SereneNight's Sci-fi Fun



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    This is one image I didn't like and didn't use. Boyd is standing on nothing... But check out the water. Look how clear and yet frothy it is. and this is just with a simple sun-sky setting.

    2000 x 1600 - 5M
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    barbult said:

    I like the pop of red with Boyd's trunks, too. It is a nice dynamic image.

    Red I think is Boyd's favorite color. He wore a red track suit in another scene so I'm going with it.


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    Byrdie said:

    :sigh: I passed on that too because I thought it was for animations only and I don't do those. Wishlisted immediately now that I've seen this. Might even pick up that mechanical beastie too since it apparently has more than one use. Gotta get me some more critter bots, I haven't bought any since D-Spot and that's positively ancient. 

    That product definitely needs some repackaging.

    The modular mech squid comes with 3 premade critters, a scorpian, a HG wells type walker alien, and a squid. I think I turned the Walker one upside down. Worked fine. There is also a bonus Doc Octopus type figure for G2m. There is an expansion but haven't played with it.



  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Makes me glad I picked up the Ireal Ocean.  As far as I know all of PA_Philosphers animated stuff works just fine for still views as well.  I know the butterflies, the dust particles etc. all have static props to use in still images.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Yeah ireal ocean is the bomb. And it renders pretty fast too. I have hated nearly all my recent water products but this looks real. The color of the surf looks good to. We don't have balmy blue water where I live it is all turgid greenish gray so this looks far more convincing to me

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited August 2017

    Here's my attempt to Redo Owen for Genesis 8. Getting the head morph right is a bit of a challenge. There are too few morphs for the mouth and lip shape, and it is tough to alter the jaw in the way I want.

    1400 x 1800 - 7M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Your water scene is terrific.  And I know exactly the type of magazine you're talking about.  Great work as always.

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,318

    Here's my attempt to Redo Owen for Genesis 8. Getting the head morph right is a bit of a challenge. There are too few morphs for the mouth and lip shape, and it is tough to alter the jaw in the way I want.

    Zevo and Dogz are doing a G8 version of 200 plus head and face - might be worth waiting for that

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Yeah!  Thank great news.

  • The tool here works great for transferring your characters and morphs to Genesis 8:

    I tried other methods but they were cumbersome. I almost think it is easier to use than gen x.

  • Byrdie said:

    surprise He didn't have a body before? What did I miss?

    Boyd was born human to fairly wealthy parents. They could afford to genetically engineer a 'perfect' child. Boyd is a genius and has several degrees. His older brothers and younder siblings are also quite gifted. Things were going well for Boyd until he turned 7. This is about time the Aliens began releasing genetic bugs... Boyd fell deathly ill with some sort of disease that attacked his nervous system. He was in incredible pain and unable to get better so his parents, decided to body liberate him, which happens to some people- the brain is tanked and used as sort of a human computer. Unfortunately, this also happens a lot in third world countries where brains are sometimes enslaved. Anyway...

    From that Age, until about his mid to late 20's Boyd is a brain in a Robotic shell or sometimes floating in a tank.  Boyd make a small fortune using his programing skills with and training with  robots, which he has an affinity for. But although initially happy he is not satisfied being a tanked brain. He wants to be human again. But then the war starts, and bodies are reserved for soldiers and those injured who need the transfer, he is able to sublimate this desire for a while.

    Body swapping is common in the future. In fact, the VA cuts costs by giving every veteran after 25 years of service, a brand new body, thus cutting back on extended medical care. The ethical issue of cloning is removed, because the bodies are cloned without brains.  You can order any kind of body you want. When it is grown, the brain is moved from one body to another. But the challenge is, inhabiting a new body will earn you a visit from the military recruiter almost immediatly. Transferred persons make prime recruit material.

    At any rate, Boyd decides he can no longer be on the sidelines, dispute his programming skills and joins a unit which is all bodiless individuals. He meets Owen when they are assigned to be partners.

    They have lots of adventures and they become best friends. Boyd has a fun sense of humor, and is smart and educated. Owen is smart but has only a high school diploma due to being recruited young. He is physically fit, with a dark sense of humor, and is openly gay and has a kind streak. Both are kind of lonely, as Boyd's bodyless nature makes him unable to form lasting attachments, as does Owen's tiring job.

    At any rate, a long series of events occurs during which they fall in love and Boyd gets his body- however it is not the one he ordered. That one is commandeered by a wealthy US Senator. This body was a special order, whose intended recipient died.

    Not having a body for so long gives Boyd somewhat a quirky perspective on life. It also is an eye opener as he is treated far different now than before.


    I don't think I read all of the details before.  That's some nice worldbuilding in there.  :)

    Nice tip with the jewelry.  I have that vignette from a couple of FeralFey's pose sets.  I'll have to give it a try.


  • Thanks! My stories are quite involved but I try to be different than others. :-)

  • I am intrigued by the idea of a render with a character in front of the mirror reflecting something in the background. Has anyone attempted a render involving a mirror where the point was to get an interesting picture in the reflection?

