New Release: Genesis Generation X2 (upgrade ends soon) [Commercial]



  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Ah. Thank you. I was misreadiung the labels. As I expected, the marginally larger ones were the ones needed.

    Another case of user error...

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Yes. You'll still only download 3 files. The Mac version for each of the GenX2 versions.

    You can't run GenX and GenX2 simultaneously.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Right, but people still using Gen X still need their versions of the same files. Hence the duplication.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited March 2014

    I know. I was talking about you specifically. I assumed you've upgraded to GenX2, which would leave no reason to download the GenX versions of the files.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Oh yeah, just missed the labeling change on the new files. Would help if there were dates in the file list, but there's only so much room.

  • FusionLAFusionLA Posts: 249
    edited December 1969

    Finally got something that matches closely.
    V4 morph to Genesis 2 Female.

    G2F version is good, but mouth just ends up slightly open.

    1218 x 671 - 132K
  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    thegamersmail2013: Morphs can be transferred only to Genesis figures, not to Poser figures.

    vwrangler: Like in the previous version, you either may transfer the individual morphs first and convert the poses for setting the dials, or you may use the "Create single morph" transfer mode to merge everything into one new morph. Even when using the first method, you don't have to transfer all morphs, but only those that are used by the character. With "Transfer: On for non-zero values" you can easily select the morphs required by a particular character.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Was there a way at all to transfer in the translation/scaling on eyes and such with the transferred dial? It's no biggie if you can't, but it's been a while since I've transferred a morph that adjusted the eyes via the general dials, and realized I had to manually set them to match the original character and then ERC freeze the adjustments to the transferred dial.

  • genejokegenejoke Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    Should I be able to transfer morphs using Morphs ++ and such like? I d not seem to be able to, although I've only just started playing.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania: For those characters, which set the eye scaling/translation directly, you can use the "Presets" tab to translate the pose into a DS preset that works for Genesis. In the options of the "Presets" tab, use nothing but "Eye transforms" under "Translate" to create a preset for eye fixing.

    genejoke: Yes, you can transfer characters based on Morphs++. However, you may need to inject the morphs first using the injection poses from Runtime\libraries\Pose\Michael 4 or Runtime\libraries\Pose\Victoria 4. This is the same as in Poser, but different from DS, where Power Loader will inject these morphs automatically when you load V4 or M4.

  • genejokegenejoke Posts: 131
    edited March 2014

    Am I missing something? I can drag and drop the figures into genx from content library... but not the injections. what do I inject them too? Sorry if I'm being dumb.


    Scratch that it worked when I tried it again.

    shakes head in embarrassment.

    Post edited by genejoke on
  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041
    edited December 1969


    "With "Transfer: On for non-zero values" you can easily select the morphs required by a particular character."

    I'm glad you mentioned this. Now that I have done this yesterday with my first spun character, it seems to have worked. But would it be a good idea to transfer a "fully loaded (with available morphs)" version of V4 to Gen2F on a one-time basis so that I have those individual morphs available on the base Gen2F for augmenting/enhancing future single morph" characters?

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    masi3vee said:
    But would it be a good idea to transfer a "fully loaded (with available morphs)" version of V4 to Gen2F on a one-time basis so that I have those individual morphs available on the base Gen2F for augmenting/enhancing future single morph" characters?

    This depends on how you want to use the transferred characters in Genesis. The advantage of using a single morph is that you can dial it in directly and that it doesn't takes much resources. The advantage of transferring the full set of morphs is that you can still change the dial values and that you may keep complex dependencies like hidden adjustment morphs. The drawback is, if you have really lots of morphs, Genesis will load slower.

  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041
    edited December 1969

    masi3vee said:
    But would it be a good idea to transfer a "fully loaded (with available morphs)" version of V4 to Gen2F on a one-time basis so that I have those individual morphs available on the base Gen2F for augmenting/enhancing future single morph" characters?

    This depends on how you want to use the transferred characters in Genesis. The advantage of using a single morph is that you can dial it in directly and that it doesn't takes much resources. The advantage of transferring the full set of morphs is that you can still change the dial values and that you may keep complex dependencies like hidden adjustment morphs. The drawback is, if you have really lots of morphs, Genesis will load slower.

