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Oh jeeze! Is she still... Oh!
Criminies ep! Two words: Nice!
btw, what light set did you get, if you don't mind my asking?
Skies of Terra, but to be honest, I used the HDRI as a background, used my own lights and didn't use GI. I modified the shaders on the dune-buggy thingy (was a DAZ freebie w-a-a-y back as I recall). I simulated reflected light from the vehicle by placing spots below A3 and excluding the vehicle's model from the lights. It's subtle, but it's there.
Oh yeah. I also used target helpers to keep her hands in place as I posed her. It helped get a more natural look to the arms in my opinion. I tried using the manipulators at first, but ended up with odd distortions to the shoulders and biceps. The target helpers solved that for me.
Edited to add: I used the same trick in my recent A3 walk cycle/Jiggle Deformer test to keep A3's hand on her hip. The target was slightly offset from the hip, but parented to it, so when the hip rolled, the hand followed. When the shoulders rolled, the hands would not, but the whole rest of the arm could flex and move, which needless to say saved me from doing it manually, plus it looks more fluid and natural since it uses IK. I also had the hand track the orientation of the helper, otherwise the hand would have kept it's position in relation to the hip, but would otherwise bend and twist at odd angles and at odd times.
great idea evil! and a beautiful render of course - loved the vegetation especially, that was the first thing that caught my eye ... :)
now does she have a seam on her skin down her back bone? just curious, probably a twick of the light
edit that walk cycle is making me forget to eat my lunch
wow that's superb Gareth, who woulda thought that was a carrara render?
really interested in what you are working on
Sorry I missed this one. Yes, it can jiggle the butt. The trick is to have as many jiggle modifiers as you want areas to jiggle. Sparrowhawke even says the results are better if you use a modifier for each breast, but for my purposes one was enough. ;-)
great idea evil! and a beautiful render of course - loved the vegetation especially, that was the first thing that caught my eye ... :)
now does she have a seam on her skin down her back bone? just curious, probably a twick of the light
edit that walk cycle is making me forget to eat my lunch
That's a shadow artifact from one of my lights. I forgot to turn on soft shadows for that light. D'oh! If you watch the video for a certain rear angle, you won't see a seam. I know it will be hard, but force yourself to watch it and you'll see what I mean. ;-)
Regarding the target helpers, I'm debating trying to set one up for each finger to generate finger movement and at the same time prevent them from poking through the mesh.
haha yes I already watched it six times - for scientific purposes you understand ...
yes would be good to get those fingers moving with a little bounce - does fenric's plug in erc thingy work for stuff like that?
Just another one...
You could add jiggle to the fingers I suppose, but I was talking about using IK in the fingers to track helpers parented to the hip, so they would move with the hip and still stay in contact with it, while (hopefully) preventing collision artifacts.
I like that one. Nice mood, the character is very alluring and the draped blanket is a nice touch!
Your towel is getting wet! :)
Some Gen 2 Action
Really nice character and lighting! makes me want to try my hand at a portrait scene again!
Sorry, I read the erc reference as a jiggle reference. My bad. :red:
I did a test with the fingers and IK and it failed, although come to think of it, I left the targets for the hand as well. Maybe if I just used the fingers. with the targets...
Thought I'd share my evening's work....
I have been thinking about creating a waterfall scene, and decided to see how far I could get with this, with a focus on keeping it as simple as possible.
The image below was rendered with just a single terrain with a basic shader. I used a realistic sky background with one light source. With a little tweaking, throw in some boulders, clouds for mist, adjust the lighting, and I think this might just do for the scene. :)
amazing work! you can almost hear the sound of the water from here :)
Off to a great start! Now you just need a complimentary terrain for the shoreline. Is this going to be tropical?
Thanks, HeadWax and EP!
It will be a "fantasy world" image. Putting a bridge, and kinda like a castle in the middle. It's a long way from being anything special yet.
I was looking for a specific file, going through some old external drives, and I found...
It's properties actually dated it on my birthday in 2008.
Must have been one heck of a birthday!
I have no memory of making this at all :gulp:
I'd be more worried about your memory since then! I think your age is making you senile! ;-) I know you've posted this before, but I think it was in the old forums. You said you had done it for some kind of muscle or bodybuilder challenge or something.
I'd be more worried about your memory since then! I think your age is making you senile! ;-) I know you've posted this before, but I think it was in the old forums. You said you had done it for some kind of muscle or bodybuilder challenge or something.
Well, I remember that contest. It was Muscleman's "power" contest. Just render anything that depicted Power in any sense of the word. This must have been to depict The Power Of Prune Juice!
That contest has one of my favorite silly entry in a contest stories too...
I posted something totally unrelated and claimed it depicted my Power to ignore the rules of the contest!
It gave me quite the laugh.
As for my memory, I vaguely recalled the image, but for me (as I say in every "Define Art" thread I see) it's the creation process that is the Art of a thing. The final image is just... Art Droppings.
And I totally forget the creation process of this piece (that's rare for me, and usually only happens to lesser works).
I guess, being a birthday, I may have been a bit ... drunk?
Back in April, I posted an early WIP of "The Dungeon Master" in honor of my many college nights playing D&D and based on a short story I wrote years ago. Finally took the time to wrap up the project. (Still some blemishes to work out, but the scene is complete.)
Objects in the scene:
- Knights and Dungeon Master are Genesis characters
- Female Knight's armor is based on Alruna (modified)
- Male Knight's armor is based on Dauntless (modified)
- Skeletons were downloaded from free model website and modified heavily
- Mushrooms are from Mushroom Magic
ALL other objects and content were created in Carrara's vertex modeling room.
Snakeskin, ceiling design, throne wall, and tapestry (back wall) are fractals generated using several 2D fractal programs
All construction, posing, lighting, and rendering were done in C8.5. No post-editing was done on the render (other than to add logo and reduce size to DAZ website requirements).
Other details:
- I used bones to pose the wall shackle chains.
- Bone positioning for crumbled skeleton was done using "Animate Physics" to scatter bones.
A scene from the backyard:
And the same as daylight scene...
both are nice - keep it up
first day of Fall
Oh yes - falling leaves - days get shorter...
Beautiful scene!
I told him it was the wrong road !
Beautiful render, bigh!