Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 13



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Oooh, the egg site has a fox using the other store dog. I have the one by AM and this one has a different looking head (which I like)

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Just looked, it's up to 15% of your cart.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,876
    Novica said:

    Just looked, it's up to 15% of your cart.

    So you'd have to buy a lot to use up your points, because you'd keep getting more, too. 

  • Novica said:


    Question to you, those of you who have the Daz Horse 2 (which I do) how does it compare to the "other" one? Seems like there's more coat patterns and options on the other one. Also same for the cat. The dog here seems to have quite a few options and I have all the breeds, but am looking at that too. Man, I didn't want to spend the money on all this.

    How long does it take for rewards to show up over there? The sale starts Dec 1st but I don't know if everything will still be in the store?

    I like the Hivewire horse. I love there so many breed options. I actually bought it for the draft horse and the mustang, but there are other breeds as well. I'm not sure about the rewards. I have a bunch stacked up and haven't  used many of them. I guess those are going away.

    To be honest, I was taking a look at the cariboo and the buck tonight, thinking of getting them before the sale is over. However, when I checked, they were cheaper over on Renderosity with their 50% off sale. I saw the horse over there so you might want to check. When I compared prices at both places, taking account for the rewards I can use as well, it was cheaper to them over at Renderosity than at Hivewire3d. The added benefit is that it will be in my product library over there at least until something happens to them, too.

    So compare prices at both places before you buy. I don't know if all the horse add-ons are over on Renderosity, but a good bit of them are.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020
    barbult said:
    Novica said:

    Just looked, it's up to 15% of your cart.

    So you'd have to buy a lot to use up your points, because you'd keep getting more, too. 

    I am. I need the cat, dog, and horse. Thanks for mentioning Rendo, @knittingmommy

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Wonder if Rendo has all the LAMH presets for the different animals? They're free at HW. So will have to spend hours on this now, seeing what's what. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    BTW an artist to check out on Rendo if you like thicker brows (and reminds me somewhat of Mousso's characters) is LibraArchives. I'm scooping up wishlisted gals while they're 50% off. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    BTW, we mentioned it here on the thread back when it happened, Whisper (horse) AND the HW Cat were free last March.
    The HW Cat- 
    Okay for the HW Cat, the Siamese isn't at Rendo (from what searches turned up.) The Calicos, Tuxedos, Exotics, and Orange Tabby are.
    The LAMH Preset 1 for the HW Cat and also for  HW Kitten are only at HW. THEY ARE FREE, perhaps scoop them up now even if you don't have the cat yet. 
    The cat double bed is only at HW (you can really change that up with shaders I think. Don't know the material zones)

    For the HW Dog
    Again, the LAMH for Dog and Puppy only at HW. Again, free.
    Only at HW: Coat Colors 1 and Coat Colors 2 (for the dog), Collar Base,  Collar and Leashes, (I love the bend of those leashes), Soft Bed for the dog, Leash and Harnesses, Bandanas, VolpeBox Dog House, Dog Strut Poses. The dog house and bandanas say poser only but I'm giving it a go. Don't know when though.

    Working on the horse. A lot of that at Rendo.


    Post edited by Novica on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited November 2020

    EDIT: Ignore original post. There is still an issue with the Z Gnome of Mischief poses, if you use Content Library, but it's not the one I thought at first. The poses are missing the outer "Z Gnome of Mischief" folder that they're probably supposed to have, so they install to /People/Genesis 8 Male/Poses/Drutherson and /People/Genesis 8 Male/Poses/Genesis 8 Male. Reportedly, the official Daz position is that they won't fix pathing errors when that's all that's wrong, so there's no real point in filing a ticket about it. (Which reportedly wouldn't be addressed for 4-6 weeks anyway.)

