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A small question: the other day, I was watching a video from Jay Versluis about Daz and dForce.
When he hit Simulate, the progress window is created on the left of the screen, allowing a perfect view on the simulation process.
On my Mac, the progress window is created at the centre of the screen, and if I want to see what's happening, I need to move the view to have the subject of the simulation on the right or on the left of my screen before launching a simulation, because I can not move the progress window itself during a simulation.
Is there a setting I missed somewhere to have the Daz for Windows' behavior in Daz for Mac ?
Sorry but no, for some unknown reason the window cannot be moved. It's just one of those things you have to put up with (hopefully it will be corrected in Daz 5 whenever that finally gets released)
Thank you, that's too bad, but at least, now, I know the problem wasn't between my keyboard and my screen
Try moving the4 progress bar during another operation, such as file loading or content download 9if you use connect) - its position seems to be common, and to stick, for all operations (at least on Windows).
Still using OS Monterey OS 12.7. In Settings/Passwords, I can see there are Passwords and User Names for various sites I visit. I have never opted to have the OS fill in the passwords for me. If I choose to do so -- for all of them, or for some of them -- how would I go about getting this done?
And, by the way, how safe it this? I haven't done it yet because I feared that passwords could be more easily stolen.
On the Mac, None of the progress bar windows are movable. They appear in the center of the screen in a non movable window ( you can't even move the window that shows how far you are into a render, you can click to expand the window to see the history but the window cannot be moved from the center of the screen)
I see, sorry for any false hopes then.
@inquire It's a secure system, because each Apple device has its own local encryption key. If someone got your device, they still need your Touch ID, or Face ID, or device password to get into your password lists.
As you noticed, in System Settings (System Prefs), you have "Passwords" which stores your website passwords. This is only used for Safari.
To use it, launch Safari and go to Safari-->Settings (or Prefs). Click on the AutoFill tab and then check the box next to User names and passwords. You can also have it remember Credit Cards if you want to.
Now, when you visite a website, you'll get the pop-up to Save this password... Never, Not Now, or Save
In Safari you can also print-out a hard copy (.csv file) of your saved passwords via File-->Export-->Passwords
Apple products can store the passwords in a keychain (for websites, Notes, Numbers app, etc.) via iCloud Keychain and sync among your various Apple devices.
If you use iCloud, make sure Keychain is enabled:
In System Settings (aka System Prefs) click on your Apple ID. Then click on "iCloud" and turn on the switch for "Password & Keychain".
The Keychain Access app in Applications-->Utilities is where your Mac stores these entries, and you can double-click any entry to edit the password, etc. (Note: You'll also see a lot of WiFi passwords there, etc.).
To check your Safari Passwords:
1. Open Systems Settings (Gear icon in the dock)
2. Scroll down to Passwords (Key icon) and click it
3. At the top, click on "Password Options" (right-arrow) to get to "AutoFill Passwords" and switch on.
4. Go back to Passwords and at top, under "Security Recommendations" click the right-arrow and there is an on/off switch to "Detect Leaked Passwords" (make sure it is set to on).
Passwords for websites will show up in a list on the Passwords screen, and each website listing will have an Information "i" in a circle next its name. Click the "i" next to any entry and it will show the site username and password that you have saved. There are also options to Change password, Delete password, etc.
NOTE: You can also get to the Safari passwords by launching Safari-->Settings and click on the Passwords tab. There is a Plus (+) and Minus (-) button to select and add or remove sites from the list. For example, if you previously said to Never Remember Password for this site, then you can delete the entry and the next time you go to that website, choose to have it remember the password. There is also a "Detect compromised passwords" checbox at the bottom of the window (best to keep it checked).
For more info, here are some good articles...
The macOS Monterey user's guide to Keychain Access password management
How to use Keychain Access to view and manage passwords on your Mac
Mac and iOS Keychain Tutorial: How Apple’s iCloud Keychain Works
Manage passwords using keychains on Mac
@robertswww: Thank you for this. It's much more than I expected. I basically had figured out the Safari part, but I was fearful for letting my passwrods be leaked. Thanks for all of this information.
I'm having to rebuild my Mac after a repair. I backup with remote software and will have my full-drive back up in a few days, but downloaded what I thought were all the CMS files for DS so I could start rendering again (my content files are on a removable drive, so I have those without the backup). Unfortunately, when I installed Daz and connected the content drive, all my Smart content info was gone. The files are there, but the metadata is lost.
Is there a guide as to where all the CMS files reside so I can recover my CMS metadata? I'm fluent enough with MacOS to get to hidden files, Library, etc., so I just need to know what files are used and where they're stored.
I thought they were saved to your Runtime/Support/UserData_#.dsx... when you run Content Database Maintenance/Export User Data? I have two sets of those files, 6 each for each version of Daz Studio that is on my MacBookPro M1.
Am I wrong?
Does Content Database Maintenance/Re-import Metadata pull from those files? Or do they pull off from online Daz records?
That folder should have all the metadata for content installed to that directory and exported user data. Some things, however, are not exported - e.g. groups (New etc.)
I see AI created images on the web. How does one use AI to create a work of art? Are there apps for that?
My external content drive has a Runtime/Support/UserData_#.dsx file, but that doesn't appear to be getting referenced. The Mac installation of Daz Studio appear to put two DAZ 3D folder on the disk—one in the User folder and one in the Shared folder. Since I never stored content on my internal drive, the user drive on my backup only has Studio in it, while the Shared folder only has the Instal Manager files.
