GENESIS 3 Iray Smart Converter And Advanced Managers (Commercial)



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    If I apply any of the Base Color Brightness settings it eliminates the cool or warm tone that I selected in the main converter. Is that intentional?

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    There already is a converter for Generation 4. 

    Now we need one for Generation 4 lol


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited March 2016

    Just like the previous versions, I am pleased with the results of this one. I own the whole suite now. I've never before been able to get good results from the Dash skin. The ISC changes made it look good to me. Thanks.

    (The HDRI used here is River Rocks from It is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY license.)

    Dash ISC Preset 2 mod 2 DS 4.9.jpg
    1236 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by barbult on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited March 2016
    nicstt said:

    BTW; I love this.

    And I'm impressed with the help info you provide. :)

    Don't get me wrong, as a man, I never read them until all else has failed, but it is nice they're there. :D

    Lol! Who read the help infos without needing them on this planet? Nobody I guess...

    Thanks for the feedback!


    Now we need one for Generation 4 lol

    Well.... Honnestly, I'm happy I can't stop this for a while, it's been months now that I've been working with skins, skins, skins, skins, skins, and that in the street, on the beach, in the shops, under the sun, under the rain, I stare at people skins, skins, skins, sometimes I feared I could be arrested for staring  at people's skin like I did....

    Well today, I feel like having a "skin break"!

    barbult said:

    I noticed that some of the filenames say G2 instead of G3. Is that just a typo, or is something wrong with my installation. I installed with Daz Connect. One example is "g2 v3dc !mgrs base color manager.dse". Or does this mean that it also works on Genesis 2 characters?

    OMG, I just saw the same one hour ago!!! You are right. These are indeed the managers scripts which have a confusing name. This is only a typo mistake, it should be "G3" instead of "G2", and no, they do not work on G2, only on G3. The stupid thing is that I wanted the names of the managers to be the same as the ones for the G2 product (to be coherent), but with G3 instead of G2. So I took the easiest solution : copy and paste the names I had used for G2 versions... AND TOTALLY FORGOT to change the 2 in 3 (I remember the day I did this, this was a sunday middle of the afternoon, my children were not at school, and were shouting all around the living room, this is why my brain was not clear enough). Today I installed my product via the Daz Connect and the mistake suddenly became obvious using smart content.

    I'll submit an update with the right file names in a few days (well changing G2 in G3 in 4 or 5 files is not long). BUT before that, I need to focus on the product I make for my store anniversary, it is a bit complex as a product, and I am in a complex stage of it, and I want to think totally and exclusively on this. (otherwise it will not be over on time for my store anniversary)


    I just wanted to add, for the ones which I had proposed to me to be my beta testers on this, is that I had not forgotten you while making this, but I have been really very (very!) sick for around 2 weeks in january. And because of the time I had to stay in bed, all my schedule on projects has been changed and modified. At then end, I had no more time for "final beta testers" if I wanted to submit early enough for March Madness. This is why I have not contacted you. For the tests I had just an old friend of mine (which always tests my products even during early dev stages), myself, and Daz tester which tested this. And of course, everybody was looking for the technical mistake and nobody saw the "2" instead of "3" typo mistake xD xD xD!

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited March 2016
    barbult said:

    If I apply any of the Base Color Brightness settings it eliminates the cool or warm tone that I selected in the main converter. Is that intentional?

    Intentional no, but a side  effect yes probably.  The resulting skin tone is a combination of Base color, global translucency and sss BUT these two last ones also depend on Base color (ouch ). Normally it should not totally eliminate the difference between warm and cold presets but attenuate it. If you are working on a clear skin,  your Base effect is scatter transmit and you should rather tweak the sss reflectance tint available in the translucency manager. By small steps the result of this change is huge!!! (But useless on dark skins which are on a Base scatter only mode)


    fastbike1 said:

    There already is a converter for Generation 4. 

    Now we need one for Generation 4 lol


    I thought he meant genesis 4.... well you are right. I did not make the managers for generation 4 because on that time I was not able to script  that but the converter and smart presets exist indeed. Thanks for your answer.


    barbult said:

    Just like the previous versions, I am pleased with the results of this one. I own the whole suite now. I've never before been able to get good results from the Dash skin. The ISC changes made it look good to me. Thanks.