    Well, basically, what I am interested in doing is gradually porting my V4-based characters over to Gen2F (as single morphs) in order to give them the benefits of Gen2F, but still have access to Morphs++ and musculature morphs, for instance, in case I need them. Yesterday's move of GND4.2 to Gen2F is a perfect example; the single morph was "almost" there, but I had to spot-dial some muscularity (that I had added while she was stil V4-based) back in that had been lost in the transfer somehow. Happily, my first try was as "separate morphs", accidentally, but it worked out because Morphs++ and musculature are now there for the new (Gen2F) version of GND4.2. So I would like this to be the case for every V4 character I eventually transfer.

    Incidentally, the new version of GND4.2 is flat out stunning.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited December 1969

    vwrangler: Like in the previous version, you either may transfer the individual morphs first and convert the poses for setting the dials, or you may use the "Create single morph" transfer mode to merge everything into one new morph. Even when using the first method, you don't have to transfer all morphs, but only those that are used by the character. With "Transfer: On for non-zero values" you can easily select the morphs required by a particular character.

    That's exactly what I tried to do, create single morph with "Transfer: On for non-zero values" , and it gave me a long list of morphs that couldn't be found, and it transferred nothing at all as far as I could tell. I tried both opening a new scene and closing and restarting studio, and while there was a single morph in the data directory, it did nothing at all.

    I'm hesitant to transfer all of Genesis as individual morphs because that's a lot of files, and it would make G2M/G2F huge.

    I've tried it as well with Gen3 and Gen4 figures, and that's mostly worked, although there have been a few glitches. Nothing major or inexplicable. Most of those tend to involve custom morphs, and I've always found that those needed to be transferred separately on their own, and then GenX reset, and then another transfer as a single morph so it can find the custom morphs needed to build the character.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    masi3vee said:
    But would it be a good idea to transfer a "fully loaded (with available morphs)" version of V4 to Gen2F on a one-time basis so that I have those individual morphs available on the base Gen2F for augmenting/enhancing future single morph" characters?

    This depends on how you want to use the transferred characters in Genesis. The advantage of using a single morph is that you can dial it in directly and that it doesn't takes much resources. The advantage of transferring the full set of morphs is that you can still change the dial values and that you may keep complex dependencies like hidden adjustment morphs. The drawback is, if you have really lots of morphs, Genesis will load slower.
    ...could you not just save different base Genesis figures with different morph sets loaded instead of loading them all into one?

  • SarlackSarlack Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    How do I reset the list of names added to the "Source" button?

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    vwrangler: Are you sure you used "Create single morph" and not "Create controller" instead? What you are describing would be exactly what happens for "Create controller" if you did not transfer the individual morphs before.

    If custom morphs are injected, they should work with "Create single morph" as any other morph. There should be no need to transfer them separately.

    Kyoto Kid: Genesis loads all morphs from the data/.../Morphs folder. Saving as a new figure asset might work. But I'd rather disable the morph files currently not needed (this can be done in the Morphs tab of GenX) than creating multiple Genesis figures with different morph sets.

    Sarlack: The list for the Source button is limited to 12 entries, so loading new Poser figures will eventually move the others out. If you insist to delete them, you would have to edit the configuration file for GenX, which is GenX.ini.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...disabling the morphs just turns them off then and doesn't remove them?

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...disabling the morphs just turns them off then and doesn't remove them?

    Right. It just changes the file extension, so DS doesn't recognize them. They can be enabled again at any time.

    You also may move a complete folder outside of the Morphs folder to remove all morphs in this folder and move them back when you need them again.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969, thanks.

    Not so much worried about how the slightly longer load time for Genesis as I am about total scene load when using multiple figures. So if for example I want to use Pazu, Mentha, and Sylfie (Aiko3), I can furn off all the V4 morphs and then and just have the Aiko3 ones I need active for that scene..

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited December 1969

    vwrangler: Are you sure you used "Create single morph" and not "Create controller" instead? What you are describing would be exactly what happens for "Create controller" if you did not transfer the individual morphs before.

    If custom morphs are injected, they should work with "Create single morph" as any other morph. There should be no need to transfer them separately.

    I must have had Create Controller selected and not realized. I tried again with "Create Single Morph" and it worked just fine.

