Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 5



  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,839
    edited December 1969

    @Trish - Nice bridge, though I don't know how it is lit. There are times when it would be simpler if we could talk. Below the IBL tab.

    If an HDRI is loaded, all atmospheric effects get switched off: haze, clouds, sun light (though not the sun visible). If needed, they can be switched back to were they were (Atmosphere and Cloud Cover tab).

    Under the thumbnail at right you can render the thumbnail in scene, click on the down arrow near the lower right corner of the thumbnail. It is helpful to see the effect of what you're doing.

    If you want the backdrop to be rendered, switch it on at upper left: Use as backdrop. Right of that text is an arrow. Click on it to get the drop down shown. Depending on how the sky is set in the main GUI, either select Blend into background or Add to sky.

    With Intensity the brightness of the backdrop can be adjusted. It is usually very high contrast. This can be countered when enabling Tone map, which is at the lower left of the IBL tab. The backdrop is now too bright, just lower Intensity.

    Move HDRI Effect up or down to get the object in the scene lit as required. This control doesn't change the appearance of the backdrop, its just the light intensity.

    If the light on the object is too colourful, move the Saturation control down. Again, this affects only the light generated, not the backdrop.

    There is still a bit more but it may only confuse you at this stage. Leave the other controls as they are. The bridge in a room will probably look a bit odd, but who cares?

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,839
    edited December 1969

    @Rareth - That chain looks very nice. The material applied somewhat resembles pearlmother. The new objects also look very nice. The one on the table looks quite cool.

    @fencepost52 - interesting shape, nicely presented.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Newest TopMod-style object created in Wings 3D.

    Something you might like... Wings 3D project - icosahedron twisted loop - by David Brinnen

    Render (octane for speed) shows an inversion of the shape created in the video. Just swap the area to be intruded to get a six part shape - Separate command on the full object.

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  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    dwsel_...that's a keeper for sure (for us in the UK and IE) thanks for the link.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    dwsel_ said:
    But I was hoping just for a straight on greyscale pic that I could use without having to mess around too much.

    How about this?

    Thanks, that looks like just the ticket.... will give it a try later this afternoon. :-)

    Meanwhile: I put the map t one side and did this, this morning... just playing, no direction nor plan for this one.

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  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    I am still experimenting with DAZ figures. I made the posing in DAZ and the rendering in Bryce, which needs quiet a lot of post-work ;-)

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,839
    edited December 1969

    @David - that's a great shape - intertwined spaghetti :coolsmile:

    @Dave - looks promising. I'm looking forward to see what you're going to do with it.

    @electro-elvis - skin looks better than what I was ever able to accomplish.

  • Fire AngelFire Angel Posts: 263
    edited September 2013

    You don't have to keep the abstracts as abstracts.

    "Dimensional Pilot". I know she's under-dressed for conventional piloting, but it's hot in those inter-dimensional tunnels; that's my excuse and I'll stay with it...

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    Post edited by Fire Angel on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,839
    edited December 1969

    Yes, abstracts can make nice backdrops for some weird space scene, as you proofed here.

  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited September 2013

    Thanks, everyone for the comments! I was excited when I finally figured out how to make it.

    Beautiful Job on this of these days I am going to have to try out wings...guess I am just stuck on Bryce....did do a render in .....dare I say the darkside(daz studio) but as usual lighting and figuring out buttons has me stumped....Is your model 2 separate objects put together??

    Thanks, Trish! Don't worry about sticking with Bryce....go with what works and you're doing great! Yes, I think you should try wings. It's very intuitive and there are quite a few tutorials around the web to get you started. David has a lot and I have a couple which are geared towards people who've used the software, but once you get the basics done, you can move rather quickly. I made one a couple of years ago on modeling a goblet that's a starter tutorial. I can send you the link if you would like.

    This model is two objects, but it was made from a single one. The nice thing is you can assign a material in Wings to whatever you want and when you export it, Bryce recognizes the materials as separate objects. That way you can add whatever materials you wish in Bryce.

    @Elvis: Nice work on the girl. Skin and hair are quite realistic.

    @DaveSavage: I always enjoy seeing your work. You seem to have very good composition skills....something I greatly lack.

    @DavidB: Yes, it's a derivative work and I figured out something I couldn't grasp before. The light bulb was finally lit! :) Fabulous work on your new model and thanks for the tutorial.

    @Fire: That's a cool SciFi scene. I'll bet it's hot in those tunnels and I appreciate the fact you dressed her appropriately! That's my response and I'm sticking to it! :)

    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    dwsel_ said:
    But I was hoping just for a straight on greyscale pic that I could use without having to mess around too much.

