New Release: Genesis Generation X2 (upgrade ends soon) [Commercial]



  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    One option might be to use a DFormer to close the gap. Or trying if one of the hidden JCM morphs for one of the standard characters may help. JCMOlympiaForeArmBnd seems to cope with a similar problem.

  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041
    edited December 1969

    One option might be to use a DFormer to close the gap. Or trying if one of the hidden JCM morphs for one of the standard characters may help. JCMOlympiaForeArmBnd seems to cope with a similar problem.

    There is a Gia Forearm Bend listed, but it's red, and seems to do nothing. How does one activate those morphs? This is quite frustrating, because this one issue is enough to render the character transfer pointless, sadly. I might be forced to try to do a head morph only for the character, and then resculpt/redial an all-Gen2 body. Seems a pity just because of one issue.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    There is a small chain symbol on the JCM morphs. If you click on it, you can use the dial. (But it will probably no longer work as a JCM.)

    You also may try DFormer. The attached image shows the She-Freak-1 morph on G2F with the knee bent. There's also a small a gap on the left side. On the right side, I used a DFormer to close the gap. (Could be done better, it's quick and dirty.)

    560 x 360 - 72K
  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041
    edited December 1969

    There is a small chain symbol on the JCM morphs. If you click on it, you can use the dial. (But it will probably no longer work as a JCM.)

    You also may try DFormer. The attached image shows the She-Freak-1 morph on G2F with the knee bent. There's also a small a gap on the left side. On the right side, I used a DFormer to close the gap. (Could be done better, it's quick and dirty.)

    Oh, my gap was much larger than that. Thanks for that info... I'll try it on my previous effort. What I ended up doing this time was re-transferring the character, but with just the head/face morphs, and all of her musculature zeroed out to a V4 body. Then I re-sculpted the character with just the head/face morphs, using Gen2F's musculature, with just a tiny bit of augmentation from Morphs++ and the V4 muscle morphs. That's where the problem was, apparently, because now it's gone. Evidently, certain mixtures of V4 muscle and Gen2F muscle just don't get along. They look fine until you start to articulate the character, and then the house comes down. I suspect I will have to do this for all of the characters I transfer, because the transferred muscle morphs were definitely the cause of the problem.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited March 2014

    Really want to say thanks for that free mat converter. I don't even have to convert a second time to DUF. G2F will take DSA perfectly fine once ran through that script. The fact it does multiple files at once too makes transferring a breeze.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • alkenalken Posts: 263
    edited December 1969

    Is there a way to remove items from the Source menu? I have some redundancies I want to get rid of:

    231 x 196 - 48K
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    alken said:
    Is there a way to remove items from the Source menu? I have some redundancies I want to get rid of:

    Edit the configuration file for GenX, which is GenX.ini.

  • alkenalken Posts: 263
    edited December 1969

    Where is the GenX configuration file located? I'm using Windows 8.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    alken said:
    Where is the GenX configuration file located? I'm using Windows 8.

    Should be something like "C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\GenX". Make sure you have hidden and system folder visible.

  • alkenalken Posts: 263
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, that worked.

  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041
    edited December 1969

    I had alluded to this briefly before, but is anyone else having fingernail issues after transfer from V4 to Gen2F? Dimension3D established that it's morph-related, and I can minimize it by dialing back on one (seemingly offending) morph and throttling up on another one, but there is a fine black edge on the fingernail and cuticle that I can't get rid of... have to disguise it with a darker nail color. It might have some relation to displacement maps, because removing them makes it much worse. Ideas welcome!

  • alkenalken Posts: 263
    edited December 1969

    The fingernails bend backwards for me when I use certain V4 clones for G2F. I have about 3 different clones from different content providers and only one of them does not cause the nail bending when long nails are applied. I can't tell who made it, unfortunately.

    1306 x 561 - 191K
  • alkenalken Posts: 263
    edited March 2014

    Oh, you are right, when I add a V4 character morph to the V4 shape I get the black deformity on the nails...I have no idea how to fix this.

    1290 x 500 - 204K
    Post edited by alken on
  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041
    edited December 1969

    alken said:
    Oh, you are right, when I add a V4 character morph to the V4 shape I get the black deformity on the nails...I have no idea how to fix this.

    Thank you for your replies... good to know it's not just me!

    I can correct the bending back, almost entirely, by reducing the nails with one morph, and lengthening them with the Gen2F native morph (I think). But the slight black outline at the cuticle remains. I suppose I will just have to be inventive with my "cosmetology".

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Try turning off displacement on the nails

  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041
    edited December 1969

    That was the first thing I tried, though then it seemed to get worse.

  • alkenalken Posts: 263
    edited December 1969

    I found that when I render it, the black deformities disappear. Also, this long nails issue only happens to me with some character morphs, not all of them.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    I can't reproduce anything like the black areas on the nails. However, if it is visible in preview, but not in renders, I would not care too much about it. Maybe it's just a problem with the normals or with the backside of the nails being too close to the front side. Or even some OpenGL oddity.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited December 1969

    There should be no need to transfer custom morphs separately before using them with "Create single morph". Actually, GenX2 doesn't even know which is a "standard" morph or a "custom" morph. It's just that some of the custom morphs may have their oddities, which is usually not the case for standard morphs. Also, custom morphs use the PBMCC_ channels, but this only makes a difference for the "Selected morphs" mode, not for "Create single morph".

    Sorry I didn't respond earlier; I meant to check on something and then got buried in other things.

