DAZ Studio 4.9 Pro, General Release, Now Available!



  • eposiceposic Posts: 32

    Getting a PostgreSQL error every time I launch, like many others, it seems. All necessary ports and permissions on my network security are open and available to the program.

    Running Mac OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite), DS 4.9 (just updated today).

    I can click though the error, connect to my DazConnect login just fine, and everything seems to work normally, but ever time I launch the program, there's that same error again.

    Known bug? Did this not get found in testing?


    It appears to be a port conflict with another, unrelated program. We are looking into a solution.

    Same problem here, but I'm ignoring the error message and am able to navigate Smart Content. Haven't tried anything else yet. I did, however, notice that I can click a product icon and have the readme file pop up. Hurray! I've been wanting a way to quickly get to the readme file for a product withouth having to bring up DIM. This little feature, small as it may seem to some people, has me excited for what else new lies ahead for me to discover in 4.9.

  • eposiceposic Posts: 32

    On a less positive note, I will not be using DAZ Connect. I don't want any encrypted content. I've been burned in the past by DRM, when companies go out of business, and I'm stuck with using the content on only the computer(s) it was installed on when I was still able to connect to the company's licensing service. When those computers had to be replaced, I couldn't use the encrypted / DRM content anywhere else. I hope DAZ doesn't go out of business, but if anything were to happen like that, I want to still be able to use the content I licensed beforehand. So no encryption / DRM content for me, whether it's DAZ content or digital music or whatever. I just am not going there. I understand piracy is a concern that is trying to be addressed, but the thing about pirates is that they aren't going to spend money on content regardless. If they can't pirate content, then they will just do without. They won't buy it just because they can't pirate it. Whereas honest people are going to pay for any content they use even when there are no measures taken to stop piracy. So using DRM measures doesn't solve the piracy problem, and only makes life harder on the honest people. I won't stand for it. If the only way I can get DAZ content is to get it encrypted, I will stop buying it all together. It will give me a reason to start learning how to make my own stuff.

    I am serious. I will not buy any content that requires me to establish a connection to some company's computer for the content to work when I move it to another computer. Doesn't matter if it's DAZ or some other company. I'm not doing it. I should only need to make the connection to download it once, and after that, I should be able to put that content on any computer I own and get it to work without having to connect to any #%*&@! company site. And since using DAZ is primarily a hobby for me instead of how I make my living, I can stop buying DAZ content and get along just fine with my life. Save some money. I have plenty of content as it is anyway. I'll just make do with it if I have to.

  • eposic said:

    I will not be using DAZ Connect. I don't want any encrypted content.

    One can use DAZ Connect for non-crypted content. Some new releases in the store today which are not Encrypted Daz Connect.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    eposic said:

    I will not be using DAZ Connect. I don't want any encrypted content.

    One can use DAZ Connect for non-crypted content. Some new releases in the store today which are not Encrypted Daz Connect.

    Slope. Slippery.

  • Is this a DAZ Connect only product? http://www.daz3d.com/lynsey-for-genesis-3-female-s

    I won't buy DAZ Connect only products !!!

    yeah i got it as gift because i bought for more than 49.- dollars in that promo i tried to install through daz connect but i tell you its a mess,it installs in a different folder installs where it wants i am very much p***ed off at this daz new feature. at least all the products shall come with the 3 options daz connect,dim,and manual install.

  • renecyberdocrenecyberdoc Posts: 61
    edited January 2016
    Rogerbee said:

    I have DS installers going back to 4.5. I even have one for DS2 somewhere!


    yep me too i kept all the elder instalers daz 2 daz 3 and daz 4 since the beginning i have all my downloads in folders by year and month and by marketplace year daz renderosity,rdna divers others etc and the subsequent subfolders for each month  and i want to keep it that way and i dont want any of this daz connect BS.

    Post edited by renecyberdoc on
  • Daz studio 4.9 not responding after it worked perfectly the first and second time I used it. Now it locks up immediately after the interface loads. I am running Windows 8.1  32 gig ram Nvidia 980ti

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,260

    Same thing here with the bought items that only appear in the inline store/purchases pane... Like the Lakeside Folly, which looks like allot of fun to use, is still listed as something I can buy but I bought it already.  So hopefully you guys get this sorted.  This whole thing reminds me of when Content Paradise had a pane inside of Poser, we all know how well that went! lmao

  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 2,000
    edited January 2016


    I won't buy DAZ Connect only products !!!

