Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 13



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    What the heck is going on? I have a double row of page numbers, and when I went from page 80 to 81 to read the last new post, the double row of page numbers popped up (like 1...75, 76, though 81) and a "Leave Comment" textbox waiting for me to POST instead of view the new entry!  Going to another thread and refreshing the page didn't clear it out either. I am getting SO sick and tired of this site and the forums it isn't funny. They've messed up the cogs, we have empty boxes, and now I've got double rows of page numbers and can't see page 81?  I'm posting this to see what happens.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    That fixed it- but my post appears to be the only one ON page 81. For heavens sake. It said there were two new, and there weren't. 

    Is 2020 over yet?

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    I've come across that many times, long before any changes to the site. I'll see my Bookmarks show a thread has two new messages, but when I go to the thread, there's only one, with the additional page. I click on the additional page, and the second message I expect to see is non-existent.

    I gave up trying to understand why a long time ago. Too many other things demanding my attention! lol

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839

    I saw that page glitch earlier today myself.

    A lot is still messed up on the site but I'm please to see the store credit page appears to be functioning correctly again. For a while new purchases were listed in reverse order from old purchases and the balance per purchase was totally wrong (fortunately the overall store credit amount used for the cart was right all along).

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Aargh, I don't believe it, the Product Library has reverted to a DAZCentral advert again. At least all the other info is still there, but well hidden.


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    Nath said:

    Aargh, I don't believe it, the Product Library has reverted to a DAZCentral advert again. At least all the other info is still there, but well hidden.


    You have GOT to be kidding. Hiding the important stuff. 

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Of course, it's purely coincidental that Central cannot work with non-Daz content, thus steering newbies (who DC is allegedly aimed at) firmly away from other stores.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited November 2020


    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,321

    The only explanation I have heard about the 'two' posts waiting is someone did an update to a post, or added an image to the body. I saw that two post thing days ago, looked, saw the first post on page 80, then went to page 81, and it was a double row of pages, and blank entry form.


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I'm never going to get caught up! 

  • I'm never going to get caught up! 

    Welcome to the club Resistance is futile 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    I'm having trouble with 4.12 crashing this past week. This file wasn't saved, I am not going to look up the hair or the outfit as I'm knee-deep in css and html experimenting. Fixed format books are limited in the types of devices which can display them, and reflowable is a huge challenge with image heavy books. I'm going for the latter, and just going for range in font enlargement that is reasonable.

    If folks super enlarge the text, that's going to be their problem. I do have a question for you authors- in Kindle Previewer, what is the typical size font? The numbers do not seem to correlate to font sizes, because 5 and 6 seem smallish, 7 is okay, 8 seems optimal (and maybe 9) but 10 up is huge. I did not set the font size in CSS as you're not supposed to, so the previewer should be showing actual results and not based on coding which imposes a font size. 

    I find it hard to believe that 7 or 8 is font size 7 or 8, because that is normally small. I think 12 is SUPPOSED to be the size most people use, but that definitely doesn't correlate to what I am seeing in the previewer. 

    Anyway, I'm going to post a gal in the next post, if you know the hair or outfit, let us know and I'll add the links. :)  I did this last week and can't remember. :( 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    Ahmunet (G8F)        dForce Augmentation Outfit  (G8F)     dForce Soft Curls (G3F / G8F)

    This is on G8F as I don't own Khemsit8 or Twosret8

    So playing around in Photoshop, which I rarely use (as my Corel Photo Paint went poof when my computer glitched due to the printer harddrive installation)  I'll be adding images and you can click back and forth. 

    First though, let's talk about backgrounds. Just me personally, I don't like the over abundance of white bokehs on our right, above her head. It's distracting. There's quite a bit on the left too.

    Right click on each one to open in new window, then click each one to see the progressive changes.

    You'll see the bokeh work on this one.

    Tackled the trees and gray areas. Getting that white bokeh off the top of her head by coloring in more tree trunk. Note the dry, noisy areas over the bokehs. That's using a dry type brush in Photoshop. Some of them already had that effect, and it's important to keep the same style if you're adding bokehs (which I did.) 

    More work. Sharpening with Topaz Glow. So much easier than Photoshop.

    Then I did the hair poking through her forehead. No Photoshop magic there, I handpainted it using just the eyedropper tool and creating my own look.

    So click between the first and the last one. There's less white area, less gray area, bokehs have been tweaked, and the image sharpened. While the background is eye-catching, it doesn't compete as much with the subject. I would, however, tone down the dry areas over the bokehs if I were to continue working on this, and make them a bit more subdued.

