Tactical Assault Outfit for Genesis 8 Male(s) and Female(s) [Commercial]



  • roguekoii299roguekoii299 Posts: 14
    edited April 2018

    And my assumption was that it was intended to be a sci-fi project -- near future, rather than an exact depiction of any contemporary military unit's equipment.

    That's my assumption, too.  My comment was merely in response to roguekoii299's claim that it looks realistic.


    Nyghtfall said:

    I would respectfully disagree. There are elements of the set that I personally consider unlikely. For example, I don't think the shoulder boards serve any practical purpose, and the leg armor looks more restrictive than useful (it's closer to the kind of protection you might see on riot cops than on combat troops).

    The armor plating is part of what I was referring to, especially the shoulders.

    The creator has explained why the female outfit offers more chest display than chest protection.

    That's the other part I was referring to.  I understand the technical reason behind the design, but I still get an immediate flash of it being featured in a womens prison movie.

    And my assumption was that it was intended to be a sci-fi project -- near future, rather than an exact depiction of any contemporary military unit's equipment.

    That's my assumption, too.  My comment was merely in response to roguekoii299's claim that it looks realistic.


    Apparently I struck a nerve? Sorry... I thought it was implied that the product was a bit of a mix of sci fi & realism (which there are elements of), hence my comment. You bring up valid points of course, but I think my post was taken a bit too literally. It's an incredibly detailed and well made prop that I'll say again is very 'realistic' looking compared to the few other military/sci-fi clothing products available at the moment. Thanks Hoff for your hard work, just picked it up this morning and can't wait for the additional parts!
    Post edited by roguekoii299 on
  • Nyghtfall3DNyghtfall3D Posts: 786
    edited April 2018

    Apparently I struck a nerve?... You bring up valid points of course, but I think my post was taken a bit too literally.

    No worries.  Fair point. My apologies for my misunderstanding.

    Despite what I wrote about it, I bought a copy about an hour ago because there's no telling when someone will create another military-style outfit with such a high level of detail and modularity.  After setting up a test scene, I am very happy to stand corrected and write that it will definitely suit my needs as an artist who specializes in adult Horror themes.  Thank you, Hoff.  I'm sorry for mocking this product.

    This is the test render I just finished (censored for the forum):

    2560 x 1440 - 670K
    Post edited by Nyghtfall3D on
  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851
    edited April 2018

    Here's a quick test render. The body is Charlotte 8, with the male top and armor vest applied. I used the Breasts Gone morph set to 100% to make her breasts disappear, preventing the armor from distorting.

    There are probably cases where removing the figure's breasts totally by means of the morph wouldn't be a good solution, but I think this looks OK.

    720 x 540 - 392K
    Post edited by bytescapes on
  • wizard1200wizard1200 Posts: 239

    There is a fix processing through right now for the female vest that should be in your DIM soon for those who purchased.

    What will be exactly changed with the fix?

    Do you already know when you will release the expansion with the pistol?

  • There is a fix processing through right now for the female vest that should be in your DIM soon for those who purchased.

    What will be exactly changed with the fix?

    Do you already know when you will release the expansion with the pistol?

    The female vest' collar behaves more naturally and the components such as the zipper and straps are now seperate objects so they become less deformed during extreme stretching/morphing.

    The pistol is an upcoming project to be worked on as I'm currently tasked with bringing a dino-hybrid (sort of like the indominus rex) to the marketplace. I can't estimate a release time frame yet but this summer certainly.


  • ArtsyDragonArtsyDragon Posts: 682

    I was geeked to get this but then I saw the price for both male and female. I don't want female clothing. I want male clothing only. I was really bummed that this forces the purchase of female clothing items. If I missed the male only package, please point me in the right direction.

  • I won't be grabbing this until payday (Friday, for those playing along at home) assuming the price doesn't spike. I'm looking forward to it.

    However, I do plan on using appropriate squish and fit morphs to actually try and make the plate work on the female character. I recognize the genre antecedents to this, but it generally bothers me to see that be the sole decision point on a set. (It's not specific to Hershel Hoffmeyer, who's made a nice thing here -- I'm generally a lot more annoyed at people who have great SF combat suits for women that only come with high heels, meaning I have to make or find my own boots for them and the like.

    It seems to me that there must be a way other than zero-morphing the breasts to make the plate look appropriate on a female figure, and I'm going to do my best to do so. If I manage it, I'll post it here.

  • Nyghtfall3DNyghtfall3D Posts: 786


    illysArt said:

    If I missed the male only package, please point me in the right direction.

