While I have no interest in G3, I want to say the Genesis 2 version was one of the best purchases I've made in months and has made all my portraits better.
While I have no interest in G3, I want to say the Genesis 2 version was one of the best purchases I've made in months and has made all my portraits better.
Wow Will! Thank you so much for this feedback. Well it was the goal of the "converter and managers" products, to help both beginners and very advanced users as you are to get better results at human figure rendering. Simplify the process and minimise the effort to optimise the result :)
I'm really glad to know it's in your "best purchases" category!
Absolutely thrilled with this product. Thank you so much V3Digitimes. I've just bought Blacksmith 3D's Texture Transformer (from the other place) and this is the perfect companion in tweaking converted skins for G3M and G3F. Here's a character concept piece I've just finished, using SAV's Lynn for M4 skin (again from the other place). The Iray converter / manager has given it a lovely lifelike glow which I'd never have been able to achieve by myself. Really happy.
That does look fantastic. It is also a very interesting character.
Reminds me of one of the warriors from Game of Thrones.... the guy that was married to Daenerys Targaryen the dragon queen...
You're welcome, just let me know if it does not work with the Geotransfer, I must recognised that I put so many filters in the objects which will be displayed in the list on which you can transfer (I have two full lines of conditions) that I'm not sure these geograft elements will appear. Well I can try to create and send a patch to you if it does not (I think simply have some conditions to delete).
It makes me really happy to read your feedback, I tried to make these skin tools as good and useful as possible, and when people use them often, it's a wonderfull reward for all the effort I put in them!
After a doing a qick test,
Iray Smart Converter for Genesis 3 Geograft Transfer Utility does see and work for transfering the skin settings.
But looks like the Generation 4 and Genesis don't have the trasfer utility.
*Also during the test made me realise how much you improved with your scripting from the first version of skin converter.
You got really good with the Genesis 3 converter interface, if it had the ability to chose what generation skin and figure in one converter :)
Now I see you have a new light product, that looks like it will become another must have....
Absolutely thrilled with this product. Thank you so much V3Digitimes. I've just bought Blacksmith 3D's Texture Transformer (from the other place) and this is the perfect companion in tweaking converted skins for G3M and G3F. Here's a character concept piece I've just finished, using SAV's Lynn for M4 skin (again from the other place). The Iray converter / manager has given it a lovely lifelike glow which I'd never have been able to achieve by myself. Really happy.
That does look fantastic. It is also a very interesting character.
Reminds me of one of the warriors from Game of Thrones.... the guy that was married to Daenerys Targaryen the dragon queen...
Now that you say so.. There's a bit of Khal Drogo in him!
So you've now introduced a script base way to keep things neater? If so, COOL!
Is there any chance you would consider doing a set for non DAZ characters? There are others that play in DAZ Studio besides Gen 4 and Genesis 123
Thank you!
Some great results folks!
Lol. Neater and more efficient.
Nice remark for other figures. I had never thought about that. Well, one of the script constraint is the surfaces names on which it applies the right parameters, so making an "universal" script is not really possible (since the surfaces names change from one figure to another). I could make a shader script for "any skin" but honnestly, I think every type of figure has it's own characteristics in term of texture maps sets and final look consideration, and well, it won't be optimal for a lot of figures at the end.
Now this would imply one product per figure (or per family of figure having the same surfaces names, same "types" of texture sets, and final skin characterisics). But I think I could easily adapt the genesis 3 version to other figures yes. Will Daz accept it? I can't swear. Did you thought of a particular figure?
You're welcome, just let me know if it does not work with the Geotransfer, I must recognised that I put so many filters in the objects which will be displayed in the list on which you can transfer (I have two full lines of conditions) that I'm not sure these geograft elements will appear. Well I can try to create and send a patch to you if it does not (I think simply have some conditions to delete).
It makes me really happy to read your feedback, I tried to make these skin tools as good and useful as possible, and when people use them often, it's a wonderfull reward for all the effort I put in them!
After a doing a qick test,
Iray Smart Converter for Genesis 3 Geograft Transfer Utility does see and work for transfering the skin settings.
But looks like the Generation 4 and Genesis don't have the trasfer utility.
*Also during the test mad,e me realise how much you improved with your scripting from the first version of skin converter.
