as her, no converting required, therefore no mangling. A few pairs, such as from the Cherry Blossom and Peplum Dress outfits, need smoothing turned on and Poke Away used on his toes to prevent odd bumps but it works! 

    Except not on the Boudoir Bliss slippers :sigh: they still hang part way off and his toes go through the soles, which since they're open-toed cannot be hidden. Nor will it work on Genesis 3 shoes, I'll have to buy the G3 version for that and the G8 one too whenever it goes on sale again. Probably sometime during the PC sale, they usually have bigger discounts on Daz Originals then too. 

    Now all I need to do is win the lottery so I can afford this crazy habit. But hey, it's cheaper than so many other habits and a whole lot safer too. devil

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    If you are looking for samesex couple poses then I think Aeris on Rendo has the best so  far of the romantic poses. I've bought all of hers and I think they are very good. Her latest one Romance for All is generally pretty good and has poses for both sexes, and straight and gay and lesbian couples, although, I would personally prefer to have just more of the lesbian and gay poses because  I already own so many straight couple sets, that I don't think I can use more of those.

     She has occasional oddness in the posing of some of her characters, but nothing a few adjustments can't fix

    RenderguyNY also has a great freebie marriage set:   Although usage rights aren't clear to me. The link is in the thread.

    Of the poses sold here, FeralFey's sets, several have nice variety and have poses for both gFor standard poses Shimzu, and Muscleman, are usually a good bet.

    I do have the issue with the height for romantic poses as well. Owen and Boyd aren't the same height, due to Boyd's being bio-engineered and nearly 6'8' big tall. Owen is not short by any means. But Boyd is just super tall and. I find it tough to portray sometimes as the couples sets are for similar-sized characters. But I have that issue wish Vicky and Mike too, because Victoria is quite tall, and I tend to like her a bit shorter.

    I really want to see more poses for Genesis 8 male.... I find the existing poses somewhat limited to modeling and flexing poses which I don't need as much of. There are only so many story reasons artistically I need a character will strike up a modeling pose.

    Glad to hear you've fixed the issue with the shoes. Thats an interesting solution, I actually don't' own cross fit so I will have to try it. I thought of you, because I liked the fact that a recent dress I used had separate pumps for each foot, which I really like. I like being able to have a character with one shoe off and one shoe on. I think it would make fitting them easier too. I wish more PA's would separate the shoes like that.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Okay here I tested out a few products I've recently purchased.

    I replaced Boyd's dark painted on brows using brow remover and tried out  They are a bit more achy than I personally like, but I love the fact that they blend in so much better than default Michael 8 brows which looked a big geometric and a bit manga-ish to me.  I will working making them less ached and more benign. But so far, I like them!

    Next, these shorts are from Summertime outfit released today. I really like the fit of these swim shorts very sexy masculine fit. I wasn't a fan of the rolled cuff shorts, but the swimtrunks are nice. Plus you can layer them.

    The chest hair is from    I messed around, with it, and there are several nice presets and the fit is really close which I like. however there is nipple poke through with some of the chest hairs which I was disappointed by. I haven't messed around with the rest of it enough, but it seems decent value, if you don't mind a bit of post work.

    Finally, I tested this  This was unexpectedly cool, as there are several useful tanning shaders included, and I like the added reflection options. I added sparkle to the image, just because I could, but it has several neat skin options useful for making fantasy and alien characters.




    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Okay, so here is the very subtle difference of Michael 8 HD added to a regular character. Boyd with the short roman hairstyle has no Michael 8 HD dialed in. Boyd with longer funky hairstyle has HD dialed in. The differences from this distance are hardly discernable.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    Okay, so here is the very subtle difference of Michael 8 HD added to a regular character. Boyd with the short roman hairstyle has no Michael 8 HD dialed in. Boyd with longer funky hairstyle has HD dialed in. The differences from this distance are hardly discernable.

    Hard to see a difference except maybe in the fingers. What level of subd is the character? Sometimes upping the render subd brings out the HD features. And if the character uses M8's normal maps, then they would already be simulating  many of the HD features. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Thanks for the tip. He is using Sub D level 1. Normal Maps are just Base Male.

    Per your suggestion I have upped Subd to 4. I will show a before and after shot.

    No HD:

    HD Subdivision level 4

    Hd Subdivison 4 with Michael 8's normals.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • I think you can see more detail when the normals are added and sub-d raised to 4.  but michael 8 normals also seem to add a fair amount of age. i'm not really keen on the weird neck creases.

    I'm not discouraging anyone from buying this, I'm just accustomed to more detail when I add HD to a figure than I got when just adding it to my standard character.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,881

    From what I've seen in Daz Original characters, the HD characters have normals OFF (if you load the HD character actor). Using both HD morphs and normal maps was too much for my taste when experimenting with Ivan 7. I do not think they are intended to be used together, although some people said they liked using both when we discussed it in Novica's thread.

  • I am not returning the Michael 8 hd set. It is the only game in town really for hd besides pa made characters but I was hoping for a bit more. That's good to know about normals. I think they will stay off for this particular character.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Owen's at the beach, ready for action. Yeah, the goofy guy is Michael 8. I'm not sure where Boyd is... maybe further down the beach getting pictures taken or something. Har!

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    I like! Say, that goofy guy wouldn't be eyeing Boyd's territory now would he? I'm sure that'd be risky business. wink

  • Yeah, M8 does appear to be checking on Owen. =-) Owen is all business though when on the job though. And you are right about Boyd's reaction. Hah.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited October 2017

    Boyd makes a play for one of Owen's few remaining french fries. 

    2000 x 2286 - 4M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • I really liked the boys' dancing render.  That was great.

This discussion has been closed.