    Ahmunet Orig.jpg
    700 x 900 - 270K
    Ahmunet 2.jpg
    700 x 900 - 267K
    Ahmunet 3.jpg
    700 x 900 - 268K
    Ahmunet 4 Topaz Glow Sharpen.jpg
    700 x 900 - 853K
    Ahmunet 5 then forehead.jpg
    700 x 900 - 305K
    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I found an old V4 outfit which I really like. The Cargo for V4 has really good headgear and I like the high waisted pants. Unfortunately I don't have the converter to take it to G8. That outfit is in the featured stores in case you're doing those (with one of the required new releases they drop to 65%.) 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Someone mentioned a 20% off the cart for the Facebook code, in the sales  thread. I haven't seen that on the Daz Facebook. Am I missing something?

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,321

    @Novica, I used the outfit in this render I posted on the Millawa thread five days ago:

    I bought her and both bundles that were released. But because of the sales, and the mess of the store made of DIM and my files in DS, I had fallen behind on rendering. But seeing your comments, I pulled Millawa 8 up on my que to work with.

    Millawa 8 - I love her sculpt and skin texture. I have no use for the extreme makeups. The eyes are different from the normal four we get with the other core figures. Her face is easy to use with expressions. I used the 101 Expression Library on her and Advanced Sitting Poses #14. She is dressed in the Augmentation Outfit and the Watch from Modern Military Outfit. I used the dForce Neroli Hair without any issues. 

    The scene is Compact Cyberpunk Apartment and I think I am in love. When I posed Millawa, and adjusted the scene, I was able to move everything in one click, keeping her at zero, and out of any furniture. But her bottom went down into the stool's seat. And then I saw a slider to 'LOWER' it! Oh yeah. Yeah! It fit perfectly then. As my DS decided it didn't want to let me to look around easily, I was able to close the eyes on the walls and check for any issues before simulation, and later rendering. Everything worked fine. Silent Winter did an excellent job on this little gem.


  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,321

    Could the hair be Soft Curls by chevybabe25?


  • @Novica, I used the outfit in this render I posted on the Millawa thread five days ago:

    I bought her and both bundles that were released. But because of the sales, and the mess of the store made of DIM and my files in DS, I had fallen behind on rendering. But seeing your comments, I pulled Millawa 8 up on my que to work with.

    Millawa 8 - I love her sculpt and skin texture. I have no use for the extreme makeups. The eyes are different from the normal four we get with the other core figures. Her face is easy to use with expressions. I used the 101 Expression Library on her and Advanced Sitting Poses #14. She is dressed in the Augmentation Outfit and the Watch from Modern Military Outfit. I used the dForce Neroli Hair without any issues. 

    The scene is Compact Cyberpunk Apartment and I think I am in love. When I posed Millawa, and adjusted the scene, I was able to move everything in one click, keeping her at zero, and out of any furniture. But her bottom went down into the stool's seat. And then I saw a slider to 'LOWER' it! Oh yeah. Yeah! It fit perfectly then. As my DS decided it didn't want to let me to look around easily, I was able to close the eyes on the walls and check for any issues before simulation, and later rendering. Everything worked fine. Silent Winter did an excellent job on this little gem.


    Nice work

    I'm still waiting on Daz to get the Millawa 8 Cyber Mission Bundle products in my product library

    They've told me it should be fixed twice but it's still not fixed

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,321

    Thanks @Robert_Freise.

    I think I had to manually the zip files download from the product page. Had to do that for two days. But it taught me that I 'could' do it. I also appreciate the ease of DIM.

  • Thanks @Robert_Freise.

    I think I had to manually the zip files download from the product page. Had to do that for two days. But it taught me that I 'could' do it. I also appreciate the ease of DIM.

    I can't even do that as the products in the bundle aren't there to download

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,321

    Is the problem that the store doesn't see your purchase? I just brought up a search in my product library on 'Millawa' and clicked on the Cyber bundle and all the links work for me.


  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484
    edited November 2020

    Is the problem that the store doesn't see your purchase? I just brought up a search in my product library on 'Millawa' and clicked on the Cyber bundle and all the links work for me.


    It shows that I purchased the bundle but none of the items in the bundle are there for me to download nor do they show up as owned when I go to the bundle product page even though the product page says purchased

    Post edited by Robert Freise on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @memcneil70   Thanks, it was that hair and the outfit, I've added the links. I normally name my files with the character, hair, and outfit, but for some reason I didn't. 