You got really good with the Genesis 3 converter interface, if it had the ability to chose what generation skin and figure in one converter :)
Now I see you have a new light product, that looks like it will become another must have....
So cool to know that it works too! Thanks for sharing the image!! Plus now if someone asks me I'll be able to answer XD
For the Generation 4 and Genesis, you're right, you have a script to transfer directly on the genitalia, but not on other elements. The main reason is that, on that time, I was not good enough at scripting to do something else :) They also don't have the "advanced managers tools", for the same reason.
Thanks, yes I improved a lot. I began scripting only one year ago, and it was really really hard for me. But each time I make a script I learn something new and get better. For instance now I realise the Genesis 3 skin managers (not converter, all the managers) would have been better if I had "tabbed" all of them in a single interface as I did for my "Iray light Manager PRO".
For a "Universal" skin converter and manager doing all generations, well looking at the size of each of my script (around 2 thausand lines for G3, I'm not good at optimising scripts length), well... I don't feel the courage right now. The skin Managers for all generations would be more doable for me at the present time. And is not completely excluded. But for now I'm on 3 projects and products 2 updates in parralel so I really lack of time for that!
Ah the new light manager product! For me even more useful that the skin converters, because I use it... as soon as I set up a light, so for every scene I render :)
Oh, well I don't own any figure of family of figure, so it's hard for me to know what can be done. At least, I would be astonished to be able to sell this here.
Actually I don't have a good 3D "culture". I'm focused on my work, work a lot, and do not really take the time have a look at the rest.
Maybe you could talk about this by MP : I have no clue what the Hivewire figures are, if they are duf files or not, what is the names of the surfaces, if they or they do not come with SSS maps, etc, etc... With a more clear idea of what they are, I could tell you if I can / have time / I'm interesting in / adapting my converters to this figure. For now, I have no idea at all.
I have all the Iray converters for each generation but I am confused about one thing...I transfered some G2F mats that uses V4 UV's to a G3F figure and then applied the iray uber base to it. Since the mats are for G2 but on a G3F figure( I assume the UV's don't matter) Do I use the iray converter for G2F or G3F?
I have all the Iray converters for each generation but I am confused about one thing...I transfered some G2F mats that uses V4 UV's to a G3F figure and then applied the iray uber base to it. Since the mats are for G2 but on a G3F figure( I assume the UV's don't matter) Do I use the iray converter for G2F or G3F?
The best result you will have in your case is : 1. use my converter on G2F (the UV set does not matter indeed), and then in a second time, transfer to G3F.
If you have already done the transfer to G3F and don't feel like redoing the transfer to G3F, then use the G3 converter directly on G3F, but the results will not be as good as if you used the G2F first. Plus you will have some additional work to do on the gloss of the skins (G3F skins will probably be more glossy than it should be), but all the tools are provided. And then the other part of the work, if you are using theG2F to G3F tool which is based on geograft, will be, after using my converter and adjusting the skin, to transfer the skin properties to the additional geograft elements (using my geograft transfer tool).
So finally, it is less work and give better results to do first the converter on G2F, and then the transfer to G3F.
This product looks great. I appreciate the documentation. I installed the Iray Smart Converter and Advanced Skin Managers, but the main script gives me an error. Can anyone help me figure out what I am doing wrong?
2017-02-21 22:16:56.949 WARNING: Script Error: Line 7872017-02-21 22:16:56.949 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'oTexture.getFilename' [undefined] is not a function.2017-02-21 22:16:56.949 WARNING: Stack Trace: <anonymous>()@G:/Daz Connect Custom/data/cloud/1_24261/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse:7872017-02-21 22:16:56.951 Error in script execution: G:/Daz Connect Custom/data/cloud/1_24261/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse2017-02-21 22:17:03.527 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): peer performed orderly shutdown errno=02017-02-21 22:17:10.123 Loading script: G:/Daz Connect Custom/data/cloud/1_24261/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse2017-02-21 22:17:10.237 WARNING: Script Error: Line 7872017-02-21 22:17:10.237 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'oTexture.getFilename' [undefined] is not a function.2017-02-21 22:17:10.237 WARNING: Stack Trace: <anonymous>()@G:/Daz Connect Custom/data/cloud/1_24261/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse:7872017-02-21 22:17:10.258 Error in script execution: G:/Daz Connect Custom/data/cloud/1_24261/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse
Granville don't worry we'll probably solve this issue. As Barbult said, the cause can be that your Genesis 3 figure is parented to something. I'm sorry I'm not sure I included this in the documentation, but this can cause this type of issue. I think I remember I asked this to be included in the readme notes, but I'm not sure this is for this product or for another.
