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I'm really new to these products so apologies if this has been asked in this thread already, but I'm wondering...I want to pick up the Victoria 3 -> G3F product and I'm curious if you can use the various iray converters on them, such as v3digitimes iray converters or the N.G.S. Anagenessis 2 - Revolution one. I have absolutely no knowledge about geografts or ever used them, so i'm unsure whether they'll work with the converters.
You should be able to use Iray shaders, you just have to remember to have the geografts selected in the Scene tab when they are applied.
It seems to work with V3Digitimes Generation 4 converter, but only for applying the shaders. I can't get the Color, Gloss etc. presets to work, so I had to adjust Gloss manually. I've also tried Anagenessis 2 (Genesis 1 version, which use to work with V4), that looks totally weird. Maybe if you apply the Anagenessis shaders manually it will work.
What if you apply the shaders BEFORE the conversion?
Yes, that seems to work, actually. Thanks!
While trying out G2F for G3F, using the Map Transfer tutorial to make the one I needed into a usable one, I noticed some offset. Trying others (base and v6->base) depending on the texture, the torso morphs. Seams are good, navel in the right spot, nipples are either in the right spot or low-outside.
When texture is applied to G2 everything is fine, but the same texture on G3 shifts. On the right side:
A small issue when not using depth, but I would like to know if this is on something Im doing before working on transforming it all.
I've just looked at this and you're right, there appears to be a slight misalignment. I'll make some adjustments and issue an update.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
I am ecstatic!!!! I picked up the one that applies V3 skins to G3F and I can FINALLY use all my whacky samildinach skins again! I'm still playing with iray conversion - this one I used the Anagenessis 2 (using the Genesis settings cos I'm not sure if it's Victoria 3 compatible???????). Does v3digitimes have an iray converter for V3 skins? (Unsure).
anyway, this is a really really quick test render (default iray render settings) just to test samildinach's V3 Ainenna skin on Olympia 7. So happy! LOL. (she's wearing a top as it's pretty much just pasties on the breasts so covering up for the forum)
One quick question - I don't want to use the V3 eyes, I want to keep the G3 there a way of turning off or not applying the V3 settings?
I don't know of any one-click V3 to Iray solution other than just applying the ubershader... which actually doesn't work as badly as you'd think... but you can do the conversion pretty easily using the manual settings mode for NGS2 Anagenessis which, conveniently, also allows you to skip converting the G3 eyes. There's a thread on it here if you have questions:
Ah! i forgot about that freebie script he put up for that. Sheesh, reading the instructions for that confuses the heck out of me LOL.
Jakiblue, glad you like it!
Re the eyes: you should be able to use just the ordinary G3F Eye MATs. I've noticed that sometimes they omit the UV Set info, so you might have to change that manually. You could always make your own presets to include things like lacrimals (EyeSocket) and reflections(EyeMoisture/Cornea), and then apply them like any ordinary MAT.
I want to use Sunehri, a GF2 skin and morphs on a Genesis 3 female. The skin part works. The morph parts are what's giving me problems. She has no actor. She has dials that only show up on a Genesis 2 female, but never on a Gf3 with Legacy UV's.
So is this some extreme situation, where Sunehri's morphs cannot be converted?
The Legacy UVs only allow you to use textures from previous generations. If you want to use morphs you will need something like Dimension3D's GenX. For transfering to Genesis 3 you will need:
Genesis Generation X2
GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2
GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 3
You might also, instead, learn to use the Transfer Utility to do the same job, but I am not sure how difficult or successful that might prove.
Thanks for the advice!
Anyone got a work-around tfor getting a K4 texture to the point of being able to apply it on G3 and up?
I rather suspect that I'm just going to have to redesign the character that uses it and go hunting a similar enough skin for a replacement. I am pretty sure it's only the one continuing character who uses a K4 slin. A lot of the others use V4 and M4, but we've got ways to port those over.
You should be able to use the Map Transfer tool on Genesis to convert a K4 texture to either V4, M4, V5, M5, D5, S5 or A5, and then use the corresponding Legacy UVs kit to put it onto Genesis 3 or Genesis 8.
Victoria 3 UV map is similar to Michael 3, Hiro 3, David 3 and Freak 3 (note: Freak navel is above the G3F figure navel).
Then Legacy UVs for Genesis 3: Special Edition - Victoria 3 can handle them.
G3F Male morph with Michael 3 maps
I'm having some trouble with morphs not transfering to the geografts and wondering if anyone knows of a fix? I tried loading a new scene with a new G3M, then loading my preset shape and pose, and then preparing the figure and I still got the same result. Here's a render showing the figure with the geograft and without for comparison. The morph I'm trying to get to show up on the geograft is Lee 7 HD in case that's any help.
Shanarah, unfortunately geografts do not work properly with HD morphs. This seems to be a current limitation with the technology. Unless a particular HD morph is specifically created to work with the geograft it will not carry over onto the geograft in the way a standard morph will. So in your attachment the geograft part only shows the standard Lee morph.
Thanks for the info, Cayman! I was wondering if I'd missed something or what I was doing wrong. I'll just have to add the details in post for now, or he'll have to keep his shirt on (fat chance of that happening XD).
Or use a better iray skin instead of a legacy one.
Meh, ethnic skin options for men are so limited in any given generation that Shanarah may not have much of a choice. For instance, I only have three Indian/South Asian skins for G3M worth talking about, and one of them is technically a Polynesian G3M skin, and another is an Iray conversion of Falcon, an M4 skin whom the PA intended to be quite a different kind of Indian. (The third is Ahmad, who was in fact designed as South Asian, but he is definitely an exception to the rule.)
And by the way "better skin" is relative: I own V3 ethnic skins that looked more realistic after conversion to Iray than a significant number of G3/G8 ethnic skins.