    How about this?

    Wonderful, much appreciated dwsel. :)

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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    dwsel_ said:
    But I was hoping just for a straight on greyscale pic that I could use without having to mess around too much.

    How about this?

    Wonderful, much appreciated dwsel. :)

    Oh that does look good now.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    dwsel_ said:
    But I was hoping just for a straight on greyscale pic that I could use without having to mess around too much.

    How about this?

    Wonderful, much appreciated dwsel. :)

    Yup, that works a treat!

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited September 2013

    Savage...yeah, dwsel_'s bump-map is one that will be used by any of us (UK-ers and IE-ers who saved it). Great resultant render on the regions involved; .ship, I'll guess, is some kilometres in length...hahaaa, but know it is exaggerated really to suit your needs.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • edited September 2013

    I love the map! And I'm curious about your village: looks great so far.

    As for me, Batman cropped up in my first HDRi test-scene... bottom right corner... ????

    ETA: or is it Serious Cat? Hmmmmm....

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    Post edited by raindrop_1ff71f4538 on
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    I don't mean to be rude will comment on everyones renders later have to figure this out first its making me nuts.......Horo and David; I know you two are trying the very best you can with me explain this HDR deal....I might just be to stupid....serious....Ok I can either use the living room scene and play with the lighting in it or it can be used as an extra light source???? See where I don't get it is...I belong to flickr a photo club I understand how an HDR is made into a picture for a photo.....but this ball thing is a different animal altogether....and I just can't wrap my head around this.....Sorry maybe it will just materialize in my brain some other time....any way here are the settings I used and I saved this thing as a sky preset........

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Here is what I am talking about it is a photo put together with 3 different photos of different exposers.....of the same picture placed in photoshop and put one on top of the other but it still remains a photo

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,839
    edited September 2013

    @Trish - the ball thing is a panorama in the angular projection. It shows the image on a flat surface that actually depicts everything that was around the camera. Another projection would be spherical. That one looks like a world map. You see, an environment that is all around you is actually a sphere and you have to depict this sphere onto a flat surface. This must give a lot of distortions and it becomes difficult to understand what you see.

    Try this: open an empty scene in Bryce and remove the ground plane. Set the camera in the world centre without any rotation. Load one of those "ball things" into IBL and enable Render as background. Then render. It won't take more than a few seconds. Now move the camera around, at left, back, up, and you see the full environment. You (the camera) is within the sphere at exactly the same place as the camera was and that sphere is so hige that it can blend with the sky and the sun. Alternatively, you can rotate the HDRI in the IBL tab with Yaw, Pitch and Roll, but this is a bit less obvious.

    IBL needs a full environment, not just one photograph. There are many single photos that have to be stitched together. And each photo must be taken several times, 3 exposures doesn't make an HDRI, they make a DRI (dynamic range increased) which is very good for photographs but it doesn't suffice to create the prominent light like in a light bulb or the sun. I once needed 18 exposures for one single position, and this for the whole panorama, almost 140 photographs.

    IBL stands for image based light and this light must come from every possible direction. If you put an object in this empty scene, you can see how it acts on the light generated by the HDRI panorama. Of course, for a scene, you don't need to have the camera at world centre, it can be anywhere. I suggested this only so you can have a look what those ball things actually do.

    EDIT: No you aren't stupid. We are stupid if we don't understand what you're asking. Just insist on asking, perhaps, the penny drops eventually and we can give you the answer to the question you asked.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Elvis; your figure is very good Is it Vicki or someone else????

    Dave; the village is awesome and the map turned out well also....don't forget about art studio!!!

    Fire angel; the space pilot idea is really cool!!!

    Raindrop; It really does look like batman!!! how did that happen...He not after you is he??

    David; Had to copy your spelling...your Icosahedron is really nice the colors are wonderful....Thanks ever so much trying to help me...I am really brainless sometimes!!!

    Guss; Where are you??? stop playing around with minecraft!!!

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited September 2013

    @David: New object is smashing, I'll give it a go later.

    @Dave: Grass with ladybugs turned out really nice, and believable. So you now have a new lawn mower? The map is really coming along, hope we'll see the final image. And the village(?) is super for no plans. Always a pleasure seeing what you product.

    @Rareth: First chain image is neat, the light coming in around a window shade is a nice touch. And the second image, whoa, nice work for a deviation. The other two Wings models really are great, as are both renders.