You simply have to unparent the figure, use the smart converter, and when the skin set up is done, reparent your figure. I'm sorry for that but this is due to the fact that my script browse up the nodes from children to parent to ensure that if you select the thumb, at the end, Genesis 3 is taken into account by the script... Alas if Genesis 3 is parented, the script moves up the selection to Genesis 3 parent and this causes troubles..
In case your figure is not parented to anything, can you tell me what figure you are using so that I have a look at what can cause this trouble?
This is a great product, but whenever I apply the converter to Olympia's skin she ends up looking African American. Not that Black isn't beautiful, too, but it's not what I'm going for. Any idea why? Thanks!!!
This is a great product, but whenever I apply the converter to Olympia's skin she ends up looking African American. Not that Black isn't beautiful, too, but it's not what I'm going for. Any idea why? Thanks!!!
That doesn't happen for me. This is Olympia 7 with Iray Skin Converter Preset 3 with Caucasian cool skin tone options. I applied translucency settings 2. I also used the converter to increase the glossiness a little.
This is a great product, but whenever I apply the converter to Olympia's skin she ends up looking African American. Not that Black isn't beautiful, too, but it's not what I'm going for. Any idea why? Thanks!!!
Yes there is a reason for that. The reason why is that the Base Color (or Diffuse Color) maps used for Olympia 7 are pretty dark, in term of lightness of color, compared with the general skins provided by PAs. This is not properly speaking a "clear" skin nor a "dark" one, even if the dark option would be better for her. You have several solutions to handle this. First you can do what barbult proposed, but if youstill find it too dark, you can also (and you will get something much less dark as a result) use the second radio button "African Skins (Dark Skins)" at the top of the interface before making the conversion.
Then it should be fine, it should be much less dark, and you can adjust tone if you want using Color and Translucency Managers. Personally, her Gloss Maps being very dark, I also think that increasing a bit the Glossy Layered weight (using the Gloss manager) would be a good idea.
This is a great product, but whenever I apply the converter to Olympia's skin she ends up looking African American. Not that Black isn't beautiful, too, but it's not what I'm going for. Any idea why? Thanks!!!
That doesn't happen for me. This is Olympia 7 with Iray Skin Converter Preset 3 with Caucasian cool skin tone options. I applied translucency settings 2. I also used the converter to increase the glossiness a little.
Thanks for answering:) Yes Olympia 7 is the kind of texture set which can benefit the two options of the converter. With the first one (for clear skins), the results will be much more dark than with the second one (for dark skins).. I guess after that it is users preferences which will determine the best option.
Yes there is a reason for that. The reason why is that the Base Color (or Diffuse Color) maps used for Olympia 7 are pretty dark, in term of lightness of color, compared with the general skins provided by PAs. This is not properly speaking a "clear" skin nor a "dark" one, even if the dark option would be better for her. You have several solutions to handle this. First you can do what barbult proposed, but if youstill find it too dark, you can also (and you will get something much less dark as a result) use the second radio button "African Skins (Dark Skins)" at the top of the interface before making the conversion.
Then it should be fine, it should be much less dark, and you can adjust tone if you want using Color and Translucency Managers. Personally, her Gloss Maps being very dark, I also think that increasing a bit the Glossy Layered weight (using the Gloss manager) would be a good idea.
This is a great product, but whenever I apply the converter to Olympia's skin she ends up looking African American. Not that Black isn't beautiful, too, but it's not what I'm going for. Any idea why? Thanks!!!
That doesn't happen for me. This is Olympia 7 with Iray Skin Converter Preset 3 with Caucasian cool skin tone options. I applied translucency settings 2. I also used the converter to increase the glossiness a little.
Thanks for answering:) Yes Olympia 7 is the kind of texture set which can benefit the two options of the converter. With the first one (for clear skins), the results will be much more dark than with the second one (for dark skins).. I guess after that it is users preferences which will determine the best option.
