Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 5



  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited September 2013

    Nice image chohole. I like the lighting.

    Here is my quick attempt on making a space scene. Mind you, I only spent like 10 minutes on this scene. I'm going to play around with Bryce some more.

    edit: i just noticed that the halo around the moon is darker than I had expected. I'll need to edit the moon's properties.

    540 x 405 - 15K
    Post edited by starionwolf on
  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803
    edited December 1969

    Fire Angel - Your hijack render really made my day! My brain was slow on the draw today as I didn't link the fact that babies drink milk as a reason for the hijack. I thought it was funny even before I realized it. Babies & guns, naturally funny; kind of like Kalamazoo.

    I grew up in Kalamazoo. Not everyday I see references to my home town.

  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited December 1969

    Finally! After months of eluding me, I finally figured out how to create the TopMod Interlocking Stars in Wings. Not too difficult to do, but rather tedious. I'm going to try and refine the technique and if I can get it down to a reasonable number of steps, I'll prepare a tutorial.

    @chohole: Very nice render.

    @Dangerlad: I like how you're experimenting with the different shapes. Good work.

    @Mermaid: I really like the first render you did. Simple, but it's perfect. Good job on the other shapes too. I like the third render with the dark black/red metallic texture.

    @GussNemo: Awesome as always.

    @FireAngel: Thanks for the laugh. That's a great scene.

    800 x 800 - 507K
  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited December 1969

    i like how the light shines/reflects off the surface. I see the texture of the ground too.

    One thing I just realized about my render is that I forgot to turn on anti-aliasing for the final render. The edges of the moon look jagged.

  • Dino GrampsDino Gramps Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Fire Angel - Your hijack render really made my day! My brain was slow on the draw today as I didn't link the fact that babies drink milk as a reason for the hijack. I thought it was funny even before I realized it. Babies & guns, naturally funny; kind of like Kalamazoo.

    I grew up in Kalamazoo. Not everyday I see references to my home town.

    My great grandparents on my maternal grandmother's side were immigrants from Poland who farmed in Grand Junction, not too far from Kalamazoo. They had 13 children, 11 of whom stayed in the general area. My grandmother (oldest girl) and one sister decided to make a life for themselves in Chicago. So I have visited southwest Michigan often.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited September 2013

    Thanks to everyone who commented on my recent renders

    Inspiring work by everyone

    Fencepost - beautiful shape, did you start with a sphere?

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 1969

    @Dangerlad - welcome to this forum. Those chains look very nice. These are typical objects that would be great viewing in true 3D.

    @Pam - very nicely done. It appears that the light rays play on Poseïdon's body, though it's an illusion. I know what you mean with blending two renders. It can be very helpful. In such a case, export the renders as HDR, open both in HDRShop and add them (Image > Calculate), then either tone-map them (if you have the free plug-ins) or save the result as HDRI again and tone-map it with an other program. You could even make the aspect ratio either square or 2:1, use it as an HDRI in Bryce, tone-map it there and export as conventional BMP or so.

    @starionwolf - good start, needs still a bit of work.

    @fencepost52 - that is a very nicely shaped ball.

  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited December 1969

    @starionwolf - Thanks. All of my lighting comes from Image Based Lighting (IBL). If you're not familiar with the concept, David Brinnen and Horo have some excellent videos describing it.

    @mermaid - Thank you. No, I actually started with a dodecahedron and immediately smoothed the entire object using Doo Sabin Subdivision, which created pentagons/rectangles/triangles. From there I used the pents/tris to make the shape. It really isn't hard, but it takes so long (at least until I figure out ways to speed up the process), a video might be out of the question.

    @Horo - Thanks! It was fun to make.


  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited December 1969

    Horo - another thing I realized is that the background looks flat like a 2-d render. Maybe I'll upload a newer version in the next few days after I watched some more tutorials about the basics of Bryce. Thanks for the comment.

    fencepost52 - I've heard of Image Based Lighting but I wasn't sure what it does. I'll go read watch some videos later. I was wondering how the surfaces of peoples' renders are so shiny and bright.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @mermaid: Thank you. Love the material you used on both objects. Love the results and color on the second one.

