Darwins' Schtuff
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He's looking awesome! The scars are so detailed, and I love how you corrected seams. (I will never look at skin textures the same again! Which is kinda awful, since you made me realize a couple of models I wanted had seams showing on their necks. Now I can never unsee that. I actually showed some of your info explaining/showing tattoos, etc. to my daughter. )
However, the texture on his nose seems a little coarse, though. The pores seem abnormally large to me. Is that just the perspective?
He looks good. Will there be an option to not have the scars? And maybe an option to add only some of the scars?
Also, since you shared some of your techniques, @darwinsmishap, I was wondering...
when you paint the toast, how do you get it to match? The two matchs are different sizes for one. How do you deal with that?
I like the raised scar. I have a scar that runs from my wrist along the top side of my hand by the thumb that I got from a rabbits hind foot (we were taking him out to run in the back yard and he saw the dog lol) Its thin and raised.
I like the raised scar, too. A scar like that would have hurt! That's the kind where the dog bites and tries to hang on while the owner of the hand tries to pull it away. Ouch!
My son has a dog bite scar on his leg I've thought of photographing and using for reference. I know you're real busy, but do you think you could do a little tutorial sometime on how to make realistic looking scars?
I can always send you the pics of where a half Siberian Husky, half wolf bit my hand if you ever need more, LOL. These look very good.
Thank you! I appreciate you stopping in, too. I hope the tattoo information helped, and yeah- once I started this creation thing-I can never unsee crap either. lol As for the nose- no, the pores are coarse, I will eventually smooth those out or re-do them again. I thought I could live with it the way it was, but it's bothering me far to much not to correct it some. :)
Right now, I'm simply making them and saving as I go. I plan on making a full on, all scars option as well as a few combos and singles, yes. I always do. ;) As for the toast- if you use merchant resource skin, most of the time the tones match, but I've always found seam issues. Always. I use Blacksmith 3D and projection painting to fix them now. Before........it was luck and clone brushing in Photoshop.
Thanks! I have a raised scar along the outside of my hand down my wrist from a stupid nail. Took some of that look into the hand one that has the partial raising/indention.
It does-I've been bitten by a Lab, a Dobie, an old Collie and a Pointer but was lucky and didn't scar from any of them. I was young, and had no idea on how to approach animals. lol I can, yes- just can't promise a timeline on that for ya. ;) It'll be a simple tutorial, but I'll be thorough.
LOL-I'm always open for more references! I'd love another photo, thank you!
...I didn't scar from those dogs, but I did loose part of a tooth from the Collie. When she jumped up to bite my face, her canine cracked off my partial and she swallowed it. That dog was worth over a grand after that day.
arm scar- not raised, not really indented. Not all scars are the same. XD
Don't worry if it takes a bit to get around to the tutorial. I've made enough to know that you have to do them when you can block out the time. They never go quite as quickly as you hope when you first start them either. At least, I'll have a new skill to look forward to learning. :)
Lucky on the not having scars from the dog bites. You should see my son's scar! It's faded a bit now, but when it was new, I felt like crying. Even with the stitches and the fact the doctor did his best to minimize the damage, the scar was pretty bad. Somewhere I have pictures when it was fresh because I wasn't sure if we were going to have to take legal action again the dog's owner. I'll see if I can track them down to add to your collection of scars. :)
As for the partial, I shudder to think how badly that could have gone, going for the face like that!
LOL I forgot how accident prone you said you were. I think you mentioned that once about why you picked your username. Duh. Sorry, was distracted by shiny objects and hotties!