Thanks very much for the answers, guys. I will try the options you presented. :D
I have been having trouble with the gens on gen 3 male. I loaded the character Dave. Applied his gens applied daves gen texture. Then applied the smart converter with some warmth added. Although daves texture is there the warmth was not added and his gens appear default color and do not match
By default, the initial smart converter does not act on genitalia. What you do is : you convert, you tweak the figure the way you want, and when you are done, you use the transfer anatomy tool so that the genitalia becomes "like the rest of the body".
I have finally bought Dave. And I tested several set ups with it, I have never any material set up difference.
Here is what I did :
1. load dave and genitalia
2. used Smart converter on Dave, changed colors presets and translucency presets to be sure not to be on the default load.
3. Used transfer tool : when you used the !Mgrs Transfer Anatomy, normally you should have in yellow :
Genesis 3 Male Genitalia (top middle window),
Genitalia (bottom middle window)
4. and : Then you press : ADD SELECTED SURFACE TO LIST, in order to have in the selected Destination surfaces, the box at the right of the interface, "Genitalia (name of the figure)".
5. Then you press "Confirm list and Proceed to transfer" the Genitalia surface must be present in the Destination surfaces box right of the interface for it to work.
Now normally this should match. I tested various skins presets (base color, glossy weights, translucency variations... ) on Dave, and each time it worked (well finally not totally, the skins settings are the same, but the render is not the same, see next post why).
Normally it is a very robust script, but one never knows. On next post I check the initial skin setting (without conversion or transfer, as it is provided)
Can I use this utility to create a Genitailia texture for a character that has no supplied genitalia texture?
@V3Digitimes, this might seem an odd question, but do any of your iray converters work in Victoria 3 skins? Were the V4 skins so much different to V3, or can I use the Iray Converter for Generation 4 on a V3 skin?
Hi, I'm getting the same error that Granville posted about:
2018-02-14 23:18:41.726 Loading script: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse
2018-02-14 23:18:41.790 WARNING: Script Error: Line 787
2018-02-14 23:18:41.790 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'oTexture.getFilename' [undefined] is not a function.
2018-02-14 23:18:41.841 WARNING: Stack Trace:
<anonymous>()@C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse:787
2018-02-14 23:18:41.843 Error in script execution: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse
I used Rune 7 as the base, added other character morphs and then used Mousso's, Kallisto for Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 Female as the texture. I used the Genesis 3 version of the texture. I also used, Macro Eyes for Iray Blues and Greens by Parris for her eye textures. I don't have her parented to anything or anything parented to her. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
I have been having trouble with the gens on gen 3 male. I loaded the character Dave. Applied his gens applied daves gen texture. Then applied the smart converter with some warmth added. Although daves texture is there the warmth was not added and his gens appear default color and do not match
By default, the initial smart converter does not act on genitalia. What you do is : you convert, you tweak the figure the way you want, and when you are done, you use the transfer anatomy tool so that the genitalia becomes "like the rest of the body".
I have finally bought Dave. And I tested several set ups with it, I have never any material set up difference.
Here is what I did :
1. load dave and genitalia
2. used Smart converter on Dave, changed colors presets and translucency presets to be sure not to be on the default load.
3. Used transfer tool : when you used the !Mgrs Transfer Anatomy, normally you should have in yellow :
Genesis 3 Male Genitalia (top middle window),
Genitalia (bottom middle window)
4. and : Then you press : ADD SELECTED SURFACE TO LIST, in order to have in the selected Destination surfaces, the box at the right of the interface, "Genitalia (name of the figure)".
5. Then you press "Confirm list and Proceed to transfer" the Genitalia surface must be present in the Destination surfaces box right of the interface for it to work.
Now normally this should match. I tested various skins presets (base color, glossy weights, translucency variations... ) on Dave, and each time it worked (well finally not totally, the skins settings are the same, but the render is not the same, see next post why).
Normally it is a very robust script, but one never knows. On next post I check the initial skin setting (without conversion or transfer, as it is provided)
Can I use this utility to create a Genitailia texture for a character that has no supplied genitalia texture?
If so, how can I achieve this?
Thank you!
