Tactical Assault Outfit for Genesis 8 Male(s) and Female(s) [Commercial]



  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Thank you.

  • Looks great, and definitely something I would purchase. I would love to see some pouches to actually go on the assault vest, and as others have said, the option to reduce the armour. (Basically, I am being greedy and wanting it to look like a contemporary military tactical kit!). smiley

  • Ammo/Magazine Holders, holsters, slings, Grenades, and further weapon utilities will come with weapon pack expansions so they match those weapons rather than having a generic kit.

    Here's a quick-partial render of the mag pouches for the assault rifle I'm working on now.

    Each mag pouch is an individual so they can be layered and stacked to your liking. There's also a single-point sling in the works. I may just throw in some grenades with this weapon pack as well. The next pack will feature a pistol, pistol holster, pistol mag pouches, knife, and knife holster (and maybe a couple extra goodies).

    Lighter armor may come in an expansion down the road that provides alternative outfit options like talked about earlier. I'm going to wait and see how well it does in the store first though. Most armor plates can be removed though (as is).

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851

     Most armor plates can be removed though (as is).

    The ammo pouches look as spectacular as everything else we've seen so far.

    Can the vertical shoulder plates be removed or made transparent? That's about the only part of the outfit that doesn't fit with my mental model of "what personal armor of the near-future might look like". Very stylish of course, but I'm not quite sure how much protection they'd actually offer.

  • Can the vertical shoulder plates be removed or made transparent?

    Most deffinitely. They're a standalone clothing set (armor plate + strap) that can be removed completely. If you still want the shoulder strap, you can just remove the plate.

    Here's a thumbnail breakdown of the options you'll have for the male for example. Items labeled as a "Set" come with multiple items. Some are more complete outfits while others consist of an Armor Plate (which is an add-on clothing item) and the strap (which is a rigged clothing item).

    The pants include seperate knee guards, the boots include the seperate boot guard plate, and etc.

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851
    edited March 2018

    Seeing the full list of components in the set I ... I just ... I ... 




    Post edited by bytescapes on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Does this mean it is nearing completion!?!?

  • Herschel HoffmeyerHerschel Hoffmeyer Posts: 640
    edited March 2018
    Sigurd said:

    Does this mean it is nearing completion!?!?

    The Tactical Assault Outfit and Texture Expansion Set has already cleared PASS and just waiting on a release date.

    The Tactical Assault Rifle is currently being worked on and will be submitted to PASS this coming weekend.

    Post edited by Herschel Hoffmeyer on
  • Amazing work Hoff! I'm a huge fan of realistic combat gear and props, and it's great to see an artist producing something like this! Looking forward to it's release :)

  • Oh, WOW! I can't wait! Yep, the ammo pouches look great too! Fantastic work. smiley

  • BurstAngelBurstAngel Posts: 762

    You know, I remember in my youth as an Air Force Airman having to go through exercise with chem gear and a flak vest, I would like to chime in on the whole breast and armour issue. YOU HAVE NO BREASTS. A woman's breast will be pressed in and you'll end up looking like a short bulky gnome. Guys looked better in armour because they were generally taller and all that gear looked evenly distributed unless the guy was fat, then they ended up looking like a gnome too, a big one instead of a small one. So for those who want realism just has to flatten the girl's tits to fit the armour, problem solve. BTW, a woman's breasts will be very sore after wearing such heavy gear on the chest.

    Can't wait for this set. Love me a man in uniform!


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    You know, I remember in my youth as an Air Force Airman having to go through exercise with chem gear and a flak vest, I would like to chime in on the whole breast and armour issue. YOU HAVE NO BREASTS. A woman's breast will be pressed in and you'll end up looking like a short bulky gnome. Guys looked better in armour because they were generally taller and all that gear looked evenly distributed unless the guy was fat, then they ended up looking like a gnome too, a big one instead of a small one. So for those who want realism just has to flatten the girl's tits to fit the armour, problem solve. BTW, a woman's breasts will be very sore after wearing such heavy gear on the chest.

    Can't wait for this set. Love me a man in uniform!

    That was why i suggested using a GeoGraft to hide the beasts, but that doesn't solve the issue with different shapes adding their effect (the difference between the base shape and the morph) to the area and so producing distortion unless there's a custom reverse morph (or a dummy morph to wholly block projection, but that would not be an option with shapes that would affect the armour such as increasing the rib size).

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494

    Based on what the PA stated, since both outfits are in the same set, if you want you can use the male outfit on the female - just keep her chest flattened down to keep the metal plate from deforming. That should work for me.

  • AlmightyQUESTAlmightyQUEST Posts: 2,005

    I'm sort of hoping they work well converting in both directions, so that we have the option for the sexy, open necked male as well!

    Looking forward to this set, a ton of parts and detail on it. Looking forward to expansions too.

  • The Tactical Assault Rifle set is almost ready for submission. I wanted to share the promo artwork for it with a raw render (no edits besides a minor brightness adjustment) side-by-side. The muzzle flash, smoke, bullet, bullet trail, laser, and ejecting shells was all done in the render and will be readily available to you and easy to use. The 'Silenced' version of the rifle literally loads in just as you see it right here in the image, already all set up for you. The non-silenced version has a larger muzzle flash.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063

    Bravo! Thanks for your attention to detail.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    I seriously have not looked forward to a release as much as this one!


  • BurstAngelBurstAngel Posts: 762

    The detailing is so pretty!


    so any news on when we can get hands on this

    The Tactical Assault Outfit and Textures have a tentative release date of April 9th.


    so any news on when we can get hands on this

    The Tactical Assault Outfit and Textures have a tentative release date of April 9th.