Right? Freaked me out, since I was about 10 or 11 when that happened, and that was a second installment of that partial. I originally broke the front tooth in half diagonally when I was 8 flying off of those kiddie 'go 'rounds' in the park when I tried to get off, and the school had it surrounded by cement instead of.....say.....sand. Crashed and slid four feet before stopping. Got it fixed the first time at 9 or so, and a sibling got ticked at me one day and threw a bone at my head they had found on the ground at the playground-hit just right and knocked it out. That second one had been placed with a screw that went up through the tooth into the skull to keep it there, so I was left with half a tooth, a screw hanging out and nothing else. Ended up taking a glass soda bottle and forcibly knocking and bending it backwards to stop it from ripping up my lip. It sat like that until my Jr. year in high school when it was fixed again. That time they yanked out the screw, sanded down the tooth to the gumline, inserted a metal plate that went along the back of the upper part of my mouth against the skull and formed the tooth around the portion that hung out below the gumline. If this one gets knocked out, I'll have to go in for reconstructive surgery because it will shatter the entire right front portion of the upper jaw area from the middle of my nose out-so the dentist told me.
anywho- rendering a thigh scar now. Last one, I think!
Oh! Thank you! ;)
gonna go back to the main skin again. Not liking a few things- and I HAVE to fix his face. Still- face 2 with the scars and another eye option
Ooh, that thigh scar looks like it was painful. I can't help but cringe. Great realism there. Wondering if it was from personal experience!
I've had road rash before, but it didn't look like that; it was painful enough, lemme tell you. No reference there for that particular piece other than maybe that road rash lingering in the back of my head. lol Me and bikes don't get along-not motorcycles............pedal bikes. >.>
Wow! Some of those scars look amazing. I'm sure I will buy your character. I would prefer there be an option to only use some of the scars at once. But even if there isn't, I don't think it would stop me from buying. But I think you're saying there likely will be such an option.
And thanks for the information.
Thank you! Yes, the leg scar, the hand and arm scars, the shoulder scar and the two torso scars will be separated out. There will be a full torso with arms, leg and torso, just the torso with the shoulder and chest/stomach as well. you're very welcome, too. :)
third face, rough render-I stopped it at 3% so I can work on fixing his facial maps.
I aslo slapped on the violet/dark purple (whatever it's considered) irises with the second of the 3 sclera options.
all I can say- much better. Now onto fixing a few other things and updating ALL of the maps I just made (ugh) before adding a couple of other ideas. lol I'll post the render probably in the morning-I'm going to let this one cook until it's done.
Wow! This guy has been through the wringer! Love the thigh scar. As far as scars go, that one is wickedly cool! :)
As for the tooth, I can commiserate somewhat. Luckily, I got off easier than you did. I was riding my dad's 10 speed when I wasn't supposed to be and messed up breaking. I didn't realize how much different breaking with hand breaks was from breaking with pedals. I also didn't know the one I was using to break only affected the front tire. I went right over the handlebars and chipped one of my front teeth. I'm very grateful I didn't have to go through all that partial business.
Hopefully, you're done with flying off of playground equipment?
My daughter has a scar behind her knee that is about 2 inches wide. Its raised and a little wrinkled. She had third degree roap burn from a boating accident ( she had the burns from her thigh down to her ankle, this scar is the worst, the rest have faded almost to invisible. She was in the fifth grade and was tubing with friends for her best friends birthday. They were coming back to the dock and the tube flew out of the boat, and the rope somehow got wrapped around her leg and yanked her out of the boat.
Scars sometimes have some of the worst/best stories, but there are always stories. I'm glad you weren't hurt more, KM, and I'm also glad your daughter got out of that situation without worse injuries, Sonya. Ouch.
Half-awake here, need coffee, but the render is done.
I've decided to let the test render I put together for different lighting go completely. I believe I am going to add a preset for the Creature Creator Morphs for Genesis 3 Male that came out with this pack, because I really....really like what they added to him in this. If you didn't purchase it, do it...so worth it.
Wow! :)
Damn... I just don't have the budget for those right now. But, taxes are done so I may take a tiny bit of the return and pick up some stuff I've wishlisted recently. I have the femal ones and they are awesome.
Finished render-Alerted is the title:
Gallery link http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/#images/316426/
Now he looks like he has been in some fights and knows what he is doing
That was the idear! Thank you. :)
Ok, the added morphs are http://www.daz3d.com/fantasy-creature-creator-hd-morph-pack-for-genesis-3-male Derp