Hello, sorry I had not seen this new message.
no you cannot use this utility to create the texture maps if they have no map. What the transfer is is that, if the Genitalia is already textured, then it transfers all the other shader parameters from the original figure to the Genitalia, but it needs to have maps first.
@V3Digitimes, this might seem an odd question, but do any of your iray converters work in Victoria 3 skins? Were the V4 skins so much different to V3, or can I use the Iray Converter for Generation 4 on a V3 skin?
I have never tested this because I think I have no figure being that old. The thing is that the script is based on a list of surface names, so if the surface names are the same for V3 and V4, then you should be able to convert, but I not warranty the quality of the result in this case.
Hi, I'm getting the same error that Granville posted about:
2018-02-14 23:18:41.726 Loading script: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse
2018-02-14 23:18:41.790 WARNING: Script Error: Line 787
2018-02-14 23:18:41.790 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'oTexture.getFilename' [undefined] is not a function.
2018-02-14 23:18:41.841 WARNING: Stack Trace:
<anonymous>()@C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse:787
2018-02-14 23:18:41.843 Error in script execution: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse
I used Rune 7 as the base, added other character morphs and then used Mousso's, Kallisto for Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 Female as the texture. I used the Genesis 3 version of the texture. I also used, Macro Eyes for Iray Blues and Greens by Parris for her eye textures. I don't have her parented to anything or anything parented to her. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Hi! I just see your message right now. I think I don't have the products you mention so that I can test this on my side. Yet I am confident that we will find a solution together. When I have a look line 787, I am in the part where I analyze the maps for some specific properties which are "different" from the classical mapped properties. Is your script up to date? It should be if what you mention is line 787, but I prefer to check. I'm having a look right now to see what it can be, in general this happens only if there is a parenting issue, but I remember that before the update I made, some elements such as the use of the tag or the use of an IES profile on surfaces could provoke the same bug. I come back to you as soon as I can.
What you could do to help me is to use ONLY the macro eyes and test the converter, then ONLY the Kallisto and test the converter, so that I know from which product the issue comes, and that I can fix that.
I edit this post while I am analysing the issue : I see that the 2016 and 2017 version of the script have the same line 787, so I'm not able to know if you work with an updated script or not. Having a look at my own product in my cloud library, I have a huge doubt wether I submitted the updated script or not. IN CASE YOU HAVE ONE OR SEVERAL TAG anywhere on your surfaces (surface editor Tab, at the top of the list of the surfaces properties) can you remove them all and have a look if it works?
OK for an unkown reason, it seems that the update is ready for almost one year now, but I have not submitted it o_O
So I am confused about this, the reason I see for you to have such an issue, if it is not a parenting issue, is that there must be a tag on at least one of the surfaces. The best thing is to select all the surfaces of your figure, and have a look at the first "text box" at the top of the surfaces properties list in the Surfaces Editor Tab, which is the one named "TAG". If you see anything in there, just select the whole line, and delete what is inside. This is just an "identifier" for the person who created the product, and will not interfer with the render result, but it will prevent my 2016 version of the script to work properly. With the 2017 update (I should submit it rapidely, for now I am finishing another product but this update will be the next step), you should not have this issue any more. Let me know if it works or not, if not, we will have a look at the IES profiles or other things.
I figured it out not too long ago. It was the Macro Eyes. I reloaded Kallisto's default eye texture and ran the converter and this time it worked just fine. Afterwards, I was then able to reload the Macro Eyes selection that I wanted to use. I saved the whole thing as a material preset and so I'm all set. Thank you for the response. I love your products by the way.
I figured it out not too long ago. It was the Macro Eyes. I reloaded Kallisto's default eye texture and ran the converter and this time it worked just fine. Afterwards, I was then able to reload the Macro Eyes selection that I wanted to use. I saved the whole thing as a material preset and so I'm all set. Thank you for the response. I love your products by the way.
Thanks a lot SiennaBlue! I'm happy you solved your issue. Anyway I have to update this product so that it does not happen to other people. I still don't understand how I managed to forget to submit this update which is ready for almost one year... Memory does not improve with time, but this, this is too much!
how is the gen4 version of this script different from genesis3 edition for example? does it produce different shaders, or is this just a question of applying the proper preset to the correct material zones?
how is the gen4 version of this script different from genesis3 edition for example? does it produce different shaders, or is this just a question of applying the proper preset to the correct material zones?