    OMG YES!!!!

    so any news on when we can get hands on this

    The Tactical Assault Outfit and Textures have a tentative release date of April 9th.

    But where did my post go??

    who is removeing posts. this is the second post that has been removed.

    would whoever is doing it like to say why. its very rude.

  • Nyghtfall3DNyghtfall3D Posts: 786
    edited April 2018

    Amazing work Hoff! I'm a huge fan of realistic combat gear and props, and it's great to see an artist producing something like this! Looking forward to it's release :)

    With respect to the PA - who's obviously a very skilled content creator - in what branch of any of the world's armed forces have you ever seen combat gear that looked remotely like what's depicted here?  This outfit looks like something straight out of a cheesy 80's B-grade action flick who's wardrobe department didn't have a mlitary advisor.  Granted, it will no doubt work well for any project an artist finds it useful for, but realistic it most certainly is not.


    Post edited by Nyghtfall3D on
  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851
    Nyghtfall said:

    Amazing work Hoff! I'm a huge fan of realistic combat gear and props, and it's great to see an artist producing something like this! Looking forward to it's release :)

    With respect to the PA - who's obviously a very skilled content creator - in what branch of any of the world's armed forces have you ever seen combat gear that looked remotely like what's depicted here?  This outfit looks like something straight out of a cheesy 80's B-grade action flick who's wardrobe department didn't have a mlitary advisor.  Granted, it will no doubt work well for any project an artist finds it useful for, but realistic it most certainly is not.

    I would respectfully disagree. There are elements of the set that I personally consider unlikely. For example, I don't think the shoulder boards serve any practical purpose, and the leg armor looks more restrictive than useful (it's closer to the kind of protection you might see on riot cops than on combat troops). The creator has explained why the female outfit offers more chest display than chest protection. And my assumption was that it was intended to be a sci-fi project -- near future, rather than an exact depiction of any contemporary military unit's equipment.

    That said, many of the elements are strikingly close to stuff you might actually see in use today. There's probably room to nitpick over details, but even the outsize bullpup rifle is less outlandish than some of the real weapon designs I've seen (OICW, I'm looking at you). I've attached a few sample images that show real military/paramilitary kit that isn't so very different from what Herschel has modeled.


    1277 x 851 - 904K
    535 x 355 - 131K
    1024 x 680 - 218K
    960 x 640 - 61K
    1024 x 724 - 281K
    1054 x 655 - 117K
    650 x 852 - 158K
    971 x 507 - 120K
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    I agree with bytescapes on this one. It went into my cart first thing this morning.

    Historically there has always been armorers trying to figure out the perfect combination of protection and mobility/utility. Half-armor and three-quarter armor were good examples of this during the late medieval period (Landesknechte are a good example).

    My father was a breacher for 20 years and his armor was bulky but worked well for his task. Some select WWI German soldiers wore armor which seemed really out of place at the time but did serve a limited purpose.

    With light weight materials I could see this being fielded at some time or other for certain units. It looks good and is well done.

    My two cents.


  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    I really like this, I do have to wait with it for the time being, but it is a sure buy as soon as I can get it honestly. Sorry for that Hoff, I had hoped to be able to get it when it released, but alas.. I will have to wait for now.

    Really good job :)

  • Nyghtfall3DNyghtfall3D Posts: 786

    I would respectfully disagree. There are elements of the set that I personally consider unlikely. For example, I don't think the shoulder boards serve any practical purpose, and the leg armor looks more restrictive than useful (it's closer to the kind of protection you might see on riot cops than on combat troops).

    The armor plating is part of what I was referring to, especially the shoulders.

    The creator has explained why the female outfit offers more chest display than chest protection.

    That's the other part I was referring to.  I understand the technical reason behind the design, but I still get an immediate flash of it being featured in a womens prison movie.

    And my assumption was that it was intended to be a sci-fi project -- near future, rather than an exact depiction of any contemporary military unit's equipment.

    That's my assumption, too.  My comment was merely in response to roguekoii299's claim that it looks realistic.

  • deathbycanondeathbycanon Posts: 1,227

    I just want to say thank you so much for releasing this outfit for both the guys and the girls, it is really appreciated.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    The attention to detail on this is superb. Of course, that's what I've come to expect from this creator, but even so! It's about the closest there is to high-quality emulation of the Colonial Marine costume (something I lament never properly came through for G3, alas), with a few adjustments.

    I agree with the female set's breast issues, however. A costume of this quality make it one of the most fantastic we've yet had, but I can't imagine a real femal soldier deliberately exposing herself for sexual appeal when on duty, which hugely down on its use for serious renders, sadly. Also has obvious problems of posing her in a cold weather environment! :) A 'zipped up' version for future expansion would be excellent.

    Sad to hear geografting wouldn't work for chest armour... For what it's worth, I managed to put G3F in Lubel's excellent Cyclops armoured set and the chest armour auto-fits great (though I make liberal use of the 'no breasts' morph for squashing realism, regardless). I really hope a solution for this issue arises in the near-future and am grateful to the creator for elaborating on the headache they're facing with doing it. I'd be interested to see the results of others auto-fitting the male version to G8F and no-morphing the breasts.

  • The outfit is a mix of modern, near-future, comic style, and inspired from the Ghost in the Shell comic.

    There is a fix processing through right now for the female vest that should be in your DIM soon for those who purchased.

    It is doing well so expect more products to expand upon this outfit in the future. Also the Bullpup pack is in final review and we should have a tentative release date for that soon.

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    Good to know!

    Also think, until someone makes a dedicated flightsuit, that this could be good for dropship-type pilots.

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