Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 5



  • DangerladDangerlad Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Here are my normal style links. For each cross section of initial torus used to create the chains with an even multiple of 2 (2x2, 2x4, 2x6,...), the individual links are separate. For each cross section of initial torus used to create the chains with an odd multiple of 2 (2x3, 2x5, 2x7,...), the links are connected.

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    If you don't see me for awhile its Horo and Davids fault........LOL

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  • Dino GrampsDino Gramps Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Horo - Yes I notice yours and David's stores on sale and am financially poorer for it. I may go back in later for a second dip.

  • DangerladDangerlad Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I truly wish that I could afford to purchase even some of the Horo and David products that I want to. Sadly I will have to hope that a similar sales occurs when my pockets are deeper.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Dangerlad said:
    I truly wish that I could afford to purchase even some of the Horo and David products that I want to. Sadly I will have to hope that a similar sales occurs when my pockets are deeper.

    Fear not, there will be other sales. And besides, unless you've exhausted my 200+ video's you'll not really have an excuse to say you've nothing left to try.

    Thank you on behalf of Horo and myself to Trish and Dino and everyone else who've shown their support. It is not just for us, although we do appreciate it, but also it shows DAZ 3D that there continues to be interest in Bryce as a commercial product. Which is of course a concept dear to Horo and myself, since we have spent so much time experimenting with Bryce, we are keen to see it continue to be kept compatible and usable as time goes on - which inevitably means DAZ 3D has to spend some dollars on it. And being commercially viable is the only incentive for a company that I think has any bearing on the matter.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Dangerlad: Those chains are great, especially the variations. Thanks for the information about what ground material you used.

    @David: Those new cubes are fantastic looking. And I don't know if I just speak for myself, but I think we all need to thank you and Horo for all the work you've done and are doing. The products and videos you both have made seems to have rekindled many a persons' interest in Bryce. I know it did me. Now if I can only remember what I learn.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Dangerlad- very nice chain, I like the 2nd set of renders better the examples look nice too.

    David- beautiful objects, materials and renders - both the Bryce and Octane ones are very nice.

    Fire Angel- listening to the music now, thanks for sharing.

    David and Horo – I wish I had a few bucks to buy your products, a small way of saying thanks for all your hard work; sharing and making Bryce enjoyable.

    Spent the weekend trying out a few more tutorials, here is a scene using David’s Ivy Generator Tutorial

    and Fencepost’s Topmod Style tutorial

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 1969

    @mermaid010 - very nicely done.

    Thank you all for your support showing to DAZ 3D that Bryce is still being used enthusiastically. It is well known that not everybody has buckets of money to spend on a hobby. Showing renders here is also a huge support to Bryce!

  • JStryderJStryder Posts: 168
    edited December 1969

    Supposing an ant wanders into a forest of crystal tanzanite and looks up, it might see something like this.

    Very loosely inspired by one of David's videos having nothing to do with abstract images, which taught that the DTE can be used to generate pictures for the terrain editor. So, by randomly clicking through different DTE textures, one can come up with strange terrains with very little effort, and wander through them.

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Horo for your comment

    JStryder - amazing result using a DTE texture.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 1969

    @JStryder - I have to agree with mermaid010, amazing result using a DTE texture. Nice colours, too.

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    ok all; taking a little break from playing with my new are welcome Horo and David anything I can do to bring attention to Bryce and both of you for all the help I have received over the years I will do.....

    Back to the business at hand this first picture of the ranger car exported as a wave front obj and placed into Bryce.....I don't know about you but I sometimes find I am not able to change colors like I want them esp. windows ....well this one you can and with a few changes you can make it yours as seen in picture 2.......just a car review from me......Trish

    now I am back playing with textures and the DTE..........see you later........

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 1969

    Very nice metalised colour. And clean! I always have to wait for a nice downpour to get mine washed.

  • Dino GrampsDino Gramps Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    JStryder - Wow! Love that render.

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited September 2013

    bullit35744, I like the renders of the cars too.

    I discovered something: I can use Bryce to make 3D backgrounds for my 2D fanart. Now I don't have to spend weeks trying to draw a background.

    Now i just need to figure out how to shade and cast shadows. Ok, I'm going to play with Daz Studio now. Later

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited September 2013

    Ok I was playing with clouds......but needed something to put with them so here is attack dragon..........He is also at my art studio thread so if you would like to see more of my renders just pop on over and comment........Thank you Guss!!! I am having fun with clouds!!!! LOL

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Hey all Bryce made it to the top 30 sellers

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  • JStryderJStryder Posts: 168
    edited December 1969

    Hey all Bryce made it to the top 30 sellers

    Yea! Best bang for the buck around.