Both. Indeed there is a material zone difference which was taken into account, but the shader settings are different too. The G3 version is more complete since you have options between clear or dark skins, and warm of cold skin tones as a result, that you don't have for gen4 version. gen4 version presents less options but the shader is more robust to be compatible with a huge pannel of figures. Genesis 3 shader presents more options but the shader settings makes it more sensitive to initial texture maps variations between various figures. Globally the G3 version presents more "interfaced" scripts for skin gloss, bump, tone, whereas gen4 version rather uses partial material presets to handle the same properties.
Feel free to let me know if you have other questions or if some points must be developped.
Wow Will! Thank you so much for this feedback. Well it was the goal of the "converter and managers" products, to help both beginners and very advanced users as you are to get better results at human figure rendering. Simplify the process and minimise the effort to optimise the result :)
I'm really glad to know it's in your "best purchases" category!
Reminds me of one of the warriors from Game of Thrones.... the guy that was married to Daenerys Targaryen the dragon queen...
I do have a question or two.
So you've now introduced a script base way to keep things neater? If so, COOL!
Is there any chance you would consider doing a set for non DAZ characters? There are others that play in DAZ Studio besides Gen 4 and Genesis 123
Thank you!
Some great results folks!
After a doing a qick test,
Iray Smart Converter for Genesis 3 Geograft Transfer Utility does see and work for transfering the skin settings.
But looks like the Generation 4 and Genesis don't have the trasfer utility.
*Also during the test made me realise how much you improved with your scripting from the first version of skin converter.
You got really good with the Genesis 3 converter interface, if it had the ability to chose what generation skin and figure in one converter :)
Now I see you have a new light product, that looks like it will become another must have....
Now that you say so.. There's a bit of Khal Drogo in him!
Lol. Neater and more efficient.
Nice remark for other figures. I had never thought about that. Well, one of the script constraint is the surfaces names on which it applies the right parameters, so making an "universal" script is not really possible (since the surfaces names change from one figure to another). I could make a shader script for "any skin" but honnestly, I think every type of figure has it's own characteristics in term of texture maps sets and final look consideration, and well, it won't be optimal for a lot of figures at the end.
Now this would imply one product per figure (or per family of figure having the same surfaces names, same "types" of texture sets, and final skin characterisics). But I think I could easily adapt the genesis 3 version to other figures yes. Will Daz accept it? I can't swear. Did you thought of a particular figure?
So cool to know that it works too! Thanks for sharing the image!! Plus now if someone asks me I'll be able to answer XD
For the Generation 4 and Genesis, you're right, you have a script to transfer directly on the genitalia, but not on other elements. The main reason is that, on that time, I was not good enough at scripting to do something else :) They also don't have the "advanced managers tools", for the same reason.
Thanks, yes I improved a lot. I began scripting only one year ago, and it was really really hard for me. But each time I make a script I learn something new and get better. For instance now I realise the Genesis 3 skin managers (not converter, all the managers) would have been better if I had "tabbed" all of them in a single interface as I did for my "Iray light Manager PRO".
For a "Universal" skin converter and manager doing all generations, well looking at the size of each of my script (around 2 thausand lines for G3, I'm not good at optimising scripts length), well... I don't feel the courage right now. The skin Managers for all generations would be more doable for me at the present time. And is not completely excluded. But for now I'm on 3 projects and products 2 updates in parralel so I really lack of time for that!
Ah the new light manager product! For me even more useful that the skin converters, because I use it... as soon as I set up a light, so for every scene I render :)
I was speaking primarily of the Hivewire family of figures... I appreciate your taking the time to speak about it!
Oh, well I don't own any figure of family of figure, so it's hard for me to know what can be done. At least, I would be astonished to be able to sell this here.
Actually I don't have a good 3D "culture". I'm focused on my work, work a lot, and do not really take the time have a look at the rest.
Maybe you could talk about this by MP : I have no clue what the Hivewire figures are, if they are duf files or not, what is the names of the surfaces, if they or they do not come with SSS maps, etc, etc... With a more clear idea of what they are, I could tell you if I can / have time / I'm interesting in / adapting my converters to this figure. For now, I have no idea at all.
