Darwins' Schtuff
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Darwins' Schtuff
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I'd say you nailed it lol.
Awesome work on the scars. Very realistic looking.
Ohh now I'm glad I bought that creature creator pack. He looks really great.
Thank you!
OMG, that's freakin' phenomenal! Glad you mentioned the morphs. I've got stuff in my cart and haven't checked out yet. Definitely adding them.
Good deal- I've already added the presets for how I used them on him to the pack. lol Doing another fun render- can't fiddle anymore.
Oh, he looks great! I have the creature morphs in my cart, too. Was going to get them anyway, now I have even more reasons! ;)
Definitely! Thank you, too. :)
So, I had some fun with setting up a scene, kitbashing the outfit and post work on this one. I call it Uninvited Guest. Gallery link: http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/#images/316811/
Raw Render:
Post Worked:
Whoa! Smoldering! He's kind of scary and kind of sexy at the same time. I'm so confused. Stop confusing me! lol :P
lol-No! XD
Btw-the LIE Make Up Presets are out! http://www.daz3d.com/lie-make-up-presets-for-genesis-3-male
I bought the morph kit, so I'll be ready for this guy. (Gotta go look at the LIE presets!) And, ty, for the nose job. ;) The skin looks more realistic, imo. I also want to thank you for not giving him a "dainty" nose, but a manly one. He can be anything from an elf to a Viking, and not just a supermodel. I hold my purchases anymore to unique characters, and you've got that down! :)
Thank you, I appreciate that. I make what I prefer-unique. There are so many unique looking people out there, why not in 3D world?? I believe I'll be doing my version of beautiful male next, just to have fun with it. lol
So, you are quite welcome. ;)
Congrats on the LIE makeup release! The promos look great, and it's wonderful to see them on the top banner of the March Madness page.
Evan looks amazing. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. You're on fire lately!
Thank you! I was surprised and pleasantly pleased at that banner-they did a great job connecting the three!
I have one of Diesel going now, actually. Since we have so much to do today, I thought it best not to start tweaking/fiddling with his textures and just do ONE more "for fun" render with a few things I picked up the past few months and never used yet. lol
I'll post that one when it's finished!
OH.........I am going to state as well; anyone who follows the thread and has a request of a type of male to make, post it! If I think it can be done, and be sellable, I'll attempt it. Note-if you use a person as an example, please provide a name so I can do searches for references. Note 2-I will not do exactness/likenesses of actual people/actors/etc., however, again, they can be used as inspiration.
Not that I am out of ideas (*snort* my list alone is set with about 30 more character ideas), but I am genuinely interested in new perspectives, ideas, and suggestions. Not to mention, if it weren't for the great customers that honor me with purchasing, I wouldn't be here.
That is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.
The new LIE product looks good. It's sitting in my cart right now. Debating what else to put with it. Have to go do that Mom thing with my youngest so I have plenty of time to decide.
LOL- you're in trouble now! Tons of ideas here, always. I'm sure we'll all keep you quite busy!
Damn, I love that look. So piercing. And the braids flowing around give him something of a serpent, ready to attack.
Any chance you'll be interesting in making an albino character? Someone like that "super brain developed Uber Marlock" in the Time Machine? Although it's easier to make albino skin in Iray (by using the scattering in surface tab I believe), tattoos and brows on them always get affected by it as well, fading out. And there aren't many albino characters in the shop. (Yep, I picked up Damen, but he's only one and he's young) An older albino with tatoos and matching eyes would be cool.
Well-Prince Albane is a fantastic example of Albinoism and hard to beat, I think. lol Damen is more Blue Man in his second skin, than Albino. But I've fiddled with the idea of trying, yes. It's something I will consider!
I rather liked the look on Evan's face, as well-those braids, while adds to the tension, I just can't use simply because of the lower resolution, even amped up with SubD. I love the hair without them, though.
So, three ideas on tats. Going to have to re-work the bump maps; way to heavy handed on those. For the back, I am so not done with it. May end up doing some additional line work over the base to give more depth and feel to it..............and a seam. See if you can find it!
The back of the neck just down a bit on the back I see the seam. I may be wrong though, buttttt the tatts are great and with some more tweaking it is gonna be a big seller of your charactor!!!
As for inspration on new charactors, How about Chyna from Wrestling for a female charactor, real name (Joan Marie Lauer)
here is a photo of her at her best:
Yep, back of neck and looks like some discoloration under the arm, but could just be the lighting. Love the designs. It's always neat to see what you come up with.