    You didn't.  I deleted the female version from my test folder before adding the male version to my content library.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    The outfit is a mix of modern, near-future, comic style, and inspired from the Ghost in the Shell comic.

    There is a fix processing through right now for the female vest that should be in your DIM soon for those who purchased.

    It is doing well so expect more products to expand upon this outfit in the future. Also the Bullpup pack is in final review and we should have a tentative release date for that soon.

    Glad the product is doing well.  I'm picking it up tonight or tomorrow, it looks great.

  • ArtsyDragonArtsyDragon Posts: 682


    Nyghtfall said:

    You didn't.  I deleted the female version from my test folder before adding the male version to my content library.

    Thanks man. In that case, I can't justify the cost for only one gender item I'm going to use. Maybe later if I come into some unexpected cash. Otherwise, trying to save to buy a house.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    illysArt said:


    Nyghtfall said:

    You didn't.  I deleted the female version from my test folder before adding the male version to my content library.

    Thanks man. In that case, I can't justify the cost for only one gender item I'm going to use. Maybe later if I come into some unexpected cash. Otherwise, trying to save to buy a house.

    Same here on the house. As for the outfits, yeah, I would have liked a single figure option also as I don't normally buy guy items, but in this case I have need for both so it's worth it for me.

  • ArtsyDragonArtsyDragon Posts: 682
    illysArt said:


    Nyghtfall said:

    You didn't.  I deleted the female version from my test folder before adding the male version to my content library.

    Thanks man. In that case, I can't justify the cost for only one gender item I'm going to use. Maybe later if I come into some unexpected cash. Otherwise, trying to save to buy a house.

    Same here on the house. As for the outfits, yeah, I would have liked a single figure option also as I don't normally buy guy items, but in this case I have need for both so it's worth it for me.

    I caved. The price in cart was fair for a single outfit. I'm going to be renting forever at this rate!

  • ArtsyDragonArtsyDragon Posts: 682

    Here are 2 versions of a G8F wearing the male shirt and vest .. first one is a straight in conform. Still got that sexy see the jugs look without skin. Then the second one was with a couple of tweaks with the SY Clothing Breast Helper for G8F. With more time and tweaks, I like the second one better. And like my girlfriend said, it's way better than seeing the skin on the female.

    Glad I caved. I can definitely use this.

    805 x 638 - 887K
    805 x 638 - 784K
  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063

    The female vest' collar behaves more naturally and the components such as the zipper and straps are now seperate objects so they become less deformed during extreme stretching/morphing.


    That is an excellent workaround to solve mitigate that problem.

  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,839
    Sigurd said:

    My father was a breacher for 20 years and his armor was bulky but worked well for his task.

    You're the son of a breacher man? You could be the only man who could ever love me...

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    That was a good one. Never thought of that. I will share that with my sister as she loves that kind of humor also.

    Miss Springfield might be pretty dusty but apparently she is still remembered.


  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,501
    edited April 2018

    I am enjoying this!


    1651 x 1216 - 481K
    Post edited by nemesis10 on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    I’m having a bit of trouble with the texture expansion. It’s all together in one folder and I’m not sure what textures go with which uniform. Some of the items have the wrong bodypart as the image and some textures don’t appear to have enough textures to cover the whole uniform so I’m not sure which texture to use.

    would it be possible to divide the uniform textures into subfolders so that the pieces are clearer on which to use with which set?

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Well there should be a main folder and diffuse variant folders. Each texture variations shares many of the same maps such as gloss, metallic, normal, etc. The texture set as a whole was designed more less to mix and match different items to create your own custom look rather than a preset. If an item has the wrong bodypart then this might have been an accident when an item was resaved during pass by testers and the correct thumbnail was not used. I've noticed this on my previous products were new thumbnails were created that don't match up.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    Hi yes the icons are confusing and add to the problems I had applying textures. . 

    I wonder if it would be possible to sort your clothing by color in folders  so people can easily access items of similar color and suggest complimentary items to round out the texture set. For example the gray camo set has no neck piece and the tan pieces include two labeled light tan and the rest are regular tan. 

    While I understand you didn’t intend this to be a full preset most will want to have easy access to complimentary colored items so they can apply them. When they are all together in a folder, icon issue aside they are difficult to sort and view properly.


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    I'd like the texture naming to be more specific myself. I have had to retexture every part since the overkill of textures and slots being used brings my system to a crawl and just having the diffuse and normal makes things much more reasonable and useable, but the naming is very generic with the various parts. For instance, on just the base pants. Changing default basecolor to default basecolorPANTS.would make it much easier trying to find what textures are what.

