Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 13



  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    For what it's worth, if you're thinking about the Juan Carlos Bundle, and you can find three items from the Cyber Sidekick Stackup Items sale that are (comparatively) low cost enough, they'll drive the overall cost of the bundle plus those three items below the cost of the bundle alone. How much may depend on what your discount, if any, looks like.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    genaris said:

    Has anyone here bought that new Dreamlight item - I'd like to know if the BACK of the cave is open or closed, or if there's a large enclosed space at the back end (opposite the mouth opening).   I shouldn't have to ask but the vendor put several pictures OF MOSTLY THE SAME VIEW and showing only the front entry area, no pictures at all showing the other end, ie, the view from the opening LOOKING INTO THE CAVE.    Does it really never enter their minds that buyers would like to see the entirety of a set??!! 

    Well, it IS the UNCHARTED Cave ....

    On a more serious note I agree, here have been a few products over the years where I have looked at the promo images and thought, either or both, why csn't we see it from this or that angle and/or why are all the images pretty much the same?  Most often I do not buy in those cases.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

     The Bianca Morph product has quite a few variations of poses, and if your loyalty is 30% it's 72% off (includes the stool)  Showing 6.99 for me. I think I would use these as a starting point and put her on something other than that teeny, tiny stool.  I do like the variety, even with the following noted. (And these are just me being nitpicky.) 

    That said, I noticed a few things in the thumbnail promos-

    Row 1
    Image 1, man her heel would hurt, and it's barely on the chair. All these barefoot poses with her foot on the edge of the stool makes the bottom of my foot hurt LOL. 

    Row 2
    Image 2  Her hand is floating instead of resting on her thigh. 

    Image 3  The quad- look at the first one in the upper left. Her hip barely touches the stool and she's going to lean and put all her weight on that itty bitty stool?  That pose looks SO uncomfortable!

    Image 4 (last one)  The quad- look at the bottom left. That leg is crossing up SO high on the thigh it doesn't look normal to me. Cross your leg over your thigh and you'll see what I mean. Your kneecap is by your other kneecap, or just slightly above it. Why the heck is her bent leg up in the air like that? 

    The expressions show very little variation. With those, however, you never know until you apply them how they'll look. I stopped buying expressions a LONG time ago but I do use slider ones to mix them up. If expressions come with a product, so be it, but unless deeply discounted (and I mean deeply) I don't buy them. If you have some favorite expression products, feel free to mention the ones you've had good luck with :) 

    Now here's a great deal, and look at the variety in this one- Secrets of Danaides Poses  and price starts at 1.60, then your loyalty discount. Goes to 1.12 and 93% off with 30% loyalty. Can't beat that price. (LOL it looks like that military dude decided he didn't want to be their friend after all.) 

    @xmasrose mentioned being the beta tester for  Cosmetics And Poses Nail Set  back on July 22nd (love the app showing forum references. Wow, this thread comes up a LOT! Ya'll do a great job of covering products- kudos and thanks for contributing!)  and it's 9.98 and 60% off then further discounted (Showing 6.99 and 72% for me.)   I love the spilled liquids, the chipped nails, and the dirty nails. You can use the chipped nails as bitten nails too. 


  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    One of the items sitting in my cart right now is a bundle I would never be able to justify at $119 plus, but with the code it is $1.00. I have Line Render 9000 but never got into it. This might be what I need. But the cart is on hold due to the high cost of Juan Carlos right now at $51.44. Want to see if an offer comes up later in the day. I really wish there was more male stuff in it, rather than female outfits. The twins are okay and all, but so few items for such a large price.

  • Now the Juan Carlos Bundle has vanished from my cart 


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @memcneil70    It's a great deal :)   

    Also picking up the getting dressed and undressed, because you can use that a lot for beach scenes. I also like the Luxury Chaise Lounge Props because of that tv tray which is like the ones I actually own- you can move them OVER the loungers because it doesn't have four legs.   In addition, that chariot is a very decent price at 5.59 (depending on loyalty)  and you get a lot with it. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Robert Freise said:

    Now the Juan Carlos Bundle has vanished from my cart 


    Well, that made the price drop.....devil 

  • Novica said:

    Robert Freise said:

    Now the Juan Carlos Bundle has vanished from my cart 


    Well, that made the price drop.....devil 

    True but since I want over half the products in the bundle, the bundle works out to be the best option 

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    The Juan Carlos base has disappeared from my wishlist. The HD is still in there. Well, it's one way to save...

