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Evil, I love it! :)
Great work
Whoa... just noticed your sig... I'm a HUGE Firefly/Serenity Fan!
You Perv!!!
Nah... just kidding. Love that walk cycle! Aiko3 is just adorable, isn't she?
You really rock, my friend!
Hey Evil,
great stuff you produced there ;-)
I'm wondering if the Jiggle Deformer works on the butt too...
But maybe not enough polygons.
I Aim to Misbehave ;)
Never heard of Firefly, and only went to see Serenity on a whim, because I didn't really expect much, then literally couldn't believe I was seeing the hands down best sci-fi movie of my entire life. I was floored, went home and googled it, and found out about Firefly shortly thereafter, then raced to the nearest store to pick it up. How sad that the greatest sci-fi show of my lifetime only got 14 episodes. :( Here's hoping Netflix revives it, or Whedon gets another movie to follow up Serenity...
I wonder if anyone has ever built a model for Serenity, maybe that'll be my project to master modeling. I saw 3dAge's bubbleship model earlier this year from Oblivion (excellent movie) so I know that in the hands of a skilled user such things can be done.
Then again, I'm still trying to figure out how to model a primitive cube, lol, so it could be a while...
Just lurking in this Carrara forum after buying 8.5. Not dived into it yet though.
Remember seeing a Silo Tutorial regarding the Serenity ship by John Graham on Youtube.
But only14 parts are available, so the course is incomplete.
It's my favorite SciFi series/movie as well. I actually got to downloading schematics of Serenity and started dropping in vertex objects for the main sections. Just wish there was enough time to build a working model.
I'll have to search out those schematics, myself. Love that little ship.
The guy who made the ship model for the cover pictures of Margaret Weiss Productions' "Serenity Roleplay Game" (now out of print? Hmnpf! I have it :) ) also allowed us to use it for the Neverwinter Nights conversion: Nightfire - Firefly Roleplay in NWN by Forrestwolf. Of course, he used a very low poly conversion. Ahhh the days. I think that the artist of the original model still has it up for free use (?)
I also see that Margaret Weis Productions has a new title soon to be released: "Firefly Roleplay Game"
And another one.
Maybe someone recognizes something.
Tribute to him :coolsmile:
My latest render is called glass shards.
WARNING: There is mild nudity there - "Vicky Bewbs" as Holly Wetcircuit would say...
The glass shards themselves were modeled and broken in LightWave with bullet physics and then imported into Carrara. Vicky has the Oriane skin maps and hair.
That is another great render. I have always liked the Oriane skin maps and hair. I also like the Oriane character morph.
It is a great example of compositing as well.
Glad that you stopped in to share.
It's about damned time you posted something in the Carrara render thread, actually rendered in Carrara! ;-) Was the conversation getting a little dull at the grown up's table? :lol:
Seriously though, nicely done!
You didn't render enough words. ;-p
Foundation3D has two Firefly models that are Carrara compatible. There's the movie version of the ship in .obj format that uses normal maps, and then there's a .lwo model of the Mule. There's also some .max models but unless they've updated C8.5's import options to include Max, then you're stuck with the other formats.
I Aim to Misbehave ;)
Never heard of Firefly, and only went to see Serenity on a whim, because I didn't really expect much, then literally couldn't believe I was seeing the hands down best sci-fi movie of my entire life. I was floored, went home and googled it, and found out about Firefly shortly thereafter, then raced to the nearest store to pick it up. How sad that the greatest sci-fi show of my lifetime only got 14 episodes. :( Here's hoping Netflix revives it, or Whedon gets another movie to follow up Serenity...
I wonder if anyone has ever built a model for Serenity, maybe that'll be my project to master modeling. I saw 3dAge's bubbleship model earlier this year from Oblivion (excellent movie) so I know that in the hands of a skilled user such things can be done.
Then again, I'm still trying to figure out how to model a primitive cube, lol, so it could be a while...
Ditto, love the movie and the series. ...and yes there is an OBJ out there. I've got a copy of it. It is not rigged though, there are some rigged, but I could not get OBJ's of them. Took me a while to find, and I don't rmember where, but google OBJ Firefly class or something...
EDIT: Oops...yea, that was probably it that EP posted about. Teach me to not finish catching up...
There's an inside joke folks between evil, Dart, Wendy and I. :lol:
September is very busy for me, so I don't know when I'll get around to doing some more renders. In a couple of weeks though, I'll be raising some glasses of beer with evilproducer and Dartanbeck in Wisconsin. Good times approaching! Can't wait to meet you guys.
Yeah, I can hardly wait, myself!
This will be the first time I've met another Carraraist since the guy (whom I've never actually met - just talked to) that showed my Carrara the first time I've ever seen it... and I get to meet two! EP and I will have to teach this Texan how to eat cheese and beef all at the same time! ;)
Hey Gars... Nice render, man!
Also... welcome home! I'm really glad that some really cool reasons have been keeping you away some. But I wish that the PITA part of it wasn't so PITA. In that case, tell them that you want the Carrara/LW account.
"What Carrara/LW account?"
"Okay, perfect... Thanks boss!"
I finally finished this scene, i have been busy on other projects (all will be revealed soon ;-) )
It's obvious that you truly are a master of your talent - as I see perfection in all of your posts.
Could you please tell me which render/shader option you use? Is this a plugin toon or the Carrara toon?
Either way, I really like the uniformity and skill involved. It's very much different that what I do - but the level of professionalism is uncanny.
Thanks Dartanbeck :) I am using YAToon plugin from Zgock for the shaders.
I have both that and YAToon 2 - and will eventually get Toon Pro from DCG - even though Toon isn't really where "I" wish to be - I just like to play with all sorts of images and animations at times. That's why I had to ask, as I am still unsure of all of the capabilities of any of them. Soon, though ;)
Very nice! I Like!
Carrara can import .3ds which I believe is a 3D Studio Max format, but straight up .max is only usable in Max. If you look at the screen shot for importable files, you'll see 3D Studio (which I think is .3ds Max), but no .max option.
From Wikipedia:
Edit: Damn! I could swear I had uploaded that screen cap! Here it is again...I hope....
Ahhhh Yes.
Which is the difference between the format “Collada” and “DAZ Collada”?
So it's Daz's take on the Collada interchange format, which is designed to maximize software interoperability, with extra bits added to massage import into their own software.
Bonus: Daz Studio has a page on the product wiki. It describes the versions of Collada in Daz Studio, versions 1.3 and 1.7. The listing celebrated its sixth birthday in August.
Aren't they ditching Collada in favor of .duf?
you are correct !
“DAZ Collada” doesn't work any more and has not for a long time .
Since I received a lovely DimensionTheory light set as a prize in one of the previous render challenge, I've been dying to use it! I also spent a lot of time working out some stuff and painting on meshes for Sparrowhawke's oh-so-cool jiggle deformer, I thought I would combine the two together.
BTW, Sparrowhawke, if you read this, the plugin is super cool, but the term weight maps is already taken for bone influences. I kindly submit the term, Jiggle Maps, to describe the weight maps so as to avoid unnecessary confusion to new users. ;-)