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@deathbycanon Always glad to help add to anyone's wishlist. LOL!
Same here. :) Thanks for sharing @Knittingmommy
No problem. I love to share! :)
So, @Isidorn asked me what a female skin looked like on a male and if you could tell that it was a female skin. Since I had the UV Swap products, I did a quick render to show him a sample of what such a swap would look like. This is Drako for Ivan 7 with Zarina for Genesis 3 Female's skin.
Original on transparent background:
And since I just can't leave things alone now that I'm all into the post work, I thought I'd play a little bit. So, here's the post worked version:
Very well done- gritty and dangerous he looks. Rendered well, you did.
Thank you!
Love the one of Giovanni, he looks awesome! I can't decide if I can tell its a female skin or not. I want to say yes, but is it because I know its a female skin or is it because it looks like a female skin... the post worked version definitely looks more like male skin, I think its the grittiness of the filters that helps with that.
@DarwinsMishap Thanks for those kind words. It always means a lot when you approve of what I do with your characters. :)
@IceDragonArt Thanks for the comment about Giovanni. As for the other one, yeah, I know what you mean. I actually thought it would look more feminine. However, by the time I used the Brow Remover and then added in those fibermesh brows and the little goatee, there isn't much difference. Those, btw, came from the FWSA Tchanun HD for Michael 7 which comes with both the eyebrows and the beard. If I were to play with it more, I'd probably make a few adjustments to the eyebrows. They don't sit quite right on this character. As to the skin, I thought for sure the chest area would be more noticeable, but I don't think it is. I agree the post worked version using the rougher filters helped make it more masculine.
@darwinsmishap LOL, you sound like Yoda from Star Wars! And I agree with "Yoda" this is really neat!
One other thing- remember Vignette in Tone Mapping. You can do some cool image effects with the darker border.
Thanks, @Novica!
Yeah, I love playing with Tone Mapping in DS. I have a couple of images where I've used the Vignette in Tone Mapping. It's very useful. I probably would have used it here, but I wasn't sure how I was going to get the gritty look I wanted when I was rendering. DS is nice and I have a lot of tools to make things look dirtier but, honestly, it takes SO long to render that stuff when I use it. I figured I was going to probably going to add all of the elements I wanted with some of Ron's brushes so I didn't use any Vignetting on this one, just basic Tone Mapping. In the end, I used the NIK Collection filters instead. I might still play with some of Ron's brushes on another project to dirty things up as I really need to get a handle on using them more effectively.
That NIK Collection is cool though. So many things you can do with it. The Bleach Bypass I used has different things you can adjust to get that gritty look I was hoping to achieve and it worked out really nicely.
Just playing around with dForce and an idea for some bad driving comic type renders.
I love that! :) I have not even looked at or tried dforce yet.
Well, to be honest, I was trying to get the rug to drape on the pile on the car. However, I must have had wind on or something because it was blowing off of the car instead. I just decided to go with it.
I have a 15 year old driver in the house, I can relate to this image. I always feel like she's driving with her eyes covered. :D
I think it still turned out great. Oh, I was going to ask is that toony look from a special filter/utility or post work?
That uses the new Cartoon filter built into Gimp 2.9 Beta. The one built into Gimp 2.8 would probably work, too, but you'd get a slightly different look because they seem to have changed the cartoon filter a little bit with the beta release. I've done two images with the exact same settings in both filters and gotten different looks. I'm not sure why. Gimp 2.9 has both the old and the new cartoon filter at the moment. There was also a little bit of post with the NIK Collection but mostly levels and curves adjustments before applying the Cartoon filter because the rug was just too dark in my original out of DS.
I can imagine. My 17 year old hasn't had the desire to get his license yet. He rides his bike everywhere and we are right on the bus line so he doesn't really need his license yet. I'm holding off as long as I can because I think it will scare me half to have him behind the wheel of the car.
I have hard time keeping track. I have Gimp 2.8, maybe I should go get the beta 2.9. I have been tryign to figure out the brush functions. They are not as straight forward as the PS ones. I still like the ability to make colored brushes in Gimp. I made a few more for some textures I have been working on.
I use the beta version from Partha's website. I'm still on Gimp 2.9.5 though and it was recently updated to 2.9.6 so I need to see about installing that. I read that there were some improvements since the last release.
Wow this looks great!
Thanks, @dracorn. I appreciate you stopping in to take a look. :)
I played with Dolly a little bit today. She was too good a deal to pass up and I love her. She has a very unique morph that I think I'll have a lot of fun playing around and mixing in with other characters.
Gallery Link
Then, I took her into Filter Forge and had some fun trying to get a vintage cartoon look.
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I love how this turned out.
She looks fantastic, KM! Curtain color was a good choice - compliments her hairly perfectly. Her skin has got a nice glow to it in the lighting you setup, too.
I've been eyeing a couple of D.Master items lately - was thinking Billy and Erre (to get a male/female into my gene pool), and also Candy just for her skin alone.
- Greg
Love, love the cartoon version! Super cute!
Outstanding render KM!!!!
@Algovinician Thank you! I have one other D.Master product, Anna, in my product library that I haven't had a chance to render yet. All of the rest are on the wishlist. They are all great morphs. Dolly is a little extra work fitting clothing because of her shape and her head is large enough to cause problems with hair. However, she looks great and I'm planning more renders with her as I play with her trying to find which outfits and hair work best for her. D.Master has such a unique style and I'm very happy that Daz has accepted his work for sale here.
@IceDragonArt Thanks so much. :)
@Saphirewild Thanks, Saph! :)
I don't render toon stuff but I love seeing what the rest of you do with it. Dolly is so cute, and I love the pose and hair, great render.
Ah, thanks. Yeah, toon stuff isn't for everyone. I find I like messing around with it and seeing what I can do.
More fun with Dolly for Genesis 8 Female. This time I dialed her back a little and added a few other heads and body shapes. I think she looks cute. I used @KindredArts Iray Lens FX which I think is a really cool addition to my arsenal of tools. I picked this up when it was new but haven't played with all of the presets yet. There are a ton of them in there. This render used the Vignetting, Dust, Gamma, and Saturation presets, as well as one of the colors, but I changed to color just a tad so it wasn't as strong. Very cool product and I'm still having fun exploring what I can do with it.
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Wow KM what an amazing job you did on Dolly!!!
She looks fantastic!!
Thanks, Saph! I really like how she turned out, too. :)
Really neat renders and effects! :) I have been working on some other stuff and grocery shopping. lol