    (I have to admit, I do not understand how Daz works. They really intensely do not want people using Content Library, because people reportedly have a difficult time finding things there -- that's what we were told when they first started pushing Smart Content -- so they stop fixing pathing errors and push people hard to use Smart Content. Then they don't seem to fix metadata errors so that Smart Content actually, you know ... works. I don't, myself, care that Smart Content doesn't work, but lots of people do. I *DO* care that the Content Library can get weird, but at least I can fix that one myself fairly easily. But I shouldn't have to fix it, and people who use Smart Content shouldn't have to deal with that spaghetti mess of metadata.)

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    @vwrangler  Let's put it this way, I'm over at another 50% off store and that's where I'm staying except for fantastic deals. This is all just too much, I can't get to content, don't know what's missing, and that's just too stressful to get me to buy anything. Not to mention (and this got buried) we don't know if we're buying things we already bought. Yeah, that was noted by several people. No mention of having that fixed. 

    Someone over on the store problems thread mentioned they'd gotten something fixed in a week (one thing) so who knows if it was from an earlier ticket someone else filed and it affected more than just one person for the fix, or perhaps they are making progress. Thanks for letting us know about the problems. I got those bundles to get the 100.00 off other products, but even so, I expect to get good products. 

    And I feel SO bad for vendors who have sales being screwed up with returns due to the product not being available (from DIM downloads, or not in Product LIbrary, etc). It's not their fault. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited November 2020
    Novica said:

    @vwrangler  Let's put it this way, I'm over at another 50% off store and that's where I'm staying except for fantastic deals. This is all just too much, I can't get to content, don't know what's missing, and that's just too stressful to get me to buy anything. Not to mention (and this got buried) we don't know if we're buying things we already bought. Yeah, that was noted by several people. No mention of having that fixed. 

    Someone over on the store problems thread mentioned they'd gotten something fixed in a week (one thing) so who knows if it was from an earlier ticket someone else filed and it affected more than just one person for the fix, or perhaps they are making progress. Thanks for letting us know about the problems. I got those bundles to get the 100.00 off other products, but even so, I expect to get good products. 

    And I feel SO bad for vendors who have sales being screwed up with returns due to the product not being available (from DIM downloads, or not in Product LIbrary, etc). It's not their fault. 

    At the moment (knock wood) I only have the two stuck products that are an issue. I figure I'll give them a week, and then if they're still a problem, I'll return them. I feel for the PAs, but this is ridiculous. (DAZ_Rawb has said that the issue is with a cloud service standing between us and them that can't handle the traffic, which is fine (... well, not really, but you know what I mean), but that doesn't change the fact that people can't get to the things they've bought.)

    I have no idea if anything is missing from my Product Library, and with a decade's worth of purchases, unless something forces the issue, I'm not going to try plowing through all that. Dealing with it when they were importing stuff from RDNA was painful enough.

    As for the delay in getting tickets addressed, as I mentioned in another thread, I've got one ticket that's about to celebrate its first anniversary; they won't tell me if they've contacted the vendor, and the item is still for sale despite being desperately broken. I know that other people have some that are even older. The really notable thing about the 4-6 week delay is that it's going to be that long before they even look at the ticket, which, granted, is unusual.

    And I also just spent some money at the other place, so I know how you feel.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    For the HW horse, a ton of it over at Rendo. I think it may be easier just to say for HW-

     grab the tack at HW (the Western, Classic, Racehorse) and take a look at the Casual Veil. That most closely resembles a fly mask and it wouldn't be hard to do some shaders to get screens over the eyes. (Make two primitive discs and apply shaders) 

    I LOVE 3dUniverse's Toon Horse from HW. Other items I got are the CWRW Greys (the Dapple Grey is Rendo)  and Grullas- they are stunning.

    The LAMH Presets 1 are not free but cheap.

    I got the Sleep Cap because we DO put hats on the horses for Pony Parties and the Holidays-think shaders for Christmas renders folks! Cute cards.

    Also, HW has the wings. For Photoshop, there's Mane N Tail Pack 3. I couldn't find 1 or 2. Anyone know about those?

