It's Urban Sprawl, not Medieval Sprawl, although that would be pretty cool also, LOL
OMG I would buy that so fast, the cart wouldn't even show the correct price. ;)
I was going to start a new thread for this, but if Stonemason is reading, maybe he'll have a quick answer. Does Winter Terrains still work in Studio 4.9? I can't get it to work now, and I was hoping for a possible Iray update one day (since the materials do not work in Iray). Anyway, don't mean to derail the thread.
Well, I might have done the same if I like her, but I wasn't impressed much. I am hoping that I like Ivan 7, though.
Nor was I impressed, but I get the base characters for their photorealistic skin (excepting Leo 7) regardless of the morph's appeal. It is my hope for Ivan 7 that spurred me on to Rune 7 now. I also caved today and bought ThePhilosopher's brilliant Epic Props: Godrays & Volumetric Light for Iray along with his Marble Shaders. If Urban Sprawl comes in at $60 with the discount, I should be in good stead. Otherwise, my Invisible Means of support shall have to provide.
been a while since I made that shader but from what I recall it had a slope function that meant snow would only collect in places you would expect it to collect..(on flat surfaces) also took into account the displacement and placed snow realistically on top of the displaced surface.., I couldnt match those functions in Iray
As an aside, I find that a number of special shaders don't play nice with Progressive renders. Thankfully, Progressive: off works just fine (and this render was astonishingly fast. I think it took 5 minutes?)
As an aside, I find that a number of special shaders don't play nice with Progressive renders. Thankfully, Progressive: off works just fine (and this render was astonishingly fast. I think it took 5 minutes?)
...I was able to do a snow scene in Iray (with qualifying Stonemason sets included).
I tried to stay faithful and wait for you, I really did. I was certain I could hold out. But there were just too many suitors—Epic Props: Godrays, Fit Control for G3M, Project EYEray, Legacy UVs for G3: V6, Light Manager PRO—I needed them all. I couldn't wait another two months or more for them to be eligible for sale prices. Oh, please forgive me. I feel so cheap.
I tried to stay faithful and wait for you, I really did. I was certain I could hold out. But there were just too many suitors—Epic Props: Godrays, Fit Control for G3M, Project EYEray, Legacy UVs for G3: V6, Light Manager PRO—I needed them all. I couldn't wait another two months or more for them to be eligible for sale prices. Oh, please forgive me. I feel so cheap.
Unfortunately, I have to admit to succumming to temptation, too. <<hangs head>> The good news is I think I can still find a few more quarters in the couch cushions and still get US3 when it comes out. Whenever that might be!
...still holding fast and not purchasing anything else (in spite of the temptation).
Crikey my whishlist is big now.
I'm trying to hold on to the credit I had built up but there are so many new things I really "need". If it doesn't come out soon I may not be able to get it.
Well it has been released and I was going to buy it, but looking at the product psge it does not make one mention about 3Delight compatibilities as all it mentions is Iray this and that.. Ah well guess I have just saved what money I was going to spend on it, for something else..
Well it has been released and I was going to buy it, but looking at the product psge it does not make one mention about 3Delight compatibilities as all it mentions is Iray this and that.. Ah well guess I have just saved what money I was going to spend on it, for something else..
Materials: (Iray ONLY) , US3 Atmosphere Haze (Iray ONLY), Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF) - no 3Delight, no OBJ version ...
Well it has been released and I was going to buy it, but looking at the product psge it does not make one mention about 3Delight compatibilities as all it mentions is Iray this and that.. Ah well guess I have just saved what money I was going to spend on it, for something else..
Unless something has changed between when Stonemason first announced the product and now, that's probably an error on Daz' part when they made the page. Earlier in this thread, he said:
both Iray and 3delight versions are included,the Iray one is the only version with night materials
there is 5 modular city blocks,each containing individual buildings and props that can be easily moved around ,plus 50 building props and some trees and vehicles
Let's see, now ... thongs, yes; chaps, yes, bandoliers ... not sure I have one of those ... hmm...
Have you thought about DA's Let It Snow? It seems like it could work.
Nor was I impressed, but I get the base characters for their photorealistic skin (excepting Leo 7) regardless of the morph's appeal. It is my hope for Ivan 7 that spurred me on to Rune 7 now. I also caved today and bought ThePhilosopher's brilliant Epic Props: Godrays & Volumetric Light for Iray along with his Marble Shaders. If Urban Sprawl comes in at $60 with the discount, I should be in good stead. Otherwise, my Invisible Means of support shall have to provide.
been a while since I made that shader but from what I recall it had a slope function that meant snow would only collect in places you would expect it to collect..(on flat surfaces) also took into account the displacement and placed snow realistically on top of the displaced surface.., I couldnt match those functions in Iray
So Urban Sprawl 3 is coming with banana-yellow winter-terrain hotpants?