  • Yep, I did that.  I set it up so that I had an infinite number of reflections.  It was actually kind of cool.  You can see it here.  I'll be interested to see what you come up with.

  • @fishtales did that a while back.  His character is driving a car, and the rearview mirror reflects a zombie chasing or hanging onto the car, if I'm recalling correctly.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Owen on Crutches. Topaz Studios has some interesting effects. I'm not really a fan of black and white, but this turned out to have enough detail to interest me, especially with the muscles on Owen's thighs and the way the filter looks like graphite. It looks better enlarged.

    1400 x 1600 - 4M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Owen prepares to do pushups, looking none too pleased.I used the bandage product here. It turned out too grainy. Will attempt it again overnight. Yes he does have underwear on. Thehy are green. ..

    1400 x 1089 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Yep, I did that.  I set it up so that I had an infinite number of reflections.  It was actually kind of cool.  You can see it here.  I'll be interested to see what you come up with.

    Very nicely done. I'm going to have to check my products to find a mirror  I've found af few bathroom mirrors but the angle is difficult to get an interesting image. As far as I know I can't find a sci-fi room with a reflective mirror.


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    @Serene Night

    This is the image @Worlds_Edge was talking about. I used the Polished Aluminium shader for the mirror.

    Click on image for full size.

  • Oh my very cool!

  • Yep, I did that.  I set it up so that I had an infinite number of reflections.  It was actually kind of cool.  You can see it here.  I'll be interested to see what you come up with.

    Very nicely done. I'm going to have to check my products to find a mirror  I've found af few bathroom mirrors but the angle is difficult to get an interesting image. As far as I know I can't find a sci-fi room with a reflective mirror.


    Thank you.  As for a mirror in a Sci Fi set, I haven't tried that.  I would just find a Sci Fi room with a wall that would make a good mirror, if it were me, and try to change the shader to for that part of the wall with a mirror shader or aluminum like @Fishtales did.  That, of course, depends on how the vendor set up the material zones and whether it's feasible to do that.  I imagine one could fix that sort of problem with the geometry editor, but that is one thing I still don't know how to use.  If I couldn't apply directly to the wall, I'd probably try to put a plane with my mirror shader on the wall and try to make it look like it belonged.  I've never tried setting up a mirror on any of my Sci Fi sets so I don't know how easy it would be do that.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Okay, I redid this- longer, added a rim light.

    2400 x 1867 - 4M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017
    Thank you.  As for a mirror in a Sci Fi set, I haven't tried that.  I would just find a Sci Fi room with a wall that would make a good mirror, if it were me, and try to change the shader to for that part of the wall with a mirror shader or aluminum like @Fishtales did.  That, of course, depends on how the vendor set up the material zones and whether it's feasible to do that.  I imagine one could fix that sort of problem with the geometry editor, but that is one thing I still don't know how to use.  If I couldn't apply directly to the wall, I'd probably try to put a plane with my mirror shader on the wall and try to make it look like it belonged.  I've never tried setting up a mirror on any of my Sci Fi sets so I don't know how easy it would be do that.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I am certainly going to look around.. Seems easiest to cheat and put the second image in the mirror, however I will resist this method and try something original. I have found many sets do not have adjustable props- they are part of the wall or floor or ceiling. I'm going to look and see what I have.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    I bought the floating Gazebo at Rendo a while ago- and had no use for it. So when I Was sorting through my runtime I pulled it up and checked it out. I actually really like it- with one caveat. When you make the walls wood they all go in one direction. So some of the logs are going to look funky. Yes, I had fun adding color to the sunset.  Boyd is attempting to get Owen to relax a bit here. One thing, I'm not liking with gen 8 is the necks. Sometimes they look really long to me.


    1800 x 1200 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • AloreeaAloreea Posts: 285

    Okay, I redid this- longer, added a rim light.

    Oh wow, I LOVE THIS! The rim light was a great addition, it looks great!

  • Thanks! Glad you like it. =-)

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I used Mirror Mirror for one of my renders, there's different shapes so you just opague out the frame. I like the water in your scenes too, very nice! The lighting on all these are very pleasing. 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    Besides the nice images, I appreciate your insight and opinion on the good and bad of various products.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    I've been messing around just getting the feel of Gen 8 men. Some  things I very much like- like the bodies. I find the heads and necks to be strange. In some scenes the neck is quite frankly too long. Some characters shrink or enlarge the head as to look disproportionate. Michael eyebrows are thick and quite distinctive and sadly not adjustable. So I can't put any on Owen yet, as his brows are placed differently. A brow product with more variation is certainly needed.

    I'm not loving any of the new male hairs. I find the same issues I had with gen 3. Weird hairlines. Fewer adjustments. Less volume, and short clumped hair, that needs some volume morphs.

    The two new characters by FW included in the pro bundle have a rather regretable flaw on their antaomical elements. 

    The males desperately need HD morphs. The hands faces and bodies are two smooth without these added details which give them edges and distinction.



    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Aloreea said:

    Okay, I redid this- longer, added a rim light.

    Oh wow, I LOVE THIS! The rim light was a great addition, it looks great!

    Agreed- that spotlight added really makes this pop

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