A Small Personal Message From SickleYield



  • I'm very sorry for your loss.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Blessings to you and your family.  Condolences.

  • My condolences as well. Love, prayers, hugs to you, Fuseling & the rest of your family. Take all the time you need.

  • My condolences for you loss. Don't worry about rushing to get back to work, unless you want to, we all understand this is something heavy you're deal with and will patiently wait for when you are ready.

    Glad you were able to get another computer up and running.

  • So sorry to hear this news. May you and your family bring peace, healing, and  joy to each other in a time of loss.

  • So sorry for your loss SY :(

    My condolences and prayers for you, Fuseling, and your family.

  • hjakehjake Posts: 996

    Thank you for sharing through such a difficult time. My condolences.

  • SickleYield, I am sad to know a dearest family member of yours has passed away.

    Pleaase take time, is not going to be easy to recover, start doing what you like little by little.

    My deepest condolences for you and those that are closest to you.

    Sheer up, life is short, you need to gather all of your strenght and soldier on.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797

    So sorry to hear about your loss, your trials, and tribulations. It's tough to care for ailing loved ones, and maintain a balanced life, and much tougher to deal with the death and all of the loose ends that seem to endessly unravel while you are grieving. I hope you find peace in returning to productivity . . .  and I hope you find the time, during the healing/recovery process, to take care of yourself.

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644

    Thank you to everyone for the kind messages and responses < 3

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,710

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Glad you've been able to keep busy in some ways. It can be helpful. Stay strong and thank you for sharing all of this with us. You're in my thoughts.

  • MoreTNMoreTN Posts: 303

    So sorry to hear of your loss. Love to you, Fuse and all your family.

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,514

    I am very sorry for your loss. Thank you for informing us, and including us in your situation.

    Take all the time you need. I think your customers (of which I have been one for many years) all understand your situation. I wish you a lot of strength, and may your father rest in peace.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Sincere condolences to you and your family ~

    Your stuff and tutorials ever helped me alot ~ Hang in there!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,827


  • emanuela1emanuela1 Posts: 699

    My condolences for you, Fuseling, and your family.


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,989
    edited October 2024

    I'm sorry for your loss! I hope you can find time for grief and recovery. All the best to you and your family

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • Condolences.

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    My condolences to you and your family

  • NewGuyNewGuy Posts: 220

    My condolences to you SIckleyield.  Losing a parent is never easy.  I lost my mother when I was 30, 19 years ago and now my father (who I live with) is dealing with ALS.  Add to that, myself I'm recovering from ocular cancer (partially blind in my left eye)...  so it's been a tough 2024.  

    It's great that you have family and friends to rely on for support.  That is important and it's also okay to take some time for yourself.  Dealing with trauma/grief is never easy but it's important to take the time to process it in whatever way you can, with whatever supports you can access.  

    My thoughts are with you in this difficult time.  

  • ChuckMChuckM Posts: 139

    Very sorry for your family's loss. Prayers and condolences.

  • KinnieMKinnieM Posts: 133
    edited October 2024

    SickleYield, I'm so very sorry to hear about your dad. I know firsthand how difficult it can be dealing with everything life throws at you during times like this. Take everyday as it comes and it will get easier. As others have said, try to remember the good times and share the memories you have of him. It definitely helps.

    My deepest condolences to everyone in your family.


    Post edited by KinnieM on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    I'm sorry about your dad. Loss of a family member is a shock, even when not totally unexpected due to health issues. Be kind to yourself. Take your time to readjust.

  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417

    We appreciate you, Sickleyield!  It will take time to get back to some sort of normal again after such a loss, and there will be good days and bad days for you as you get yourself sorted out. Please know we are here for you and we will still be here for you as you get back into your groove.  A good vendor builds great products. Your products, and legendary support, have built a family here.  We're here for you. I'll go out of my way to help support you by buying your products and encouraging others to do the same. Is there anything else we can do?

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    (((HUGS!!!))) I am so sorry to hear this news, Sickle. I'd been meaning to reach out and ask how things had been going with him, but I've been dealing with my own set of aging parents issues. Just know that I was thinking about you and Fuseling, even though I wasn't saying anythign, and I'm holding you guys in my heart as I type this. It's never easy losing a parent. Hell, it's never easy losing anyone. Reach out if you need/want. 

  • My deepest condolences to you Sickleyield, sorry for your loss.

  • HeavyRayHeavyRay Posts: 176

    I have always been one of your biggest fans.  As others have already said, throughout the years, you have always been here for US, be that making great products which help us enjoy our passion or lending a hand to help with anything 3D-related.  Once again, you thought enough of US to share your heavy heart.  So now it's OUR turn to help YOU deal with this new chapter in your life.  Please take time for YOURSELF - we'll always be here, WHENEVER you feel the time is right!  My condolences and wish that all the great memories of your Dad help you find solace and peace....  - Ray

  • It hurts to know that someone who has aided your endeavors so much is processing a loss. All the best to you, SY.

  • so sorry for you, Fuse and the rest of your family, you have always been so giving and friendly to all of us and treated us more than just customers and always been there for all of us too take care and take as much time as you need to heal 

  • ElorElor Posts: 2,015

    My condolences and I hope all the good times you had with him give you and your family some solace and help soothing the pain of seing him go.

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