SereneNight's Sci-fi Fun



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Owen was raised by his grandparents in the Bronx. Boyd is from an affluent  southern family. They are actually only a couple of months apart in chronological age.

    I wanted to try giving Boyd and Owen some different hair. I think  I prefer Boyd's previous hairstyle because the nape was so cool.  But Owen looks different with his. I think I rather like it. Maybe for when he becomes a civilian.

    For some reason with the Gen 8 version of Owen, his eyes frequently look brown. They are supposed to be green, but render darker unless I beam a light right into them. I think it is an eyeshape morph or a surface thing.

    1700 x 1322 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    Looking good, I do like that hair. The eye thing may well be a surface setting difference, I've noticed color differences too with some characters. Usually they tend to go darker, blue to nearly black for instance. 

    Wonder of wonders, I behold a hairy chest! Wherever did you find one? I'm looking to fix up Jake for G3M and it is plain to see that no matter which skin I use, be it the converted M4 Lazarus or a Genesis 3 one with proper Iray mats, they are practically hairless. Which of course he ain't. I tried fitting M5 body hair to him but it looked like he'd had an accident with some very strong adhesive tape in rather sensitive places. Ouch!

  • I am not a fan of the hairless look which looks juvenile to me. I do like body hair on men and both guys do have body hair. Owens nice chest hair I really love  and is made by Redz. It came with Kane for Genesis 3 male at rendo. Boyd wears the chest hair from real hairy for Genesis 2 subdivided with oot shaders applied however there is oddness with some hairs poking through the nipples which I hate and usually remove in Photoshop.

    I haven't fond a product I like for all parts of the body yet. A lot of fibermesh has a gap between the skin and hair which I don't  like. Painted on hair doesn't look that great  closeup so I stick to covering chests faces and arms. Owen actually doesn't have bodyhair on certain bodyparts due to hair removal when younger. He is a twice a day shaver and so even though he shaves for the job in the morning it grows out by sundown. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    A bike ride in the city! I'm not sure I'm feeling those shorts that Boyd is wearing though. But too late now!


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    Boyd's look a little like women's shorts with the turned up cuff, but Owen is looking hot!!!

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017
    barbult said:

    Boyd's look a little like women's shorts with the turned up cuff, but Owen is looking hot!!!

    I agree. They look like women's shorts and likely are.They came with the Genesis 8 Male MEGA Wardrobe which I really like, but I'm not fond of any of the jeans which mostly are painted on. Ohwell Another opportuntiy to re-render it and try another style.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Oops. I completely missed the male bike morph. I definitly will need to re-render. My bad.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    I was wondering if Boyd was on a "girl's" bike or whether it was just the camera angle hiding the "boy's" bar.

  • It was. I'm actually didn't realize there was a male  morph as this is something I don't really pay much attention to. I rode both as a child due to bike availability.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Here we go, I redid it. And did away with those awful shorts! =-)



    2400 x 2743 - 5M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783
    edited September 2017

    yes The boys are looking good! Have you gotten the G8M Starter update yet? Should be in your DIM. Word to the wise, for some odd reason it puts two icons for him in your Smart Content but they both lead to the same figure. Not sure what all the fixes are but he can now wear "borrowed" shoes without serious issues -- aside from the high heels thing, that is. I converted the G3F Elatha sandals and they're (a) not mangled and (b) actually on his feet. He still does not have a Footwear option in autofit so you have to select Full Body same as for pants but it works. Hooray! 

    Post edited by Byrdie on
  • Excellent news. I will have to check that out. I haven't even bothered with the shoes since I assumed they would mangle. Good to know they work now

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Okay this proved a challenging image. I knew I wanted to try doing a bobbing for apples image but I rather lacked neccessary parts. I found the barrel as a planter in one of the sets I owned. I recolored the dirt with Sf-Desin's water shaders. I had to make Boyd's pose from different pose bits, but getting Boyd's mouth open wide enough for an apple  and still look good was hard. All the images I've seen were either poised after, or had the person with wet water streaming from their nose and mouth with their eyes scrunched. There is no scrunch eye pose. Poses for the head apply to all parts, not the eyes individually. Water streaming from the nose looked bad.

    I couldn't find any apples I liked so bought this set at rendo. For the background I used some of the old Carnival sets which had been recently released for iray. The streamers I recolored from the party set.

    Owen's Henley shirt had a fair amount of pokethrough even with a 10 percent push applied. And the texture of the top is funky under the arms where the seams meet. The halloween candy is from Rendo and is by I13. Its a nice set, and worth it. has lots of candy included. Anyway enjoy another seasonal image on me.

    Apple Time.jpg
    1400 x 1600 - 3M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    "I put up with the big goof because I love him." What Owen seems to be saying in this one, at least to me. Boyd may be soggy but it sure looks like he's having a good time, nice to see them not worrying about the world-saving bit for a little while anyway. Apples and candy really look good, I must visit Rendo and go Halloween shopping sometime. 

  • Looks great, Serene!

