Tactical Assault Outfit for Genesis 8 Male(s) and Female(s) [Commercial]



  • Herschel HoffmeyerHerschel Hoffmeyer Posts: 640
    edited March 2018

    Just in case someone missed I'll point out what I plan on icluding in a future expansion...

    So what I have here for the futue to include in a pack is...

    • Alternate covering Vest for Female
    • Long Sleeve Version of the Vest
    • Alternate Pants with No Armor
    • Standalone Helmet without mask
    • Dogtags and Rank/Name/Unit Insiginia add-ons

    I will also be adding additional gear to this future package such as

    • Camelback/Water source
    • Bookbag/Assault Pack
    • Radio Device

    Ammo/Magazine Holders, holsters, slings, Grenades, and further weapon utilities will come with weapon pack expansions.


    If there's something I'm missing please let me know. The problem with having a 'plate' on a Daz female character is boobs. Plain and simple. Sure it makes sense for a female to have the same protection as a male in real life but we're talking about Daz, not real life.

    To go more in depth from a PA's perspective; When you place what is suppose to be a solid object on a female's chest area, it will greatly distort from character to character (and with breast morphs) since each contains a different breast size and will create a very ugly and unusable chest plate. The only way to make it work is force the user to use practically the exact same boob size (which is not possible) or create an add-on. An add-on cannot really work though with a chest plate since it is so large in such a moveable area that must stay square with the chest. Placing objects anywhere else is a lot easier since everything grows or shrinks more in unison without any bulging distortions.

    This is actually my second version of the uniform where I given up on the first attempt do to similiar problems. Auto-fitting the male uniform (any part of it)  to the female can be done to achieve the look (you may be looking for) but the female must remain flat-breasted mostly. After all that's what a metal plate straped down to your chest would actually do anyways. I rather not release a product though that will not work well once the breast change in size (smaller or bigger). I know everyone here is smart enough to adjust breast size to counter any distortion but on the other side of the fence, Mr. 247BigBoobs is complaining to me why my chest plate looks heavily distorted on all of their characters.

    If you know of a way to make this work, without any extra tedious work on the user's end, please feel free to educate me because I'm still new to Daz.

    Edit: Let me correct myself, even if you added a breast morph on your favorite character to reduce the breast size back to a similiar size as the base female it will only make it look even worse. Because now you have a character morphing the breast one way, and a breast morph reducing the size of the breast but these don't counter-act each other in the matter you would think. They are two seperate morphs and not 100% the opposite so it would create ripples across the surface of the chest plate even if the breasts were brought back down to similiar size.

    Post edited by Herschel Hoffmeyer on
  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 867
    edited March 2018

    Hmmm, I may be talking out of my ass, but what about a rigid follow node? Much in the same way some outfits use them on buttons to avoid distortions, you could have a rigid metal plate with some morphs to adjust size and orientation that followed some nodes on the shirt to always go over it (maybe the nodes could be on the straps). Of course, to be realistic, the female figure should still use some small/flat breast morphs, because actual armor will compress that area, but with the metal being actually rigid there won't be any distortions (or you could include a collision morph that just flattened the area of the chest that goes under the plate, with a transparency setting for the shirt that would hide anything under the armor and auto-follow disabled so that the overall outfit would fit the same as with an unmodified figure). As an added bonus, hiding the plate would reveal the shirt underneath, that could have an open morph available for circumstances other than actual combat.

    As an aside: people, Herschel not only does quality work, but has been nice enough to open himself up to feedback and has already stated he will work on the issue. No need to get aggressive when defending your stance, and maybe try to be cordial enough that he won't regret asking the forums for their opinion. This has been your daily recommended dose of PSA, please, proceed with your day, citizens.

    Post edited by Uthgard on
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited March 2018

    Thank you for asking/listening to us Hoff, and for trying to give us what we want :) Wether in the original product or as a add on, I do like it and with the add on's coming down the line I have no doubt I will get it. Perhaps not at once, depending on when it release and if it comes around the same time my paycheck comes or not :) 

    And a really big, warm hug for adding the dogtags, cause I've tried to make the ones I have for genesis 3 to work but moreo ften than not I fail, so I'm really glad to get some made for genesis 8 :)

    Post edited by Carola O on
  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851
    edited March 2018

    It occurred to me that there's a "Breasts Gone" slider for female characters, which does pretty much what it says. It's quite possible that fitting the armor properly to females would be as simple as setting that slider to 100%, and then auto-fitting. If that works, it should be an easy enough process to satisfy anyone.

