Darwins' Schtuff
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Here is the finished, raw render of the partial I showed.
Gonna reserve this spot for the next thread link. ;)
Congrads on the release of Liam Darwin!!!
I can not wait to see what you come up with Daywalker!!!
That would be Gramps. It's a free Open Source genealogy software program that I can't live without. If you have complicated character families to keep track of, I highly recommend it for all writers. While written for us Linux people, there are versions that also work on Windows and Macs. It's a great piece of software.
Well... before this thread gets closed, I thought I'd take a moment to… "Harrass Ollie" per Darwin's instructions.
Okay, "harrass" might be too strong a term. However, @oliverstwist, I've heard so many bits and pieces about this family, I really want to read the book(s)! I'm 64 now. Any possiblity they will be published in my lifetime?

(Then again, maybe harrass is the right terminology… LOL)
lol- I'll tell him today to look into the thread tonight after work. We'll see what he says. ;)
Geez! 100 pages already. Where has the time gone? Such a great thread. Looking forward to the next 100 pages. :)
Ollie, you've got to do the NaNoWriMo this year! Happy to be your buddy when you go through it. I keep bugging Darwin about your stories. You really do need to write them, mister!
Ooo. Those Nano peeps don't know what's comin'. XD Yay!
For when we hit the end: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/237921/darwins-schtuff-pt-deux
Feckin' quote thingamabober thingie!!! Thank you both for the offers! I'll take you up on them. I edit for self-published authors but waaaay overthink my own work, I was planning on starting on Jeremy's story line as that brings all these people we created together. I lost 10 chapters when this crapptop crapped out. Dar was tired of my excuses and got me a new one just for my writing. Looks like i need to crack that bad boy open
Best program to start working in? I losy my key code for Word so I'll need a new one anyway.
Thanks again for the interest and offers -O
Look what I found for the new house!!!!!!!!!!! Say yes, yes, yes, please? Battery operated for the living room.....YEeees.
....................*DIES* Where the hell did you find THOSE? Well, we'll have room at least?
OMG-he just said they are wireless lamps. O.o

Know that accent wall?
I'm shopping !
now wait a damn minute...
Cookie Jaaaaaaaaaaar! Yus! And Waffle maker (we can do up the kitchn too) And Chewwie just cuz'
I think Ollivertwist would get along well with my husband. He asked for that wafflemaker for Christmas...
Okay-I'll make a deal.
You get those for the house, I get this for the office.
Our mothers will kill us!! Let's do it!!
LOL-and I have the perfect wall hanging.
LMAO!!!! Just say yes, Darwin! you can't go wrong with Star Wars decor!
@Ollie - Scrivener is an awesome writing program. It takes a little time to get the knack of it, but it's worth it. So many great ways to use it. If you catch it on sale, it's around $30 and you own it forever. I think regular price is $40. Totally worth it! I've written my last two books on it, I have at least ten more in various stages in it. You can sync it to Dropbox to so you can work on it from multiple computers or devices. There's a Windows, Mac and IOS version. If you grab it, feel free to ask me for help. I actually applied to be part of their tech support team recently. I love IT and writing, so it's a match made in heaven!
I want that waffle maker!
Didja get it for him?!! You should! If I could eat waffles, I would. (runs off to look up AIP Waffle recipes!!)
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