  • Yes the halloween candy is by i13 and really cool looking. It comes preloaded but would make excellent props!

    you are probably right spot on...Very little bothers Owen. He has seen it all in his years of training recruits and Boyd has always been a bit of a clown/joker . It is one of the reason Owen likes him... Boyd deals with life with humor and Owen loves him for it. Owen has a dark sense of humor but Boyd likes the challenge of making Owen laugh

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    I'm not hugely inspired right now, so I'm going to test some of the items I picked up in the recent sales.

    Here is Boyd wearing Basketball Kit for Genesis 8 Males. The set rendered with clipping on bodyparts in the hem of the shirt and the arm/shoulder area of the top and shorts... And this is in this very basic pose. It looks okay, except it is far too clingy. Basketball tops aren't clingy they are loose to allow optimal movement. The shirt and shorts have a check pattern. The small sports hall rendered nicely, the glass of the windows needed to be replaced with a glass shader- they rendered strange oddly for me. Overall Okay for both items. Textures include different names numbers and insignias.

    1400 x 1600 - 3M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • My next test is Easier Pose Creation for Genesis 8 Males To be honest, I was expecting a bit more from this. I expected at the very least that it would be somewhat like an 113 product. The poses are divided into 3 options. Full Body, Upper Body and Lower Body. You can then mix and match various bits of the poses.

    This was only okay. You get more value from buying an i13 product which has individual limbs in addition to the pose preset.  If you just want to alter the upper body and lower body of your pose this might work, but I felt it was not really up to par of existing products on the market.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    I didn't buy the basketball outfit, because the promos made it look so bad to me. I thought the shorts looked very wrong. Basketball shorts should be loose. They shouldn't cup the "anatomical elements" like that in front and they shouldn't have wedgie wrinkles under the crotch in back. The promos showed that the top didn't move with the leg pose properly, and the clipping looked bad. I thought the checked texture pattern was a poor choice. It makes the whole outfit look low res and blocky to me. The room looks nice in your render. I wonder what was wrong with the glass texture.

  • Very true. I did think of you because the laces weren't bad on the tennis shoes but the socks lacked texture and looked flat.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    Very true. I did think of you because the laces weren't bad on the tennis shoes but the socks lacked texture and looked flat.

    Yes! I saw the tied laces. That was the only point in its favor for me. But the long list of negatives outweighed it, even for the PC+ price.

  • Yeah I concur. I do think the blue costume is more detailed than the red one which is a touch plain But you got me with the wedgie.

    Unfortunately I don't know what it is but gen 8 men's clothing doesn't fit too well. I've gotten a ton of pokethrough and have been thinking of going back to gen 3. I don't want to spend so much time fixing clothing postwork or otherwise when it fit quite well in gen 3

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    I haven't bought much for Gen 8 yet. I ended up not getting either Dylan or George. I did buy the Expression Smoother as a new item to get discounts on other older stuff, but I'm not very impressed with it so far. I **think** it only works with the few HD morph dials from the Daz Expressions. And on the couple expressions I tried so far, the effect is not very dramatic when trying to exagerate the HD. When smoothing away the HD, it looks pretty bland. I also got Growing Up for G8F and the Bend Control. They both seem pretty good and do what I expected from them.

  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    G8M Starter Essentials has been updated again. Here's hoping they got it all fixed this time.

  • I like the physical movement of the Genesis 8 men. But I do not like the fact that the clothing seems to really struggle to fit. I can apply a low push to the clothing but the morphs but never had to do that with gen 7 and the figure is still so new I don't get why stuff has so much pokethrough

  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    Still not sure what all they fixed. But now my Smart Content is doing the double icon thing for not just G8M but everything else in the starter bundle. In each case the duplicate points to the same file, so at least it's not stuffing extra copies anywhere that I can find but it is annoying and unnecessary. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    I have the latest Genesis 8 Male Starter Essentials.

    Here I've put the guys in A-pose and tested 3 different outifts.

    This is the Basketball outfit, Gym outfit and Sci-fi Setller

    OOT Intimates


    1600 x 1200 - 1M
    gym suit.png
    1600 x 1200 - 1M
    sci-fi settler.png
    1600 x 1200 - 1M
    1600 x 1200 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited September 2017

    Well, I can tell you what is causing the issue. HD morphs mostly.

    1. Dylan Body HD definition

    2. Raw Massive Morphs HD

    3. Raw Massive definition

    4. Raw Massive Veins.

    Is HD no longer  usable this generation?

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    Do the clothes have custom morphs corresponding to the morphs you have dialed on your guys (like body builder, fitness, whatever), or do the clothes rely on Auto Follow to fit those Daz morphs? Are you using morphs on your guys that don't have Auto Follow turned on? Does the same problem happen with G8M and M8, or just your customized characters?

    That last outfit with the words on the shirts looks like a horrible fit.What product is that?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,883

    I didn't see your message about using all those non-Daz-Original HD morphs. It sure looks like they cause a problem.

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