    (The HDRI used here is River Rocks from It is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY license.)

    Wow this is really a cool render ! I'm happy my ISC helped you to reach that. For the dark skins it was a nightmare for me to find the best solution. The scattering setup was really hard to balance correctly for dark skins, and what I included was my best proposal.... And it works,  you really make me happy ! 

    Thanks for sharing this :)

    @ everybody : feel free to share your renders here!

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    I'm glad you're feeling better! Too bad there wasn't time for the Beta testing to eliminate some problems before release. I have confidence you'll fix what you can when you have time. I have more questions:

    I am frustrated that when I try some of the presets for base color, there is no icon to get back to what it was before I experimented with the other presets. I think I had the same problem in the G2 version. Am I overlooking something? I had to go back to the main converter and start over. I guess I could have opened the base color manager and made a note of the starting base color and then gone back to the manager and set it back to that value after I was done trying the preset base colors. But that seems a little cumbersome. The translucency presets have an icon for Caucasian Reset and African Reset. I was looking for a reset preset like that in the base color.

    I'm confused by the cool and warm radio buttons on the main converter. The text says they are for clear (Caucasian) skin only. But there isn't any way to turn them off when African skin is selected. Either cool or warm must be selected, because they are radio buttons and there isn't any "neutral" setting. Are those warm and cool settings doing anything when African skin is selected?


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited March 2016

    Here is another sample. This is Jared for Michael 7. That is another Iray skin that never pleased me. Now after ISC, I am happy with it. Maybe I should have rotated the HDRI. The red background stripe across the middle is a little distracting. But it is the skin, modified by ISC, that I am intending to show here, and I liked the light from this angle.

    Edit: I added another render with a calmer look to it. The skin settings are the same. Also, the HDRI I used for the background is not fuzzy like that, I just used DOF.

    (The HDRI used in both images for lighting and background is lillo-haven, copyrighted by Aversis. It is provided free, as-is, for non-commercial use. It is this month's free HDRI.)

    Jared ISC DS 4.9 Aversis lillo.jpg
    1236 x 1600 - 687K
    Jared Suit ISC DS 4.9.jpg
    1236 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by barbult on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited March 2016
    barbult said:

    I'm glad you're feeling better! Too bad there wasn't time for the Beta testing to eliminate some problems before release. I have confidence you'll fix what you can when you have time. I have more questions:

    I am frustrated that when I try some of the presets for base color, there is no icon to get back to what it was before I experimented with the other presets. I think I had the same problem in the G2 version. Am I overlooking something? I had to go back to the main converter and start over. I guess I could have opened the base color manager and made a note of the starting base color and then gone back to the manager and set it back to that value after I was done trying the preset base colors. But that seems a little cumbersome. The translucency presets have an icon for Caucasian Reset and African Reset. I was looking for a reset preset like that in the base color.

    I'm confused by the cool and warm radio buttons on the main converter. The text says they are for clear (Caucasian) skin only. But there isn't any way to turn them off when African skin is selected. Either cool or warm must be selected, because they are radio buttons and there isn't any "neutral" setting. Are those warm and cool settings doing anything when African skin is selected?


    I'll also wait a few days to fix the name of the few files also because I wait to see if something else is found. No there is no way back when you change the base color indeed. I did not make a reset because there should be many reset. The ones for dark skins, the ones for clear skins, the ones for warm tones the ones for cold tones, plus the differences between DS 4.8 and 4.9 (well this last one can be scripted). I remember the issue was something like in one case of figure (I don't remember which) the scripts would not have been able to tell which the set of options you had chosen initially in the converter, so would not have been able to reset it.

    Another reason is that I was also expecting people to use more the color manager than the presets themselves : in the Base Color Manager, you can try different base colors while leaving the manager opened (and see the result live with Iray preview mode), and each time you have the "reset" button which will reset to the initial value (as long as you don't close the color manager).