I have all the Iray converters for each generation but I am confused about one thing...I transfered some G2F mats that uses V4 UV's to a G3F figure and then applied the iray uber base to it. Since the mats are for G2 but on a G3F figure( I assume the UV's don't matter) Do I use the iray converter for G2F or G3F?
The best result you will have in your case is : 1. use my converter on G2F (the UV set does not matter indeed), and then in a second time, transfer to G3F.
If you have already done the transfer to G3F and don't feel like redoing the transfer to G3F, then use the G3 converter directly on G3F, but the results will not be as good as if you used the G2F first. Plus you will have some additional work to do on the gloss of the skins (G3F skins will probably be more glossy than it should be), but all the tools are provided. And then the other part of the work, if you are using theG2F to G3F tool which is based on geograft, will be, after using my converter and adjusting the skin, to transfer the skin properties to the additional geograft elements (using my geograft transfer tool).
So finally, it is less work and give better results to do first the converter on G2F, and then the transfer to G3F.
This product looks great. I appreciate the documentation. I installed the Iray Smart Converter and Advanced Skin Managers, but the main script gives me an error. Can anyone help me figure out what I am doing wrong?
@Granville, what character texture are you using it on? Perhaps there is something unusual in the way the those particular surfaces are set up.
Edit to add: Is your character parented to something or in a group? That can cause issues. Try unparenting it before applying the converter.
Thanks Barbult.
Granville don't worry we'll probably solve this issue. As Barbult said, the cause can be that your Genesis 3 figure is parented to something. I'm sorry I'm not sure I included this in the documentation, but this can cause this type of issue. I think I remember I asked this to be included in the readme notes, but I'm not sure this is for this product or for another.
You simply have to unparent the figure, use the smart converter, and when the skin set up is done, reparent your figure. I'm sorry for that but this is due to the fact that my script browse up the nodes from children to parent to ensure that if you select the thumb, at the end, Genesis 3 is taken into account by the script... Alas if Genesis 3 is parented, the script moves up the selection to Genesis 3 parent and this causes troubles..
In case your figure is not parented to anything, can you tell me what figure you are using so that I have a look at what can cause this trouble?
This is a great product, but whenever I apply the converter to Olympia's skin she ends up looking African American. Not that Black isn't beautiful, too, but it's not what I'm going for. Any idea why? Thanks!!!
That doesn't happen for me. This is Olympia 7 with Iray Skin Converter Preset 3 with Caucasian cool skin tone options. I applied translucency settings 2. I also used the converter to increase the glossiness a little.
Yes there is a reason for that. The reason why is that the Base Color (or Diffuse Color) maps used for Olympia 7 are pretty dark, in term of lightness of color, compared with the general skins provided by PAs. This is not properly speaking a "clear" skin nor a "dark" one, even if the dark option would be better for her. You have several solutions to handle this. First you can do what barbult proposed, but if youstill find it too dark, you can also (and you will get something much less dark as a result) use the second radio button "African Skins (Dark Skins)" at the top of the interface before making the conversion.
Then it should be fine, it should be much less dark, and you can adjust tone if you want using Color and Translucency Managers. Personally, her Gloss Maps being very dark, I also think that increasing a bit the Glossy Layered weight (using the Gloss manager) would be a good idea.
Thanks for answering:) Yes Olympia 7 is the kind of texture set which can benefit the two options of the converter. With the first one (for clear skins), the results will be much more dark than with the second one (for dark skins).. I guess after that it is users preferences which will determine the best option.
Thanks very much for the answers, guys. I will try the options you presented. :D
Can I use this utility to create a Genitailia texture for a character that has no supplied genitalia texture?
If so, how can I achieve this?
Thank you!
@V3Digitimes, this might seem an odd question, but do any of your iray converters work in Victoria 3 skins? Were the V4 skins so much different to V3, or can I use the Iray Converter for Generation 4 on a V3 skin?
Hi, I'm getting the same error that Granville posted about:
2018-02-14 23:18:41.726 Loading script: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse
2018-02-14 23:18:41.790 WARNING: Script Error: Line 787
2018-02-14 23:18:41.790 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'oTexture.getFilename' [undefined] is not a function.