    I did not like the saddle-type thingie for nomads, as the blanket looked way too big and awkward, sticking up and not conforming to the rump- and not sure if scaling it would make it work without a lot of fiddling. 

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,318
    Novica said:
    Also, HW has the wings. For Photoshop, there's Mane N Tail Pack 3. I couldn't find 1 or 2. Anyone know about those?

    All three are at Rendo - I picked up 2 and 3 there and have 1 wishlisted

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    Thanks @3Ddreamer   I don't think I put that in a search over there. I think I just did horse. I am so exhausted popping between Daz, Rendo, and HW on different animals :) 

    Yeah, before it was even mentioned, I had gone down the Rabbit  Deer Hole over there with the Caribou, Mule Deer, Fallow, White Tail, Antler Pack, etc. And LOVE the Rocking Horse.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited November 2020
    Novica said:


    Someone over on the store problems thread mentioned they'd gotten something fixed in a week (one thing) so who knows if it was from an earlier ticket someone else filed and it affected more than just one person for the fix, or perhaps they are making progress. Thanks for letting us know about the problems. I got those bundles to get the 100.00 off other products, but even so, I expect to get good products. 

    I hadn't seen this. I stopped reading the issues thread because it was exhausting! Looks like I'll have to go check it out again.

    Novica said:

    And I feel SO bad for vendors who have sales being screwed up with returns due to the product not being available (from DIM downloads, or not in Product LIbrary, etc). It's not their fault. 

    Really. I know all the issue have put me off buying some things I really wanted, putting them on my wishlist instead. I have picked up a few things but not as much as I normally would during the last few sales. Though to be honest there were also a lot of ho-hum products in the store from vendors I hadn't bought anything from before as well.


    Novica said:

    Thanks @3Ddreamer   I don't think I put that in a search over there. I think I just did horse. I am so exhausted popping between Daz, Rendo, and HW on different animals :) 

     One thing to note- a freebie for the HW Horse/ Mule Deer (the horse is required)  is  Happy Holideer for HW Mule Deer  Comes with a sleigh so even if you don't have the deer may be worth a look. Get a free sleigh! 

    Yeah, before it was even mentioned, I had gone down the Rabbit  Deer Hole over there with the Caribou, Mule Deer, Fallow, White Tail, Antler Pack, etc. And LOVE the Rocking Horse.

    Looks like I'll have to take a look at the freebies sections. There's a few things listed I hadn't seen yet.

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    I did want to mention the Caribou, Mule Deer Buck, Antler Pack, Fallow Deer,  Whitetail Buck, Red Stag are at Rendo half price so I didn't get them from HW. One thing which stood out for me from the Commons thread, is that link to the HW post said  Ken hadn't stated where he was going. So I typed in Songbirds in my Product Library and found I didn't have Penguins. I think those are a later release from after he left here. I also don't have turtles, frogs, and a good lily pad (the ones here curl up, aka Tropical Pond)  and I want them to be flatter so the Water Lily Garden is looking good. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    @knittingmommy- If you don't mind, edit your post and take out the reference to the free product. It is showing as not free- I don't know how I had it at zero at one point. :(   EDIT- figured it out. It's the ROCKING HORSE that is free and is in the regular store.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited November 2020
    Novica said:

    @knittingmommy- If you don't mind, edit your post and take out the reference to the free product. It is showing as not free- I don't know how I had it at zero at one point. :(   EDIT- figured it out. It's the ROCKING HORSE that is free and is in the regular store.

    Yeah, the Rocking Horse was free. I have that. I picked it up when it first came out. It's the Happy Holideer for HW Mule Deer  that had caught my eye though because I'm going to pick up the mule deer and I hadn't seen this yet:

    One thing to note- a freebie for the HW Horse/ Mule Deer (the horse is required)  is  Happy Holideer for HW Mule Deer  Comes with a sleigh so even if you don't have the deer may be worth a look. Get a free sleigh! 