    @Fire Angel: Oh thanks for the laughs. That's a very charming image. Real question is how will they drive off with the truck?

    @Trish: First image is rather dark so it's hard to see the material. The material in the second image is real nice. And nothing wrong with pushing buttons to find out what they do, most times that is. :-)

    @Raretj: Nice looking ironclad, though I wonder if it isn't riding a bit high in the water. I remember seeing pictures where the deck was just above the water surface.

    @Dangerlad: Great looking chains, ground material is real nice too.

    @Pam: That IS a keeper, nice job.

    @starionwolf: Space scene is starting out nicely. David also has a few videos on YouTube about setting up space scenes and added parts. Getting shinning surfaces is a matter of setting reflections high in the Material Lab. Brightness can be done by several methods, one being by increasing the Diffuse setting in the Material Lab. Another by increasing the strength of the lighting, and other more advanced methods.

    @fencepost: That's a real nice object, lighting and ground material are also very good. You may just have inspired me to give it a go, even before another of your nice videos. Buy a microphone yet? ;-)

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Finally! After months of eluding me, I finally figured out how to create the TopMod Interlocking Stars in Wings. Not too difficult to do, but rather tedious. I'm going to try and refine the technique and if I can get it down to a reasonable number of steps, I'll prepare a tutorial.

    I look forwards to having a go at this, the shape looks very interesting.

    In the mean time, half a day's working outside in the rain has given me a cold - joy. More channel digging tomorrow. But just time to share a few renders. DS, Bryce and Octane. Slow, medium and fast in their respective orders.

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  • DangerladDangerlad Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Another couple of pics. Both images are of the same object just from different angles. The object in and of itself a TopMod_like object using an octotoad as the base and mirrored out each of the 3 directions. Some massaging of the object was done to get it bend correctly and weld at the ends. I was aiming for the interior to glow (based on one of David's instructional videos) but it didn't work as well as I hoping. Maybe a little more work or a review of the video. The background is one of Horo's HDR light probes. The ground plane material is from a Bryce 6 material pack (Jonathan Allen's Seriously Real Materials).

    850 x 850 - 694K
    850 x 850 - 440K
  • JStryderJStryder Posts: 168
    edited December 1969

    Goodness, you are all forging ahead rapidly - or I am going slow?

    Dave, yes I know what you mean about the blackened sandstone stone, they did this in Sheffield (the sandblasting), the palace just doesn't look the same (and it made a right mess).

    Mermaid, excellent render, good to see you experimenting with new shapes!

    I decided to run off a few stylized renders, to see how these shapes would look.

    They look impressive, or at least I'm impressed. Working through the stylized rendering tuts now; not enough time to play. Interesting stuff though, and I can see how the technique could be used to obtain graphic effects that might be difficult to achieve in other ways. Generating outlines using a Bryce terrain, and applying shading in layered planes over the terrain -- strange but fascinating.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @David: Nice objects, nice images. The last object reminds me of jade carvings I've seen.

    @Dangerlad: Those are nice, nice material for the ground.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 1969

    @David - DS render looks very detailed, Bryce render looks as if there were green smoke in the figure, which looks very nice; Octane one looks like a jade artifact.

    @Dangerlad - objects look as if made of metaballs. Interesting look.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    @starionwolf - Thanks. All of my lighting comes from Image Based Lighting (IBL). If you're not familiar with the concept, David Brinnen and Horo have some excellent videos describing it.

    @mermaid - Thank you. No, I actually started with a dodecahedron and immediately smoothed the entire object using Doo Sabin Subdivision, which created pentagons/rectangles/triangles. From there I used the pents/tris to make the shape. It really isn't hard, but it takes so long (at least until I figure out ways to speed up the process), a video might be out of the question.

    @Horo - Thanks! It was fun to make.


    Thanks Art, I now have a starting point and will give it a try although these days I'm more inclined towards just following tutorials than actually working things out. ;)

    David - beautiful objects. My fav the Bryce one

    Dangerlad - objects are Interesting.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    WOW; I got way behind everyones renders are super!!......I am out of I am going for a drive to the island to see what I can come up with...have fun all

  • DangerladDangerlad Posts: 0
    edited September 2013

    A couple of Chain Link pairs. The first pair are 40 section tori with an hexagonal cross section. The chain on the right side also has a 30 degree twist in it. The second pair of chains are 40 section tori with a octagonal cross section. Again the chain on the right has a slight twist, this time a 22.5 degree twist. All of the chains use the same set of material, from David's Pro Material in the metals category.