2018-02-14 23:18:41.841 WARNING: Stack Trace:
<anonymous>()@C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse:787
2018-02-14 23:18:41.843 Error in script execution: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/people/genesis 3/materials/iray converter and managers/g3 v3d !iray main converter.dse
I used Rune 7 as the base, added other character morphs and then used Mousso's, Kallisto for Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 Female as the texture. I used the Genesis 3 version of the texture. I also used, Macro Eyes for Iray Blues and Greens by Parris for her eye textures. I don't have her parented to anything or anything parented to her. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Hello, sorry I had not seen this new message.
no you cannot use this utility to create the texture maps if they have no map. What the transfer is is that, if the Genitalia is already textured, then it transfers all the other shader parameters from the original figure to the Genitalia, but it needs to have maps first.
I have never tested this because I think I have no figure being that old. The thing is that the script is based on a list of surface names, so if the surface names are the same for V3 and V4, then you should be able to convert, but I not warranty the quality of the result in this case.
Hi! I just see your message right now. I think I don't have the products you mention so that I can test this on my side. Yet I am confident that we will find a solution together. When I have a look line 787, I am in the part where I analyze the maps for some specific properties which are "different" from the classical mapped properties. Is your script up to date? It should be if what you mention is line 787, but I prefer to check. I'm having a look right now to see what it can be, in general this happens only if there is a parenting issue, but I remember that before the update I made, some elements such as the use of the tag or the use of an IES profile on surfaces could provoke the same bug. I come back to you as soon as I can.
What you could do to help me is to use ONLY the macro eyes and test the converter, then ONLY the Kallisto and test the converter, so that I know from which product the issue comes, and that I can fix that.
I edit this post while I am analysing the issue : I see that the 2016 and 2017 version of the script have the same line 787, so I'm not able to know if you work with an updated script or not. Having a look at my own product in my cloud library, I have a huge doubt wether I submitted the updated script or not. IN CASE YOU HAVE ONE OR SEVERAL TAG anywhere on your surfaces (surface editor Tab, at the top of the list of the surfaces properties) can you remove them all and have a look if it works?
OK for an unkown reason, it seems that the update is ready for almost one year now, but I have not submitted it o_O
So I am confused about this, the reason I see for you to have such an issue, if it is not a parenting issue, is that there must be a tag on at least one of the surfaces. The best thing is to select all the surfaces of your figure, and have a look at the first "text box" at the top of the surfaces properties list in the Surfaces Editor Tab, which is the one named "TAG". If you see anything in there, just select the whole line, and delete what is inside. This is just an "identifier" for the person who created the product, and will not interfer with the render result, but it will prevent my 2016 version of the script to work properly. With the 2017 update (I should submit it rapidely, for now I am finishing another product but this update will be the next step), you should not have this issue any more. Let me know if it works or not, if not, we will have a look at the IES profiles or other things.
I figured it out not too long ago. It was the Macro Eyes. I reloaded Kallisto's default eye texture and ran the converter and this time it worked just fine. Afterwards, I was then able to reload the Macro Eyes selection that I wanted to use. I saved the whole thing as a material preset and so I'm all set. Thank you for the response. I love your products by the way.
Thanks a lot SiennaBlue! I'm happy you solved your issue. Anyway I have to update this product so that it does not happen to other people. I still don't understand how I managed to forget to submit this update which is ready for almost one year... Memory does not improve with time, but this, this is too much!
I'll be looking forward to the update.
I should submit it this week I think.
The update is being tested right now, so I hope this should not be long :)
@V3Digitimes your update is showing up in my downloads. Thank you for doing this! I love your products.
You're right, I've been informed that the update is live now !
Thanks for your nice comment Trish :)
how is the gen4 version of this script different from genesis3 edition for example? does it produce different shaders, or is this just a question of applying the proper preset to the correct material zones?
Both. Indeed there is a material zone difference which was taken into account, but the shader settings are different too. The G3 version is more complete since you have options between clear or dark skins, and warm of cold skin tones as a result, that you don't have for gen4 version. gen4 version presents less options but the shader is more robust to be compatible with a huge pannel of figures. Genesis 3 shader presents more options but the shader settings makes it more sensitive to initial texture maps variations between various figures. Globally the G3 version presents more "interfaced" scripts for skin gloss, bump, tone, whereas gen4 version rather uses partial material presets to handle the same properties.
Feel free to let me know if you have other questions or if some points must be developped.