A Small Personal Message From SickleYield

SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
edited September 2024 in The Commons

Hi guys. This one's going to be a little heavy, so feel free to skip it if you can't handle grief talk right now.

We lost me and Fuseling's Dad on July 30th to cardiac arrest caused by congestive heart failure. He needed more help and care over these last two or three years. He and Mom lived with me (Mom still does), and Fuse and our third sister live within a mile. All of us were closely involved in making sure Dad got what he needed. He was not perfect, but he was our Dad, and he was always there for us. We did our best to be there for him. He was 70. I knew him for 43 years. He walked by my office where I make products and said good morning every single day.

I haven't gotten a ton of work done since the 30th, dealing with all that's attendant on a death in the family as we rearrange our lives. I haven't been as available online as usual. And then not long after it happened, my computer died and I couldn't repair it without basically completely rebuilding, so I also spent a couple of weeks building, rebuilding, and testing a new one. It's only good to go as of this weekend. So I'd just like to say thank you. Thank you to Daz staffers who have been kind and patient in testing, and customers who have been equally kind and patient with my slow responses to queries these last couple of months.

I'm going to try and get back on a production schedule as soon as possible, but I appreciate your continued patience with slower responses during this time of transition. I can still be reached for product/process questions at my support email [email protected] or on Discord or DeviantArt as SickleYield.

Post edited by SickleYield on


  • I am so sorry for your loss, SickleYield. My heart goes out to you in this difficult time.

  • I am very sorry to hear this, and very impressed that you take the time to post an explanation so that people know what has been happening.

  • I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you're able to take all the time and space you need. 
    And thank you for you and your artistry.

  • My deepest condolences to you and your family.

    So long as we still remember, they still live.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    My condolences to you and your family.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Sorry for your loss and all the love.


  • I'm sorry for your loss, Sickly.  Take all the time you need to grieve, gather yourself on every level you need, and when you're ready to create content again, we'll be here to support you!

  • My condolences, SY, and thank you for the notification.

  • I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • Canary3dCanary3d Posts: 2,033

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad your family is close by and that you're able to support each other.  <3

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492

    Sorry to hear of your loss - deepest condolences to all the family.

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,648

    Once again, condolences for your loss. All the good things others have said, as well.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,182

    Very sorry for your loss. 

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 1,207

    "Condolences" never seems like a big enough thing to say in times like this, but... condolences. May you and your family have all you need to find healing and peace, and may your dad visit you in happy dreams.

  • Going through the same myself, so I sympathise deeply. Regards, Richard.
  • Peace and Grace to you and yours.

  • Condolences to you and your family.

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839

    So sorry to hear. It's always tough to lose a parent. Glad your family lives close together to support each other and your mom.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    My condolences to you and your family.

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904

    I'm very sorry that you're having such grief, lovely people like you should be spared all this, I always think. But of course you can't be, and so I hope you're going to push through as well possible with the help of your family. Thanks for letting us know, and all the best to you and your family.

  • SickleYield said:

    Hi guys. This one's going to be a little heavy, so feel free to skip it if you can't handle grief talk right now.

    We lost me and Fuseling's Dad on July 30th to cardiac arrest caused by congestive heart failure. He needed more help and care over these last two or three years. He and Mom lived with me (Mom still does), and Fuse and our third sister live within a mile. All of us were closely involved in making sure Dad got what he needed. He was not perfect, but he was our Dad, and he was always there for us. We did our best to be there for him. He was 70. I knew him for 43 years. He walked by my office where I make products and said good morning every single day.

    I haven't gotten a ton of work done since the 30th, dealing with all that's attendant on a death in the family as we rearrange our lives. I haven't been as available online as usual. And then not long after it happened, my computer died and I couldn't repair it without basically completely rebuilding, so I also spent a couple of weeks building, rebuilding, and testing a new one. It's only good to go as of this weekend. So I'd just like to say thank you. Thank you to Daz staffers who have been kind and patient in testing, and customers who have been equally kind and patient with my slow responses to queries these last couple of months.

    I'm going to try and get back on a production schedule as soon as possible, but I appreciate your continued patience with slower responses during this time of transition. I can still be reached for product/process questions at my support email [email protected] or on Discord or DeviantArt as SickleYield.

    I'm so sorry to hear this news.  I am happy however, to hear that you were able spend time with him, and be there for him.  As long as I have been with Daz I have watched as you have been there for so many others through your help, mentoring, and just encouraging people.  Please let us know if there's anything we can do.

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,805
    edited September 2024

    SickleYield, I'm sorry for your loss. It hits close to home. I'm 74 years old, and lost a 76 year old brother in June. I'm now the only surviving brother of the 3 sons born of my Dad's first marriage.

    Yes, sometimes challenges seem to happen in bunches. Sorry to hear about your computer dying as well. It sounds like you're getting your computer stuff going again. I'm glad you have so many supportive people.

    Keep your chin up, and try to smile sometimes.

    Post edited by Ron Knights on
  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046

    SickleYield, take the time you need and be prepared for a slow process. Focus on something new, if you can, big or small. The computer may have been a blessing for that. It's great you have family around to share support and memory.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    My condolences to you and your family sad

  • Sorry to hear. this. My condolences to you and your family. 

  • My condolences, SY, Fuseling, and to the rest of the family. Take care of yourselves and each other.

  • Very sorry for your loss

  • nabob21nabob21 Posts: 1,031

    Times like this are always difficult, as I know from experience. My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333


  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,063

    Thanks for letting us know. Your dad did a great job with you.

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