    1400 x 700 - 1M
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    Post edited by Dangerlad on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 1969

    @Dangerlad - the chains look great, but the floor on which they are posed is too busy. The eye is drawn to the unimportant floor and misses the chains. Try to use a material wit no or only a faint pattern and bump, and a complementary colour to bring out the chains.

  • DangerladDangerlad Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Repost of my chains, taking Horo's suggestion into account.

    Material on the chains are the same (David's Elven Metal and Planished Copper).

    Ground material changed to David's Galvanized Steel.

    I also changed the HDRI file I used.

    Rendered with TA 64 rpp, a ray depth of 4, and Blurred Reflections enabled.

    1200 x 600 - 643K
    1200 x 600 - 638K
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 1969

    Greatly improved!

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Dangerlad said:
    Repost of my chains, taking Horo's suggestion into account.

    Material on the chains are the same (David's Elven Metal and Planished Copper).

    Ground material changed to David's Galvanized Steel.

    I also changed the HDRI file I used.

    Rendered with TA 64 rpp, a ray depth of 4, and Blurred Reflections enabled.

    As Horo say's greatly improved! These look very nice now it is possible to pick out the details of the geometry.

    I've just been noodling around rendering little Wings 3D shapes.

    Here's DS, Octane, Octane and Bryce. Bryce was the fastest render, DS the slowest.

    850 x 850 - 294K
    850 x 850 - 187K
    850 x 850 - 146K
    850 x 850 - 549K
  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    I recognized the octane render in the 3. pict., but I thought the 4. is octane, too. But it is Bryce, nice

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 1969

    @David - DS looks quite nice, Octane with the glow looks really hot and the second looks again like jade. The Bryce one looks awesome.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Dangerlad: While the ground material is great looking in the first images, I prefer what you've done in the second set of images. Not only are the chains given better definition but so are their shadows and slight reflections. By the way, what is the material you used in the first images?

    @David: Oooo, like those objects and results. And the material, nice.

  • DangerladDangerlad Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    If you mean the ground material in the first set, I used David's Wobbly Stone Wall texture from the Pro Materials/Misc selection. The Chains used David's Elven Metal (the light links) and Planished Copper (the orange links). I don't recall what sky I used in those pictures but I pretty sure I was using one of Horo's HDRI light probes via IBL In the second set of pictures the material of the chains stayed the same but the ground material was David's Galvanized Steel material, again from the Pro Materials. I used Horo's lacsouterrain which I downloaded from Horo's web site.

    I am going to post sample pictures of the chains I've made but just a single link color (i.e. just the odd links or even links depending on where you start counting) to show off the geometry of the chains. I find the progression of link development very intriguing.

  • Fire AngelFire Angel Posts: 263
    edited September 2013

    This has an off-topic element but still, there's a Bryce render at the end of the link; I wrote a piano piece using some very unorthodox chords and pitch intervals called The Fourth Mood. Unless you're a member you won't be able to comment on MacJams (and it's tricky to sign up because you have to write some original music) but if you like the tune you can even download it as an MP3 for free. The artwork for the tune page is a cropped Bryce render, so there's one excuse for posting it here. The other excuse is that I ran out of time to work on anything Bryce this weekend as I need to write some more music for my studies, so I only have music to offer this weekend, no renders.

    I hope you enjoy my composition :)

    Post edited by Fire Angel on
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Just pressing on with little material experiments, as before DS, Octane x 2 and Bryce. Hard to get any convergence, some things work the same, others do not.

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 1969

    @David - Great examples! The next step would be to have the the materials for all 3 renders. That would help compare.

    @All - By the way, has anyone noticed that David's and my store are on sale today 15. September? Sorry if this sounds like advertising, it is not: we only want you to save huge. :red:

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I noticed lol ↑↑↑↑↑↑

This discussion has been closed.