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Farren HD (G8F)         Adventure Outfit (G8F)        dForce Low Bang Hair (G8F/M)      Orestes Iray HDRI Environments- Autumn Creek 

    I really love the Autumn Creek HDRI, you get a lot of options when you pan around/ move the HDRI. This is 03 in the options. Showing you the Luminar results, and btw that bundle ends today so HOP on it. If you don't know what I'm talking about, ask here NOW as there's only an hour and a half left to get that fantastic graphic program CHEAP. I love the sharpen- it offers three sliders for small, medium, and large details, then another one for overall sharpen. You can saturate just the lips, put more color in just the lips, enlarge just the eyes, whiten the eyes, whiten the teeth- it's amazing artificial intelligence. (AI)    You can also change the color hue of just the midtones, the shadows, etc. And the collections,  skies and clouds which come with the bundle are so much fun to play with!

    Compare these before and afters, using Luminar.

    First is the default Farrin. Second is with Photoshop to fix pokethrough, then Luminar did everything else. Click back and forth. On the closeup one, I handpainted the hair area in Photoshop, but all the lighting, saturation, sharpening was 100% Luminar.



    800 x 1100 - 856K
    800 x 1100 - 725K
    Farren 2.png
    800 x 1100 - 1M
    800 x 1100 - 888K
  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317
    edited December 2020

    The bundle is now $104.97. 

    And now gone! The Sales problem thread also reported the PC+ weekly freebie is missing too. I am also missing it now.
    Post edited by memcneil70 on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    memcneil70 said:

    The bundle is now $104.97. 

    Geez, aren't you glad you waited?
    Let's recall why we are all suffering through this store changeover. Oh yeah, so sales glitches would be minimalized / eliminated. How's that working for them?
    They do seem to hop on things as they're reported and attempt to fix them, but IMO the forum members should be PAID. We do a lot (if not all) the reporting about the issues. Dang, @barbult should own STOCK in Daz. (Not that she'd want it at this point...)  She files so many tickets to help get things fixed, I'm surprised they haven't offered her a full time job in QA. They should. 

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    On attempt 6 to download purcahes via DIM - all have suffered disconnects so far (I started around 6 hours ago just before I went out, coming back 2 hours later to find 1 product hhad downlaoded before the disconnect!)

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905


    A fix which has been suggested (and got my DIM Ready To Download to populate) which I'm hearing from other folks has also been suggested as a fix for download problems:
    1. Log out of DIM
    2. Create a new account (different email I think is required, that's what I did. I just used an email I hardly ever use) and Log In to DIM using new account
    3. Log Out of DIM from that new account. You hopefully won't need it anymore.
    4. Log in with Old Account. Aka the one you always use. 

    Your DIM Ready To Download may populate and the download problem may resolve. 

    I occasionally am getting that server maximum connection popup when I start a new batch to install, but just logging out and back in (on your old account, no need to involve the new account once you've done that trick initially)  MAY help with the downloading/installing if you've done the new account hack.

    If it doesn't work, don't shoot the messenger :)   

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Novica said:


    A fix which has been suggested (and got my DIM Ready To Download to populate) which I'm hearing from other folks has also been suggested as a fix for download problems:
    1. Log out of DIM
    2. Create a new account (different email I think is required, that's what I did. I just used an email I hardly ever use) and Log In to DIM using new account
    3. Log Out of DIM from that new account. You hopefully won't need it anymore.
    4. Log in with Old Account. Aka the one you always use. 

    Your DIM Ready To Download may populate and the download problem may resolve. 

    I occasionally am getting that server maximum connection popup when I start a new batch to install, but just logging out and back in (on your old account, no need to involve the new account once you've done that trick initially)  MAY help with the downloading/installing if you've done the new account hack.

    If it doesn't work, don't shoot the messenger :)   

    Ahh, not that particular issue, thugh I have had, twice now, DIM not showing items to download.  This is DIM dropping connection and a re-connect brings it all back.  I stopped at 9th reconnect and still have a handful of files to download ... 

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    Well I lost my nut on the JC thread. I bought the bundle but I had to get rid of a lot to keep the price down.  I am so angry right now.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    memcneil70 said:

    Well I lost my nut on the JC thread. I bought the bundle but I had to get rid of a lot to keep the price down.  I am so angry right now.

    Dang it, you DO go to a separate page now when you quote someone. Daz, why can't you just leave things ALONE??????????

    Mary, what do you mean? Not quite following what happened.  

