New Release: Genesis Generation X2 (upgrade ends soon) [Commercial]

Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
edited December 2014 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Update on June 18, 2014:

The 66% upgrade pricing for Genesis Generation X2 will end on August 15th, 2014. If you own version 1 of Genesis Generation X and intend to get version 2, please do so before the upgrade coupon expires on August 15th, 2014.


Update on March 20, 2014:

Version of Genesis Generation X2 is now available for download in the Product Library and DIM. It is highly recommended to install this update. It fixes the possible crash and the file read problem that were reported in the forum. In addition, it has new morph list search options for groups and values (including search for non-zero values). See the updated manual for more details about the update.


Genesis Generation X2 (or short GenX2) - the new version of the morph transfer plugin for DAZ Studio - has been released to the DAZ 3D store. In addition, the GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2 is also available now to extend GenX2 for transferring morphs to, from, and between Genesis 2 Female and Male. Finally, all existing add-ons for Genesis Generation X have been updated and improved to work with GenX2.

You will find the new products in the DAZ 3D store here:
* Genesis Generation X2
* GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2

Both products have an introductory discount of 20% off. (Because it's March Madness, you get twice the introductory discount than it was for the initial version.)

Customers who own the previous version of Genesis Generation X (either full version or upgrade from Gen4), will get a coupon for an additional 66% off automatically at check out, resulting in 72.8% off together with introductory pricing.

The manuals for both products can be downloaded from my web site:
* Genesis Generation X2
* GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2
(The pages in the DAZ Documentation Wiki seem to be missing at the moment.)


Genesis Generation X2 offers the following features:
* Morph transfer from legacy figures (Poser) to TriAx figures (Genesis)
* NEW Morph transfer between different versions of Genesis
* NEW Direct morph transfer between morph-compatible versions of Genesis (including HD morphs)
* NEW Morph transfer from morph-compatible Poser figures without clone morph
* NEW Clone morphs are turned into full working full body and head only morphs with adjusted joints if required
* Translation of morph poses and expressions (Poser format) into shaping presets for transferred morphs
* NEW Translation of shaping and properties presets (DSON format) into shaping presets for transferred morphs
* Different transfer modes for separate morphs, merged morph, presets, and controllers
* NEW Improved transfer quality
* NEW Automatic corrections for differences in rigging
* Included support for generation 4 figures (Victoria 4, Michael 4, Kids 4) and Genesis (version 1)
* Support for additional figures by add-ons sold separately
* NEW Support for Genesis 2 Female and Male (requires GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2)


GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2 offers the following features:
* Morph transfer from Genesis to Genesis 2 Female or Male
* Morph transfer from Genesis 2 Female or Male to Genesis
* Morph conversion from Genesis 2 Female to Male and vice versa (includes HD morphs)
* Morph transfer from Victoria 4, Michael 4, and Kids 4 to Genesis 2 Female or Male
* Morph transfer from generation 3 figures to Genesis 2 Female or Male (requires separate add-ons)

Morphs transferred from Victoria 4 or Michael 4 will work with any of the following base shapes:
* V4 morph in Generation 4 Legacy Shapes for Genesis 2 Female(s) by Slosh
* M4 morph in Generation 4 Legacy Shapes for Genesis 2 Male(s) by Slosh
* V4 and M4 morphs in V4 and M4 Shapes for Genesis transferred from Genesis to Genesis 2
* V4 and M4 clone morphs auto-converted by GenX2
* Michael 4 for Genesis 2 Male by Slosh (should work, but I haven't tested)
* Victoria 4 for Genesis 2 Female by MallenLane (should work, but I haven't tested)

Note: To transfer morphs from Poser figures to Genesis 2, Genesis 1 has to be installed as well, because the clone morphs are available for Genesis 1 only.

Note: To use V4 or M4 textures with Genesis 2, you need an according UV mapping. To apply material poses or scripts for V4 or M4 to Genesis 2, you need to adjust the material names, which can be done with my free script Generation 4 to Genesis 2 Material Converter.


Still available are the following add-ons for Genesis Generation X:
* GenX AddOn Gen3 for V3 and M3
* GenX AddOn Gen3 for S3 D3 and F3
* GenX AddOn Gen3 for A3 and H3
* GenX AddOn Gen3 Bundle

These add-ons have been updated to work with GenX2. In conjunction with the GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2, they also support morph transfer to Genesis 2 Female and Male. (The old version for GenX1 is still available as part of the download.)


Owners of Genesis Generation X, please consider the following:
* You get a coupon for a reduced price of Genesis Generation X2.
* The old serial number will still work.
* It is not possible to run version 1 and version 2 of Genesis Generation X at the same time.
* It is highly recommended to uninstall the old version of Genesis Generation X before installing Genesis Generation X2.
* The generation 3 add-ons for GenX have been updated. Download and install the GenX2 version of these add-ons to work with GenX2.
* Because of improvements in morph transfer, there may be incompatibilities between already transferred morphs and newly transferred morphs. (This holds for morphs with conditional morphs and with automated joint adjustments. Morphs transferred with "create single morph" are not affected.)