  • I wonder if it would be possible to sort your clothing by color in folders  

    They should be in different folders titled "Texture 1, 2,..." and so on. If they're not then the folder hireachy was changed during testing for one reason or another. Again though, many of the smaller clothing pieces don't come with any texture to specifically match any of the larger clothing pieces. Some may be tan in color similiar to tan camo pieces but not meant to be used for those exclusively. The only thing meant to be used together are ones with the same "camo" title in thumbnails.


    I'I have had to retexture every part since the overkill of textures and slots being used brings my system to a crawl and just having the diffuse and normal makes things much more reasonable and useable,

    It's only overkill if you're not trying to achieve a certain level of detail. A diffuse and normal map only is very out dated (in the 3D world) and will be noticeable when compared side by side to the full quality settings. 4 GHz and 4 cores is about the industry standard for 3D artists right now and it shouldn't be wearing down a computer at those settings.The limited maps I use would even be a bit out dated for renderers such as Keyshot which requires a lot more cores. Having no control over specific areas and settings makes images look very flat. I do understand though having a computer that can't keep up so I will consider making lower setting texture sets in the future for those with slower computers.

    I will continue to improve my folder hireacrhy in my products and being more detailed on how things are labeled.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I can tell you that they are in a single folder not subfolders. When I wrote support they told me that was your decision. They also told me to contact you about the icons since those were your responsibility as well.


  • Here's exactly how it was arranged during submission (minus the Assault Rifle folder) to Daz. The "Outfit Green Skin" contains all the original texture set while Texture Folders 01-05 are the expansion pack.

    Here's my original thumbnails that were submitted.

    If there's a problem with any of these feel free to bring it to my attention and describe the problem. If you have different thumbnails then what you see here it was not my doing.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited April 2018

    That’s not how the finished product looks. I will take screenshots when I get home tonight but the textures are all dumped in one folder and the thumbnails aren’t matched up. It would be great if it looked like that.

    thus is my correspondence I received from the store:


    Hi Serene,

    I took a look at the product page for this and saw that the textures that are supposed to be there are. There are no materials missing. The thumbnail images, naming, and materials all being placed in one folder are decisions made by the PA.

    You can private message the PA in the forum and ask for these to be updated:

    To do this, log into your account, and go to the Forums. Under the blue bar, click the gear on the right and go to your message box (inbox). Choose new message to post a message, and designate the PA name as the recipient (see attached).

    Thank you,
    Name redacted

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • That’s not how the finished product looks. I will take screenshots when I get home tonight but the textures are all dumped in one folder and the thumbnails aren’t matched up. It would be great if it looked like that.

    I will contact Daz about the changes made and suggest they be changed to how you see here.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I would love that. It’s very hard to use as it is.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited April 2018
    .....It's only overkill if you're not trying to achieve a certain level of detail. A diffuse and normal map only is very out dated (in the 3D world) and will be noticeable when compared side by side to the full quality settings. 4 GHz and 4 cores is about the industry standard for 3D artists right now and it shouldn't be wearing down a computer at those settings.The limited maps I use would even be a bit out dated for renderers such as Keyshot which requires a lot more cores. Having no control over specific areas and settings makes images look very flat. I do understand though having a computer that can't keep up so I will consider making lower setting texture sets in the future for those with slower computers....

    Shortened the quote a fair bit, but I'm a little concerned by what you say here Hoff *nervous lip biting* I'm sitting on a computer with 8gb ram and the processor is Intel[R] Core[TM] i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz

    Does that mean my computer won't be able to handle this set? It's my cart while waiting for the paycheck, but now I can't help but wonder if I will be able to use it at all? *more bit liping* It look great and I do have ideas for it, just.. a tad concerned. Hopefully I missunderstood something, but better to ask than keep wondering



    edit: and managed to somehow strangle the quote in a really odd way... *glares* I must need more coffee lol

    Post edited by Carola O on
  • Carola O said:

    Does that mean my computer won't be able to handle this set?

    My product by itself shouldn't give you any problems but what you add into the scene widely varies. If you own any of my other products and seem to do fine then this one is no different. If you do purchase the product and find it unuseable then I would suggest getting a refund.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I think you will like the set. If your machine has trouble with the textures... This product is a good investment Carola O https://www.daz3d.com/scene-optimizer and it will reduce the textures to something manageable for your machine.



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