————EDIT: More troubleshooting and troubles below———
After some more trying to sort this out, I realized I hadn't connected my files to the CMS Cluster Directory. But when I tried to do so, the UserData file was grayed out and unselectable. I picked the folder, but it disappears once I close the panel and reopen it. Restarting leads to an error about not having a valid PostgreSQL CMS connection. How do I fix this so my UserData file is readable? Nothing changed on the drive it resides on, so I'm baffled.
@aaráribel caađo See if either of these 2 resources help with your PostgreSQL CMS issue...
Daz3d How to fix the PostgreSQL CMS error tutorial (1.5-min video):
PostgreSQL CMS Connection and no Smart Content:
Ouch, if that turns out to be the only solution, Daz just become significantly less fun. I tried reinstalling DS and Postgr CMS, which did nothing, then re-imported the metadata. I went back to G3 or even G2 days :(
@aaráribel caađo After you verify your CMS Settings directory in the Daz Studio Prefs, then right-click on the Smart Content tab in Daz Studio and select Start CMS as shown in the video here...
If you are still having problems with CMS, try this:
Right-click on the "Content Library Tab" and select "Scan Known Directories For Files"
Is there some precautions to take before updating to Daz 4.22 from Daz ? I'm on MacOS 13.6.1 (the lastest Ventura update).
Yes, I'd like some information about that also. I'm running Monterey OS 12.7.1. Does DS run well in OS 12.7.1? I'm on a Macintosh Pro, late 2013 edition. Monterey is the highest OS it will be able to run on.
Backup your install files for the previous version if you can.
And I would suggest installing the beta version if you're currently using general release, so that you still have a version that works.
Thank you for your help
I did install the beta for 4.22 alongside and will try to compare the two before deciding what to do. I also have a backup of everything I downloaded on an external hardrive (on top of the Daz app being part of my Time Machine backup), but hopefully, I won't need it.
In addition to backing-up your current version Daz Studio install files, it's also a good idea to backup your Daz Database folder and app:
MacHD/Applications/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/ (
And backup your Smart Content Database:
1. Right-click on the label for the Smart Content or Content Library pane and choose "Content DB Maintenence..."
2. In the dialog that is displayed, select the "Export User Data" option.
3. Click "Accept"—this generates one or more files named "UserData_#.dsx" in your primary content directory. (NOTE: At the bottom of the Log File is the location where the exported User Data file was saved.)
I haven't tried out the new release yet, but here are the Daz 4.22 Known Issues on Mac from the 4.22 Pro General Release announcement (Note: It looks like nothing too serious for Mac OS Monterey):
macOS - Big Sur, Montery, Ventura
Styling issues on (horizontal) tabbars, (horizontal) tabs, buttons, frames
Interactive Lessons draw opaque over the UI, obstructing view of the UI
Color selection uses Qt (4) standard color picker - not the macOS native color picker
mac OS - Sonoma
Reports of occasional crashes when navigating sub-menus
What are styling issues on the (horizontal) tabbars, (horizontal) tabs, buttons, frames? I don't understand this. I'm not picturing this. I don't know what would happen.
Anybody else not able to get the new Templates feature to show in the Create New Scene dialog,
The Templates are there & thery show up in the Smart Content Pane, just not in the Create New Scene Dialog
Did you downloaded and installed 'Default Templates for Daz 4.21+' ? They appeared here after I did it (at least in the beta version, I'm still using mainly
Yep, Even tried Uninstalling them & Re-Installing but no joy
@robertsswww: Thank you for all the information about which files to back up in DAZ Studio. I did backup. I'm not sure about how I'd use these files to get back to version if there is a problem with the new version. Here's a screen shot of the files I backed up.
And I still don't get this part: What are styling issues on the (horizontal) tabbars, (horizontal) tabs, buttons, frames? I don't understand this. I'm not picturing this. I don't know what would happen.
@inquire It looks like you got all of the Daz Studio backup files.
As far as trying out a new version, I read in another thread that a quick and easy way to try a new version of Daz without uninstalling your current version, is to simply rename your existing DazStudio4 folder to something else, before installing the new version of Daz Studio.
Find the file DAZStudio4 file:
C:/Program Files/DAZ3D/DAZStudio4
MacHD/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit
Change the name of the folder to something else, such as DAZStudio4Old
Now you can install the new version of Daz Studio without it overwriting your current version that you know works.
Your other option, is the more traditional rollback method is to Uninstall Daz Studio and then Re-Install the prior version you were running...
1. Keep a copy of the original .zip installation files (in your case DS ver 4.21).
2. Let's say you've installed DS 4.22 and it doesn't work, so you want to rollback Daz Studio.
3. Launch DIM and find Daz Studio listed under the Installed tab in DIM and then select it and click the "Uninstall" button.
4. Quit DIM, and then place your backup .zip file (4.21) in the "Downloads" folder that you set as your Package Archive installation path in DIM (Advanced Settings->Downloads tab), and remove and save any other Daz Studio versions (if any, so they don't get overwritten).
5. Launch DIM, and your prior version of Daz Studio (.zip) should now be showing in the Ready to Install tab (select it and click Install).
P.S. As far as the styling issues with tabs (such as they don't show properly, or you can't click and select them), you may be able to work-around those issues by choosing tabs via the Menu->Window->Panes (Tabs). For more details regarding the issue, you would either have to ask someone already running 4.22 on Monterey or open a ticket and ask Daz Support.
Well, the folder renaming looks like a very easy way to try out a new version of DAZ Studio. Is there any drawback to doing this? Then, if the new version of DS does not work, I guess I could just delete the folder with the new version. Why don't more people use this?
Hey, hey!
Before I update, does Daz 4.22 play well with Sonoma or is it worth waiting a little while longer? Seen in a prevous post that there are some occasional crashes. Doesn't sound too bad if that's the only issue.