    The issue about custom morphs isn't quite anything to do with GenX/GenX2 itself, but something to do with how the morphs are implemented that I don't understand. Apparently there's sometimes a difference between injecting them directly into the figure and putting them into GenX. I've learned that especiallyfor heads where I know they have a custom sculpt/morph, I have to check to make sure that the value for the custom morph is 1, or to inject the morph into M4/V4/whichever, and export that character, and then put THAT into GenX/X2. Frequently, for some reason, the value for the custom morph in GenX/X2 is 0, and in in that case, if you do "All > Transfer: On for Non-Zero Values", the custom morph can't transfer. I don't know why there's sometimes a difference between injecting into the figure and GenX/X2 for that, but there is.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited March 2014

    ...well, didn't get the cash I thought I would on Friday so now this is probably lost. So broke right now can't afford the upgrade and G2 add on.

    The US Senate and House owes me one for all her foot dragging on the UI extension bill.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    vwrangler said:
    The issue about custom morphs isn't quite anything to do with GenX/GenX2 itself, but something to do with how the morphs are implemented that I don't understand. Apparently there's sometimes a difference between injecting them directly into the figure and putting them into GenX. I've learned that especiallyfor heads where I know they have a custom sculpt/morph, I have to check to make sure that the value for the custom morph is 1, or to inject the morph into M4/V4/whichever, and export that character, and then put THAT into GenX/X2. Frequently, for some reason, the value for the custom morph in GenX/X2 is 0, and in in that case, if you do "All > Transfer: On for Non-Zero Values", the custom morph can't transfer. I don't know why there's sometimes a difference between injecting into the figure and GenX/X2 for that, but there is.

    I don't know how exactly morph injections are handled in Poser and DS, so there may be differences when applying morph injections to GenX compared to Poser or DS. For those morphs that I tested, GenX is working well, and these are the standard morphs. But there may be cases where it works less well. In particular, Poser and DS may use some fault tolerance strategies for pose files that I'm not aware of.

    If the morph is listed in GenX, but only the value is not set, you can double-click on the value and set it manually in the morph list.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969 long will the special upgrade price on the base GenerationX 2 be offered?

    Was supposed to come into some cash Friday but that fell through.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said: long will the special upgrade price on the base GenerationX 2 be offered?

    Was supposed to come into some cash Friday but that fell through.

    The 66% off upgrade price is long term, don't know if or when it expires, but not too soon.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...excellent, thank you.

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598
    edited December 1969

    Important: There is no separate upgrade version for owners of the previous version like the store page notes at the moment. Instead, previous customers will receive a 66% off coupon at checkout automatically.
    Thank you very much for doing this at 66% off...this may actually get me using Gen2 figures in a more serious way.
  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited March 2014

    Version of Genesis Generation X2 is now available for download in the Product Library and DIM. It is highly recommended to install this update. It fixes the possible crash and the file read problem that were reported in the forum. In addition, it has new morph list search options for groups and values (including search for non-zero values). See the updated manual for more details about the update.

    Post edited by Dimension3D on
  • pdarukpdaruk Posts: 10
    edited December 1969

    Instead of creating new topic, I decided to ask my question here. It might be about the most obvious thing in regards of using GenX2 but... Being self-taught in DAZ Studio, and not born English speaker means sometimes I can't get through some more complicated tasks. I installed GenX2 and for the last couple days tried to learn how to use it, and with the manual and some digging through the forum I managed to transfer some of M4 characters (like Falcon etc.) to G2M. But no matter how I tried I can't transfer morphs the same way.
    Could you please tell me in simple worlds how to, for example transfer Michael 4 Morphs++ ( ) to Genesis 2 Male?

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    To transfer individual morphs, you mainly use the transfer mode "Selected morphs" to transfer each morph selected in the list individually without using the actual morph value. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same as transferring a character.

    Also, you need to inject the morphs for M4 (or V4). DS is doing this automatically, if you have Power Loader active. For GenX, you first load the M4 figure, and then you inject the morph INJ poses by drag'n'drop from the DS content library. The INJ poses for morphs++ are located in /Runtime/libraries/Pose/Michael 4.

    If you need further instructions, please let me know at which point of the transfer you encounter problems.

  • pdarukpdaruk Posts: 10
    edited December 1969

    To transfer individual morphs, you mainly use the transfer mode "Selected morphs" to transfer each morph selected in the list individually without using the actual morph value. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same as transferring a character.

    Also, you need to inject the morphs for M4 (or V4). DS is doing this automatically, if you have Power Loader active. For GenX, you first load the M4 figure, and then you inject the morph INJ poses by drag'n'drop from the DS content library. The INJ poses for morphs++ are located in /Runtime/libraries/Pose/Michael 4.

    If you need further instructions, please let me know at which point of the transfer you encounter problems.

    Thank you very much!
    I just tried and I managed to transfer some of the morphs (one a time), but at least looks like I know how to do it :D

  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041
    edited December 1969

    Alright... I'm stumped. I have successfully transferred several V4-based characters to Gen2F, but I'm failing miserably trying to transfer a Genesis character.

    I have my custom Genesis-based character loaded in the scene. I'm selecting Genesis as the Source, at which time GenX2 seems to list the basis Genesis morphs. Then, with my character selected in the scene, I select "Create Single Morph", and then select "Get Values From Character In Scene". Genesis is the Shape, and Genesis 2 Female is the Target. But when I click Transfer, I get an error saying "No Morphs Selected For Transfer". Even when I use "All On for Non-Zero" instead, I wind up with a single morph that does absolutely nothing when I try to apply it to the Gen2F base.

    What am I doing wrong? I have poured over the documentation to no avail. Help, please and thank you.

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