Finally, I'm working on GenX2 add-ons for the following figures:
* Generation 3 Kids: Luke, Laura, Matt, Maddison (requires V3 and M3 Shapes for Genesis)
* Sam and Sadie by 3D Universe (requires Sadie and Sam for Genesis)
* Mavka by smay (requires Mavka for Genesis)

If you like, vote in the poll, which one you want to be released first.

750 x 975 - 144K
750 x 975 - 230K
Post edited by Cris Palomino on


  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Important: There is no separate upgrade version for owners of the previous version like the store page notes at the moment. Instead, previous customers will receive a 66% off coupon at checkout automatically.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    Important: There is no separate upgrade version for owners of the previous version like the store page notes at the moment. Instead, previous customers will receive a 66% off coupon at checkout automatically.

    It really would help if that information was on the page rather than a link to a non existent page, I wish Daz would think these things through.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for the upgrade price.

  • TenmaruTenmaru Posts: 105
    edited December 1969

    As a new customer I'm disappointed that it's not a part of MM. Because the product is not punch-worthy and introductory discounts seem to be small comparing all other MM discounts. *sigh*

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    What is the best and easiest way to uninstall Generation X please?

  • msorrelsmsorrels Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    I re-downloaded one of my Gen3 addons and reinstalled it but it didn't seem to add support to GenX2, have those installers been updated yet?

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    artyom.popkov: Unlike the products released as part of the March Madness sale, GenX2 was not intended to be released in March. That's why it is not part of the March Madness sale. (I decided that it would be better to release GenX2 in March without using March Madness pricing instead of waiting until April with the release.)

    scorpio64dragon: Uninstalling GenX depends on how you installed it.
    1. If you used DIM, just use DIM to uninstall.
    2. If you used the installer, there should be an uninstaller. In the DS application folder, there is a folder Uninstallers that contains the uninstallers for plugins.
    3. If anything else fails, just delete the file "d3dGenX.dll" (Windows) or "d3dGenX.dylib" (Mac) in the plugins folder of the DS application folder.
    If you are using DIM to install GenX2, it will also remove the old plugin.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    A whole big lot of updates - for under $20 ... MINE!

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited March 2014

    msorrels said:
    I re-downloaded one of my Gen3 addons and reinstalled it but it didn't seem to add support to GenX2, have those installers been updated yet?

    They should have been updated together with the release, but obviously they haven't been updated yet. Wait until you see a 2.0 version for the Gen3 add-ons appear on DIM or product library, this will be the version that works with GenX2 and adds Genesis 2 support (together with the Genesis 2 add-on).

    Edited to note that the updated Gen3 add-ons are now available for download.

    Post edited by Dimension3D on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited March 2014

    It is still very early in Dazland ... 2:00am
    I think for the Readme's and the updated Gen3 addons we will have to wait until somebody is awake over there.
    Really awake, after a cup of coffee or so ;)

    Post edited by Kerya on
  • siocsioc Posts: 299
    edited December 1969

    As a new customer I'm disappointed that it's not a part of MM. Because the product is not punch-worthy and introductory discounts seem to be small comparing all other MM discounts. *sigh*

    D3D GenX2 is not that expensive if you have the need for. I will be abble to migraye almost all my previous generation stuff and finally say completly byebye to Gen4... That is not expensive!

    What is the best and easiest way to uninstall

    D3D could you answer that one ?

    Thanks for your products !

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    I think I must be missing a step somewhere. I purchased GenX2 and installed it, and it shows up fine in the Installed Plugins. However, when I load the GenX pane (there is no GenX2 listed, so I assume it must be the correct one) it seems identical to GenX1, right down to the fact I can't set Genesis 2 as a target.

    Checking the plugin folder, the batch file seems to have done its job of renaming the original GenX DLL file, so in theory it shouldn't be loading. Do I need to change the serial code over before it will work correctly? If so, how do I go about that since it doesn't give me any option to do so?

    405 x 581 - 157K
  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    sioc said:
    What is the best and easiest way to uninstall

    D3D could you answer that one ?

    If you installed with DIM, uninstall with DIM. If you installed with installer, there should be an uninstaller.
    Otherwise, delete "d3dGenX.dll" or "d3dGenX.dylib" respectively from the plugins folder of DAZ Studio.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    I think I must be missing a step somewhere. I purchased GenX2 and installed it, and it shows up fine in the Installed Plugins. However, when I load the GenX pane (there is no GenX2 listed, so I assume it must be the correct one) it seems identical to GenX1, right down to the fact I can't set Genesis 2 as a target.

    Checking the plugin folder, the batch file seems to have done its job of renaming the original GenX DLL file, so in theory it shouldn't be loading. Do I need to change the serial code over before it will work correctly? If so, how do I go about that since it doesn't give me any option to do so?