    I definitely want to track that down!  ETA: Is this not free?

    Edit to add again: Okay, answering my own question. No, the Holideer one isn't free. Still, looks like a great product. I might pick it up anyway before the store closes.

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I would love to to the Measurement Metrics/Figure Metrics that works on DAZ Genesis humans be extended to work on DAZ Dog 8 and DAZ House Cat. 

    I bought the Horse Race Bundle at Hivewire and that bundle was the only reason why I signed up as lovely as the flowers, birds, and other creatures are there I just can't afford it all, but I just had to have that horse racing bundle having bought SY's Jockey Clothing hear at the DAZ Store years ago.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I'm waiting for the HW Dec 1st sale to see if this goes on sale- but I am definitely grabbing it as I didn't get it from here while it was available. The Brooke Swan Car (that poops, and blows out steam from the mouth to clear the road from folks who dared to get in front of it)  has a great video here.  We discussed this a couple years ago on this thread and found articles but I love this video. You HAVE to watch it all the way through, it shows you the funny method used by the passengers to tell the driver where to go, the brushes on the tires to eliminate elephant poop, and as it drives off, it poops. I love the fish door handles and theme throughout, which I hadn't noticed. 

    Enjoy- and grab it at HW if you want a historically accurate funny car!

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Found this guy in my Runtime so converted him to Iray.


    Click on image for full size.


  • NathNath Posts: 2,856
    Novica said:

    I'm waiting for the HW Dec 1st sale to see if this goes on sale- but I am definitely grabbing it as I didn't get it from here while it was available. The Brooke Swan Car (that poops, and blows out steam from the mouth to clear the road from folks who dared to get in front of it)  has a great video here.  We discussed this a couple years ago on this thread and found articles but I love this video. You HAVE to watch it all the way through, it shows you the funny method used by the passengers to tell the driver where to go, the brushes on the tires to eliminate elephant poop, and as it drives off, it poops. I love the fish door handles and theme throughout, which I hadn't noticed. 

    Enjoy- and grab it at HW if you want a historically accurate funny car!

    I have that car. It's highly amusing.

    I've also seen the original car. It's in a museum here in the Netherlands.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @nath  I'm so jealous!!! I'd love to see it. They did quite a bit of restoration on it according to the video, and I'm glad they didn't let it go to the scrap heap.

    @fishtales  Man, he looks GOOD. Creepy!

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Here's the swan car in the museum, along with its companion car.

    800 x 555 - 163K
    800 x 623 - 151K
    800 x 628 - 150K
    800 x 1190 - 213K
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 2020

    Yeah, I saw the Cygnet car in the video. Adorable!  I had two mute swans in Maryland that I tamed. It took 5 months to get them to fly in to me from Cheasapeake Bay, when the bay froze over they swam near the shore. THAT'S when they realized I had been throwing bread to them the entire time. So then they got better food after they figured out what I was doing. Then they brought their cygnets for me to visit with! Such an honor as no one else was allowed near them or their chicks. (Chicks the size of turkeys.) 

    I notice that one doesn't have the brushes on the back tires. I'll have to look at the video again and see where those were. Perhaps the backside of the tires.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,115

    I have tow dogs just like yours, Novica! Mine are American Eskimos. Yours might be a Smoyed?

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @kevinH   That he is :)   I had an Eskie and they are so spritely- full of joy and energy! What are their names? 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 2020

    dForce Femme Fatale Dress Textures is not in DIM, at least it's not coming up in any way for me. Not in the search function, and not from Product Library through the DIM install method. Can one of you verify? And are there other products you bought that aren't in DIM? Things are so spread out in threads, we should have a list.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited December 2020

    I thought you might like this picture from my walk yesterday :)

    Tiger in the Woods

    Click on image for full size.

    1280 x 720 - 821K
    Post edited by Fishtales on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Gorgeous kittie!

This discussion has been closed.