    Also, let me echo Uthgard's PSA: let's remember to be polite to the creators, especially when, like Herschel, they (a) not only do really amazing work, but (b) are willing to ask for feedback and (c) try their best to give everyone what they ask for, and (d) are so patient and polite in responding to user comments.

    And just in case Herschel is regretting posting here at all, let me just say that -- based on what I know of his work and on what I've seen so far of this set -- the set and all its expansion packs are probably an instant buy for me. This could get expensive ...

    Post edited by bytescapes on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    The issue isn't flattening the breasts in the first place (I think soemthing like this is a good case for using a GeoGraft to remove the breast mesh so that they look flattened, or there could be cusom morphs as with the various RealFit items) it's that any character shape is going to project into the fitted item even if the breasts are grafted or morphed away, and then applying a different morph to remove that is going to add different changes which will result in distortion rather than cancelling out to more-or-less the original shape. Making the chest plate rigid (via a Rigid Follow Node or Rigidity Group) would be problematic given how many factors influence the chest area, and it's obviously unrealistic to expect custom morphs for every available shape.

  • Uthgard said:

    what about a rigid follow node?


    It occurred to me that there's a "Breasts Gone" slider for female characters


    Thank you for sharing and I will certainly look into both of these options and report back with the results.

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216

    As a PA I can confirm what Herschel said before, it is very difficult to create a solid "flat"element at the breast level for the females, whatever the Generation. Of course you can create something with included morphs for the main figures such as V8 or figures like this, but you will never be able to make it correct for every figure. It would require a specific morph each time. Nightmare...

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    This is a must buy for me as I love the overall look of it. As far as the softer parts of female anatomy causing issues I do not know how to correct it.

    Some uniform types that I have seen use visibility options for difficult to conform parts but I do not know if this would work in this case.

    One solution, albeit a drastic one, would be to create a female character who was suited up already with morphable head and perhaps a couple of different body types (athletic, slim, plus size...etc.). This might satisfy people who wanted a Hoff quality character/outfit that they could customize. This would allow the creator to deal with the outfit/character as it would not have to morph to different body types. You would be stuck with an outfitted character but she would look great in that outfit. I for one would prefer/buy this type.

    My tuppence.


  • BaronekBaronek Posts: 81

    This will be an instabuy for me when it is out... I like 'Hoff's' work a lot.

    Some extra add-on equipment (if not mentioned) could be a radio pack, and larger backpacks vs the normal smaller camel packs.


    My only big complaint is that my credit card and paypal accounts are going to be screaming at me, but that isn't really Hoffs fault... or is it?

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Both versions look great.  Can't wait for this to be released :)

  • Herschel, I am really looking forward to this set and the expansion....if you want a place to get the juices flowing for inspirational ideas look over at:



  • Fenris9Fenris9 Posts: 60

    Great looking armour and gear set, I'll definitely be getting this one!

    Regarding the chest armour, I bought the 'Rin Anime Armor' set, for G3F at 'the other place', and have been very pleased with how it performs. Its a conforming figure and seems to work well with most body shapes (though not all, Priya not so much for example). I don't know the technicalities of why it works as it does, but it might be worth checking out.

  • Fenris9 said:

    Great looking armour and gear set, I'll definitely be getting this one!

    Regarding the chest armour, I bought the 'Rin Anime Armor' set, for G3F at 'the other place', and have been very pleased with how it performs. Its a conforming figure and seems to work well with most body shapes (though not all, Priya not so much for example). I don't know the technicalities of why it works as it does, but it might be worth checking out.

    That outfit contains thin armor conforming to the breasts, while an military designed infantry chest plate is not shaped to the breast.

  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309

    Very, very nice!