Man. Yeah, Iray could really use some elevation and curve elements. Meh
Can that shader be copied onto other surfaces?
I was inspired to whip up a Winter Terrains render. A bit off topic, but maybe Stonemason will find it gratifying.
As an aside, I find that a number of special shaders don't play nice with Progressive renders. Thankfully, Progressive: off works just fine (and this render was astonishingly fast. I think it took 5 minutes?)
I think I can work with that.
...I was able to do a snow scene in Iray (with qualifying Stonemason sets included).
'So Urban Sprawl 3 is coming with banana-yellow winter-terrain hotpants?'.
Unfortunately no. It was pointed out in a now superseded thread title that hotpants, chaps, thongs and bananas are all sold seperately. :(
I'm also a bit suspicious there will be no support for winter terrains in the readme for Urban Sprawl 3.
The current Urban Sprawl 3 Render Challenge includes;
A guy in leather chaps and thong.
A girl in a banana yellow sexy santa outfit.
A dragon.
That's already a little beyond my product library but at least I'll have Urban Sprawl 3 SooooooooooooooooooooooooooN! ? :)
Here's my latest using Urban Sprawl 2...
it's gotta be this week... looks like the store is becoming more contemporary again.
Dear Stonemason,
I tried to stay faithful and wait for you, I really did. I was certain I could hold out. But there were just too many suitors—Epic Props: Godrays, Fit Control for G3M, Project EYEray, Legacy UVs for G3: V6, Light Manager PRO—I needed them all. I couldn't wait another two months or more for them to be eligible for sale prices. Oh, please forgive me. I feel so cheap.
...still holding fast and not purchasing anything else (in spite of the temptation).
Crikey my whishlist is big now.
Unfortunately, I have to admit to succumming to temptation, too. <<hangs head>> The good news is I think I can still find a few more quarters in the couch cushions and still get US3 when it comes out. Whenever that might be!
Thursday already and still nada, nothing. And next week is probably another new character instead.
I'm trying to hold on to the credit I had built up but there are so many new things I really "need". If it doesn't come out soon I may not be able to get it.
There's still tomorrow, but I'm starting to wonder myself. Really surprised how long DAZ has been holding back on releasing it.
Oh well.... wake me when it's over....
Outside what remains of my budget for the month. Gorgeous, and wantwantwant, but later....
Well it has been released and I was going to buy it, but looking at the product psge it does not make one mention about 3Delight compatibilities as all it mentions is Iray this and that.. Ah well guess I have just saved what money I was going to spend on it, for something else..
IT'S MINE!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaaaaaa.....
Along with pretty much everything else I had in my wishlist of Stonemason's!!
Materials: (Iray ONLY) , US3 Atmosphere Haze (Iray ONLY), Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF) - no 3Delight, no OBJ version ...
Unless something has changed between when Stonemason first announced the product and now, that's probably an error on Daz' part when they made the page. Earlier in this thread, he said:
Let's see, now ... thongs, yes; chaps, yes, bandoliers ... not sure I have one of those ... hmm...
It doesn't mention 3Delight..... wha???? I never noticed that, I just grabbed it because Stonemason said it would be both. Is it a typo?
The wait was worth it. Thanks Stonemason!
Taken from the Info page:
Urban Sprawl 3 (Core)
You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
“Props:Stonemason:Urban Sprawl 3:3Delight”
“Props:Stonemason:Urban Sprawl 3:3Delight:Buildings”
“Props:Stonemason:Urban Sprawl 3:3Delight:Trees”
“Props:Stonemason:Urban Sprawl 3:3Delight:Vehicles”
“Props:Stonemason:Urban Sprawl 3:Iray”
“Props:Stonemason:Urban Sprawl 3:Iray:Atmospherics”
“Props:Stonemason:Urban Sprawl 3:Iray:Buildings”
“Props:Stonemason:Urban Sprawl 3:Iray:Materials”
“Props:Stonemason:Urban Sprawl 3:Iray:Trees”
“Props:Stonemason:Urban Sprawl 3:Iray:Vehicles”
You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
Guess it was just a typo that it only says Iray on the store page.
Thanks Stryder87
And I'm done for the month