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I've just been going through my really old videos that got transferred from google to youtube and were all marked private (thankfully)
there was this one however could be of interest to someone, it's about carrara refraction using morphing lenses - I must have been bored... it gives interesting effects tho
new Blender demo video -
one more
Episode 8 of my animated series draws closer!
To celebrate here is a Level 4 London Bus. Note it flies! Also you wouldn't want to mess with the driver.
I'm rendering a little demo of it flying along atm will post soon.
Thanks for looking.
My fav of the selection. The writing on the wall makes it. I'd love to see it animated with some car headlights passing by.
I know it's British and not Aussie, but it has a real Mad Max kind of vibe going. Can't wait to see it fly!
Your wish is my command!
Just a little preview you understand. I'll show the back and the underside later in the animated series.
Sweet ride, Steve!
Thanks man. I can show the inside a little in episode 8. Prepare for future shock ... future shock ... future shock ...
Wow, those are awesome renders !!
I agree. It's an awesome WIP, isn't it?
Here's an old throwaway image I did long ago while kicking around some ideas.....
Unlike most renders here, this one has TONS o' postwork. Postwork that has postworked postwork on it. :) Though I think there's a Carrara render in there somewhere... :)
Just a quick test image....not final....just for fun....just kicking around some concepts....lots more to do to make it final.... :)
Headwax uses a lot of postwork on his images. I'm not adverse to it either, unless it's a challenge or contest of some sort that forbids it. Whatever fits the artists' vision.
Nothing wrong with WIPs or proof of concept pieces either! :-)
Beautiful Oriental Lilies! Why throw that away? That would make for an excellent reusable card for nearly any occasion for male or female recipient. I enjoy the post work. The canvas look, I think, gives it that 'personal' touch, don't you think? Hard to truly tell what was post and what was render, but who cares? It's a nice image, and I'm glad to (finally) see some of your work. Now I'm hungry to see more.
set us free - but we are bots
Neat juxtaposition with the 'toony bots, and the realistic figure!
I have the smaller robot, but have never really looked at it. I may have to open it up and mess around with it a bit.
Neat juxtaposition with the 'toony bots, and the realistic figure!
I have the smaller robot, but have never really looked at it. I may have to open it up and mess around with it a bit.
thanks - sure give it a try ;-)
just one more
feedback is welcome
Wow! Who says money doesn't grow on trees, eh? Sweet!
Gonna have to stare at that one some more! ;)
Here's another overly busy scene.
Nice one Dart!
Wow! it looks just like the ice world that Ozzie visited in "Pandora's Star" (Peter F Hamilton) complete with the crystal trees!
Wow! it looks just like the ice world that Ozzie visited in "Pandora's Star" (Peter F Hamilton) complete with the crystal trees!I love that image, too! :) Shaders are awesome!
Never would have made that connection, but now that you mention it... I think you're right. Though 'visited' is such a mild description for a place that Ozzie was stranded and nearly died in... :)
Nice one Dart! I don't think it's too busy. Nor too un-busy. I think it's right in the Goldilocks zone of 'just right' :)
I have C7.2 Pro and have never been able to get Yatoon to work how I expect it to. I've actually had much better luck with the included Toon scene effect. I've been playing around trying to see what I can get away with as far as how different shading effects translate, such as translucency, highlight/shininess, etc. Here's an animated .gif trying out highlight/shininess effects as well as translucency.I'm currently testing alphas to see how well (if at all) the toon scene effect works for compositing.
Well that's a nice effect, don't you think?
Hey, Thanks Jon!Have you combed through his extensive instructions? He has some great tips on how to tweak his lighting model.
Since it's C7 it's the older version of YaToon. Not sure what's with it, but I've followed the tutorial included with it and have had no joy. The scene effect works nicely as you can see, and it's pretty fast. I'm going to try it on a more complex scene when I have the time. I've saved the scene as a template, so all the settings will be there.
Here's my first render out of Carrara 8.5 Pro
Didn't have time to play with my new Pro Bundles :)
Looks nice Dart!
Thanks :)
It's Howie's Beachdale in Autumn using the default camera, but with lower render settings, since I was in a hurry to go to bed. Too hot here to leave my computers on all night.