I love the Raven on the back! Nice.
Just wondering how difficult would it be to make a texture for tattoos so that they look all newly done with the skin kind of reddish and swollen and still healing? I've been thinking it would be interesting to kitbash something together for a tattoo parlor. All of the tattoos I have all look months old, though. I don't think there are any tattoos that look fresh as in just newly applied. I keep thinking with all of the tats that I have of yours that have the raised bumps that maybe just making the skin around it red with a little extra bump in the actual skin map might do it, but I'm not sure. What do you think? You have much more experience with these tattoos than I do.
A product, though, with some partial tattoos could be useful. Some with the full outline and only partially colored in or outline and single color tattoos where it's obvious only part of it is done because of the raised bump and the other part doesn't have bump applied so it looks flat like it just has the ink pattern on it. I don't know. While I could think of some really great uses for them, maybe no one else would. I might have to actually take a stab at playing with copies of the maps. Not something I'm really comfortable with yet.
It's up at the base of the neck/shoulder area. ;) Nice eyes, everyone.
Mm. For Chyna, I would have to change the look of her so much it wouldn't be here- from what they said about Danica, this would be too masculine by far, since that was the problem with her. I can take a look at photos, though, and see if there may be something there to work with! Thank you.
Newly done not too hard-just have to make sure the lines are crisp, the ink dark, and tighten the raising of the inked areas quite a bit as well as adding additional swelling around the general area with the reddening of the skin. I did it before on an M4 character. A lot is mainly keeping the design tight from the start and being very careful on how you show that in the bump/normal maps. Partial tats would be something, but I think to sell here I'd need to model the gun, make poses or something to go with it for it to be picked up. It seems to me (and I'm just offering an opinion here) the set idea would sell better than just the half-done tats? Not something I've seen ..anywhere. It is a valid idea, though!
Very nice job.
These are the type of Tattos I been waiting for.
Looks more realistic being slight raised plus the edge effect.
I like posing and I'm pretty good at it. If you modeled a gun and did those tats and I'd be really happy to do some poses for you if you want to take a chance on working with a non-vendor if you aren't comfortable with posing. Otherwise, there are some really good vendors here that I've liked that I've seen working with other vendors that I'm sure would be really good at something like that. You'd probably need at least a few poses of tattooing for each place you put a tattoo, i.e. shoulder, arm back, etc for both the tattoo artist and the one being tattooed. Expressions would be key especially the grimaces of the one being tattooed. Some poses where the tattoo artist is wiping the excess ink and blood off, too, would be good. To do it up right if you were doing a pose pack to go with it, I would think you'd need at least 10 to 15 poses each for the artist and victim, uh, tattoee. Maybe some poses of people looking through a tattoo portfolio or something would be good too.
There aren't any tattoo parlor sets per say that I've seen in the store, but there a quite a few sets that I think could be turned into a tattoo parlor with some creative redecorating. I have lots of ideas for this as I've been thinking about trying to figure out a way to do some tattoo parlor scenes for awhile now. Feel free to pick my brain. ;)
I think it could be good. I really hope you think about doing it even if you end up having to work with an actual vendor on the posing.
What about something like Akshay Kumar or a younger (or older) Amitabh Bachchan?
I do like the idea, KM-really. I plan on piddling with more modeling soon, so I'll practice on a gun when I get there. ;) It may be a while, but I'll definitely pick that brainpan of yers when it's time.
Oo. I like the first one particularly; all three are great choices. I'll add them to my DIF file (Dazzers Idea File). ;) Thank you!
.......good grief, I just went through the files for adding mixes of scars and tats. O.o I don't think there will be every combo of the arms for both-it's just too many files. Next time I'll try LIE presets instead and see if that can cut down the freakin' size of the file.
so I ended up leaving off one torso mix as well.
Testers for the back and chest tats with scars mixed in. I lowered the bump on both by 20% and tweaked them a bit, and went for a re-opened wound type of scarring on the back (as if it was sewn shut but got reopened and left that way and he got one BIS (Big xxx Scar)) hence the wider span of lifted skin inside the tattoo. I also re-did the bumps on the arm tattoos and finally have the tats, scars, and tattoos and scar options saved. I'mma gonnna crash. lol
.....oh, and the other two arm tats- the inner arm one is crooked on purpose, but they may ask for it to be straightened once it gets into PASS-we'll see. The other is elven for "Always" on his inner wrist.
NOW I'm crashing.
Love the idea of a re opened scar and all the tattoos looks awesome.