    I was never able to transfer custom morphs with the original GenX without transferring them first and separately so that they were in Genesis before I made a single morph, so it didn't surprise me when some custom morphs failed with GX2. I take it that's not the way it's supposed to work, then.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    There should be no need to transfer custom morphs separately before using them with "Create single morph". Actually, GenX2 doesn't even know which is a "standard" morph or a "custom" morph. It's just that some of the custom morphs may have their oddities, which is usually not the case for standard morphs. Also, custom morphs use the PBMCC_ channels, but this only makes a difference for the "Selected morphs" mode, not for "Create single morph".

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited March 2014

    Just looking to get some opinions. I have multiple characters with both Gen4 and Genesis versions. Which version has the bigger chance of looking better on G2F/G2M-- transferring from the Gen4 version or the Genesis version?

    I'm thinking Gen4 just because they were split between male/female as well and not molded from an androgynous base, but I may be wrong in my thinking.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    I didn't try - but I think from V4.
    If you look closely at promos and renders you can see that the morphs that were converted from V4 to Genesis (and more often than not they were converted automagically with GenX) have lost details and definition.
    A second conversion will lead to more loss, me thinks.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Because generation 4 figures have the higher polygon count and hence the higher mesh density, I would expect conversions from V4 to G2 work better than from G1 to G2. If the G1 version was already transferred from V4, I also think a second transfer will increase loss of detail.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited March 2014

    Kerya: Now that you mention it, I've seen that more than once. I remember Silver pointing out to me how the chin or the lip areas on Genesis versions tend to look different than it's V4 equivalent. Now nothing looks the same to me and I tend to go for the Gen4 versions if they're available.

    D3D: I wasn't even considering the poly count and that never even occurred to me. I always forget Genesis is lower.

    Thanks to you both. :)

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041
    edited March 2014

    Dimension3D -

    Would forgetting to turn off or remove "Perfect Fixes" from a V4 -based character cause or contribute to any joint bending oddities after conversion to Gen2F? I converted one of my more muscular characters from V4 to Gen2F, and there is a gap at the inside of the elbow and the back of the knee that never really closes. Gen2F exhibits this to some extent normally, but not this much. Is this just a function of the difference between the meshes? Or should I have removed the Perfect Fixes from the V4-based characters? I'd hate to have to re-transfer these two characters just because I was an idiot if it won't help. :(

    Note: The issue seems to exist not so much with the character I transferred from a GND4.2 base, but it's more pronounced with the one from a V4 base. In any case, I suppose I'm hoping for some way to address it.

    Thank you again for all your patient support.

    Post edited by RenderPretender on
  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    I don't have the "Perfect Fixes", so i can't say for sure. If they are active only while bending, i.e. controlled by rotate parameters, than they should have no influence on morphs transferred by "Create single morph", because they are 0 when transferring the morph. When using "Selected morphs", they will be probably not useful in Genesis, but then you can delete them separately.

    I noticed the problem with bending the forearm as well. As far as I can say, it already happens for the V4 base shape because it stretches the polygons in that area and hence the weight map affects a larger area. This may become more visible for some transferred morphs that make the arms thinner.

  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041
    edited December 1969

    I don't have the "Perfect Fixes", so i can't say for sure. If they are active only while bending, i.e. controlled by rotate parameters, than they should have no influence on morphs transferred by "Create single morph", because they are 0 when transferring the morph. When using "Selected morphs", they will be probably not useful in Genesis, but then you can delete them separately.

    I noticed the problem with bending the forearm as well. As far as I can say, it already happens for the V4 base shape because it stretches the polygons in that area and hence the weight map affects a larger area. This may become more visible for some transferred morphs that make the arms thinner.

    Thanks for replying so quickly. I re-did the transfer with the "non-perfect" version of the same character, and the problem at the insides of the elbows still exists; it's as if the model is bending her arm at the elbow around a small pipe. There is a gap between the bicep and the inside of the forearm, at the elbow, that does not close as it should. I have noticed this issue inside the elbows, behind the knees, and behind the shoulders to some extent, with Genesis 2. It must be something with the way the mesh handles bends that is exacerbated by transferred characters that are muscular.

    This particular female character has a "fitness" physique, which looks spectacular in Genesis 2, except for that one issue. I don;t know that there is an existing solution for it, but sadly, it's almost as disappointing as V4's notorious wonky shoulder. Maybe DAZ will come out with a fix if others notice it as well. Any ideas, though? So close to perfect with the help of your plug-in.

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