    In the script, the warm and cold preset will act only on clear skins as mentionned in the interface. Here is how it works : if you checked the Dark Skins options, then, whatever happens, after everything is loaded (warm, cold, etc, etc,) then the skins is "patched" in scattering properties and base colors for dark skins. This will not take into account the warm cold setting which are taken into account before this "patch for dark skins". I have tried to have this "auto hiding" in the interface when dark skins were chosen, but, for now, I'm not gifted enough at scripting to make dynamic interfaces. It simply created a huge mess in the interface. Furthermore, there was no real sense to make such a preset for Dark skins since the widest part of this effect comes from the SSS reflectance tint color, which is inactive for dark skins since I set a scatter only base mixing mode for them.


    barbult said:

    Here is another sample. This is Jared for Michael 7. That is another Iray skin that never pleased me. Now after ISC, I am happy with it. Maybe I should have rotated the HDRI. The red background stripe across the middle is a little distracting. But it is the skin, modified by ISC, that I am intending to show here, and I liked the light from this angle.

    Edit: I added another render with a calmer look to it. The skin settings are the same. Also, the HDRI I used for the background is not fuzzy like that, I just used DOF.

    (The HDRI used in both images for lighting and background is lillo-haven, copyrighted by Aversis. It is provided free, as-is, for non-commercial use. It is this month's free HDRI.)

    Nice! Thanks for sharing :) This is important for me to know if people are satisfied or not with what they have, and even more with such a product on which I worked a lot so that both beginners and advanced users can increase the skin quality fast and efficiently.

    BTW : Jared I did not test on him. Curious I did not bought him maybe it was a recent release, maybe I have not seen him on the release day. So that's cool it confirms it is a robust converter also for figures not tested.

    I have a question here : do you use only the converter and presets, or do you also use the customization interfaces?




    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Thanks for the explanations. It helps me understand how to get the most out of it. I use mostly the converter and presets, because I usually find a combination that I like, and that method is easy. I do sometimes also try the managers to customize it. I think on Jared I ended up using the base color manager. I like to play and try lots of things, so I don't remember exactly what I finally settled on for him. When I'm done, I save it as a material preset.

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    barbult said:

    Thanks for the explanations. It helps me understand how to get the most out of it. I use mostly the converter and presets, because I usually find a combination that I like, and that method is easy. I do sometimes also try the managers to customize it. I think on Jared I ended up using the base color manager. I like to play and try lots of things, so I don't remember exactly what I finally settled on for him. When I'm done, I save it as a material preset.

    You're welcome. I hope people will play with the interfaces, it's really fun and efficient :)

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    Just a quick question...  Does 'Undo' work?

    --  Morgan


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    CypherFOX said:


    Just a quick question...  Does 'Undo' work?

    --  Morgan


    Oh, that's a good question. That might help me with going back to the original settings. I'm not home to try it.
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    CypherFOX said:


    Just a quick question...  Does 'Undo' work?

    --  Morgan



    Normally I included in all my scripts an "undo" function (meaning that all the scripts you should be able to undo). Whenever you would see a script for without an undo, just let me know. But I think I have forgotten no undo.

    barbult said:
    CypherFOX said:


    Just a quick question...  Does 'Undo' work?

    --  Morgan



    Oh, that's a good question. That might help me with going back to the original settings. I'm not home to try it.

    Well I picked up one of the base color preset and it has the undo. They are all build on the same basis so you should be able to undo all the base color presets.

    But since I'm just a human, let me know if something is not undoable.

  • thd777thd777 Posts: 943
    edited March 2016

    Really nice tool. Works well to simply click and apply as well as for fine tuning to ones heart content. Here is a result of this evenings play session. it uses Leo's skin as base.

    Thanks for developing this!


    The Stranger 10.jpg
    1236 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by thd777 on
  • CypherFOX said:


    Just a quick question...  Does 'Undo' work?

    --  Morgan


    Yep, it does.

    A quick render with Bethany's skin.

    1280 x 1024 - 2M
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216

    What a woman ! 

    I'm just frustrated that I cannot see the whole text on the dress...

    Thanks for sharing ☺

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    Kharma said:

    Thank you very much for such a detailed description of your lighting!  I don't have the JM Lights yet but probably in the future, but good to know they will give accurate results just using the basic lighting. Thanks for reminding me about the custom actions as I always forget about that little trick.

    With the Creat Custom Action there is no way to do htis from Smart Content in DS 4.9 it is only in Content Library so you can't do this if you install with Connect only with DIM?

