Urban Sprawl 3 ...It's here(in the store...no really..go see)!...(Commercial)

coming soon..

1600 x 833 - 492K

1000 x 1300 - 481K

1600 x 833 - 486K

1000 x 1300 - 618K

1600 x 833 - 428K
Post edited by Stonemason on
more pics....
.....will post again soon with more images
Excellent, almost recovered from March and raring to go...
Just when I think it's safe to take my credit cards out of the plastic bag... that's in the middle of a block of ice... in the back of the freezer...
Oh, wait, I still have some store credit!
Bring it on.
Well, now I know what that whimpering sound was. Evidently my wallet found this post before I did.......
As everybody else, I went straight for my wallet. I found this note:
I can't do this anymore. I am sorry, I have tried--tried so, so hard--but I am not the wallet you want me to be. I never was.
When you read this, I will have taken my things and left. I know you will look for me, as you always do, but this time... this time I hope you won't find me. I don't know what I will do if you do.
I will miss you, but this thing we have... it's tearing us apart. It's making me hate you. I cannot stay and let things as they are, and I cannot stay and fix them. Please, understand.
Don't find me.
I... I think I need a minute.
thanks guys!..here's a couple more images
Oh my goodness!!!
Wait. Is this going to cost $79.95?
Edited: It doesn't matter what it costs. It's worth it. Great job SM, as usual.
Very cool Stefan, very cool.
How many city blocks its it?
Is it bigger then US2 ?
A little offtopic: I found Urban Sprawl 2, but is there an Urban Sprawl 1?
yeah there's an urban sprawl the first one but went into my product page to click to go to the store page so I could post you the link but can't seem to get one maybe it's been removed from the store and only appears in the product library of those of us that bought it compared to 2 it is dated looking but perfect for an abandoned creepy grungy kinda town think silent hills, 2 good for a nice town city but this 3 from these promos looks perfect for both a normal nice looking town city then with the other lighting a darker creepy version so perfect for different themes like silent hill one minute nice and normal next dark and creepy
It's... it's beautiful.
Stunning work!! Now that I have a new rig, will have to pick this up!
holy sh@%%@
It's like L.A Noire and The Division had a baby. So GOOD!
Oooooh yeah. Absolutely glorious. DS and Iray?
ETA: Sorry, meant 3Dlight and Iray?
Looking great :)
I see. Thank you. Ah well, there's plenty of other Stomemason stuff, so I guess it's not a big problem. :)
And this one is looking great!
LMAO!!! Thanks for that chuckle... sad that the wallets of many of us are lamenting that same, sad fate....
My jaw just dropped to the floor. This set reminds me so much of the area around Penn Station in New York City. It's amazing! I just hope my 3 year old laptop can handle whatever the memory requirements are, because I'd love to have this set!
The pop02.jpg is my new workstation wallpaper! I love fooling my coworkers with pictures like that. They always ask where it is and I tell them it's not real. A total testiment to the awesome work you do!!
Don't load the entire set in one go and you should be fine. IIRC, Urban Sprawl 2 had the same functionality...
Or you can pick up Decimator.
Whurf. And that...that is why I took advantage of the 20% off GC sale. Twice.
I can't wait. I'd love to see more of the tops of the buildings, too... All the 'from above' shots are nighttime shots.
-- Morgan
Hahahaha I was thinking the same. This set looks ridiculously amazing.
OK mate, NZ isn't big enough to hide you. Hand it over or I'll call you a Pom.
Indeed, one would hope that its not iray only... on my system iray is far slower than DAZ/3Delight
ooooooooooooooooooer. Them's fighting words!!!
ha, i do the same thing. I have a mix of Stonemason's Through the Woods and Fern Lake promos as my rotating desktop background. A) It reminds me to buy it as soon as I have cash, and B) some of them are the absolute spitting image of where we go swimming in the river in summer (just needs a freshie croc here and there LOL) I've added some of the Urban Sprawl ones now, so I can drool as I sit at the computer.
Looking great! A must-have :)