    Few things come to mind:
    ​1) simple (I would think) suggestion: Some antenna options for the head/face piece since it certainly is suggestive of having coms built in (bonus if 'broken' versions also)

    2) As far as the 'full coverage' for the female (which I agree would be both practical and desirable), perhaps just angling and resizing the plates of the male armor?  I know the body armor current troops use does this (as my sister - who was an Army medic for almost a decade - often complained!  She is 'blessed' in her feminine.. um... 'glory' and often commented on how they were *squished* into the vest).  As far as the model wearing it (since this would obviously NOT form-fit), I suppose the easiest would be the user dialing down the breast size until there is no clipping...

    ​3) Perhaps some displacement and texture maps for 'battle scars / damage' to the armor plates?  A couple spalled bullet impacts, some scratches, etc. would really add to the impact of a lot of potential uses...

  • wizard1200wizard1200 Posts: 239
    edited March 2018

    I think that the torso of the Orbital Merc is a very good example of a female armor.

    Post edited by wizard1200 on
  • Here is some quick renders of the first weapons expansion that is a near-future .30-06 bullpup assault rifle featuring a holographic reflex sight, silencer, laser/nv laser combo, and a dual magazine clip. I'm also working on a single-point commando-style sling, ammo pouches that will hold the magazines, and effects such as a green laser, muzzle flash (for non-silencer firing), gun smoke, and ejecting shells. A handful of poses will also come with the pack, probably around 10 each (male and female). It will also include matching textures to match those of the outfit.

    Up next will be a Silenced Pistol and Combat Knife pack. The pack will also include holsters, ammo pouches, poses, etc.

  • wizard1200wizard1200 Posts: 239
    edited March 2018

    The assault rifle looks amazing. Will it be possible to attach only a single magazine clip?

    Post edited by wizard1200 on
  • The assault rifle looks amazing. Will it be possible to attach only a single magazine clip?

    Thanks and yes, it will come with a single mag option as well.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    That rifle really blew me away. Been working on one for quite awhile now but can never make the time to finish it.

    I really like your style and your concept is strong.

    Thank you for making one that would actually work. Too many people design bullpups with the ejector too close to the buttstock not giving the bolt anywhere to go when cycling.

    This is such an instant buy it isn't even funny.

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851

    Should we just send you all our money now?

    Maybe we can set up direct debit payments or something ...

  • Thanks for the compliments and the support!

    I did however reduce the overall size of the rifle by about 10% (compared to the image) because I felt it was looking a little bigger than it should be (even though it is a 30-06).

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    It is a good size. 30-06 is a good choice. Remember you can always shorten the round (kurz) if you need to. WIth advanced materials and propellents it is easy to justify.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Out of curiosity, will there be a pose where the finger does Not touch the trigger? For when they merely holding the weapon and not actually shooting. It's not important if it isn't, since it's fairly easy to change that, but I just thought I could ask :)

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Good question. Safety first!

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851
    Carola O said:

    Out of curiosity, will there be a pose where the finger does Not touch the trigger? For when they merely holding the weapon and not actually shooting. It's not important if it isn't, since it's fairly easy to change that, but I just thought I could ask :)

    My (ex-Army) manager showed me a picture of his seven-year-old daughter holding a Nerf gun, and said "I'm so proud." When I looked closely at the picture, I saw that she had her index finger off the trigger, lying flat along the side of the gun, in the approved safe position.

    Victoria and Michael should have equally good trigger discipline.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    Carola O said:

    Out of curiosity, will there be a pose where the finger does Not touch the trigger? For when they merely holding the weapon and not actually shooting. It's not important if it isn't, since it's fairly easy to change that, but I just thought I could ask :)

    can't you just take any gun holding pose, bend the 2 joints out and save as a partial pose for future use.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    I did say it is fairly easy to change it, and I'm sure one can do that. But I was curious to know wether it would be one in this set or not, I always am curious wether it will be a pose with the approved safe position available when there is guns and/or rifles and the likes in a set

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    I of course would probably try autofitting the female one to the bloke cheeky

  • "Finger off that trigger soldier!"

    I will be sure to include the following two grip poses, but when you load the rifle for the Gen 8 the default pose will be the first one. After you posed your character, just load in whichever of the two grip poses you want.

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823

    Thank you Hoff, that's wonderful news *many hugs*

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