    @Trish: The arch wall(?) is way cool, love the texture. "Trying something" is a neat beginning, run with it. And the picture, gorgeous. And HDRI ball, think of a hot air balloon with a 360 degree picture around the outside. You stand inside the balloon, in one place and rotate in a circle. You initially will look at a spot on the side of the balloon, and as you rotate in a circle you see additional parts of the same picture until you return to the initial spot "on the wall" where you started. Now suppose instead of you rotating in a circle in the circle of the balloon, someone rotated the entire balloon around you--the rotation controls in the IBL lab. You still see the initial part of the picture, and you still see all the parts of the picture, but you don't have to do anything but watch. And if it's too bright, that same someone puts something over the outside of the balloon to cut down the suns' intensity--the controls under the HDRI window. You don't have to do anything in loading an .hdr file except click on the Use HDRI file and click on open then navigate to your .hdr files and chose the one you want. It's that easy. The challenge is in adjusting the HDRI to fit the scene you're working one. Hope this helped a bit.

    @fencepost: Neat object, except I think it's missing the rest of the plane. :-)

    @electro: Impressive figure in that scene, ocean makes for a very nice background.

    @Fire Angel: Cool image.

    Decided I needed a vacation after working David's cube on steroids. It's either that or get my hearing checked, plus eyes. :lol: I also worked the continuous chain tutorial, showing the entire object before separating the chain from the "mold."

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    Post edited by GussNemo on
  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited September 2013

    GussNemo said:

    @fencepost: Neat object, except I think it's missing the rest of the plane. :-)

    That's my dunce cap prop! LOL

    Nice work. Really liking the materials on the cube.

    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited September 2013

    Guss; WOW you are getting to be a pro at these tutorials

    I must say I enjoy David and Horo's accents its kinda like being hypnotized..........yes I will bet that's it, it is some form of mind control....They told us about that in the army.....LOL

    ok I put some of my stuff at art studio....have a look...I thought to invade over there to get attention for Bryce.....a secret undercover mission...

    Post edited by Trish on
  • edited December 1969

    Just a test with Bryce... tranparence decrease with depth in water...

    Make with 30 planes...

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  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,462
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said:

    @Rareth: First chain image is neat, the light coming in around a window shade is a nice touch. And the second image, whoa, nice work for a deviation. The other two Wings models really are great, as are both renders.


    I couldn't get the Bevel step to work on the Torus Knot linked chain, so I winged it.. so to speak.

    Your models and renders are looking awesome! superb job there.

  • dwseldwsel Posts: 0
    edited September 2013

    dwsel_ said:
    But I was hoping just for a straight on greyscale pic that I could use without having to mess around too much.

    How about this?

    Wonderful, much appreciated dwsel. :)

    Now that's a THING! 8)
    The more realistic look is great, but I miss somewhat those funky white labels/signs from the previous version.

    Post edited by dwsel on
  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    dwsel_ said:
    Now that's a THING! 8)
    The more realistic look is great, but I miss somewhat those funky white labels/signs from the previous version.

    Yes, the detailed one was just a test. When I do the real thing, I'll be putting the little label signs on as the back page of the catalogue I'm working on has a list of six addresses, so each location needs to be numbered. That number will appear on the sign.

    This is the first draft that I'll get approval for before starting on setting up for the final render.

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  • Fire AngelFire Angel Posts: 263
    edited September 2013

    No, no, not addicted at all, I can stop any time - now stop laughing you...

    Thanks (or blame) to David Brinnen again for one of his Wings tutorials, adapted by me to Blender's modeller. These are my own versions of some of the icosahedron-based objects described in the last tutorial I watched on YouTube.

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    Post edited by Fire Angel on
  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596
    edited December 1969


    You may want to change the numbers 1 and 2 around on your UK map, Corby is North of Stevenage.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited September 2013

    Horo; I added a tree to the inside of the ball.....I moved all around the inside of it....I can see that I had to do nothing to the tree for special lighting....but besides putting things inside the livingroom....How do you use it in a render??? render something and show me...I guess what I am trying to saw is other than being inside of it is it used in a render..I am sorry this is really over my head I believe....I really appreciate you trying to explain to me though.......Trish

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    Post edited by Trish on
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited September 2013

    Fire angel; are to addicted....its the voices....I just love accents.....I spent 6years in Germany and had the time of my life meeting people from everywhere on the ski slopes.....Your newest renders are wonderful!!!! The one on the left is my favorite

    Post edited by Trish on
This discussion has been closed.