    Does Daz Studio 4.9 require me to use Daz Connect?

    No, you are not required to use Daz Connect services in Daz Studio.

    Will Daz Install Manager and Daz Connect work side by side? Can I choose one or the other? 

    Yes, both Daz Install Manager and Daz Connect can work side by side. Planned updates to Daz Studio and Daz Install Manager will help coordinate installation methods.

    Rejoice my friend, you will not be so restricted, it seems that DC is an option, not the mandate!smiley

    Post edited by takezo_3001 on

    I won't buy DAZ Connect only products !!!

    Does Daz Studio 4.9 require me to use Daz Connect?

    No, you are not required to use Daz Connect services in Daz Studio.

    Will Daz Install Manager and Daz Connect work side by side? Can I choose one or the other? 

    Yes, both Daz Install Manager and Daz Connect can work side by side. Planned updates to Daz Studio and Daz Install Manager will help coordinate installation methods.

    Rejoice my friend, you will not be so restricted, it seems that DC is an option, not the mandate!smiley

    Unless you wanted to buy a product that is restricted!

  • You can only have two different versions of Daz Studio installed if one is the release version and one is a beta. Otherwise they share settings and that causes conflicts.  <Edited to add> OOps! I forgot you can also have one as 32 bit and hte other as 64 bit. :) My Bad! :) 

    You could have thrown me a lifeline here.  I have 4.8 64bit installed on Win8.1.  Can I install 4.9 32bit alongside that?  Then, when I am convinced the upgrade has something worth having, uninstall 4.9 32bit and upgrade from 4.8 64bit to 4.9 64bit?  Please say this can be done, please please please!



    One caveat, you can't see the difference in the Iray renders since 32 bit does not have Iray. 

    Ohhh, so near and yet...I only use Iray, and the improvements to that are about the only incentive I personally have to upgrade, as I don't use Smart Content at all and am quite content to buy content through the online shop and download/install through DIM.

    That being so, I have a follow up query.  If I upgrade to 4.9, and don't care for it and later want to revert to 4.8, can I do so based on the zip file I still have that was used to install DS 4.8 by DIM?  How would I use that zip file to re-install DS 4.8?

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Is this a DAZ Connect only product? http://www.daz3d.com/lynsey-for-genesis-3-female-s

    I won't buy DAZ Connect only products !!!

    yeah i got it as gift because i bought for more than 49.- dollars in that promo i tried to install through daz connect but i tell you its a mess,it installs in a different folder installs where it wants i am very much p***ed off at this daz new feature. at least all the products shall come with the 3 options daz connect,dim,and manual install.

    If effect, you bought them. :)

  • GLEGLE Posts: 52
    edited January 2016

    A nice little addition would be - at least for Windows - a render progress bar in the taskbar button, as is in File Explorer and many video players. Multitasking would benefit.

    andya_b341b7c5f5: "I don't use Smart Content at all and am quite content to buy content through the online..." so much content I lost my way though it :)

    Post edited by GLE on
  • Aeternali said:

    stmercy2020_9aea6b9c04 said:

    I am also going to point out that, while this is not an outright lie, it is pretty disingenuous.  From the FAQ Page

    "I use my content on multiple computers. Can I still do that?

    Products can be installed and used on an unlimited number of computers, but you can only be actively connected with a limited number of computers at the same time. In fact, using Daz Connect makes this easier than before, as any computer you log into will have access to your purchased products directly within Daz Studio. There is no need to carry around your installation files—simply login and download your products on any machine."


    Now, if you've been following along what was said on the page you actually have to jump through an extra hoop to get to, it says something slightly different: Specifically, it says, "Products can be installed and used on multiple computers, but you can only be actively logged in on one computer at a time. In fact, using Daz Connect makes this easier than before, as any computer you log into will have access to your purchased products directly within Daz Studio. There is no need to carry around your installation files—simply login and download your products on any machine."