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited March 2016
    Kharma said:
    Kharma said:

    Thank you very much for such a detailed description of your lighting!  I don't have the JM Lights yet but probably in the future, but good to know they will give accurate results just using the basic lighting. Thanks for reminding me about the custom actions as I always forget about that little trick.

    With the Creat Custom Action there is no way to do htis from Smart Content in DS 4.9 it is only in Content Library so you can't do this if you install with Connect only with DIM?

    No, there is an easy way to do this, just one more step than previously :

    1. if you are in content library, no issue, just make "create custome action"

    2. if you are in smart content, right click the file you would like to add (or any of the file of the product should do), then make "show in content library" and you chose what you want, mapped folders (if not daz connect) or product (if daz connect).

    3. You will then be redirected to the product or the right mapped folder where you can make all the "create custom actions" you want to do.

    There is always a way :)  Daz Studio is really an excellent and well developed software.

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • PixelboyPixelboy Posts: 32

    I have problems using the Transfer Anatomy utility to G3M Gens.

    1. Load G3M plus G3m Gens
    2. Apply Iray main Converter to G3M
    3. Apply Transfer Utility - nothing happens

    What am I doing wrong?


    V3Digitimes Iray MetallicityRoughness Transfer For Genesis 3 2016-03-13 14-29-40.jpg
    896 x 737 - 392K
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216


    From what I see, it seems that their is no textures on the genitals. Is that the case?

    First you must apply on the genitals the material of the genitalia you have in your content for your current figure. Then you apply transfer utility.

    So the steps are :

    1. Load G3M + G3M Gens

    2. Apply Genitals materials to genitals

    3. Apply Iray Main converter to G3M

    4. Apply transfer Utility : the transfer will transfer the settings of the skin to the genitals.

    Your mistake is that you need to have a mapped material on the genitals;

    The transfer utility will copy all the settings used for material of the torso of the figure to the material of the genitalia, but preserve all the image maps used for the genitalia. In your case, you had not loaded the genitalia material, so the genitalia surface had no color, bump, specular, etc, maps. So the transfer occured, but the maps slots were left empty. 

    I just re-tested it and it works, the only thing is that I have not been able to find the G3M genitalia material on my computer, so I decided to use M7 instead, and no issue, but you have to load the genitalia material before the transfer. Then the transfer will ensure the material settings (except the maps) is the same on torso and genitalia in order to have a perfect matching between both.

    Is it ok for you? Let me know if you still need help.


  • PixelboyPixelboy Posts: 32


    From what I see, it seems that their is no textures on the genitals. Is that the case?

    First you must apply on the genitals the material of the genitalia you have in your content for your current figure. Then you apply transfer utility.

    So the steps are :

    1. Load G3M + G3M Gens

    2. Apply Genitals materials to genitals

    3. Apply Iray Main converter to G3M

    4. Apply transfer Utility : the transfer will transfer the settings of the skin to the genitals.

    Your mistake is that you need to have a mapped material on the genitals;

    The transfer utility will copy all the settings used for material of the torso of the figure to the material of the genitalia, but preserve all the image maps used for the genitalia. In your case, you had not loaded the genitalia material, so the genitalia surface had no color, bump, specular, etc, maps. So the transfer occured, but the maps slots were left empty. 

    I just re-tested it and it works, the only thing is that I have not been able to find the G3M genitalia material on my computer, so I decided to use M7 instead, and no issue, but you have to load the genitalia material before the transfer. Then the transfer will ensure the material settings (except the maps) is the same on torso and genitalia in order to have a perfect matching between both.

    Is it ok for you? Let me know if you still need help.


    Thanks! Now the utility works fine :-)

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216

    you are welcome

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited March 2016

    I have been having trouble with the gens on gen 3 male.  I loaded the character Dave. Applied his gens applied daves gen texture. Then applied the smart converter with some warmth added. Although daves texture is there the warmth was not added and his gens appear default color and do not match

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216

    It is not normal, it has been tested on a lot of figures, without troubles.

    I am going to check this, with Dave (I hope I have it), but first, the question is : was the main figure skin Iray uber, PBR metallicity roughness?