    You have the new version GenX2 of the plugin installed. Like the old version, this includes support for generation 4 figures and for Genesis version 1. Further figures are supported by add-ons. For Genesis 2, you need the "GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2" sold separately.

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    Aha! Serves me right for buying without reading! Got the add-on so everything is working nicely. Great work as usual D3D!

  • msorrelsmsorrels Posts: 44
    edited December 1969

    They should have been updated together with the release, but obviously they haven't been updated yet. Wait until you see a 2.0 version for the Gen3 add-ons appear on DIM or product library, this will be the version that works with GenX2 and adds Genesis 2 support (together with the Genesis 2 add-on).

    No worries, just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything. The new version seems to work just great. I also think the pricing was more than fair. I would have bought it again at full price to be honest. Thanks again for putting this out during March and not waiting till April.
  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,514
    edited December 1969

    can you explain the 66% off coupon? I seem to be a bit brain dead today... its 66% off the full price, right? wouldn't that make the discounted price 16.29? Or is the 66% taken after the 20% sale price?

    I'm really confused but I'm not sure the price is showing up correctly in the cart.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    I am really lost with this, I don't seem to have the Gen 4 figures in the Source drop down box and cannot figure out how to transfer from Genesis to Genesis 2, the PDF refers to Poser but not Genesis which isn't a Poser figure.

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited March 2014

    belovedalia: The 66% off is stacking with other discounts, so it's actually 72.8% off or $10.32 during intro sale. It will be $12.90 without other discounts.

    scorpio64dragon: Only Genesis figures and recently loaded Poser figures are shown in the Source drop down box. To load a Poser figure not listed, either drag'n'drop the figure from the DS content library or locate the CR2 file with the "Load Figure" button below the Source button.

    To transfer from Genesis to Genesis 2, you need the "GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2". Transferring morphs from Genesis works just like transferring morphs from a Poser figure. Select Genesis from the Source button, select the morphs to transfer, and select Genesis 2 Male or Genesis 2 Female as target.

    Post edited by Dimension3D on
  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,514
    edited December 1969

    Oh see, I knew i was brain dead... I was thinking the 66% off is on the GenX2 AND the GenX2 addon, but it's only on GenX2, right? (hope I'm getting this right, now)

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Oh see, I knew i was brain dead... I was thinking the 66% off is on the GenX2 AND the GenX2 addon, but it's only on GenX2, right? (hope I'm getting this right, now)

    Right, 66% off is for the plugin only.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited December 1969

    I'm really curious to see how A3 characters - specifically those by Thorne - transfer over to Genesis with the add on. If anyone has the add on and a Thorne A3 character, could you do a quick render so I can see how alike it is? Thanks!

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited March 2014

    jakiblue said:
    I'm really curious to see how A3 characters - specifically those by Thorne - transfer over to Genesis with the add on. If anyone has the add on and a Thorne A3 character, could you do a quick render so I can see how alike it is? Thanks!

    I don't know if somebody is so fast to use GenX2, but conversions with GenX:

    Post edited by Kerya on
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited December 1969

    Kerya said:
    jakiblue said:
    I'm really curious to see how A3 characters - specifically those by Thorne - transfer over to Genesis with the add on. If anyone has the add on and a Thorne A3 character, could you do a quick render so I can see how alike it is? Thanks!

    I don't know if somebody is so fast to use GenX2, but conversions with GenX:

    thanks Kerya! :D That helped a lot (although scorpio64dragon is such a freakin genius with his art that I am always intimated by what he..she?...creates...LOL)

    It wasn't necessarily the new GenX2 I needed, GenX conversions are just fine. :D I wanted to get hte A3 add on as I've always been in love with Thorne's A3 characters and as much as I like what she has done with A4/V4 I always felt they never COMPLETELY had the same look. :D :D

    But judging by those two renders in that thread you linked, A3 -> Genesis looks pretty sweet. :D

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    Thank you,
    I have the add on and its installed so will try again.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited December 1969

    Thank you,
    I have the add on and its installed so will try again.

    YAY!!!! Can't wait to see what you do :D
    (unless it makes me run away crying cos I can't do what you do....LOL!!!! )

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited March 2014

    *** deleted because outdated ***

    Post edited by Dimension3D on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    jakiblue said:
    Thank you,
    I have the add on and its installed so will try again.

    YAY!!!! Can't wait to see what you do :D
    (unless it makes me run away crying cos I can't do what you do....LOL!!!! )

    Thank you for the compliments, you're making me blush, Jakiblue I'm very honoured by your praise especially as I always admire your art, actually some of your images were what really inspired me to improved my images and learn DS better.
    I'm going out to lunch now but should have a chance to play more later this afternoon,
    oh and I'm a she.


  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    The updates for the Gen3 add-ons to work with GenX2 are now available for download at DAZ via DIM or Product Library.

  • lv426lv426 Posts: 42
    edited December 1969

    Probably a stupid question, but if I purchase this and the G2 add-on, will I be able to transfer custom dialed characters between Genesis and G2?

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