    Interesting, that.  I suppose it's fair to say that you are only allowed to actively use content on a "limited number" of machines at the same time- one is, after all, a VERY limited number.  And, sorry, anybody who wants to use one computer to pose an image and another to render an image at the same time- you're S.O.L.


    Yeah, I am using one machine to render and another to setup scenes.  I will still need to do that going forward.


    You still can.  You don't need to be logged in to do either.  You only need to be logged in to download products using Daz Connect.

    Thanks for the information!

  • I have on additional concern with encryption, if we cannot export the model or textures to make modifications in color, morphs and shape then the encryption removes a capability I must have.

    I understand the need to protect the artists but not at the expense of the above capability.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Export options are not changed.  Textures are not encrypted.  Encryption can be easily removed by resaving the asset, something DAZ may not have wanted the average user to know.

  • I bought a couple of products a few hours ago, one of which is connect only. Neither of them are available in my Smart Content products at the time of writing. However the free bundles did appear (I installed 4.9 last night, by the way, and they didn't appear then so there was clearly a delay there, too). The product that was available by DIM appeared straightaway in DIM.

    I've been using the beta for some time now and I don't recall delays in that. I've installed several products via Connect and I'm familiar with how it works and how to find stuff in it.

    I realise I can install the Connect only product using the manual files but I shouldn't need to. Surely this should not be happening if Connect only products are to become a regular thing.

    Hmm, I purchased some new content today to receive three freebies.  DIM available product downloaded immediately.

    The 'Troubadour for Genesis 2 Male," "Troubadour Textures," and the "Lulu Outfit for Genesis 3 Female," still haven't surfaced four hours later.

    I closed the program, logged back in.  ---> Still no.

    I tried the manual install route as instructed by DAZ_Vince ---> Nope.  Still not showing up.  Not one of these three are available. 

    I even tried to search via the store from within DAZ 4.9 Connect program while I was logged in.  I saw the products and the option to 'Install" them.  I clicked on the button.  Nothing.  I right-clicked the button.  Nothing again.

    I've already put in one ticket with the DAZ Customer Service.  Looks like I'm going to have to put in another. 

    At least I didn't pay for those three products, or I would be furious.  Also, I opted only to download and install DAZ 4.9 Connect on an old Toshiba that I really didn't care about anymore.  It's an i7 with an NVidia card and Windows 7 64-bit, so there is no problem with render mode.  However, my encrypted content doesn't show up - so... 

    Maybe tomorrow.  Too bad I have to work all day, so I won't get to check on it.

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    I bought a couple of products a few hours ago, one of which is connect only. Neither of them are available in my Smart Content products at the time of writing. However the free bundles did appear (I installed 4.9 last night, by the way, and they didn't appear then so there was clearly a delay there, too). The product that was available by DIM appeared straightaway in DIM.

    I've been using the beta for some time now and I don't recall delays in that. I've installed several products via Connect and I'm familiar with how it works and how to find stuff in it.

    I realise I can install the Connect only product using the manual files but I shouldn't need to. Surely this should not be happening if Connect only products are to become a regular thing.

    Hmm, I purchased some new content today to receive three freebies.  DIM available product downloaded immediately.

    The 'Troubadour for Genesis 2 Male," "Troubadour Textures," and the "Lulu Outfit for Genesis 3 Female," still haven't surfaced four hours later.

    I closed the program, logged back in.  ---> Still no.

    I tried the manual install route as instructed by DAZ_Vince ---> Nope.  Still not showing up.  Not one of these three are available. 

    I even tried to search via the store from within DAZ 4.9 Connect program while I was logged in.  I saw the products and the option to 'Install" them.  I clicked on the button.  Nothing.  I right-clicked the button.  Nothing again.

    I've already put in one ticket with the DAZ Customer Service.  Looks like I'm going to have to put in another. 

    At least I didn't pay for those three products, or I would be furious.  Also, I opted only to download and install DAZ 4.9 Connect on an old Toshiba that I really didn't care about anymore.  It's an i7 with an NVidia card and Windows 7 64-bit, so there is no problem with render mode.  However, my encrypted content doesn't show up - so... 

    Maybe tomorrow.  Too bad I have to work all day, so I won't get to check on it.