  • genarisgenaris Posts: 330

    Exactly what I was thinking, @memcneil70 about the Juan Carlos bundle;  the bundle is dropped to kick off a new MALE char (Juan Carlos 8) yet the bundle includes female stuff,  as was also the case with NIKO8 bundle (Cyber Punk bundle?) which only had 5 items, 1 of which was... a female character (?Tuti? IIRC)     It is maddening to me that Daz simply can't get it through their heads that there are some people who want to buy male character bundles that have, you know, ALL MALE ITEMS.   I am going to pass on buying this bundle (tho I like the JC8 and some of the items) just because I am going to protest-abstain henceforth from male char bundles that include female content.   ( I suspect that passing on this will probably cause my holiday loyalty discount to go away or get cut from not being spendy enough thus far in December, but hey, that'd be sort of a silver lining saving me money the rest of the month because then I'd reaally stop buying. After spending myself blind at Daz in september, october & november I really could use the respite. :)

    memcneil70 said:

    <snipped to relevant part>  But the cart is on hold due to the high cost of Juan Carlos right now at $51.44. Want to see if an offer comes up later in the day. I really wish there was more male stuff in it, rather than female outfits. The twins are okay and all, but so few items for such a large price.

  • genarisgenaris Posts: 330 is the UNCHARTED cave...       Snap, you nailed that! So funny... :)      Yeah, I mostly skip buying new releases if I can't see enough views to see if it will work for what I'd want it for, although if the galleries were working ( as they will be... SOON...) I could check to see if people have rendered other views of a product that I'm considering that lacks  adequate promos and sometimes that used to clinch the deal for a product that otherwise I wouldn't have bought.

    SimonJM said:

    genaris said:

    Has anyone here bought that new Dreamlight item - I'd like to know if the BACK of the cave is open or closed, or if there's a large enclosed space at the back end (opposite the mouth opening).   I shouldn't have to ask but the vendor put several pictures OF MOSTLY THE SAME VIEW and showing only the front entry area, no pictures at all showing the other end, ie, the view from the opening LOOKING INTO THE CAVE.    Does it really never enter their minds that buyers would like to see the entirety of a set??!! 

    Well, it IS the UNCHARTED Cave ....

    On a more serious note I agree, here have been a few products over the years where I have looked at the promo images and thought, either or both, why csn't we see it from this or that angle and/or why are all the images pretty much the same?  Most often I do not buy in those cases.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 2020

    So hopefully you've seen the new sale this evening, the HOLIDAY-GOODIES get additional 50% off up to five (with exclusions, no new, etc) I bought a new release so the price would drop. I don't know if without it, you can get 5 items. The promo says UP TO five. Not worth the time to test it, as the new one gets the discounts from 50% to jump to 82%.


     Shopping Cart


    Post edited by Novica on
  • gitika1gitika1 Posts: 948

    I, too, sacrificed one slot to put a new in the cart and raise the percentage off.  I did try 5 plus a new, but having a 6th item in the cart (even though it was not impacted by the code) would remove the code completely. 

    With all that has been going on with the store in the last month, I haven't felt inclined to shop here.  I only became aware of the sale because I was trying a product and pulled up to find the exact naming of the morph, rather than scrolling and hoping to recognize it.  

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @charliejudge  You got some great bundles! 

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    I rendered an old animation with Filament, it turned out not too bad.

    2020-12-12 10:41:28.542 Total Rendering Time: 42.50 seconds


  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Novica said:

    So hopefully you've seen the new sale this evening, the HOLIDAY-GOODIES get additional 50% off up to five (with exclusions, no new, etc) I bought a new release so the price would drop. I don't know if without it, you can get 5 items. The promo says UP TO five. Not worth the time to test it, as the new one gets the discounts from 50% to jump to 82%.

    It was the middle of the night here when that promo started (I think) but I was able to take advantage of it in the very last moment. So glad I did, I got two long wishlisted G8 core characters for about 5$ each!

  • genaris said:

    Has anyone here bought that new Dreamlight item - I'd like to know if the BACK of the cave is open or closed, or if there's a large enclosed space at the back end (opposite the mouth opening).   I shouldn't have to ask but the vendor put several pictures OF MOSTLY THE SAME VIEW and showing only the front entry area, no pictures at all showing the other end, ie, the view from the opening LOOKING INTO THE CAVE.    Does it really never enter their minds that buyers would like to see the entirety of a set??!! 

    I totally agree. 

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    I had a character in my wishlist ( that I kept failing to buy, even when on sale. I've now done a bit of dialspinning with characters and morphs and a skin I have, and ended up with a character that will do just as well (needs a bit more fine-tuning, but good enough for a first round). Money saved, fun had :-)


    orc lady.jpg
    1046 x 893 - 308K
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @nath   Looks quite good! 

  • genarisgenaris Posts: 330

    That's pretty cool, Sandy!  The truly amazing part to me is the 42 SECONDS to render the animation... versus in iray I can't even render  a single still image in 42 seconds.  Filament really opens up animation possibilities in DS like never before!

    Fishtales said:

    I rendered an old animation with Filament, it turned out not too bad.

    2020-12-12 10:41:28.542 Total Rendering Time: 42.50 seconds


  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Novica said:

    @nath   Looks quite good! 


This discussion has been closed.