  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    @bullit35744: Cool picture. That's how dragons should be: dangerous, unpredictable and hungry.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited September 2013

    @starionwolf - nice idea. Not easy to get the shadows right. Have you tried to place the guys as 2D pictures into the scene?

    @Trish - nice clouds, most of them are covered by the boss with the big mouth. :coolgrin:

    Post edited by Horo on
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited September 2013

    Getting a few renders done when I get the chance - just to show willing. DS, Octane x 2 and Bryce using Horo's 300 degree wide angle lens from lenses and filters. Only for some reason - as sometimes happens the order has changed from what I uploaded them as. So it's Octane, DS, Octane and Bryce (save the best till last kind of thing?)

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  • DangerladDangerlad Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    @David, wonderful renders as always. I was wondering, however, if the next time to post images using the various render engines you use you could use the same object and materials (or closest thing to the same materials) so we could see how the various render engines treat those materials. Just a suggestion.

    I myself have been modeling my iPhone in Wings3D. I am posting my first attempt. And yes the ugly mug on the phone is my own.

  • DangerladDangerlad Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Sorry failed to attach the picture. Here is the image.

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    dangerlad; I like those chains

    Elvis; great way to describe dragons.....LOL thank you

    J. Stryder; really good DTE experiment

    Starionwolf; I like those characters

    David; neat examples.. In this case I like the silver and crystal one the best

    Mermaid; very nice

    Horo; yes I am having great fun playing with the new stuff....poor dragon didn't like the radial I stuck into his mouth.....LOL

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited September 2013

    Dangerlad; not ugly mug.. all dressed up and trapped in a phone....really good modeling job!!

    ok see you all later going back to playing with new stuff I feel like its Christmas almost

    Post edited by Trish on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 1969

    @David - the DS render came out surprisingly good. Octane look very good, too, but we would expect it. Bryce render looks nice with the GWL.

    @Dangerlad - nice to meet you, sir. Nice model, too.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited September 2013

    Dangerlad said:
    @David, wonderful renders as always. I was wondering, however, if the next time to post images using the various render engines you use you could use the same object and materials (or closest thing to the same materials) so we could see how the various render engines treat those materials. Just a suggestion.

    And interesting suggestion. OK right... well, I can manage 100% reflective. And probably 100% diffuse and be pretty confident that these are going to be consistent. Things get a bit more complicated when you throw in lighting. So what you might end up seeing is differences in light model more than render engine. Also, render modes. Bryce has various render modes, Octane also and DS I'm not so sure about. So the differences might also be in render mode rather than comparing like for like render engines. I could probably manage to make a comparison with Bryce and Octane, since I understand those better. But I'd be stabbing in the dark with DS and it wouldn't really be fair on that account. But yes, I'll give it a go with Bryce and Octane. I think it is interesting and maybe not just for you and me?

    Edit, righto here we go. Bryce then Octane. Diffuse white object (made testing Art's up and coming tutorial) and perfectly mirroring ground plane. TA scatter corrected obscure lighting v pathfinding. Both lit with the same one of Horo's HDRI but in Octanes case, Bryce was used to convert from Angular mapped to Spherical Mapped (which is what Octane likes). Observations... render times, not too far apart for the visible noise levels, Octane lacks the contrast of Bryce because of differing ray depths I suspect and/or value "clamping" effects.

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  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Has anyone attempted a 3D (anaglyph) effect on these Wings's objects - might give that additional depth? Sadly, never got into Wings, so can't create the objects to try it myself.


  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    @starionwolf - nice idea. Not easy to get the shadows right. Have you tried to place the guys as 2D pictures into the scene?

    I did not know that I can put 2D characters as pictures into a scene. I will have to try that later. Thanks for the idea. If you'd excuse me, I'm going to play with Hexagon and then import some props into Daz Studio Bryce.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,837
    edited December 1969

    @David - the lower one looks more accurate as far as colour hue is concerned, though it is also a question of the saturation settings. BTW, if you need a spherical HDRI (apart from the 96-bit tiff for DS), I can supply it as 16,000 x 8,000 pixels radiance HDRI.

    @Jamahoney - obviously not. I've suggested this already. All these Wings objects could make very cool anaglyphs. An anaglyph can be rendered in one go with David and my True 3D Rendering product. But it can also be done without it, it just needs two renders with different camera settings and a graphics application to filter each one and combine them. In other words, exactly how you do it with photographs.

    Below an example of a multi-torii object I made in Wings a while ago. Rendered with IBL soft shadows in 3/4 hour in the original size (here 5/8 original size).

    @starionwolf - whenever you get back to Bryce, just click on the Leo (the golden man icon) in the Create shelf. That lets you load an image and the 2D face gets the correct aspect ratio. The image ought to have a back background so that it gets transparent.

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