    I poked the cache for your account, try doing a fresh "Fetch Metadata" and see if your new products appear (greyed out) in either the "Product" section of the Content Library, or the Products / All section of Smart Content. 

  • photoroosterphotorooster Posts: 9
    edited January 2016

    I bought a couple of products a few hours ago, one of which is connect only. Neither of them are available in my Smart Content products at the time of writing. However the free bundles did appear (I installed 4.9 last night, by the way, and they didn't appear then so there was clearly a delay there, too). The product that was available by DIM appeared straightaway in DIM.

    I've been using the beta for some time now and I don't recall delays in that. I've installed several products via Connect and I'm familiar with how it works and how to find stuff in it.

    I realise I can install the Connect only product using the manual files but I shouldn't need to. Surely this should not be happening if Connect only products are to become a regular thing.


    The first round of using store direct connect content went alright. I have Zoe, Lynsey and the Medieval Storage Room.  My snag came with the Troubadour and LuLu Outfit offer, none of which has shown up in the Smart Content Product Pane.  I have tried all the reccommended trouble shooting and still no dice.  I can get it to load offline manually but as soon as I sign back online POOF its gone again.  VERY FRUSTRATING.  I tried to "TRICK" the interface by dressing a G3 female with the offline LuLu outfit and saving it as a scene.  If I reload it while still offline... NO PROBLEM.... If I try to reload it ONLINE... BIG PROBLEM (See Photos)...  This is unacceptable.  I often buy content on the fly when I'm on a project.  I need it to be available NOW and no issues. I hope this is resolved soon.



    Post edited by photorooster on
  • BobvanBobvan Posts: 2,652

    Set to work offline running old school with my custom categories no problem. I have to admit skin looks improved in iray..

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631
    edited January 2016

    i asked this here again

    now say you just go the new way and install everything into a new connect folder

    how do your older saved scenes find content ?


    edit says: it works somehow

    and you can download missing files at once


    Post edited by Ruphuss on
  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    would be very nice to have an install window

    when installing through connect

    as i sometimes do not realy know if theres a download running now or not

    everything is so tiny

    like the import window when loading a scene would be nice

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    next question

    is there a way for smart content and connect to update custom categories also ?

    other way i have always to look (how?) which products are metadata updated and do it manual

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    What is "lost and found" category means? 

    I just log in once, then it seems auto-merged all meta-data of daz product.  it is OK,

    but there seems many categorized products and files as " lost and found product"  in smart content.

    then I up-date one product meta-data by dazconnect in the category,  but it still  categorized as "lost and found".

    If I do not install these items by DAZ connect, these files just categorized as "lost and found" section?

    Or I just need to re-install meta-data of these ?


  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    i have a lot of icons with "update metadata"

    but there are no updates available

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    why under smart content there are 2 times "people" and "animals"

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    DAZ connect  can not tell, which product have no real  meta-data. (categorize, and  assgined compatibility)

    As for me it seems best just use my hand-made product meta-data. but now most of these duplicated with

    daz empty - product meta-data.  and they are shown as if it is official. really stupid.


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Usually If there are new DAZ connect product, 

    there should be new meta-data (not just product name, with compatibility, and category) I think.

    but Actually DAZ just package many product, as if they are up-dated but, actually  many new DAZ connect pacakge still offered  empty product meta-data. then DAZ say we will.  but it just confuse me, and need to import real usable handmade product meta-data. nof offered by daz.

    But I may need to keep these un-useful up-dated package with no usable empty, no category , no compatibility data. then they are official product,

    and  they  tell me, if there is up-date or not.     Those things are really foolish. 

  • Ruphuss said:

    would be very nice to have an install window

    when installing through connect

    as i sometimes do not realy know if theres a download running now or not

    everything is so tiny

    like the import window when loading a scene would be nice

    Try loking at the Pending tab (at the bottom) in Smart Content. I think that's what it does, shows isntalls in progress.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    Ruphuss said:

    next question

    is there a way for smart content and connect to update custom categories also ?

    other way i have always to look (how?) which products are metadata updated and do it manual

    If all you did was categorize an item (as opposed to creating a product) then no, metadata update won't affect any additional categorization you created.

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