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Maybe not clear from what I said, but the toolbar script doesn't work and the "prepare G3M" and GF3 script doesn't execute, but the individual components ("start Surfaces", "Legacy Surfaces", "Apply M4 UVs", etc.) do execute (i.e. make the correct stuff show up in the "surfaces" tab, changes the UV, etc.). Now that I've converted the M4 MAT .ds files to .duf format, those obviously load, so that no longer is an issue (and yes, you did mention it in the .pdf instructions. Would still be nice though if the "prepare" script worked for me.
OK, understood.
Could you confirm for me that after deselecting G3M and/or selecting a completely different object in the scene, when you double-click on the '!Prepare G3M' icon no error message appears? Because after the function declarations, the very first thing the script does is check that something is selected - if it isn't it returns an error message. This is very basic and I cannot think why it won't do that.
Another thing you could try is uninstalling and re-installing. That shouldn't take more than 5 seconds if you're using DIM.
if I select nothing, the pop-up tells me that I must select a G3 Male; if I select G3M, the script runs and tells me that GM3 is ready for the legacy textures, but there is nothing under the Surface tabs indicating that anything was done ... I have to manually (component by component) add everything
Well, this narrows things down a bit. Both the scripts you are having problems with rely on a function called "getAbsolutePath" which, in the case of the '!Prepare G3M' script, enables the script to identify and then run the component files.
There were a series of exchanges in this thread with people who were having trouble getting the toolbar up. They were using Connect to install products, but there didn't appear to be a problem using the Prepare script. The conversation, unfortunately came to no solid conclusions. As I cannot get my Connect to work properly I can't write scripts for it, but this may well be a red herring anyway.
If you are feeling adventurous right-click on the '!Prepare G3M' icon, click on "Open in Script IDE...", scroll down to line 92, which should be blank, then paste the following line of code:
Then, making sure G3M is selected, click on the Execute button at the top right of the script window. Make a note of the message which will appear. This should be the absolute path for the Legacy_Surfaces script. If the message box is blank it means the getAbsolutePath function is not working. If it is an absolute path we might be able to work out why the file is not being run.
I'll give that a try ... thanks!
thanks also for the toolbar tip
I always have CTD when I load the script but only if I merge genitals. So I load figure and genitals separatly, I run the scripts and I apply the textures and only after I fit the genitals to the figure.
That works well but some parts of genitals stays transparents. I search to fix that on surfaces tab without succes.
How can I do to make these parts not transparent ?
(I use )
The genitalia geografts use two transparency maps to blend the textures between the separate surfaces, and when viewed in the Viewport the genitalia appears semi-transparent. This is normal. When you render the final image, everything should look OK. Is this what you mean?
Thank you
No : the blue part is transparent. Here is a render image :
The blue part is the geograft for the genitalia geograft called "Legacy_G3M_Gens". This must be fitted to the genitalia. This takes the texture from the Hip surface of Genesis 2 Male. So when you select it you can load the G2M MAT file onto it
I thank you for your help.
The stuff works well like that. There is a blue part because I need to load separatly figure and gens. So the gen's texture don't applied to Legacy_G3M_Gens. I always have CTD without that tip.
Have a nice day.
How does legacy uvs work with unique morphs like Star? Also is there a way to give the characters pointed ears and such with the legacy uv sets? Not at computer right now but I remember that the ears were an issue.
I can't make a specific point about Star, which I don't have, but in so far as Star is just a morph of Genesis 3 then it should take any texture which the Genesis 3 surfaces hold. They may look a bit peculiar on Star, but that's another matter.
Re the Ears: the geograft ears should take any non-HD Genesis 3 ear morphs. I had to include PHMs for the two Elf ear morphs which come with Genesis 3 because they had not been set to Auto Follow in the Parameters setting. But any 3rd party ear morph which has Auto Follow checked should work OK. If the Auto Follow is not checked you should check it and then reload the geograft.
OK, folks. Legacy UVs for Genesis 3: Special Edition - Victoria 3 will be making an appearance very shortly. There are just two geografts this time, one for the head and one for the gums. There are also two attachments for the eyebrows and pubic hair textures.
I have attached a couple of the promo images.
Yay! Fantastic news and looking forward to the release:)
YES!!!! Thank you!!! Between this, NGS Anagenesis 2 and GenX2, some of my favorite old characters like Irina and Aiko19 will finally live again!
Very exciting news! I love and use almost all of your products. They are very good!
Great news on the Legacy UVs for Genesis 3: Special Edition - Victoria 3! I had quite a few V3 textures I loved, can't wait to try them out on GF3.
Oh awesome :) they are continuing on :)
Victoria 3? F*** yeah! Then the newer figures can wear all my old Samildanach creepy doll/robot textures!!!
Great news, especially since having V3 UVs means I'll be able to reuse my A3 skins collection :)
I don't have V3 but have seen many items in the store that I would love to purchase if I had something to put them on. Sounds like this might just be what I need.
please say it will be an after Christmas release lol
Out now: Legacy UVs for Genesis 3: Special Edition - Victoria 3
Online PDF:
Since you have the ability to autofit from V4 in most cases, just get the crossdresser app and convert any V3 clothing to V4 and then autofit to newer figures
Have been collecting Victoria 3 textures since Poser 5.
Christmas came early.
Thank you and the best of luck
V3/A3/etc all autofit to Genesis if you have the Gen legacy shapes/clones, and that's extended through the G2s if you have GenX 2 .
Purchased product, thank you, have converted 5 or 6 texture sets, but small problem with all
There is an area under the eye whose "texture" remains same and stands out in sets with tans, etc,
Any suggestions how to fix?
Thank you
Bicc, could you tell me the names of some of these sets? Are they still available?
The picture is very small, but it appears to show the tear section of the EyeMoisture surface. Could you check the Opacity Strength for the EyeMoisture? It should always be zero.
Set to 0, most apparent in darker textures, In a 4800X6400 poster print sticks out like a sore thumb