    Also, you're not installing all those DIM downloads by hand, are you? The Content Package Assist product we've mentioned here numerous times (and there's a tutorial linked in references on the first page that I did)  can install all those files super fast.  It's ultra easy to use (remember I'm not technical. I haven't tried 90% of the technical stuff I've bought.) 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited November 2020

    The forum is screwing up. The post the comment box actually grayed out, then came up and I clicked it. It double posted. 

    Do the rest of you have the sense that this store mess isn't going to be fixed anytime soon? I see the holiday sale as one huge mess. There's MORE going wrong with this store than the old one. Robert's case in point. The old store didn't have products missing from Product Library, or out of order there. People STILL can't get in their DIMs, the products are even more out of order there than before (I had commented on how the products were interspersed with other orders, even before the changeover.)   People can't use their credit cards, people can't use Paypal (I'm one of them) and the list goes on. We did NOT have this mess with the old store. 

    And for what? The main issue was the sales not working right. AHEM. If you see how busy the store glitch thread is, you'll note the thread is zipping along, page after page.  When Daz has to offer 40% off gift cards to keep people shopping, you know they recognize things aren't going well at all. (Kudos to them for that at least, but I did the 34% the day before. Figures.) 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Thanks @Robert_Freise.

    I think I had to manually the zip files download from the product page. Had to do that for two days. But it taught me that I 'could' do it. I also appreciate the ease of DIM.


    Novica said:

    @memcneil70   Thanks, it was that hair and the outfit, I've added the links. I normally name my files with the character, hair, and outfit, but for some reason I didn't. 

    Also, you're not installing all those DIM downloads by hand, are you? The Content Package Assist product we've mentioned here numerous times (and there's a tutorial linked in references on the first page that I did)  can install all those files super fast.  It's ultra easy to use (remember I'm not technical. I haven't tried 90% of the technical stuff I've bought.) 

    Actually you don't even need Content Package Assist for that. The file you manually download from your DAZ Product Library are already DIM ready. So just add them to the DIM Download folder and they will show up as 'Ready to Install' in DIM. Content Package Assist is, however, really great for making ZIP files from other stores ready to install with DIM.

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    Yes the store is a mess, and the search is even worse than before and here I thought that wouldn't be possible.... I had problems with Paypal yesterday when was trying to purchase gift cards if they hadn't been 40% off I would not have used Amazon Pay for it.....  So far I have not had any issues downloading my products (knock on wood) but I haven't made many this go around either.  I understand they were probably not expecting this many issues but why you would do a big site change right in the big middle of a big sale.....

  • Daventaki said:

    Yes the store is a mess, and the search is even worse than before and here I thought that wouldn't be possible.... I had problems with Paypal yesterday when was trying to purchase gift cards if they hadn't been 40% off I would not have used Amazon Pay for it.....  So far I have not had any issues downloading my products (knock on wood) but I haven't made many this go around either.  I understand they were probably not expecting this many issues but why you would do a big site change right in the big middle of a big sale.....

    Yeah they've definitely proved the old saying about prior planning and performance 

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,321

    I just let the zip's drop into the DIM install folder and it took it from there. Of course there was still the various metadata fixes, and my additional twitches to it, mostly now Environments, Props, Wardrobe so I can find things easier. 

    And I just had to redo my colors in DS, as I just realized that somehow, when I opened it up this morning, it all switched back to grey tones. Again. My saved style is completely gone on two computers.

  • gitika1gitika1 Posts: 948
    Daventaki said:

    Yes the store is a mess, and the search is even worse than before and here I thought that wouldn't be possible.... I had problems with Paypal yesterday when was trying to purchase gift cards if they hadn't been 40% off I would not have used Amazon Pay for it.....  So far I have not had any issues downloading my products (knock on wood) but I haven't made many this go around either.  I understand they were probably not expecting this many issues but why you would do a big site change right in the big middle of a big sale.....

    Wow! I missed that gift card were 40% off. sad The current state of the store has made it so that i am less interested in checking in to see what promos the store has running.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @gitika1  You had to do larger amounts (as usual.)  The day before they were IIRC 34% but either a 200.00 or 300.00 was required, I can't remember which. So of course the next day the same thing went to 40% off. It was discussed in the sale thread. I don't blame you for not checking in as much, I don't either. The day of the 34% one I found out late evening (and the sale thread was about six pages long, full of reported glitches.)  This store is in a pathetic state of affairs and I feel bad for Daz, particularly the vendors. Kudos to Daz for doing the gift card sales and allowing stacking, to "kinda" make up for the frustrations. It doesn't help though, when people's payment options are limited. I can't use Paypal now. 

This discussion has been closed.