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited March 2016

    I have been having trouble with the gens on gen 3 male.  I loaded the character Dave. Applied his gens applied daves gen texture. Then applied the smart converter with some warmth added. Although daves texture is there the warmth was not added and his gens appear default color and do not match

    By default, the initial smart converter does not act on genitalia. What you do is : you convert, you tweak the figure the way you want, and when you are done, you use the transfer anatomy tool so that the genitalia becomes "like the rest of the body".

    I have finally bought Dave. And I tested several set ups with it, I have never any material set up difference.

    Here is what I did :

    1. load dave and genitalia

    2. used Smart converter on Dave, changed colors presets and translucency presets to be sure not to be on the default load.

    3. Used transfer tool : when you used the !Mgrs Transfer Anatomy, normally you should have in yellow :

    Genesis 3 Male Genitalia (top middle window),

    Genitalia (bottom middle window)

    4. and : Then you press : ADD SELECTED SURFACE TO LIST, in order to have in the selected Destination surfaces, the box at the right of the interface, "Genitalia (name of the figure)". 

    5. Then you press "Confirm list and Proceed to transfer" the Genitalia surface must be present in the Destination surfaces box right of the interface for it to work.

    Now normally this should match. I tested various skins presets (base color, glossy weights, translucency variations... ) on Dave, and each time it worked (well finally not totally, the skins settings are the same, but the render is not the same, see next post why). 

    Normally it is a very robust script, but one never knows. On next post I check the initial skin setting (without conversion or transfer, as it is provided)


    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216

    OK, there might be specific cases of figure. I spent more time to see what is happening with Dave.

    - Dave is using dedicated translucency color maps. If you starting with genitalia not using Iray uber (so nt with specific sss maps), then the base color will be used as the translucency maps. The material which is already on the genitalia before the transfer must, like the torso have dedicated translucency color maps. This must be the Iray material provided for Genitalia, not the 3Delight one. (I don't say you have done this, I just say this can be a cause of mismatch).

    -Now here is what happening with Dave :  If I take the default Dave settings (I don't use any converter or transfer tool at all, I just use the product I just bought), and that I load Dave, with the provided Iray materials for torso with genitalia, plus the provided Iray materials for Genitalia, I see, even before the conversion, a "mismatch" between the torso and the genitals. This mistmatch is there initially and cannot be repaired by any conversion or transfer tool, if it is here it is here (of course I cannot share images here).  I had not remarked it before because I was not close enough to the figure.


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Thanks for checking it out. I found your method improved the mismatch I was getting on the anatomical elements and I think it looks much better than it did with using the transfer tool properly. I found I also had to apply that other texture with the gens to to the torso area. Initially it looked pretty bad, but this looks better. Thanks,

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited March 2016

    Ok more and more strange, I now close and open DS, reload Dave, its torso for genitalia, then genitalia iray mats. The mismatch is still here, but not as strong as before. Can you tell me if you see a mismatch initially too? But then if I use the converter and the anatomy transfer, then I have "the same" mismatch as when I just load it. Not less but not more.

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited March 2016

    Thanks for checking it out. I found your method improved the mismatch I was getting on the anatomical elements and I think it looks much better than it did with using the transfer tool properly. I found I also had to apply that other texture with the gens to to the torso area. Initially it looked pretty bad, but this looks better. Thanks,

    Oh, yes if you are not using the other texture set, then it is uggly. So the right steps are :

    - Load Dave, apply the Iray torso material for anatomy

    - Load the anatomy, apply the iray material for anatomy

    - Convert or customize Dave skin using my product

    - Once done, if necessary, use the transfer anatomy (normally it should work I just reproduced all the steps for warm and cold skin tone).

    Let me know if it is enough for you Serene Night, or if you want me to work more on the subject (I have to be out for the evening, so tomorrow).


    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • LeanderLeander Posts: 56
    edited March 2016

    Absolutely thrilled with this product. Thank you so much V3Digitimes. I've just bought Blacksmith 3D's Texture Transformer (from the other place) and this is the perfect companion in tweaking converted skins for G3M and G3F. Here's a character concept piece I've just finished, using SAV's Lynn for M4 skin (again from the other place). The Iray converter / manager has given it a lovely lifelike glow which I'd never have been able to achieve by myself. Really happy.

    4089 x 1803 - 2M
    Post edited by Leander on
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